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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! (9767 Views)
SCIENCE TUTOR ON WHATSAPP [O'LEVEL, JAMB & A'LEVEL] / Waec Registration For 2017/2018 Academic Session / University Admission: Ijmb (a Level) As The Best Alternative To Jamb (2) (3) (4)
Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! by klazey007: 4:00pm On Jan 09, 2015 |
For students that have being trying or working so hard to gain admission into the Nigerian university.Here is a golden opportunity of gaining admission into 200 level without much stress of using your jamb result to gain admission. The truth is that jamb is not needed for you to gain admission to 200 level. You are done with your o'levels its time to move forward to a'level [Advance Level] A LEVEL Admission Is Open To give student access to 200 level in the Nigeria universities[Any University] the two possible A'level program are [IJMB A'LEVEL] and [NABTEB A'LEVEL] You can visit the website [ ] for more info about those A'level Program Listed Above. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN , APPLY NOW TO FIND YOUR WAY TO 200 LEVEL. FOR PROCEDURES ON HOW TO APPLY VISIT THE WEBSITE or contact Dr.Moses [07030757070] Note; jamb candidate for year 2015 can also apply to get a 50-50 chance of gaining admission to 100 level [using jamb] or 200 level [using an A'level Certificate..IJMB or NABTEB A'LEVEL] also student with deficiency in their O'level result [two sittings or incomplete result] or Awaiting result can also apply. Applied Student are to resume fews days after registration,The program runs for a period of 9-10 months with lectures and test before the final exam which qualifies students to 200 level with their A'Level Result. Hostels and Accommodation are made available for students. |
Re: Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! by isoh(m): 7:59am On Jan 10, 2015 |
For 2015 ijmb registration and admission details visit |
Re: Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! by klazey007: 5:58am On Jan 20, 2015 |
Hi my name is Adekunle. A product of ijmb A Level program. For those that think that Jamb is the end or the only way to gain admission.. IjMB has a better offer for you to gain admission into 200 level directly. But they have accredited centres in Nigeria. And also there are private centres who are affiliated to the accredited centers. At the private center the program is 9 months.. When you finish the program, you will gain admission directly into 200 level in one of the 15 universities that allow IJMB as direct Entry... Over the years, student have been using IJMB as an alternative to gain admission.. Last year more than 70% of student gain admission into Uniabuja, Unilorin, Benue, Ahmadu bello and others through IJMB Certificate. People will complain IJMB is hard, but students do it and with there commitment and assistance of their director they make good points and gain admission. IJMB is real and a good alternative for those who wants admission into a university.. At this private center they have a conducive lecture environment and hostel accommodation and both are close to each other which make it convenience for student to attend lectures regularly. Lectures are been giving regularly and proper orientation assistance are been given in the final exam so that students can have a reasonable points to gain admission.. 90% of student that passes IJMB do the program with private centers.. It is of advantage and preferable u do the program with private centers for good results. Ijmb is 9months and pre degree is 9months too and the cost of both program is the same but Ijmb is better because after the program the student will gain admission into 200 level while after pre degree the student will still sit for jamb then start from 100 level, so Ijmb is better and faster. Note: Registration has started for sometime now and lectures would commence soon. I advise if u want to do the program.. the earlier the better... Student who register for the program with the center are been help with admission process in some universities.. I advise you register at because your details will be stored automatically in abu database ( ABU Zaria are the main board of the IJMB Program) They register all students and lectures are been given regularly at the given centre.. I guarantee You success. You can drop your numba if interested. Or ask questions and you can also click the share button to share with other. |
Re: Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! by klazey007: 6:37am On Apr 25, 2015 |
THIS IS FOR STUDENTS SEEKING ADMISSION This is for students seeking admission through jamb which is written and used once in a year,in which some jamb candidates are tired of sitting for jamb every year in a case of beating the cut-off mark and not gaining admission or not beating the cut-off mark at all. Some candidate didn't even sit for exam, for not being at the exam venue at the exact time given to them.But student really seeking for admission looks for an alternative. Which is what i will be introducing to such students, the alternative gives you a direct entry ticket to 200level without jamb called IJMB (Interim Joint Matriculation Board) which is organized by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. IJMB is more like ND/NCE result which can be used by getting a direct entry form for 200level sold by jamb. IJMB is an advance level program that run for a duration of 10months with intensive lectures. IJMB result doesn't expire like jamb. IJMB result can be use as a CV. IJMB result can be used as a source of entry for NDA (Nigeria Defense Academy) or NAF (Nigeria Air Force). IJMB result is accepted by most universities in Nigeria and some foreign universities e.g UCSS in Poland. IJMB can be use as direct entry to 200level. IJMB registration is still in progress.Our Institute have help many Nigerian students gain admission to the university in Nigeria through IJMB for the past few years and been an award winning institute producing students with good IJMB results last year.visit for more info or contact Mr Moses 07030757070 for inquiries on IJMB and How to apply. |
Re: Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! by barapistis(m): 6:16pm On Jan 09, 2016 |
Ok alright |
Re: Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! by jjstanley(m): 7:55am On Mar 07, 2017 |
Pls ur website is not connecting.. I intend to enroll for nabteb Advanced level.. Pls I will need your help.. My watsapp number is 08035117944 |
Re: Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! by princola: 9:43am On Mar 13, 2017 |
Admissioninto university in nigeria and beyond nowadays is a great problem especially for those trying to use jamb as the mode of entry. . . But for those that pass the last UTME, i wish your a succesful result in your post UTME and for those who did not pass the UTME, i have a good news and better alternative. . . the best alternative, is IJMB. Interim joint matriculation board. . . It is a programme, that takes you to 200 level directly into any school of your choice. . . . This programme, is available for aLL department. . . . . . The programme is organized by the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, and has accredited centres in ilorin and other environs The programme is been accepted by some universities in nigeria. . . To know the universities and for more relevant information about the programme, you can contact us or sms on . . . 08068940428 or 08189529845 The programme last for only nine months. . . In this centre there is transparency and necessary info are been released to student as at when due. . . It would also be pleasing to know that the programme is acceptable even beyound the shores of our great country nigeria......we have students in various countries especially malaysia who have secured admission using the IJMB A'level programme........ The center run lectures regularly and also make sure the student registration is been done properly and on time. . . The center try their possible best that student have a good points at the end of the programme. . The centre assist the student in their own little way. . . the centre also assist their students With admission in few universities that they know they can assist because doing the programme is not your priority rather than gaining admission with the programme. . . . We advise interested candidates to come for their registration in other to prevent any difficulties. . . We have success stories of students in various universities that accept the programme. . . We encourage and also give educational advice where necessary. . . Over the years now IJMB has been a good alternative for most student entering into university directly into 200level. . The programme is recommendable. . . The Fees for the programme is affordable and the centre has done it in a way that interested student can pay conveniently without much burden. . . . Lectures and other necessary learning materials and tools is also included in the fees. The centre has a good, safe and conducive learning environment and hostel. . . With regular electricity. . . Also the centre is closer to the lectures area which makes it convenient and easy for students to attend lectures regularly without stress. . . . . Hostel facilities is very neat and convenient. . So don't just sit at home doing nothing while the world passes you by....... you would be doing yourself a whole world of good by coming for the programme and it would be a step definitely in the right direction and also in securing yourself a place in the ivory tower. Feel free, For any or more relevant information about the programme and how it can be used for admission or the universities that allow the programme you can call or sms on 08068940428 or 08189529845 and proper attention and information will be communicated to you |
Re: Registration For A'level Admission IJMB | NABTEB A'LEVEL Now Open !!! by princola: 7:03am On Jan 12, 2018 |
Registration for 2018 session for IJMB has begun, dont be left of this mind blowing opportunity of gaining admission into 200level in any university of your choice. Visit for more information OR Call any of the following numbers: 08142214098, 08141503181, 07086958921 |
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