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THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by dantanik(m): 8:27pm On Dec 21, 2014
The Sin of Fornication and Adultery Part 1 / Part
2 / Part 3
We’ve all
heard of
sins, but
in reality
is not
to seven. Abdullah ibn 'Abbas said: "Seventy is
closer to their number than seven". A major sin
is one for which the Quran/Sunnah prescribes a
punishment in this life and in the next, or that
sin for which the sinner has incurred a curse by
Allah or the Messenger (sal-Allahu alayhi wa-
Fornication and Adultery will be discussed here
and is one of the major sins mentioned on this
frightening list of seventy sins on: http//
Each of the sins listed has attached to it
seemingly smaller sins which accumulate and
lead to the bigger sin. Hence it makes complete
sense to understand that to indulge in the acts
that lead to the major sin are sin as well. So we
should do our utmost to protect ourselves from
the paths that lead to the major sins.
I felt it was necessary to discuss this subject
here as so many of the questions submitted on
IslamicAnswers.com are from people who have
fallen into zina and are now despairing and
even contemplating suicide. I have briefly
touched upon: warning people about how easily
one can be lured towards zina, how to prevent
oneself from falling into zina, the dire
consequences if one does fall and the concept
of Tawbah. This post has the following
Part 1:
a) Seasons of sin - How a glance becomes
Part 2:
b) Why is Adultery/Fornication so attractive?
c) The million dollar question: How can we
prevent ourselves from giving into our base
Part 3
d) Tame your wild horse before it tramples all
over you!
d) There is way back through Sincere Tawbah
f) Conceal your sins, its an obligation!
g) There are blessings in following Allah’s way
Seasons of sin - How a Glance becomes
Summer Days - Flowers and Stars
The road to zina (fornication and adultery) starts
with a look, a glance, a sweet word, a tea, a
coffee, a pizza, a shopping spree, studying
together all cosied up in the uni library...'Chill
out, its just innocent fun' (I hear you say). The
shame and shyness left time ago, so the rest
starts to become a lot easier. Now the flirting,
touching, hugging, the 'I love you's and 'Bleep's
sent through email and text messages,
gradually turning from virtual to reality. Before
you know what’s happening, your emotions
have taken over and all logic and common
sense have flown out the window along with the
Allah? What, oh yeah, Allah and Islam, I'll think
about that later, I'm not doing anything wrong -
I'm just chilling out with Yasin. Its a cold drizzly
day, and where you'd normally have to struggle
out of your warm bed for college or work, today
you jump up, cos all you're seeing are flowers
and stars, all rosiness and glitter. Sound
familiar? Allah(swt)'s warning in the Quran
Surah Al Isra, Verse 32, bears little significance
in our lives now: "And come not NEAR to
unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a
faahishah (a great sin) and an evil way."
Autumn - The Fall
This dizzy feeling of excitement or lust
masquerading as love is oh but a very short
lived satisfaction. Girlfriend/boyfriend
relationships are major sins in Islam! Things do
not “just happen.” One bad deed if not nipped in
the bud, leads to another. You planted a bad
seed and instead of repelling it at the first stage,
you allowed it to become firmly planted and it
began to flower. It was not innocent fun, it was
the beginning of a long line of sins leading to
zina and each of those seemingly 'minor' things
were in fact not small, they were 'major'. They
were major, because each one stained your
heart with a small black dot, until eventually
your whole heart became covered with
Remember, Allah(swt) did not just say, 'Don't
have unlawful sexual intercourse, He(swt)
warned us against even 'coming near' it!
Because you continued ignoring this, you were
no longer able to see or hear the light or truth,
you became confused. Some of you hated doing
those bad things, but your goal had become
only to please your girlfriend/boyfriend. Some
of you enjoyed sinning and became slave to
your lower desires. Either way, you became a
slave to other than Allah, thereby committing
indirect shirk.
Some of you have now become compulsive liars
too, as you sneak out the door, telling your folks
that you'll be studying in the library till late;
when in fact you're meeting your lover, and
forgetting your meeting with your Creator -
Allah. When reminded about the punishments
for your sins, you put your fingers in your ears
and continue persevering in your wrong doing.
You allowed your emotions to rule your soul.
Winter - The Gloom
Time passed, he left you for another girl,
betrayed you, said hurtful things to you, used
you physically, or your folks wouldn't let you
marry and then, only then did you realise the
enormity of your sins - finally. All that time you
had forgotten that Allah was watching you, the
angels had been watching and recording every
single thing you did, every foul word you
uttered, every lustful move you made, every
footstep you took towards your sinful
You no longer feel that flutter in your heart. The
stars have vanished and the flowers have faded
leaving behind thick thorny stems. The glitter
has dulled and now you really feel the cold,
even though the sun is beaming outside. The
darkness covering your heart is turning to a
muddled grey and the guilt has kicked in. The
pain of separation, the pain of betrayal, the
feeling of being used; and/or you feel
depression from the emptiness where once
your lover lay besides you. You hear the words
'I love you' ringing in your ears, but now wish
you could erase each bitter memory, along with
the stab in the back, the pangs of the heart,
heaviness in the mind, the anger of frustration.
You shudder, you fear and you feel grief at the
realisation of your sins. You feel sick in the gut,
you wish you had listened to your conscience
and you wish you had had the confidence to just
say 'No, Stop!'. You wish you could turn back the
clock so you can be pure again. Why didn’t you
just take heed before?!
Whats happened to you, to her, to him? She's
suffering a dark cold depression, its such a
lonely place to be. She's been physical with a
guy and feels dirty, used, impure. The other
sister has lost her virginity, he's lost his. She's
missed her period, is she pregnant? He wants
her to abort it. He can't face his parents, they'll
kill him. She's caught a sexually transmitted
disease. He'd been sleeping around. She used
to be a model student. He's missed out, he
failed high school, college, uni. 'Please stop, I
can't listen to anymore,' I hear you say. But
there is more brother, sister, there is more! You
are disobeying Allah(swt) so much, you are
disobeying your Creator. What if He(swt) takes
your soul before you get a chance to stop and
repent?! So face it now before you end up like
Is this talking to you? How will you let this end?
Will you stop yourself now before it gets this
bad? Or has it already become this bad?
Wherever you are now my brother, my sister,
STOP and turn back to Allah this very second.
Stop and revert, otherwise just as the flowers
die in the cold, your soul will die too.
Insha'Allah, my words are not falling on deaf
ears. Insha'Allah they have pierced your soul
and begun to awaken your sleeping heart.
Please take heed and let their be a Spring, let
the flowers start to grow again. Turn back to
Allah now, while you are still breathing, there is
still time. Please don't let it go.
Spring - New start
So you struggle to survive and when no-one else
is around, Allah can Hear your cry, your guilt,
your despair and your desperation from the
inner depths of your heart and your soul.
Despite, you having broken Allah's Laws, He
(swt) wants you to pick yourself up again. Turn
back to Allah now and do sincere tawbah
(repentance). He(swt) is waiting for you to ask of
Him (swt). Allah says in the Qur'an in Surah
Az-Zumar, Verse 53, "Do not despair of
God's mercy; He will forgive you of all your
Throw out the bad seeds and remove all traces
of the thorny stem that spread so deep within
your soul. Plant a single seed of goodness and
the new flowers will begin to blossom again.
Listen to your conscience, 'that' is the good
thought that will help you smile once more - just
accept the call of Allah and turn back to him
through sincere Tawbah.
So my brother, my sister - check yourselves
every night before you sleep. Ask yourself this:
'What did I do today that was wrong? And what
can I do now to put things right?'
Nip it in the bud, don't let that 'glance' turn
to 'despair'.

27 Likes 8 Shares

Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by SweetyZinta(f): 9:09pm On Dec 21, 2014
welldone @OP! Keep them coming


Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by dantanik(m): 3:37pm On Dec 22, 2014
Part 2 is coming tomorrow inshallah

1 Like

Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by jamilkb(m): 8:39am On Jan 09, 2015
Jazakhallahu Khairan smiley

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Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by siraj1402(m): 8:40am On Jan 09, 2015
Allahu mustahan.May Allah increase you in knowledge and make it a beneficial one.


Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by Mubby4luv(m): 8:43am On Jan 09, 2015
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by eluquenson(m): 8:43am On Jan 09, 2015
May Allah increase our knowledge, thanks @op
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by azibit: 8:45am On Jan 09, 2015
Your words have definitely not fallen on deaf ears. Alhamdullilahi, May ALLAH LEAD US ARIGHT


Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by idrisolaide(m): 8:45am On Jan 09, 2015
Alhamdulillahi, At Least The Message Can Still be Spreading Across..Jazakum Llahu Khaeran
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by MaZterZ(m): 8:45am On Jan 09, 2015
Jazakhallahu Khairan smiley

1 Like

Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by Tenim47(m): 8:48am On Jan 09, 2015
Allahu akbar

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Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by anishe(m): 8:50am On Jan 09, 2015
Jazakumullah khayran.

May Allah be with us and guide us aright.

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Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by bynat(f): 9:04am On Jan 09, 2015
May Allah forgive our sins and give us absolute knowledge.


Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by xctvhz(m): 9:05am On Jan 09, 2015
thank you OP, jazakalLahu khaeran..thank you OP, jazakalLahu khaeran..thank you OP, jazakalLahu khaeran..
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by herkeym001(m): 9:08am On Jan 09, 2015
Jazakumu lah khairan
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by Ahmed4002(m): 9:11am On Jan 09, 2015
What is absolutely mind blowing is the fact that,
whenever a believer raises his hands to commence
a prayer, he enters into an conversation with
Who? Allah, The Lord of EVERYONE &
EVERYTHING that exists, exalted He is.
He Who can give whatever we need, can take away
all of our sorrows and can relieve us of that which
crushes us, swt, has given us the privilege of an
intimate conversation with Him. Its no wonder the
prayer was the comfort of our nabi (saw)'s heart
whenever distress came over him.
Whatever may grieve us, whatever we may need,
whatever we are desperately seeking...is just a
prayer away, in shaa Allah...


Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by dantanik(m): 9:15am On Jan 09, 2015
Ameen thuma Ameen!
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by mskata(m): 9:23am On Jan 09, 2015
ko easy rara cry
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by Elslim: 9:26am On Jan 09, 2015
Jazakhallah... May Allah crown your effort and may he give us d strength and imman to fight dis EVIL known as Zina and our society 2day. Dis Evil is consuming our society on a daily basis 2day... may Allah help Us all.
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by oladimegy(m): 9:33am On Jan 09, 2015
Jaza'ka-l-lahu Khair
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by lilbabyak(m): 9:42am On Jan 09, 2015
abstinence my brothers and sisters is the best
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by Mubarack44(m): 9:48am On Jan 09, 2015
may Almighty Allah protect us from disobeying Him.
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by slimaliyu(m): 9:53am On Jan 09, 2015
May Allah reward you abundantly
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by bratan(m): 10:03am On Jan 09, 2015
Nice one, Jumah Mubarak.
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by kheart(m): 10:11am On Jan 09, 2015
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by yashedabai(m): 10:22am On Jan 09, 2015
gud job brother, juma'at mubarak
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by Nobody: 10:34am On Jan 09, 2015
Jazakumullahu kairan
Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by Mutuwa(m): 10:39am On Jan 09, 2015
Jzakallahu Op.This is a wonder reminder.At least you have done your own path by reminding us all of what awaits anyone who is in breach.
May Allah fortify and deeply entrench our faith.Adultry and Fornication is a Notorious sin of the end time.

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Re: THE Sin Of Fornication And Adultery In Islam Part 1 by PTAwal: 10:56am On Jan 09, 2015
Jazakallahu khairan

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