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Nigerians Meet The Chicken Who Lived Without Its Head For 18 Months - Nairaland / General - Nairaland

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Headless Chicken Able To Live For 18 Months After Being Beheaded (pic) / Meet The Chicken That Lived For 18 Months Without Its Head!! (photo) / Piglet Born With Human Face, Joystick On Its Head (viewer's Discretion) (2) (3) (4)

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Nigerians Meet The Chicken Who Lived Without Its Head For 18 Months by Giftedgreen: 1:42pm On Jan 11, 2015
If you think that Nigerian politicians are the first beings to live without a brain, think again. It turns out that a chicken named Mike accomplished this feat before Nigeria even gained independence. Mike the headless chicken lived without his entire head for 18 months.

Mike the Headless Chicken was your everyday chicken that needed to end up in the stomach of its owner, Lloyd Olsen. But fortunately for Mike (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) the axe of the Olsen barely missed the jugular vein, and left an ear and the majority of the bird’s brain stem unharmed.

Anybody who is familiar with the slaughter of chicken already knows that Mike should be busy running aimlessly after its head had been cut off; Mike shook off the blow and went about his day to day activities like nothing happened. He “pecked” with his neck in the absence of his head and continuing to preen himself.

Olsen sat down and waited for Mike to die, but when he made no signs of doing so, Olsen decided to have something different for dinner that night and continued to care for Mike. Olsen fed him things like milk and water through his open oesophagus using an eyedropper. Small bits of gravel were dropped down his throat to help his gizzard grind food.

Mike was initially able to walk but somewhat unsteadily. He soon got used to the situation and his new center of gravity. He could no longer crow, but instead made a gurgling noise.

The owner took Mike to a nearby University to be studied and the amebo’s around did what they know how to do best and in no time a large number of people got to know about the headless chicken.

Mike was photographed for all the big magazines and papers of the day and he got a job as a sideshow attraction, travelling with other marvels such as a two-headed calf. He also travelled with a chicken head in a glass jar that was passed off as his. Mike’s real head was allegedly eaten by a cat and the travelling head was from another chicken, pickled to enhance Mike’s display.

Unfortunately for chickens all over the country, Mike’s popularity lead to a string of people trying to behead their birds in just the same way. One of the copycat beheaded chickens lived for eleven days, but the rest died quickly.

Like many other celebrities, Mike choked to death in a motel room. One problem Mike often experienced was that he would choke on his own mucus. The Olsens kept syringes on hand for when this happened, to suck the mucus out. But, one night Mike was roosting with the Olsens in a Phoenix motel room between sideshow exhibits. The Olsen’s heard him choking in the middle of the night but couldn’t find a syringe to save him!

A subsequent autopsy revealed that the axe had not touched the bird’s carotid artery and Mike’s blood had quickly clotted, saving him from bleeding to death. Because most basic body functions like breathing and heart-rate, as well as most of a chicken’s reflex actions, are controlled by the brain stem, Mike remained able to function and otherwise healthy for 18 months after losing his head.

In his hometown, there is an annual “Mike headless Chicken Day,” the third weekend in May.

For all you us complaining that there are no jobs around, remember, a headless chicken got a job, and a day named after him.

What would you do if you cut the head of a chicken and it refused to die? Run? Call your pastor?

Let us know in the comment section below


Re: Nigerians Meet The Chicken Who Lived Without Its Head For 18 Months by roqrules04(m): 1:45pm On Jan 11, 2015
Re: Nigerians Meet The Chicken Who Lived Without Its Head For 18 Months by Blakjewelry(m): 1:51pm On Jan 11, 2015
I no go lie I no believe this your tory
Re: Nigerians Meet The Chicken Who Lived Without Its Head For 18 Months by Curiouscat: 2:02pm On Jan 11, 2015
For real? shocked shocked
Re: Nigerians Meet The Chicken Who Lived Without Its Head For 18 Months by lomprico(m): 2:26pm On Jan 11, 2015
I no go lie I no believe this your tory
It's true have seen d video. Go to youtube n look for it.
Re: Nigerians Meet The Chicken Who Lived Without Its Head For 18 Months by leshluap(m): 2:29pm On Jan 11, 2015
Ehn ehn..ok o.

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