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My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by makzeze: 6:19pm On Jan 03, 2015
My Mum disowned me and angry with me because i took back my wife after divorce.
My siblings are inflaming the matter that she should not agree.
I sent her message asking for her forgiveness no reply. When I called she doesnt pick, when I sent her gifts she rejects.
She even said she will continue praying against me until she dies except I sent my wife away. And that I shozld not attend her funeral when she dies.

Brothers and sisters remember me in your prayers.
Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by dejt4u(m): 7:35pm On Jan 03, 2015
I understand how you feel brother.. Jst endure the situation and never relent in ur prayers..
Do nt be mad at ur mother, jst tak it cool nd easy with her as i'm sure she has a reason for such reaction..

Sooner or later, she will understand you and then forgive you insha Allah...
Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by makzeze: 8:47pm On Jan 03, 2015
I understand how you feel brother.. Jst endure the situation and never relent in ur prayers..
Do nt be mad at ur mother, jst tak it cool nd easy with her as i'm sure she has a reason for such reaction..

Sooner or later, she will understand you and then forgive you insha Allah...

jazakallahu Khayran for your words of encouragement.

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Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by makzeze: 6:13am On Jan 04, 2015
Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by kemiola89(f): 3:22pm On Jan 04, 2015
This is serious! Your wife must have done something really big to anger her this much. Just be patient and more importantly always put her in your daily prayer. May Allah soften her heart and make her accept your decision.
Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by maclatunji: 3:40pm On Jan 04, 2015
Brother, can you please tell us the whole story? What do you mean by divorce? How was your marriage conducted? How did you divorce her.

This is a very serious issue that requires a large understanding to give good advice.
Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by balash(m): 9:39am On Jan 15, 2015
For a mother to be so angry to this extreme then your wife did something very very grievious, At least on your wedding day your mom cooked and all and attended with beeming smiles then I guess they supported you divorcing her first, but u forgived her without them knowing.

This is the solution, go to a mosque that's close to where your mom stays and explain everything to the imam so they can follow you home to your mom. Don't take your wife there u redeem your image back first then you can then work on your wife own also, don't dare take it as a joke 'DON'T ALLOW YOUR MOM DIE WITHOUT FORGIVING YOU' its more serious than you think O.

May Allah ease her mind in forgiving you.

Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by makzeze: 10:22am On Jan 15, 2015
For a mother to be so angry to this extreme then your wife did something very very grievious, At least on your wedding day your mom cooked and all and attended with beeming smiles then I guess they supported you divorcing her first, but u forgived her without them knowing.

This is the solution, go to a mosque that's close to where your mom stays and explain everything to the imam so they can follow you home to your mom. Don't take your wife there u redeem your image back first then you can then work on your wife own also, don't dare take it as a joke 'DON'T ALLOW YOUR MOM DIE WITHOUT FORGIVING YOU' its more serious than you think O.

May Allah ease her mind in forgiving you.

Thanks for your reply.Nothing serious was done to her. I know the reason behind from the bottom of my heart.
My uncles went to plead her to change her position. My wife and her parents went to her twice to seek for her forgiveness. thats why my uncles just went ahead and ask me to take back my wife.
Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by balash(m): 10:33am On Jan 15, 2015
Thanks for your reply.Nothing serious was done to her. I know the reason behind from the bottom of my heart.
My uncles went to plead her to change her position. My wife and her parents went to her twice to seek for her forgiveness. thats why my uncles just went ahead and ask me to take back my wife.

A mother will always be a mother, u ought continue pleading till she accept at least she is your mom and she is actually protecting you,no mother would want anything bad happening to her son, You actually disobeyed her sincerely and you are at fault. Your uncles can never love you the way your mom does love you.

It wasn't your uncles or your wife parents who took you in there belly for 9months and took care of you till you also felt you old enough to be a man and marry a wife. In my sincere advise if you continue going to your mom house henceforth EVERYDAY pleading for forgiveness, she would accept it because she is a mother and nobody can love you the way she does not even your wife.

You are at fault continue pleading for her forgiveness when she has forgiven you then your wife issues can come in.

Don't joke with a mother! Allah won't be a party to that also
Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by makzeze: 10:42am On Jan 15, 2015

A mother will always be a mother, u ought continue pleading till she accept at least she is your mom and she is actually protecting you,no mother would want anything bad happening to her son, You actually disobeyed her sincerely and you are at fault. Your uncles can never love you the way your mom does love you.

It wasn't your uncles or your wife parents who took you in there belly for 9months and took care of you till you also felt you old enough to be a man and marry a wife. In my sincere advise if you continue going to your mom house henceforth EVERYDAY pleading for forgiveness, she would accept it because she is a mother and nobody can love you the way she does not even your wife.

You are at fault continue pleading for her forgiveness when she has forgiven you then your wife issues can come in.

Don't joke with a mother! Allah won't be a party to that also
Jazakallahu Khayran.
Re: My Mum Angry/disown Me Over My Wife by makzeze: 1:02pm On Feb 03, 2015

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