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Today Another Friday 13th - Nairaland / General - Nairaland

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Today Another Friday 13th by sod09(m): 2:20pm On Feb 13, 2015
Friday the 13th , also known as Black Friday in some

countries, is considered an unlucky day in Western

superstition . It occurs when the 13th day of the

month in the Gregorian calendar falls on a Friday.

There is no written evidence for a "Friday the 13th"

superstition before the 19th century, and the

superstition only gained widespread distribution in

the 20th century. The fear of the number 13 has

been given a scientific name: triskadekaphobia ; and on

analogy to this the fear of Friday the 13th is called

paraskevidekatriaphobia , from the Greek words

Paraskeví (Παρασκευή, meaning "Friday"wink, and

dekatreís (δεκατρείς, meaning "thirteen"wink.


The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci

It's not known for certain how the superstition

surrounding this day arose, but both Friday and the

number 13 are connected with the crucifixion of

Christ (Friday being the day the crucifixion took

place, commemorated weekly in Catholic practice,

and 13 being the number of people present at the

Last supper). According to Phillips Stevens, Jr.,

associate professor of anthropology at the

University at Buffalo (SUNY), "There were 13 people

at the table (at the Last Supper ) and the 13th was

Judas . The Last Supper was on a Thursday , and the

next day was Friday, the day of crucifixion . When

'13' and Friday come together, it is a double

Friday has been considered an unlucky day to

undertake journeys or begin new projects at least

since the 14th century, as witnessed by Chaucer's

Canterbury Tales.

Re: Today Another Friday 13th by Ghoxt: 12:04pm On Mar 02, 2015
Any Idea where I can get tne book in nigeria, I have searched and searched,
The Canterbury Tales in Modern English
Geoffrey Chaucer, Nevil Coghill (Translator)

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