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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? (1936 Views)
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Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by dein77(m): 1:11am On Jan 05, 2015 |
I just finished viewing a narrative on the Azusa Street Revival on YouTube. Oh, how my heart genuinely burned with the love of God. Oh, how my thoughts soared to the blessed thoughts of pouring out my entire being for the Lord Jesus!!! For the uninitiated, the Azusa Street Revival was a pentecostal revival event that happened sometime around 1906 in Los Angeles, USA. Brother Seymour was really influenced deeply by the Holy Spirit to consecrate days and weeks to prayer and fasting in anticipation of a revival that will be akin to the Biblical Pentecost Day. Acts 2. For once, as I was listening to the narrative, my heart was so captured by the Lord that nothing else really mattered to me. For once, I forgot all the usual arguments on tithes, firstfruits, trousers, etc, but instead focused my mind on the positive transformation we can bring to our neighbourhood if we would wholeheartedly devote our time to deep prayers and fasting. Whoever hasn't seen or read about this revival, should endeavour to do so. God will send us a revival if we would humble ourselves and unite in prayers. May God bless us all. Shalom!!!! 2 Likes |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by blessedvisky(m): 2:36am On Jan 05, 2015 |
you are right. The Bible says knowledge puffeth up ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by ayoku777(m): 5:27am On Jan 05, 2015 |
dein77: Wow, you're a kindred soul. I've read about Azusa street revival and it is really inspiring. But mark my words sir, there is another revival coming, that will be so great, calling it a revival will be an understatement, almost an insult. What is coming is more than the revival of the body, it is the perfecting of the body. Azusa street revival, even pentecost will be a light shower or a former rain compared to the latter rain. I always tell people that even the apostles did not do the greater works Jesus promised we will do, they didn't even fully do what He did. And His words MUST come to pass. As it is now, people, even fellow christians, are judging the church by its present lukewarm state. And fact is, the church is truly in its worst spiritual recession almost ever. But what we don't know is that, water levels always recede whenever a tsunami is brewing. It will soon do the Devil like film trick. The feast of tabernacle is brewing, the last and greatest feast -also called the feast of ingathering. The glory of God will soon be revealed in a measure so great that anyone who doesn't believe then will have to be a son of perdition, someone in the image of Lucifer. It is prophesied that the outer court will be given to the gentiles for a while, and they will trample on it. That is presently the case in the church now. The water levels of the church's influence and impact has receded greatly, and the world is almost literally dancing on our porch. But there is a proverb in yoruba, that translates into something like "When you see a bull push back its butt, it has gone to gather power". But we need people like you, people with a heart for tarrying and beseeching. Such people are called the firstfruits. Every feasts of the Lord has firstfruits, people who were willing to tarry until the feast is birthed. The 12 were the firstfruits of the feast of firstfruit. The 120 were the firstfruits of the feast of pentecost. And the 'prophetic' 144,000 are going to be the firstfruit of the coming feast of tabernacle. Firstfruits are usually the tarriers and beseechers for the birthing of a feast, and the first to walk in the spiritual reality it represents. Hmmm, so much to say on this topic, it is the most timely truth, not all this fringe doctrinal arguments we have (though they are partly important too). But one advice, please, don't let this zeal in you die. One thing is sure, the enemy will come for it. God bless you. 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by dein77(m): 6:14am On Jan 05, 2015 |
blessedvisky: Good morning, and thanks for your contribution. Indeed, knowledge puffs up. That's the reason we have to always check our motives for seeking knowledge. Like you rightly said, today, we are more concerned about who is right or wrong; we are more concerned with proving others wrong than we are with our own eternal salvation. We have really digressed from what Christians were known for those early days. Too much knowledge, without the accompanying wisdom and humility will to self-delusion and vanity; we need to be very wise. The devil is endearing our souls to vain knowledge, but we have allowed Him do that. Some Christians now study the Bible purely to get them enamored for arguments and vain philosophies of men. We really need to put aside these unprofitable matters, and follow arduously the weightier matters of humility, faithfulness and service. We must go back to Calvary once again; we must visit Golgotha once again; we must enflame our first love once again; we must weep at the feet of Jesus once again; we must look unto Jesus, the Captain and Saviour of our soul. May God keep our hearts aflame for Him. Shalom. |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by dein77(m): 6:21am On Jan 05, 2015 |
ayoku777: God bless you, too. And thanks for contributing to this topic. Yes, indeed the Church is at its worst spiritual recession in decades, if not centuries. But like you, I also see a last spiritual awakening that will so sweep in millions of sinners into the fold before the eventual Second Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Christ is still interceding our behalf, and He's our helper. I believe a pervasive revival will soon sweep through our land, and all flesh will witness it. Its our prayer that it happens soon enough. Shalom. 2 Likes |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by josh001(m): 8:45am On Jan 05, 2015 |
ohh, Azusa street, reading about it caused a reawakening in me, a hunger still gnawing at my soul, a thirst still unquenched, my cry was and is, O LORD, AZUSA STREET AGAIN, PENTECOST AGAIN. Perhaps I have cooled the heat, this post is reigniting something in me, wrote a poem about it, would post it here later in the day. 1 Like |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by Nobody: 9:08am On Jan 05, 2015 |
dein77:the azuta street revival. It was a revival of the group of believers in 1906 who were under the concept and the believe of the Wesleyan Holiness.. The Lord Jesus poured down the Holy Ghost and He Descended on them and u needed to see the revival of salvation healings speaking in tongues... Infact joel 2 vs 28 was fullfiled.... And it led to what we now know as the APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH.. Hebrews 13 vs 8 - Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. Amen malachi 3 vs 6 - I am the Lord i change not. The Spirit that still dwelt with the people under the Azuta revival is still present to lead and convict the sinner into repentance.. And to restore the backslider to return to the Lord (hosea 14 vs 4). Lord pls breathe ur air of deliverance and salvation and revival upon us... Amen 3 Likes |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by Hiswordxray(m): 10:18am On Jan 05, 2015 |
ayoku777 I agree with you. What is coming is greater. dein77 I believe for the next revival to come we need both watchmen end those that make the path straight. I have been reading Bible prophets about the coming revival. And I have find out that we need both intercessors and teachers with a massage from God. The reason why the Azusa revival happened is because men discover a truth and they stand strong on that truth until it becomes a reality. Before the revival large part of the Church believe miracles and supernatural things doesn't happen in our time. But some people discovered that it can happen and the believed in the supernatural and preached it. Because of this they saw it happen. For the next revival to happen we need those who are strong in prayers and those who will hold on God's word and preach it with boldness. We need people who would seek for the pure revelation of Christ and not just knowledge and theologies. We need people will be filled with love for God is love himself. People who will go out with such passion. People who with cash on fire for Christ. We need people who will not apply their wisdom or abilities but will summit to God. We need to stop focusing on knowledge, theology or even doctrine. We need to focus on growing in love. We need to seek desperately to know God intimately. We need to feed on life and not knowledge. We need to be consumed with the things of God. May God help us. 4 Likes |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by dein77(m): 10:53am On Jan 05, 2015 |
Hiswordxray: Wow...and wow!! I will have to read this your submit again. Thanks for this gracious contribution. It seems we were better off when we knew little. What an irony! Oh, how I long for a new infilling with the Holy Ghost! 1 Like |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by alexleo(m): 1:02pm On Jan 05, 2015 |
It was great. I long for it so much in this present time. 2 Likes |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by dein77(m): 1:05pm On Jan 05, 2015 |
alexleo: I believe God will send us a similar experience if only we can humbly unite in prayer. 2 Likes |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by LebanonCedars2(m): 4:27pm On Jan 05, 2015 |
God is ever ready to pour His Spirit on us but the devil has so much occupied our heart with so much religious activities. We are too busy to take time to pray or study the Word of God. We pursue vigorously worldly riches and fame but throw righteousness to the back door. We pursue titles and positions in the church rather than divine power etc But I know my redeemer liveth and He will raise up souls that will shun all these evils and hunger for God until they are filled to overflowing. I pray He counts among them! We must be ready to shun whatever knowledge, right, position, money, fame with think we have, count them as dungs and humbly trust in Jesus only. |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by dein77(m): 5:38pm On Jan 05, 2015 |
LebanonCedars2: I'm really happy to meet like minds here. God is raising a new horde of people that will take the banner of righteousness to nee heights. I pray we're amongst them! 1 Like |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by Nobody: 1:27am On Jan 06, 2015 |
dein77:Me too. And it seems the next revival will be in Africa.... Mosy Madugba said sumtin like that sum tym ago. 1 Like |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by dein77(m): 9:35am On Jan 06, 2015 |
Wininiel: I believe it too. It's bound for Africa, and it will be an unprecedented event. 1 Like |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by LebanonCedars2(m): 8:04pm On Jan 07, 2015 |
dein77: I do believe it too! We must do all we can in our little corners to pray and work for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Since the beginning of this year, I have started praying for revival in our churches. I want to set days apart when I will do nothing but fast and pray for this singular purpose. Let us all run from any form of unrighteousness and diligently pray for God to send down His power again and He will do it "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" 1 Like |
Re: Brethren, Have You Ever Heard/read About The Azusa Street Revival? by damosky12(m): 12:42am On Jan 08, 2015 |
Azuza street revival is gone! In the calender of the Spirit, Christ is being fully manifested in and through the church. The end is near, there is about to be an abnormal era of the supernatural demonstrations of the Holyghost. It is only imperative that we prepare. 1 Like |
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