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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Properties / Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine (72508 Views)
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Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 1:26pm On Dec 09, 2015 |
Quick Tip: Harmattan is here right. You just keep dusting and dust some more. By Multicolour Interiordezine |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 3:27pm On Dec 11, 2015 |
Whats Your Xmas Plan? How can we do of service?
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 9:52pm On Dec 15, 2015 |
Get this antique design dinning set for as low as N80,000 Unique Stylish Strong Padded seat Gorgeous piece Call 08184870007 or 08138876286 or add Pin: 79684B85 for inquires
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 9:37am On Dec 16, 2015 |
Everybody loves quality shoes right? Now imagine you getting this quality shoe on sales at an unbeatable price. lets proceed. After you got this unique quality shoe at such a good price, As you were about leaving the store. The sales rep beckoned on you and offered you new matching items to fit your new shoe usage all for free. At Multicolour Interiordezine we are the store offering you any of your quality and unique decorative services at an unbeatable price plus loads of other freebiz. So, what are you waiting for? Start calling in 08184870007. PIN:79684B85 |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 2:52pm On Dec 18, 2015 |
Compliment of the Season From MID |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 5:05pm On Dec 20, 2015 |
Its 5-Days To Xmas Is your Interior Xmas Worthy? We can still make it happen Multicolour Interiordezine
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 8:59pm On Dec 20, 2015 |
Topic: Being Comfortable in Your Own Clothes This is an interior designer write up you say, why should she want to talk about clothes? I'm not, I want to talk about having your own personality in your interior design and decorating. I was looking at Vogue the other day & I thought how fantastic all these models looked in their designer gowns & jewels, faces painted so perfectly like porcelain dolls & shoes that I could never walk in, & it reminded me of interior design magazines. I compare these because they always show the extreme of fashion & design. Lets face it do you ever see any of ur favourite international actress dress like we see on runways in their normal life all things being equal? No it is more like a pair of jeans with a jacket that resembles something from the runways, but never the complete package. That runway iss to me is just paparazzi. I think the same thing applies with interior decorating. We see these beautiful glossy magazines with homes that look too good to be true, and you know what? Most of them are often staged, even in all them Telemondo series or Lekki house adverts. Most normal homes end up with the jeans and jacket scenario as above. Where I am heading to with this criticism is that we need to keep our expectations real for our homes, by all means get inspired by the glossy magazines, they are there for our pleasure & entertainment. But create a home thats so like you & fits you & feels like yours. You are a lawyer & you love to read, let people see you in your home arrangement. You do not have to create a home that looks like Kunle your Engineer besty's just because your wife said she loves his house settings. Please be you. Courtesy of Multicolour Interiordezine ...we add colour to life |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by butterflex: 5:38am On Dec 21, 2015 |
MulticolourDeco: Pleaase send various sample and prices of locally made bed and sofas to my email- 2x king size bed and 1x superking size bed. kind regards |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by butterflex: 5:39am On Dec 21, 2015 |
butterflex: |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 4:09pm On Dec 21, 2015 |
[quote author=butterflex post=41194509][/quote] We will do as instructed. About delivery, we deliver everywhere in Nigeria. Thank you. Multicolour Team |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by butterflex: 11:38pm On Dec 21, 2015 |
still waiting for an email. Regards. MulticolourDeco: |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 6:05pm On Dec 22, 2015 |
butterflex: Kindly check your box Sir. Thank you v. much. |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 12:26pm On Dec 23, 2015 |
Hi Have You Gotten Them Their Xmas Gift. I Mean Real Gift That last And Its Beautiful To Behold. Not Something They Will Eat And Forget You Know. Something That Would Make Them Remember You Through Out The New Year. Multicolour Interiordezine...lets get you an affordable & lovely gift for this wonderful people 08184870007 79684B85 |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 12:23am On Dec 24, 2015 |
Check our page on IG @kemi_Multicolour Merry Xmas in Advance |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 3:07pm On Dec 25, 2015 |
Wishing you and your Family a Merry Christmas and a Prosperious New Year. From Multicolour Interiordezine We ❤ U So Much |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 7:03pm On Dec 26, 2015 |
Happy Boxing Day From Multicolour Interiordezine |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 9:36am On Dec 28, 2015 |
Quick Tip Your Duvet Cover or Blanket should be washed atleast every 3-3month. I hate when something stinks and people do nothing about it. Why? Then prior to that time, always sundry it asap. Courtesy of MID |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 6:53pm On Dec 28, 2015 |
Quick Tip: When dusting, use dry and clean cloths during Harmattan. Courtesy of MID |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 7:33am On Dec 29, 2015 |
Our New Store Opening Soon Address will be published soon Thank you |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 5:04pm On Dec 30, 2015 |
Hey Do you know New Year Comes With New Love New Hope New Dreams New Aspirations And also, A New looking Apartment Multicolour Interiordezine...adding colour to ur life
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 6:55pm On Jan 01, 2016 |
Thank you, Thank you to all Our Clients Thank you to all Our Potential Clients Thank you to all Our Friends Thank you Our Bbm Contacts. For dimming us fit to having us on your list we are grateful. Thank you for the countless Friend requests. Thank you to all our Partners, Its a Business World you know #smiles#. Thank you for reading all our BCs. Only God kws who else sends you BCs and how many BCs you get per day. But thank you for taking out time to read Ours. Thank God that He would Bless You in this coming year 2016 for you to keep and to do Business with us. We are Grateful and Happy New Year. With Love From Multicolour Interiordezine |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by robosky02(m): 7:01pm On Jan 01, 2016 |
MulticolourDeco: ok thanks a lot am just loving this, but how come i dindt find it all this while i need a three colour paited palour light green cream and orange can i get a sample from you |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 5:57pm On Jan 02, 2016 |
robosky02: Can you come on Whatapp please. You can chat us up and tell us how you like it. The number is 08184870007 Attached to this mail is something quite similar that we have done before. But not to worry, we have great painters in this company. We are waiting. Multicolour Team
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 3:44pm On Jan 08, 2016 |
What's my new year resolution My new year resolution is to make all our clients a living wonder through their Interior to their friends, so help me God Our mainland store opens soon to all our fans out there, Details to be published soon Thank you Olutola Olukemi |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 12:11pm On Jan 09, 2016 |
Happy Saturday Have you cleaned today? |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 11:25am On Jan 20, 2016 |
Hello There, How are you today? I want to tell you about a man. This man is my friend, he has a son. One day, I and many of my friends ran into a great dept. Great dept!, we couldn't pay the one we own and yet we still kept owning new ones, bigger than the previous ones. This my friend seeing that this dept will consume us called his son, who was a great advocate and said, go to where Kemi and all her friends are. Try and locate the people they are owning these depts and deliver them from their indeptedness, see if you can have a discussion with them on why their dept should be cancelled. My friend's son came to where we were, tried locating the people behind our huge indeptedness. He told them that his father already paid for all our depts. But they told him he was crazy. I and my friends became enslaved to this spirit of indeptedness. My friends son seeing this heaven burden we were in went into a great protest because of us and for I and my friend's sakes, he laid down his life for our redemption. Even his father knew about it. Ah, this my friend lost his only begotten son named Jesus for me and all my friends. Took us out of this Huge Indeptedness and gave us a new life of freedom. The only thing we had to do was to confess him has our lord and personal savour. John 3:16 says for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that who so ever believeth in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life. Why not join I and my friends today. Let God take care of your own problems for you. He already died for your sake. If you are ready to recieve him put up your right hand and say this prayer: lord Jesus, I believe you died for me, and on the third day you rose again, that I might be justified. Right now, I believe my sins are forgiven, i am justified by your blood, I am redeemed, I am a child of God, I am called to serve a living God. Thank you for dying for me. And thank you for writing my name in the book of life, amen. If you said that prayer, congratulation. Its as simple as that. God bless you. Now you are a new creature, old things are passed away. All things are become new. Find a bible believing church near you and join. May the holyspirit never leave you and keep leading you. Amen. 1 Like |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by kelspascal(m): 11:28am On Jan 20, 2016 |
The Real Estate and Network Marketing industries have made more individuals millionaires than any other industry in the history of business. Every successful individual out there made or grew their wealth through real estate and the wise young man or wage earners invest in Real Estate. Have you ever seen any wealthy or successful man or woman without a piece of real estate and network of like minds? Do you know that the basic need of man are Shelter, food and clothing, and are all connected to real estate? Do you know that real estate and network marketing is the only industry that brings the rich, poor, educated, illiterate and everyone to one roundtable? Do you know that Real Estate and MLM is the only industry that you can make millions in one deal with you investing very little? Do you know that with our system you can earn from your direct effort and that of those you introduce into this business? If you need answers to this questions visit And kindly use the link below to register and fill in your details For Further Inquiry Please call 08039243628
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 5:27pm On Jan 26, 2016 |
Quick Tip: A table and a chair is necessary in your home for anyone that got a profession or not. As long as you got a job, you need a table and a chair in your home. Courtesy of MID |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 4:28pm On Jan 27, 2016 |
Quick Tip: To add great beauty into your living room, all you need is to add a gorgeous looking Chandelier. Its perfect and it always does the magic. By Olutola Olukemi Multicolour Interiordezine |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 4:22pm On Jan 28, 2016 |
Quick Topic: How contemporary is wallpaper My Answer: It all depends, 1) On the space involved 2) On the choice of Wallpaper 3) On the design of the Wallpaper 4) On the colour selected. I worked in an Office where the wallpaper choice was priceless. Although two different and contrasting wallpaper was used. It came out perfect. And that has inspired me to having wallpaper in my own office too. So how can you not miss it when it comes to wallpapers Answer: The power of choice. Be highly selective when it comes to picking a wallpaper for your Interiors. Pick interior and functionality appropriate. Do whats best for your wall. Actually, its not a must to have wallpaper in your interior. But if you must do, do wisely. Have a open mind approach to it, dont fall for anything because of anything, we have a thousand and one diff designs coming out everyday. On a final note, when you see the one, you will know. But should incase you got more dan one options, you will still kwm, lol. Have a great day, bye. Written by Olutola olukemi Multicolour Interiordezine
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 7:25am On Jan 29, 2016 |
Good Morning Hope you didnt leave your bedroom all scattered this morning? Why? If you have, that means you didnt organise during the weekend. Quick Tip: Always prepare for you week from Friday Night and Finish the preparations by Sunday Afternoon. Have a Great Day From Multicolour Interiordezine |
Re: Interior Decorating Tips By Multicolour Interiordezine by MulticolourDeco(f): 9:47pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Happy Weekend How was the experience and how far with your weekly plan?. Love you all..from MID |
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