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♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ - Romance - Nairaland

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♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 8:38am On Dec 14, 2014
Yes! Yes! Yes! We are here once again. coolcoolcool

I hear someone asking "WHY ARE WE HERE?". shockedshockedshocked

WE ARE HERE FOR THE SECOND AND FINAL STAGE OF THE NAIRALAND COUPLES' COMPETITION. We conducted and concluded the FIRST STAGE(click to view) yesterday 13/12/2014. And NOW, we begin the 2nd stage.

In this round, each contestant's projects containing Drawings, Poems and a Descriptive essay about their various e-partners will be posted for the audience to drool over and cast their votes based on which project you consider to be the best relatively. Now as hard as this may be, it has to be done.


YOU ARE TO VOTE JUST ONE CONTESTANT ensuring that you tag the judge that has been attached to such a contestant(you will find the name of a judge allocated to each contestant) for easy sorting of VOTES

And in the next post shall be rules and guidelines that we are all expected to abide by cool

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 9:53am On Dec 14, 2014
The rules and guidelines are as follows:

[b]1) Abide by the 21 rules of Nairaland.

2) Your voting shall be in the following format:
Cc: Judge X

Where "Judge X" shall be a name you'll find attached to Contestant X.

3) Campaign managers should please note that all forms of campaigning are disallowed. Suffice it to say, all campaign posts will be hidden.

4) No space booking. Once the judges have gone past a page taking down votes, edited posts(votes) won't be counted. In fact, all space booking post will be hidden.

5) Audience should please and please avoid all form of favoritism and vote objectively based on the projects that appeals most to them.

6) Voting shall be from 12pm - 8pm prompt. Of course, any votes afterwards will be considered null and void.

7) The overall Winner will emerge from the cumulative points gathered from the first
round and second round of the competition.

8 ) Do not insult or abuse fellow contestants. The aim of this event is To Have Fun. All the contestants sure understand this as well.

And below I introduce each of the contestants and their projects[/b]

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 11:22am On Dec 14, 2014
Cc: Luxanne


Passionate love making By Obinoscopy and Xcelsia

Passion burns in the depth of your eyes, every caress is like a sweet surprise.

The gentleness of your hands gliding down
my side, gives my body a shock of heat waves to ride.

Sweet, soft kisses cover every curve, your strong
embrace holds still.

The glide of your tongue across my "lips" I arch my back for more and thrust my hips.

I UnCloth you to reveal a body thats ever so breath

I return the heat, the tease, as I listen to the soft moans you make.

Our bodies unite, fire hot passion we let overtake the night.

My eyes glaze over but I cant let you stop yet.

I turn you over so I can be on top, your body responds for me not to stop.

Orgasmic waves take us both to ecstacy, our bodies
quiver in desire as we let our fluids flow free.[/b]

"Obim my King" an Essay by Xcelsia

Penned for my heart, Obinoscopy kiss
How do I begin? Words fail me but I know in 75 words, I must tell the world of you. You are kind, you are romantic, you are intelligent, you are handsome. You bring joy and sweet peace to my once troubled heart, you became my best friend and now my true love.
You found me but it seems we found each other. There I was, your damsel in distress, there you were, my gallant knight.
Dear world rejoice with me, for with him, I've found
my breath and this broken heart can beat again.

Essay by Obinoscopy - Love is Beautiful With You

Xcelsia, my beautiful damsel with a beautiful heart. I
bless the heavens for bringing you to me.
You are Godfearing, kind, caring, loving, intelligent,
smart, sociable, loyal, beautiful, tall, fair, sexy, shapely, confident...the list is endless. You're all these and more!
Sweetheart, your passion for health is awesome. Your endearing and empathetic heart towards your patients is so therapeutic.
You've made me realise true love within me. You're my one and only true love.

Drawing By Obinoscopy


37 Likes 12 Shares

Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 11:48am On Dec 14, 2014
Cc: Jbluv55

Poem by Trypa

These feelings are so powerful.
Anytime I think about him, I can't help but wear a smile and when I look up to meet his eyes, I get this awesome feeling reminding me how I admire
someone greatly and his name is Dave.
He makes ma heart skip for Joy, I just can't expunge
what I feel for him. This feeling is that of love, a longitudinal wave moving on a direct direction that can't be destroyed nor stopped.

I feel nostalgic and lonesome when some times, we
don't or can't get along like we used to.
Oh! How I remember! I can recall clearly, how we first met on Nairaland, that special land that unites one with a love they can't let go off.
Though it was not love at first sight but at that time
never did I reply him in a nonchalant shrug online, not when I couldn't take my mind off him.
Seeing his text messages every morning makes me
wanna scream to the world and express my love for him more and more.

I used to be a happy gurl but when Dave came into my life he makes me smile wilder. He's always been there for mi, in happy times and sad times..
He just makes that star in ma life nova the more and to think that the hardest word I've ever said to him is, I LOVE HIM?.
Alas! Even though it's difficult saying those words, I'll say them because saying them makes my heart -Dave- happy as well as the mind that said so.

Essay By Trypa

Dave is a loving guy. He is 7ft tall and chocolate in
complexion. He is a very intelligent guy and whenever he' s in the midst of people, he enjoys
making people happy and at all times, even at his own expense. He's also very hardworking, not taking his education lightly. A very caring type and not the egocentric type that are always full of themselves. He's got a sweet and loving nature of God and his best outfit comprises of a nice shirt, a blue straight trouser and a nice pam sandals to go with and his best meal, give him fried rice and cake anytime, anyday.
Dave is really a great pal, one you will love hanging out with.

Essay by DaveP

Well I'll say she is a charming, fun-loving and she
possesses a benovolent soul. She sends shockwave
down my spine.
Her beauty is is........ Its indescribable. Try her when
she smiles and see if u would'nt melt. I love everything about her. This darling & friend o' mine is Unique to me!
(in Enrique Iglesias' voice) Could i hold you right beside me......

Drawing By DaveP


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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 12:02pm On Dec 14, 2014
Cc: Tashamania

Poem By Jigsawkillah

Lying on this sickbed, heart at stake
Death stared at my face
When I thought I wouldn't see the day
Sehindemi came
Her love-like pills, saved I became

Essay By Jigsawkillah

Oguntoye Kehinde Bunmi also known as Sehindemi on NL, is a 300L computer science student of Achievers University, Ondo. She's 5'8, 21 years old, and fair in complexion. She's a native of Ondo State and the last member from a family of 7.
She's every man's dream, intelligent, of great poise and grace, exceptionally talented and endowed with the finest of God given features and characters. Lastly, she's my E-Spouse.

Essay By Sehindemi

I have met many people so far in this life, but the
person I enjoy remembering the most is my e-husband Jigsawkillah.
He was born and raised at Warri,Delta state. He is 5.5 feet tall,he's quite good-looking,he has a nice smile with dark brown eyes. He's slim,he has an
olive skin and a curly dark hair. Like many French people,he has a great sense of style, so he
always looks well-dressed even in casual clothes.
Jigsawkillah is very outgoing. He is always friendly and loves to have fun.
He's got a fantastic sense of humour & so there's never a boring moment with him.He is not very big but has a strong character of a man.He's very
kind,loving and caring. The one person who has
influenced my life greatly is him; the first reason being because of his positive
attitude, his intelligence, and the way he expresses his love.
He is always in a good mood, even when he is feeling horribly ill... I guess you can tell that I am head over heals in love with Jigsawkillah.

Drawing By Sehindemi


14 Likes 2 Shares

Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 12:14pm On Dec 14, 2014
Contestant D
Cc Dre11

Poem By Nobleval - A LOVER'S DANCE

A lovers dance is patient and kind
It feeds your heart, soul and mind
It brings you joy andhappiness within
Knowing that he or she will be with you through thick and thin.

A lovers dance can be recaptured
Only if the partners heart has not been Fractured.
A lovers dance has no mistakes
It plays no one not even games.

A lovers dance is slow and kind
Easy to learn but hard to figure out.
A lovers dance.

Essay By Nobleval
About Elantracey:
Tracey ...as I fondly call her is a beautiful girl from Edo state. She is an electrical electronics
engineering student in university of benin 300L.
She is a lady with a lot of charisma,and that's what
attracted me to her. She's also the religous type ... and...well that's it.

Essay By Elantracey

Nobleval- My honey bunny .

Sometimes words are really not enough to describe
someone with a stupefying personality but since its necessary what am going to type here is just going to be a tip of the iceberg when it comes to
describing the owner of my heart.

I love people who are honest , caring and humble.
People who think about others and before thinking about themselves is a trait I adore.
Also I like people who do not brag or act cocky with
their achievements and that's Nobleval . Adding to these he's passionate about technology and cooking and an excellent conversationalist.

Drawing By Elantracey


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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 12:21pm On Dec 14, 2014
Cc Bantino

Poem By Shugaryme


Light up my way,
My Ray.
Lift my spirit, you sweet wine.
Place me, and Cupid's dart,
As a seal upon your heart.
Tell the world you are mine.

Essay By Shugaryme

Oahray is one of the most Interesting persons I know. He's thorough, he likes doing his things completely; even when typing, his words are fully
spelt. He is not one-sided, and so doesn't base his
decisions on just one facet of an issue. He's intelligent and doesn't boast about it, but sees
the good in others. He's friendly, and with virtually
anyone, likes helping people, honest even if it means being criticized for it.

Essay By Oahray

Shugaryme reminds me that pearls are rarely found on the surface. Beyond her thin layer of few words, is a mind that dazzles even in silence; a soul that is as caring as she is loyal, loyal as she is friendly, friendly as she is modest. Online, you'd never know what a beauty she is, because it's not her nature to flaunt it.
When you find diamond, it's for keeps. Shugaryme is for keeps.

Drawing By Oahray


47 Likes 7 Shares

Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 12:29pm On Dec 14, 2014
Cc Thatgurlvixen

Poem By Creamish

Forever Urs!

The waves of the sea caresses the seashore
The patterns smooth and beautiful
I stare at them , they make me miss more
The kiss of ur lips so wonderful.

Thinking back, I recall the first day we met
Started off a joke, I thought, or sumtin like a bet
Online? haha..who wulda thought?
My heart forever woulda been bought
With smiles so charming, words so deep
Mirroring my deepest desires ..i’m urs for keeps

Your my strength, my passion, my fondest devotion
My energy, U are my sweetest emotion
I cherish ur breathe cos it keeps me alive
Ur my motivation, my reason, my drive
Ur eyez, ur heart, they got me mesmerized
Energized, joy oversized!

It’s amazing; every time with u feels like Heaven
Luv u so much Abpatrick7♥

Essay By Creamish

Abpatrick7 is a tall good-looking guy with an athletic physique.
He is dark-skinned with brown eyes and has a flair for creative designing and business development. He is passionate, caring, altruistic, witty, with a
good sense of humour. He is a hardworker, never seen to laze around. He loves pounded
yam and Ofe Nsala with fresh fish. For a drink he loves cranberry juice.
His hobbies are travelling, dancing, reading, research and fitness.

Essay By Abpatrick7

Creamish is beautiful, soft, brown skinned, brown eyeswith long hair… She's caring, loving, meticulous, homely, kind, has a good sense of humour and very hardworking. She loves the locally prepared delicacy called "Abacha" served with fried fish and she loves to drink latte. Her hobbies are dancing, volleyball, drawing and movies.

Drawing By Abpatrick7


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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 12:36pm On Dec 14, 2014
Cc Lanxlot

Poem By Bholutife18


Alas! An end to my adventure
A stop to my long latitude of loneliness
The cradle of my heart meets nature
And the duo bore me a gem, “A Prince”

You have pierced my soul with a lovely rose
Yet it bore me no harm
I’ve walked in the moon, heart exposed
Yet you never let me down

For the first time in ages
I feel the cold night upon y flesh
I caress your unclad body in stages
And our lips met without rush

I have seen a more Adonis man
Angels herald your beauty
The goddess of ages, struck with jealousy
Your beauty surpass what human can see

If I must live a thousand year of mystery
I shall gladly toss my crown aside
I will forfeit my will to rule, happily
Only to see you smile

Essay By Bholutife18

Thompson (tmx21) is wordily undescribable, he’s a
gem that has almost everything you could ever wish for. He’s cool, a perfect gentleman, easy-going, very timid and intelligent.

He loves everything that has to do with art, ranging
from prose, poetry, painting and singing. He’s 5”4, averagely-build with a nice hairdo.
Not forgeting that there is never a dull moment with
him. Thanks to Nairaland that brought us together. I wish we always be together.

Essay By Tmx21

Boluwatife is very friendly and loves to have fun. She's got a fantastic sense of humour and do make me laugh often. I don't know whoinvented beauty but she’s her real epitome. However, she can be a bit comicalat times.

Boluwatife is very keen on books. She likes reading and she spends a lot oftime on novels. All in all, It's a pleasure to meet her and I'm sure we'llalways be

Drawing By Tmx21


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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 12:40pm On Dec 14, 2014
There you have all the projects from the contestants. Your duty is to Vote for just one contestant and tag the name you find as a Cc in the contestant's entry.

I wish all the contestants the best smiley.

I hereby hand over to Luxanne to declare open this stage of the competition cool

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Jbluv55(m): 12:41pm On Dec 14, 2014
For results

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Bantino(m): 1:00pm On Dec 14, 2014
Thanks and Kudos to Team NCC


Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by luxanne(f): 1:00pm On Dec 14, 2014
Good Day Super-Moderators, Moderators, Distinguished Gamers, Nobled Contestants, Esteemed Nairalanders & Guests.

To the Second Round of Nairaland Couples' Competition 2014, the Grand Finale cheesy

On behalf of these names listed below:

Seun, Obinoscopy, TheRealMrStan, Lalasticlala, Semid4lyfe, Ishilove, Mukina2.

Jbluv55, Tashamania, Bantino, Dre11, Thatgurlvixen, Lanxlot

And Our Nobled Contestants,

I, Luxanne, hereby declare this Final Round Of The Competition Open!

Let The Voting Begin, Let's Do This Guys wink

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by MizMyColi(f): 1:25pm On Dec 14, 2014
I vote Contestant A [Obinoscopy & Excelsia] kiss kiss kiss

Cc: Judge Luxanne wink

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Christine01(f): 1:29pm On Dec 14, 2014
I vote contestant A

Obinoscopy and Xcelsia

Cc Luxanne

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Godmother(f): 1:34pm On Dec 14, 2014
These pagents are becoming too much.

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by luxanne(f): 1:37pm On Dec 14, 2014
Tagging Cirmuell and Texanomaly smiley smiley
Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by luxanne(f): 1:40pm On Dec 14, 2014
These pagents are becoming too much.

Simply ignore and move on to threads that interests you, thank you smiley


Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Nobody: 1:51pm On Dec 14, 2014
cc Truckpusher kiss and Spikesc, come and vote please smiley
Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Luckygurl(f): 1:51pm On Dec 14, 2014
I vote contestant A
Obinoscopy and Xcelsia
Cc Luxanne

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Truckpusher(m): 1:54pm On Dec 14, 2014
cc Truckpusher kiss and Spikesc, come and vote please smiley
Dream on sweetheart.
You expect me to vote in a competition where you single handedly ensured that I do not participate and no one was asking you questions 'why'?

Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Nobody: 1:59pm On Dec 14, 2014
Dream on sweetheart.
You expect me to vote in a competition where you single handedly ensured that I do not participate and no one was asking you questions 'why'?

grin grin

We'll sort that out later, mutatto kiss kiss.

Just vote your fav contestant, please smiley
Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Nobody: 2:03pm On Dec 14, 2014

Please, cast your votes.. Thanks smiley


Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by free2ryhme: 2:05pm On Dec 14, 2014
na wa

see wetin unemployment cause

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by korel9: 2:05pm On Dec 14, 2014
Make I adjust siddon grin

But wait, why is obinoscopy among d contestants? angry

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Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by DancingSkeleton(m): 2:05pm On Dec 14, 2014
Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by pekeyim: 2:06pm On Dec 14, 2014
I feel like coupling things.
Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Nobody: 2:06pm On Dec 14, 2014
Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by Romeo386: 2:08pm On Dec 14, 2014
Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by epospiky(m): 2:08pm On Dec 14, 2014
Just following
Re: ♥♥ Nairaland Couple Of The Year: Obinoscopy & Excelsia ♥♥ by blemon44(m): 2:09pm On Dec 14, 2014

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