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Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook - Politics (10) - Nairaland

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Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by Nobody: 7:01am On Dec 20, 2014
You have no access to Facebook. Next time don't join the army and disobey orders. I wish you a merry firing squad. angry angry angry
is this brat normal at all I think u need to be visiting yaba left regularly for them to check your left oracle you're INSANE.

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Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by omololu2020(m): 7:05am On Dec 20, 2014
Basta.rd, son of a hundred thousand fathers! Do you know what Your birth certificate is an
apology from the condom
factory. If you quote me again thunder go fire you and your destiny go reset. R.et.arded dumbass s.h!t fuc..k nigger.
son of a woman wit a smellin pvvssy,y won't I quote a p!g lik u.send my greetin to d b!tch u called moda at home sha
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by Fash20: 7:23am On Dec 20, 2014
son of a woman wit a smellin pvvssy,y won't I quote a p!g lik u.send my greetin to d b!tch u called moda at home sha
who is this imbe.cile nar. Didn't I tell you to free me.Abi them sware 4 you ni. Stop drinking sour soup and otaze its not Good for ur health. Animal
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by maduxs: 9:32am On Dec 20, 2014
don't you know the rules? did some one force you
to join Nigerian soldier? military is not a political
party. u are privilege to share your comment
because we are in democracy. do u no how many
biafran children Nigerian soldier slaughtered in cold
blood? is a path you choose for yourself. just make
peace with God. Adios
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by Decryptor(m): 10:52am On Dec 20, 2014

what use is a gpmg against an rpg? display ur stupidity in d security of ur home

Look at the picture below...Are those not Nigerian Soldiers? The guy in the extreme left, and the one on top of the Armoured Personnel Carrier what are they carrying? Their father's walking stick??

And before you will claim that those are Chadian or even Ghanaian Soldiers....See the link:


I know you and your cohorts definitely pretended not to see it when it came out on FP.

[size=18pt]NOW...WHO IS STU.PID? Anuofia!![/size]

Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by Sammyblaq(m): 10:56am On Dec 20, 2014

Shut your big mouth off, with your embezzlement rubbish. Same fucccking story from cowards since 1960.

"They said their refusal to obey orders of the Commanding Officer of the Special Forces Battalion, Lt. Colonel Opurum, was as a result of non availability of arms and ammunition to prosecute the instruction of the commander."

...Yet their commander, Lt-Col Opurum went with just 29 men and SUCCESSFULLY carried out the mission
na ur type dey even fear BANGER sef....throway!
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by Decryptor(m): 11:07am On Dec 20, 2014

The truth is, 90% of the present crop of army personnel joined the army because they have a brother or a relation at the top not because they have a real passion for the profession. They joined it for the swag - the ability to push civilians around an threaten them with weapons assigned to them to protect same civilians!

In their warped mind, they see the army as an avenue to impress ladies and scare men - hence their Facebook pages is awash with swag photos of them displaying various intimidating poses with latest weapons and Armour! but when faced with real fire they become cowards and shit their panties!

Many Nigerians with a genuine desire to join the army are denied such opportunity severally because they don't have Abraham in the Army - i know some guys that have been applying for the Nigerian army persistently since 2009 and where never taken till age was against them - such guys cannot run when faced with fire from the enemy - these guy am talking about will fight to the very end even if they where given dane guns!

[s]I strongly believe that General Buhari will bring back the glory to the Nigerian Army by making sure that si-si's like the coward that is on the facebook page keep away from the army - He will also make sure that cowards like the man in charge of defense who couldn't safeguard his hometown from boko terrorist doesn't come close to the military talk less of being in-charge of it![/s]

Imagine the army warning entertainment artist to desist from wearing camours or face the consequence! camours that you are free to wear in any other part of the world cause they are not the registered version!
am sure the dumb army general doesn't know that all specialized country specific military camouflage are specially registered and specific to that particular country just like their currency!


Anyway sha! they should tamper justice with mercy - after all, them the judges will do same if they are assigned to fight boko terrorists! RUN FOR THEIR DEAR LIFE! grin

You spoke the truth except for the ones i struck of. And secondly,The excesses of the army did not start with GEJ. It has always been with us
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by imauri: 11:37am On Dec 20, 2014

Look at the picture below...Are those not Nigerian Soldiers? The guy in the extreme left, and the one on top of the Armoured Personnel Carrier what are they carrying? Their father's walking stick??

And before you will claim that those are Chadian or even Ghanaian Soldiers....See the link:


I know you and your cohorts definitely pretended not to see it when it came out on FP.

[size=18pt]NOW...WHO IS STU.PID? Anuofia!![/size]
LMAO , if you like give urself a stroke over the matter, u should have displayed this photo instead of the first... my bad... any way.. u are still stupid for not attaching this photo in the first place ...
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by dvee2: 12:48pm On Dec 20, 2014
Pls specify.which equipment ..dem give una guns, armoured tanks... Etc if bh get Pilots una for dash them helicopters.it is soldiers like u that dash the bh boys all d equipments they have....coward !!! joining the force is not only about beating bloody civillians cool cool

I Agree with you, but they learn from the commanda in chief himself. what do you expect when the commanda in chief is scared to visit Chibok? He has everything, Chief of defense staff, NSA, POLICE BOSS, AIRFORCE etc, and he is still scared of visiting the troops to boost their morale or visiting Chibok. But he can visit zungeru for campaign or send soldiers to Ekiti. Leadership my friend.

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Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by Litmus: 1:25pm On Dec 20, 2014
For those people that are Do’ers - people who will write letters, sign petitions, go on protests for a cause that they believe - my advice would be to take the passive position in this instance. Ask the top military brasses to show clemency. Do not cuss, abuse, irritate and otherwise show them contempt informed by that you have “Been Abroad” and have a right to look at the pitiable and primitive natives through European eyes. Save for undoubtedly world famous individuals such as the late James Foley, I am almost certain that the executions of those Western Hostages beheaded by Isis were hastened by the publicity endangered by relatives and well-wishers. Do not create a stark no win situation for these military hierarchy. You Nigerian public say that so-called ruling classes are arrogant but it is arrogant of the public to dictate to people in specialized positions of power such as these faced regularly with situations you know nothing about. Do not paint the brasses into a corner whereby if they free these condemned men they look weak and indecisive and if they proceed with the executions, they look like third world banana dictators of Sadam and Amin’s elk.

Take to Mediasphare if you must but be sensible about it.
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by Decryptor(m): 1:27pm On Dec 20, 2014

LMAO , if you like give urself a stroke over the matter, u should have displayed this photo instead of the first... my bad... any way.. u are still stupid for not attaching this photo in the first place ...

I displayed that first photo because it was on the wall of the soldier that was lamenting that he was sent to fight boko haram without weapons and he was personally carrying the weapon himself. There was no need attaching this one first cos fo.ols like you would argue blindly.
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by imauri: 3:05pm On Dec 20, 2014

I displayed that first photo because it was on the wall of the soldier that was lamenting that he was sent to fight boko haram without weapons and he was personally carrying the weapon himself. There was no need attaching this one first cos fo.ols like you would argue blindly.
ok, i forgive you... next time post the right picture... but i cant retract d stupidity claim .1. because it is already burned into ur brain meaning u would momentarily ponder over it ,giving me brief satisfaction and 2. because i can but won't ( for making me waste energy typing . LMAO
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by SenatorJames(m): 5:14pm On Dec 20, 2014
hmmm thats the baggars job for ,serve the job and don't complain. WHO GIVE AM PHONE TO BROWSE FACEBOOK ?
That is bloggers for you. How are we sure this soldier she posted is one of those sentenced.
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by Decryptor(m): 11:56pm On Dec 20, 2014

ok, i forgive you... next time post the right picture... but i cant retract d stupidity claim .1. because it is already burned into ur brain meaning u would momentarily ponder over it ,giving me brief satisfaction and 2. because i can but won't ( for making me waste energy typing . LMAO

And for wasting your energy typing, you are more stu.pid. Son of a vaga.bond
Re: Nigerian Soldier Sentenced To Death For Mutiny Cries Out On FaceBook by imauri: 10:42am On Dec 26, 2014

And for wasting your energy typing, you are more stu.pid. Son of a vaga.bond
it takes a son of a vagabond to know another... people like u assume that insults are d best way to win an argument but unknown to ur half dead goat brain.. ur vile mind is causing u a massive stroke.. maybe ur kill urself some day and end ur suffering ...

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