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Re: After Jega's Announcement #March4Buhari Trends On Twitter by dynamitee: 3:36pm On Feb 12, 2015 |
What is in Nigerian History? Biafran war? an Igbo man planned a coup. Hausas retaliated. Killing started. Is it only Igbos that have caused coups in the past? a few men do something dishonest, and you call their entire tribe useless ![]() Half the people alive when these historic things happened are no more, but you are here, spewing tribalistic comments up and down, bringing your biased triabalistic views into an election that should have nothing to do with tribe. It is Nairaland, not Yorubaland. Your write up was offensive, triabalistic, discriminatory and totally uncalled for. It is no different from a white man saying all black men are criminals because world history has shown that we are always the ones committing crimes. If there is one thing I have learnt, If a man does not want to see common sense, no matter how hard you try or whatever you say, your words will never make sense to him. Forward thinking is not for the closed minded. Enjoy your status as a "usefull" Yoruba man. Shey na only you and Hausas go go heaven abi na only una get Naija. Read the comment up before every post, it says "Please don't make racist and tribalistic comments on this section" Nuff said, I'm done with this pointless arguement. FolarinLondon: |
Re: After Jega's Announcement #March4Buhari Trends On Twitter by Nobody: 7:22pm On Feb 12, 2015 |
dynamitee: It's quite obvious to me now that you are opinionated person who needs to be avoided like a man with leprosy.... Nobody ask for your senseless advice or opinion in the first place, just keep your repulsive and bigoted opinion to yourself. Do you know that a mad man always think he is more better and sane than sane people around him; I presumed you think you are making sense but in the midst of intellectuals, all your points are meaningless. |
Re: After Jega's Announcement #March4Buhari Trends On Twitter by dynamitee: 12:13pm On Feb 13, 2015 |
Making tribalistic comments and calling it an intellectual argument. LWKMD!!! An intellectual man would know better than to say Jonathan should not be our president for the next four years because igbos are useless and are the cause of all the bad things that have happened in Nigeria's history. You did not make your arguments with his actual flaws and faults, you went straight to his tribe (Jonathan is not even Igbo, he is Urhobo). Nobody asked for your own opinion too. Its a public forum. As long as you comment on the subject of the thread and you obey the rules, you reserve the right to quote anybody you want. Check my history, I never insult people that dont first of all insult me. You are just blowing dust up and down. I called you out on your comments, defend your comments with facts instead of stomping your foot up and down like a spoilt 4 year old. *Fact 1: You quoted someone who said people are wrongly choosing to vote Jonathan based on tribal sentiments (a point I agree with). However, your response in agreement with the author was tribalistic and insultive, calling Igbos a useless tribe and saying Yorubas are starting to share the hatred towards them that Hausa/fulanis have. Are igbos the only ones that vote along the lines of tribal sentiments? *Fact 2: I called you out and said you should not make insultive tribalistic comments on a public forum because tribe is just one characteristic that defines a man. *Fact 3: From there you started saying rubbish. I am a person who prefers objectivity and tolerance for one's neighbour rather than prejudice against a person based on his race or tribe or some other characteristic that he has no control over. If that makes me opinionated, so be it. I will rather be an opinionated unifying force than a divisive tribalist. See that I have editted your post below, i think you made those grammatical errors in anger. Another comedic point, someone who claims to hate Igbos and thinks they are useless, calling another person a Bigot. ![]() And to answer your question; Yes I know that a mad man always thinks he is better and saner than the people around him. That is the first thing you have said that has made sense, perhaps you should reflect on your own words. I can't stand a person who dislikes another just because of his tribe; as such I am very happy that it is now clear to you that I should be avoided like a man with leprosy or whatever. Your efforts to stay out of my leprosy-infected radar will be greatly appreciated. FolarinLondon: |
Re: After Jega's Announcement #March4Buhari Trends On Twitter by dynamitee: 1:09pm On Feb 13, 2015 |
I dont know enough to dispute your claims, and as such I will not try. My point is still unchanged. For how many years did northerners rule Nigeria with iron fists ![]() However, the reality of the matter is this, tribe should have very little to do with these elections. Jonathan has had 4 years to do Nigeria proud and he has not. Instead, he has embarassed us repeatedly and continues to show indifference too the plight of the people he is supposed to lead. As such I will rather vote for a man who MAY be a good leader. I am so scared of the level of corruption in this country; i don't bother to watch the news anymore because it is like watching a tale of heartbreak over and over again. I am worried that a time would come when I can no longer buy things on amazon because the value of the Naira to the dollar is beyond what I can afford. I am scared that as soon as Jonathan wins these elections, petrol pump price will go back to 97 naira and he will give one stupid excuse or the other. I am scared because right now, Nigeria has two presidential candidates and no leader and yet our president saw fit to postpone presidential elections to further his own agenda. I am scared because 200 girls alledgedly went missing and our president did not act like he gave a damn; my sister could have been one of them. I am worried because our president went on record to sympathise with Charlie Hebdo victims, when dozens died in baga in his own back yard and he did not say anything; as though French lives matter more than that of Nigerians. The guy has been a disgrace for 6 years. No one is saying Buhari is an ideal candidate, but frankly, I think i will vote anyone as long as there is a chance that he will atleast halt the downward spiral that GEJ has thrown us into. Whether it furthers some parochial of sectarian interests somewhere is none of my business. The money they get from furthering their interests never cascades down to me. i dont know who the King makers are in this country, I dont care. As for all the things you claim, some people definitely hate Jonathan because he is south-southern, just as some people only like him for the same reason. The same applies to Buhari and his northern background. If you want to make it a Yoruba problem, that's up to you. Which politician in Nigeria does not try to further his own agenda? Which politician is not looking out for his own self interests? before he took office, my answer to that question would have been Goodluck Jonathan. In Nigeria, our politicians are generally very self-serving. We have had corrupt Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba leaders, so no one tribe holds the monopoly on corruption. Jonathan's campaign strategy seems to be to highlight the tribal and religious differences among Nigerians. He is no messiah. the Fact is that if he had been a good president in the last 6 years, he would not have earned the title of being the most insulted leader in Nigerian History. And the Yoruba political class as you call them would not have so much ammunition to use against him. That said, Oga, I will gladly have arguments in a civilized manner. But I have not called you Trite or insulted you in any way. Please extend the same courtesy. rhymz: |
Re: After Jega's Announcement #March4Buhari Trends On Twitter by NoreenUG(f): 9:32pm On Oct 05, 2016 |
See how these ignorant numbskulls marched themselves and their country into recession. People get the type of leaders they deserve. 2 Likes |
Re: After Jega's Announcement #March4Buhari Trends On Twitter by NoreenUG(f): 9:43pm On Oct 05, 2016 |
dynamitee: At bolded? LAUGHING MY ASSS OFF!!! Today, a dollar costs 492 Naira. And to make matters worse, international finance firms have calculated that the Naira is inflating at 0.5% PER DAY. And by their calculations, Naira is bound to hit 760 per dollar by Christmas! And as for your previous fear about Jonathan taking the fuel back to 97 Naira per litre? Buhari has taken it to 145 now. I hope you are happy. Nigerians really didn't know how good they had it under Jonathan. God is teaching you a lesson now. 1 Like |
Re: After Jega's Announcement #March4Buhari Trends On Twitter by Justiceleague1: 9:51pm On Oct 05, 2016 |
Dbboy: |
Re: After Jega's Announcement #March4Buhari Trends On Twitter by CowHard: 10:59pm On Oct 05, 2016 |
where are they now.. |
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