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I Waited For Him For Over Two Years - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by Tymax(m): 8:40pm On Dec 15, 2014
Mumu. Who knows how many better guys you have friendzoned so you can be with someone who doesn't even feel you. Now he is testing if his strings are still tight and you are jubilating. Congrats na.

You'd better say yes to that friendzoned guy that you have dismissed like trash. Nonsense.
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by Nobody: 8:40pm On Dec 15, 2014

Kindly modify ur post above me. It's not too good on my rep. Thanks

I'm sorry
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by lokito: 8:41pm On Dec 15, 2014

I'm sorry

No P. Thanks very much
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by Nobody: 8:42pm On Dec 15, 2014

No P. Thanks very much

You're welcome
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by Nobody: 8:49pm On Dec 15, 2014
Mumu. Who knows how many better guys you have friendzoned so you can be with someone who doesn't even feel you. Now he is testing if his strings are still tight and you are jubilating. Congrats na.

You'd better say yes to that friendzoned guy that you have dismissed like trash. Nonsense.

Alright. Tru no- nonsense talk. :-)

Mumu.....dont know what that means but It cant be a complement. Lol.

Tuff ♥.

@op: u sound like a hot mess. Get ur act together pls. Xoxo.
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by jearile(m): 9:06pm On Dec 15, 2014
Most times events/incidences take place for a reason which comes along with lessons to learn. Thinking is not really a hard thing to do but we assume everything looks like it seems out there. Love is not so theatrical; if you don't have it within no matter how much you try, you can't give it or sustain it without. True love pays less attention to feelings and pays much more attention to reasoning but nowadays the reverse is the case.
If the "house" has been put in order without any iota of self deceit then this might help...
Mistakes are part of life and nobody has the right to exempt you or the guy. Perhaps it was a case of "you don't know what you have until you lose it" and that's why he's trying to find his way back to you or a case of "a fragile bird at hand is better ten in the bush" and at the blink of any major misunderstanding, he aloof. Now it's up to you to find out.
Listen, money is not evil but the love of it and same goes for electricity. It serves a great purpose but if you place your hands on the wrong wire, boy you'll get electrocuted. Love hurts no doubt but not in the degree it's been perceived by people who're trying to justify their ignorance. If you don't know your worth somebody will come and price you down - "if you don't know who you are the devil will tell you are who you are not." Doing the same thing, in the same manner and expecting a different result is another definition of insanity. What am I driving at? Identify your loopholes based on the past and address them before you give him a second chance provided you're convinced he has good intentions.
Test him, take your time without any hastening and have fun.
I think the aforementioned will only be maximally effective if you guys can start all over again by been just friends without any special preference especially from your end. You can try even though it might not be easy...

True love rocks!

1 Like

Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by chigoizie7(m): 10:21pm On Dec 15, 2014
abeg sister if u really do feel dat strongly about him,go get him.

no mind all diz people wey dey say make u try forget am.

believe me,life is too short to be spent wallowing in self-pity and misrery

go after what makes you happy.worry about the consequences later,even if it turns out to be the wrong decision.mistakez are the spice of life

nice one bro, sister it is better u try and fail nd never try @all, if u ddnt try, u will never be happy with urself probably for the rest of ur life, dont mind all these people talking trash here, majority of them will even do juju for the guy sef.
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by Nobody: 9:47am On Dec 16, 2014
@op u might wanna punctuate ur posts next time! I mean I just couldn't comprehend whatever it is u were tryna say....
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by 2goodbobo(m): 2:35pm On Dec 16, 2014
Punctuation is the guide to grammer and writing. So use it angry undecided
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by tpia411: 1:10am On Dec 29, 2014

Pls when typing try to use spaces, comas and fullstops. You see how I ended that sentence with a fullstop? That's how it should be ok.

You see how I gave space up there? That's how it shud be ok. It makes for easy and interesting read ok. So take note and try to adhere to this.

Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by EstarKeys(f): 1:46pm On Dec 29, 2014
it hurts to love but what is more painful is to love and not be loved in return.their is this guy i dated for months he was head over heels in love with me he made me understand what love is then he started changing to cut the long story short we had to part ways things werent going on fine am a proud person when it comes to guyz hey dis guy thought me lessons i was madly in love and did everything to get him back i even told him and he insulted me i vowed never to talk to him again but this strong thing bulging my heart made me to come back saying i was sorry after the insults.i almost ran mad i thought giving him my virginity will help he even declined asiv i was a piece of trash he called me names and i even got to memorise his numbers when he wont pick my calls all my friends thought i was charmed by him and hated him.i tryed relationships having many stalkers i couldnt maintain any men were lyk trash to me.i will beg many times the truth dawned on me when he told me he was engaged.i promised to keep to myself no matter how strong i felt for him i did this by first keeping my.distance i have suffered a lot including lack of.self esteem i did many.things to move on but i.couldnt.i cry and have sleepless nights but i told myself i was not going back at times he talks to me i try to act fine and talk casually while i might end up sucking the whole day.recently he has been putting up acts like his interested in me i try to hold back breaking down and telling him i love him he trys talking to me when i told him to keep his distance i still love him and his giving the green lights he wants me back one thing i know his that no girl can love him that way and he and his so-called fiancee have parted ways my heart is screaming for him i dont know if to use my head or heart to think no man have been with has brought me joy like him
..hmmm..my dear,stop cheating urslf..dnt b decivd....know dis one tin,,,u kan neva mak somone love u...note it!dnt try forcing ur self to anyone..uve alredy lost ur self esteem...ur self respect...my dr,if dis guy trult lovs u,d best he wuld do is to hav lovd u bk all dis while spent...be carful...neva get bk to him,no mata how much he claims or claimed to love u...neva do it,cos hes jux trying to deciv u...he jux wants to use u cos he feels dat mayb dat hes havin probs wif his present gals...jux forge ahead..let it go dear.......focus...dnt look for a man,let him find u..let fate get u both togeda,...chill..dias a beta person out there u could neva imagine exists...PATIENCE dear
Re: I Waited For Him For Over Two Years by Nobody: 2:30pm On Dec 29, 2014
I feel ur pains@OP but here where i live we don't believe superstory like this.

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