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Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 5:39pm On Feb 15, 2015
And the sons of Ham, Cush & Mizraim & Phut & Canaan. "Genesis 10:6"

For years, scholars, theologians and archaeologist have debated the answer to the question, "How did the ancient Israelites look physically?" Although the scriptures and other historical documents, have left a lot of evidence that confirms the physical appearance of the Israelites, much of this information is still unknown to the masses. The popular belief today among Christians, scholars and theologians, is that the people known as "Ashkenazi Jews" are the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites. But, can this be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt?

The answer is NO.

The scriptures which will be used here as the main source, supported by history and archaeology proves that these Jews are not the physical descendants of the ancient Hebrew Israelite nation. In addition it reveals who the true descendants are. The answer may leave you in shock.

Israel is mentioned in scripture over 2,500 times. The scriptures contain the Hebrews' entire history. In fact, no other people on the face of the earth have such an extensive recorded history, not even the ancient Egyptians. Every thing we need to know about the ancient Hebrews is contained in Scripture. So, let's examine these facts, information that to this day remains unknown or hidden to many "bible" readers.


The history of the Israelite nation began in Egypt, the land of Ham. They entered Egypt 66 in number, (not including Joseph, his wife and two sons who were already in Egypt), and left numbering over two million people. Ancient Israel spent 430 years in Egypt. For half that time they enjoyed good favor with the Egyptians, but for the remainder of those years they were enslaved and horribly mistreated by them.

One of the facts scripture gives us about Israel (Ysrayl in the Hebrew tongue), is in regard to their physical appearance. Throughout scripture Israel is described as looking like the sons of Ham (Khawm in the Hebrew tongue), in physical appearance.

Ham was one of Noah's three sons, Shem and Japheth were the other two. Noah's descendants repopulated the earth after the Great Flood. Ham's descendants are traced to the families of Africa. Ham (Khawm) in Hebrew means BLACK, HOT AND BURNT.
Ham had four sons,

1. CUSH (Ethiopians / Cushites & Nubians),
2. MIZRAIM (Egyptians / Khemet),
3. PHUT (Ancient Libyans or Somalia),
4. CANAAN (Canaanite, the original inhabitants of the land of Israel) genesis 10:6-19.

All four of Ham's sons and their descendants settled in and around the continent of Africa, this includes the so called Middle East which is also a part of the Continent of Africa. Ham sons are the people of the African continent, the Ancient Egyptians, Ethiopians, Somalia's, Canaanites etc.

The Israelites are descendants of Noah son SHEM, through Abraham, he is the father of the Hebrew Israelite Nation. Abraham is the father of Isaac, Isaac is the father of Jacob, Jacob had twelve sons and these sons are the progenitors of the Israelite nation. The Twelve tribes of Israel are as follows:


Each one of Jacob's sons became a tribal nation, that made up the greater nation of Israel. EXAMPLE: Reuben's descendants became known as the tribe of Reuben. Judah's descendants became known as the tribe of Judah and so on and so forth. The nation of Israel are the descendants of Jacob who had his name changed to Israel by the Most High (Gen 28:32). That's the basics, lets move on to the meat of our lesson.

We will begin with the story of Jacob's second Youngest son Joseph, and his time in Egypt. Joseph was one of the twelve sons of Jacob (Yaaqob in Hebrew). Jacob sired Joseph in his old age, and he was clearly his favorite son. This caused Joseph's brothers to become jealous of him.

Ultimately, their jealousy resulted in Joseph being sold by Arab merchants as a slave to Egyptians.

Over the course of time Joseph became Viceroy (Governor) of Egypt and was second in command to Pharaoh in authority. There was a famine in Canaan, where Jacob and his sons lived. (Pharaoh had a dream which Joseph interpreted. His dream told of the forthcoming famine and gave Egypt an opportunity to prepare by storing food.) So, Jacob sent his ten sons to Egypt to buy bread. When Joseph's ten brothers came into Egypt they were brought before him. Joseph recognized his brothers, but they didn't recognize him (Genesis 42:1-cool.

Since the biblical Egyptians were a black-skinned people, Joseph had to be black-skinned also. If he were white skinned, his brothers would have recognized him easily among the "black" Egyptians. His brothers thought Joseph was another Egyptian.

The ancient Egyptians of Joseph time were indeed what we know today as "black", this is a fact attested to by many.

Gerald Massey, English writer and author of the book, Egypt the Light of the World, wrote, "The dignity is so ancient that the insignia of the Pharaoh evidently belonged to the time when Egyptians wore nothing but the girdle of the Negro." (p 251)

[b]Sir Richard Francis Burton, a 19th century English explorer, writer and linguist in 1883 wrote to Gerald Massey, "You are quite right about the "AFRICAN" origin of the Egyptians. I have 100 human skulls to prove it."

Scientist, R. T. Prittchett, states in his book The Natural History of Man, "In their complex and many of the complexions and in physical peculiarities the Egyptians were an "AFRICAN" race (p 124-125).

The Ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century B.C.E., saw the Egyptians face to face and described them as black-skinned with woolly hair.

Anthropologist, Count Constatin de Volney (1727-1820),spoke about the race of the Egyptians that produced the Pharaohs. He later paid tribute to Herodotus' discovery when he said:

The ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native born Africans. That being so, we can see how their blood mixed for several centuries with that of the Romans and Greeks, must have lost the intensity of it's original color, while retaining none the less the imprint of it's original mold. We can even state as a general principle that the face (referring to The Sphinx) is a kind of monument able, in many cases, to attest to or shed light on historical evidence on the origins of the people."[/b]

The fact that the ancient Egyptians were black-skin prompted Volney to make the following statement:
"What a subject for meditation, just think that the race of black men today our slaves and the object of our scorn, is the very race to which we owe our arts, science and even the use of our speech."

The testimony of the ancients, the scriptures, & many Egyptologists, along with archaeology confirms that the Egyptians during biblical times were a "BLACK" PEOPLE. This is important to know, as we continue, we'll see that the bible on multiple occasions describes the ancient Hebrews as looking like the Egyptians in physical appearance.

Next, in Genesis chapter 50 verses 7-11, scripture will describes ALL the Hebrews as looking like the ancient Egyptians.

After Jacob (who's name was changed to Ysrayl - Israel) died in the land of Egypt, all the Hebrews and Egyptians went down to the land of Canaan to bury him (He asked his son to bury him in the land of Canaan with his forefathers Genesis 49:29-30).

Verses 7-8, states that all the elders of Pharaoh's house and all the elders of the land of Egypt along with all the Hebrews (except for their small children) went down.
VERSE 9 says, "It was a very great company."
VERSE 11 says, that the Canaanite saw the funeral procession and said "THIS IS A GRIEVOUS MOURNING TO THE EGYPTIANS".

But, remember this was a mixed multitude of Hebrews and Egyptians going to bury a HEBREW, and the Canaanite identified them both as Egyptians. WHY? Because, the Canaanite saw a great company of black-skinned people who all look like native (black) Egyptians.

If the Hebrews were a white skinned people, as we have been led to believe. The Canaanite who were familiar with both the Hebrews and Egyptians would have acknowledged them both by saying, "THIS IS A GRIEVOUS MOURNING TO THE EGYPTIANS AND HEBREWS." Without doubt white Hebrews would have stuck out like a sore thump among the black Egyptians. The Canaanites never Identified the Hebrews separately from the Egyptians. Since it was a Hebrew being buried you know the Israelites were the ones who were mourning the greatest. The Canaanites seen this and though those Israelites in mourning were Egyptians.

The scripture goes on to say that the Canaanite named the place where they saw this great mourning for a HEBREW Abel Mizraim which means the meadow of Egypt/Mizraim or Mourning of the Egyptians.

Now lets go to the greatest and most famous story about the Israelites sojourn in the land of Egypt. This would be the story of Moses (Moshe).

Many years after the death of Joseph, His brothers and all that generation that entered Egypt during the time he was viceroy. The Hebrew population in Egypt grew tremendously. Because of this, they were no longer looked upon as friendly neighbors, the Egyptians now considered them hostile enemies and enslaved them.

Because of the Hebrews' population growth the Egyptians decided, they would impose upon them their own form of birth control. Pharaoh decreed that all Hebrew males are killed at birth (Exodus 1), this brings us directly to the story of Moses.

Moses was born a Hebrew - Israelite from the tribe of Levi (exodus 2:1-3). He spent 40 years in the house of pharaoh (Acts 7:23) and was raised as the Pharaoh's Grandson
(Exodus 2: 6, 10).

This was during the same time that Pharaoh ordered all Hebrew males to be killed at birth. So, with Pharaoh, being a black-skinned descendant of Khawm / Ham, it would of course follow that Moses was black-skinned also.

Many Scholars say the Pharaoh who was on the throne of Egypt at the time of Moses' birth, was Pharaoh Seti I. He was the father of Rameses II, the Pharaoh of the oppression, also known as Rameses the Great.

George Rawlinson, an English author wrote a book entitled History of Egypt. On page 252, he gives a description of Seti I. He states: "SETI'S FACE WAS THOROUGHLY AFRICAN. HE HAD A STORMY FACE WITH A DEPRESSED FLAT NOSE, THICK LIPS AND HEAVY CHIN."

Moses had to have the same physical characteristics because again, he was raised in the house of Pharaoh, as the grandson of Pharaoh, when Pharaoh ordered all other Hebrew males to be killed at birth. If the Israelites were a white-skinned people, how could Moses the Hebrew survive (secretly) in the house of Pharaoh among black-skinned Egyptians for 40 years, and not be noticed.

Furthermore, after giving the decree (himself) to kill all Hebrew males, how could Pharaoh face and rule over his people, if he knowingly had one living in his house with all the rights and privileges of his own family? Moses survived 40 years in the palace of Pharaoh because he was a black man just as the Egyptians were.

This is deep, Pharaoh looked into the eyes of Moses as a baby and thought this was his own flesh and blood. He looked into the eyes of Moses as a teenager and thought this was his own flesh and blood. He looked into the eyes of Moses as a young man in his 20's and 30's and thought this was his own flesh and blood. Pharaoh seen Moses grow into a man of 40 and he thought this was his own flesh and blood grandson.

Just as the Canaanite couldn't tell the Hebrews from the Egyptians. Pharaoh couldn't either, or Moses would have been killed instantly.

Scripture tells us that Moses killed an Egyptian, after he saw him mistreating a Hebrew. So Moses had to flee from Egypt for his life, because Pharaoh found out and sought to kill him (Exodus 2:12-15). Pharaoh was trying to kill Moses because he found out Moses was a Hebrew and not his flesh and blood grandson.

Moses fled to the land of Midian (located in Saudi Arabia) where he helped seven daughters of the priest of Midian water their flock, after chasing away some bully shepherds. The girls went home to their father, Reuel and told him what happened.

Exodus 2:16-19

16 Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock.

17 And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.

18 And when they came to Reuel their father, he said, How is it that ye are come so soon to day?

19 And they said, An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds, and also drew water enough for us, and watered the flock.

Notice they didn't say a Hebrew in Egyptian clothing saved us, they described Moses as a black-skinned descendant of Ham (Egyptian).

Further proof that Moses was "black" can be found in Exodus 4:6-7, In this passage, Yah / YHWH, (The Creator's name in Hebrew) is showing Moses miracles so that he can prove to the children of Israel who sent him. YAH tells Moses to put his hand into his bosom, which he does. When he takes his hand out, it is LEPROUS (White) as snow. If Moses was already white-skinned, what would have been the miracle in turning the skin of his hand white?

But, since Moses and the rest of the Hebrews were a black skinned people, this would have been a very powerful miracle, to turn his hand (skin) the opposite color of the rest of his flesh.

Verse 7 says, Yah told Moses to put his hand back into his bosom, and it turned as his other flesh. Meaning that the rest of his body (skin) was other than white or the opposite of white, which is black.

In the book of Numbers, chapter 12 verse 1, Moses' sister and brother, Miriam and Aaron spoke out against him because he married an Ethiopian woman, (not because she was black skinned, but because she was of another culture. / Nation, read Acts 10:28smiley their behavior angered Yah. Verse 10 says, He TURNED MIRIAM LEPROUS, WHITE AS SNOW. Once again if Miriam, who was a Hebrew, was white to begin with, what would have been the curse of turning a white skinned person white?

It is an established fact that The Bible always mentioned leprosy in the context of the skin turning white because of a disease or in relationship to some specific wrong doing.

Leviticus 13:2 states:

"When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy. Then he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest, or to one of the sons of the priest".

verse 4: If the bright spot be WHITE in the skin of his flesh, the priest shall shut up him that has the plague seven days.

Verse 6: And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: and behold, if the plague be somewhat DARK, and the plague spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is but a scab; and he shall wash his clothes and be clean".

In the 2nd and 4th verse a bright or white spot in the skin is mentioned. A bright spot means a spot that is lighter than the regular dark brown / black skin. Moses said in the sixth verse: "And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day, and behold if the plague be somewhat dark, and the plague spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean..."

This is because the skin is getting darker like his original skin tone. A black skinned man or woman with these spots covering some part of their body is a partial leper. However, once the plague of the whiteness has covered his entire body from his head to his feet, the leper is clean. He has completely changed his color like the albino. The people who had this form of leprosy in the scriptures CAN BE classified as albino, and these albinos are the only white skinned Hebrews that existed in ancient times, they were the minority.

If Israel was a white skinned people in ancient times, why does The scriptures only speak of them as TURNING WHITE OR BECOMING WHITE WITH LEPROSY (in reference to their skin color).

Acts 21:37-38, states that Paul, (Shaul in Hebrew) the apostle, was being led into a castle by a chief captain. Paul spoke to the chief in Greek, asking permission to speak with him. The chief captain was surprised that Paul could speak Greek and in verse 38, asks Paul, "Are not you that EGYPTIAN?" Paul responded, (Verse 39) "I am a man of Israel (Hebrew)."

37 And as Paul was to be led into the castle, he said unto the chief captain, May I speak unto thee? Who said, Canst thou speak Greek?

38 Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers?

39 But Paul said, I am a man of Israel (Hebrew) of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.

In order for this chief captain to mistake Paul (the Hebrew) for a black-skinned Egyptian, Paul had to look like an Egyptian, as scripture tells us the whole nation of Israel did. Paul had to tell the chief captain he was an Israelite. Once again we see from scripture that it is hard to physically identify a Hebrew from an Egyptian.

In the book of Matthew 2:13, the angel of Yah told Joseph to arise and take the young child Yahshuah, (The Messiah’s true Hebrew name is Yahshuah) and his mother Mary (Miriam in Hebrew) and FLEE INTO EGYPT. He was told to stay there until he received further instruction, because Herod would seek the young child to destroy him.

13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of Yah appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.

14 When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:

Joseph, Miriam and Yahshuah were told to flee into Egypt, not for military protection, because during this time, Egypt was a Roman province under Roman control. They fled into Egypt because Egypt was still a "black" country, populated by a majority of black-skinned people (Egyptians). Joseph, Miriam and Yahshuah would have been just another black-skinned family among many. Remember, they fled into Egypt to HIDE from Herod who was seeking to kill Yahshuah.

If Yahshuah and the rest of the Hebrews looked like those pictures of the "Christian Christ", it would have been hard for him to hide in Egypt and not be noticed.

NOTE: the above fact about Yahshuah hiding in Egypt was attested to by a biblical scholar (DR. MARK GOODACRE) on a BBC produced program in 2001.

The Program was called 'THE COMPLETE JESUS'. Dr. Mark Goodacre (pictured) stated that it would have been hard for Yahshuah to hide among the Egyptians, if he didn’t look like the Egyptians, he was saying that Yahshuah could not have been white skinned. He admitted in the program that Yahshuah was a dark /black skinned man.

“Now it’s very unlikely that Jesus would have been able to be HIDDEN in Egypt, if he had a very different color of SKIN from the people in Egypt.”

He also made mention that the Israelites of the first to third centuries wore their hair in Afro's. this is only the tip of the iceberg, you can't hold down the truth.

Black man, know thyself.

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 5:40pm On Feb 15, 2015
Now back to our lesson.

Herod was put on the throne of Israel by the Romans. Egypt was under Roman dominion. All Herod had to do was check with the Roman officials in Egypt to find out if there were any Hebrews with baby boys around. But, since the Hebrews and the Egyptians looked the same physically, it would have been hard to single out a Hebrew family among the native "black" ancient Egyptians.

As was mentioned, the ancient Egyptians were the descendants of Noah's son, Khawm, or Ham in English. Khawm means black, hot and burnt. The ancient Egyptians called their land and themselves Khemet, which in their tongue means "THE LAND OF BLACKS." The word Khemet is nothing but a variation on the word Khawm in the language of ancient Egypt.

In Psalm 78:51, Egypt is called "The House of ham (Khawm)."




[b]The scriptures calls Egypt the land of Khawm, and remember one of the meanings of Khawm is black, the scriptures are calling Egypt "The Land of Black" which is what Khemet means. Egypt is called the land of Khawm because the Egyptians were descendants of Noah's son Khawm. This is more than likely the reason they called themselves Khemet. Scripture supports the fact that the Egyptians were a black-skinned people.

In the book of Amos chapter 9: we will now see Israel being compared to Ham (Khawm) first born son Cush / Ethiopians.


In this Verse, the Israelites are being called children of the Ethiopians by the Most High. The Ethiopians are a known black-skinned people, and the most high is calling Israel their children. How much sense would it make to call a white skinned people, CHILDREN OF THE ETHIOPIANS? The majority of Jews today are white-skin. If ancient Israel were a white skinned people, wouldn't it make more sense to compare them to a white skin nation. This verse does not say,
It clearly compares Israel with a black skinned people. The reason for this is simple. Israel was and is a black skinned people, and the majority of them still are.[/b]

That verse also coincides with Acts 8: 26-36. When the angel of Yah spoke to the apostle, Philip saying:

"Arise go toward the south."

Verse 27: "...And he arose and went: and behold, a man of ETHIOPIA an eunuch of great authority... who had come to Jerusalem for to WORSHIP."

In verse 29, The Spirit tells Phillip to go and JOIN HIMSELF TO THE CHARIOT OF THIS ETHIOPIAN.

Verse 30, tells us that Philip heard him reading SCRIPTURE (Hebrew Scripture) about Yahshuah, (erroneously called Jesus) which he didn't understand.

In verses 34-36, Philip explains the meaning of the scripture and then preaches Yahshuah to him,

and in verse 38, Phillip baptizes him.

Lets analyze these verses.
First, this "Ethiopian" was coming to Jerusalem to worship.

In those days only the Hebrews came to Jerusalem for worship, because this is where the Temple of Yah stood, making Jerusalem the spiritual home of all Hebrews (2nd Chronicles 6:6 - 7:16).

Hebrews continued to come to Jerusalem to worship, up until the time of the Roman destruction in 70 C.E. As a matter of fact, Many Hebrews were worshiping at the temple while the Romans were breaking down the walls of Jerusalem about to lay siege to it.

Second, this Ethiopian had Hebrew scriptures in his possession.

In those days the scriptures were still considered sacred, and remained in the possession of the Hebrews, not everyone had access to scripture, as we do today. Hebrews, whether abroad or in the land, were the primary owners of scripture in those days.

Third, the Ethiopian was baptized by Phillip.

All these facts prove that this Ethiopian was a Hebrew, according to what Peter said in Acts 10:28:

"You know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Hebrew TO KEEP COMPANY OR COME UNTO ONE OF ANOTHER NATION."

If the Hebrews thought it was unlawful to keep company with those of another nation, why would Philip go and keep company with this Ethiopian, if indeed he was from a entirely different nation? Philip didn't even try to argue with the spirit, when he was told to go and teach this Ethiopian. The reason for that is:

The Ethiopian was a Hebrew who lived in Ethiopia. Making him what we know as a Ethiopian Hebrew.

As stated previously, it is a known fact that the Ethiopians are a black-skinned people. The name Ethiopian comes from the Greek word Aethiops which means burnt face. This was a title the ancient Greeks gave to the people who lived south of Egypt because they were closer to the equator than the Egyptians. Their hue on an average was a little darker than the Egyptians.

This Hebrew was not called Ethiopian just because he lived in Ethiopian, but because he also looked like a black-skinned Ethiopian. To this very day, there are many black-skinned Hebrews who live or have lived in Ethiopia in the past. Today many of them are known as the "Falasha" or Beta Yisrael. So far we have not seen where scripture likens Israel to any white-skinned nations as it relates to physical appearance. This is very important to understand because many of the people who are called Jews today are white- skinned and come from Europe.

These white skinned Jews make up the majority of the Jews in Israel and in the world. This is not a racist or "anti-Semitic" statement. It's only the truth according to scripture.

For further proof of the color of the ancient Israelites lets look at Acts 13:1:

"Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain PROPHETS AND TEACHERS: as Barnabas, and SIMEON THAT WAS CALLED NIGER, AND LUCIUS OF CYRENE, and Manaen which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Shaul (Paul)".

The word Niger is a Latin word that means BLACK, and Cyrene is a city in Libya, which is located in North Africa. Historians and scholars both agree that the city of Cyrene was a black area, meaning it was heavily populated with black skin-people in biblical times. Cyrene is also the place where Simon, the man who helped Yahshuah carry the cross (stake) was from (Matt. 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26). Many acknowledge that Simon (the cross bearer) was a "black" man.

This man who was called Niger wasn't called black because he was the only black- skinned person there. He was called black because his hue was maybe darker than the rest of the prophets and teachers. Much like in the "African American" community, when one of our brothers or sisters have a skin tone that is darker than the rest, we sometimes give that person a nick name that describes his color. If the person's name is Michael we might call him Black Mike, or we might just call him Black, even though, we are all black-skinned. He's just been given a FRIENDLY nick name which describes him. This is why Simeon was called Niger or black.

Scripture confirms in Acts 13:1, that there were black-skinned men who were prophets and teachers at the church in Antioch. But, we must understand that the Hebrews were not dealing with any other people or racial group at this time, other than scattered Israel. It is written in Acts 11:19:

"Now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about Stephen, traveled As far as Phenice and Cyprus, and Antioch, PREACHING THE WORD TO NONE BUT THE HEBREWS ONLY".

This was before the apostles ministries to the Gentiles at large started, so why were these "black" men there, if the Hebrews were a white skinned people? Simple, they were Hebrews, just like Paul who was also there with them in the church in Antioch. Remember Paul was mistaken for a "black" Egyptian. Niger and LUCIUS were prophets and teachers, and as scripture shows us, all the prophets and teachers were Hebrews.

Now, I will refer to a few historical sources that are also in agreement with scripture about the physical appearance of the Hebrews. The Romans who knew the Hebrews well, had this to say about their physical appearance.

A Roman historian named Tacitus who lived about C.E. 90 said, "Many assert that the Hebrews are an RACE OF ETHIOPIAN ORIGINS."

Once again, we have the Hebrews compared to one of HAM’S black-skinned descendants. Historian and scholar, J.A. Rogers commented, "For the Romans to have considered them Ethiopians is a clear indication of their color, because the Ethiopians are a known black people". Tacitus also said that the Hebrews were Egyptians , who left Egypt during a disease outbreak.

The Roman Emperor, Justinian the Great, who ruled basically from 527 - 564 C.E., 500 years after the time of Yahshuah, had engraved on a coin, the image of Yahshuah with woolly / kinky hair and "BLACK" features. On the obverse side of the coin there is an image of Justinian but with straight hair.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia has this particular listing about that image on the coin.

"Whatever the fact, this coin, with the straight haired Justinian on the obverse side, places beyond doubt the belief that "Jesus" was a Negro (black-skinned)."

Now, lets go back to the scripture for more information that proves the Hebrews were a black-skinned nation.

Lamentations 5:10 reads:


Notice, it says here that the Hebrews' skin was black like an oven or charcoal black, because of the famine. When the Jews were in concentration camps in Europe during WWII, many of them were starved or in famine. Footage of them in the camps, show that their skin turned pale white. The same is true of the people in Kosov. They were in famine and their skin turned pale white, because they are also a white-skinned people. But pictures of starving people in Africa, show that their skin turns jet black or darker than its original hue.

When brown or black skinned people don't eat for a long period of time or get sick, they get darker. When white or lighter skinned people get sick or don't eat, they turn pale. In this verse of Lamentations, the prophet, Jeremiah clearly was describing a black skinned

In many places throughout scriptures it mentions that the Israelites wore their hair in locks. Locks or some call them dread locks is when the hair locks together and grows. The Jamaicans known as Rastafarians wear their hair in long locks.

[b]numbers 6:5 All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come upon his head: until the days be fulfilled, in the which he separateth himself unto Yah, he shall be holy, and shall let the LOCKS of the hair of his head grow.

Judges 16:13 And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven LOCKS of my head with the web.

19 And she made him sleep upon her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven LOCKS of his head; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from him.

Our hair in it's natural state is like the wool of a lamb. If a "black" person doesn't cut or comb their hair it will eventually Lock together (This is why they are called "LOCKS"wink. When our hair naturally lock, the hair forms giant matt's at random all over the head. Most of the time you will only get 7 or eight locks just as it says Samson had. Samson NEVER CUT HIS HAIR, he let it grow and it was left "unkempt" and it grew into locks, just as the Jamaican brothers do their hair.

If Samson the Israelite was a white skin person with "White hair texture" his hair would have just grown straight and long, but not lock together. The scriptures says he had 7 locks, it is very rare for a white person to get locks naturally,. The scriptures are showing us that Samson the Israelite was a "black" man. [/b]

All the preceding information is sufficient proof that the biblical Israelites were a black skinned people / nation. Now, we must go one more step, and prove that they were a black skinned people from the beginning of their history beginning with Abraham. Abraham is the father of the Hebrew Israelite nation.

He was the first to be called Hebrew. (Genesis 14:13) He came from Ur of the Chaldeans, (Genesis 11:31) which is in the country of Iraq today.

Godfrey Higgins, a reliable English antiquary says, "The Chaldeans were originally Negroes".

Professor Rudolph Windsor is in total agreement with this, which he states in his very noteworthy book, FROM BABYLON TO TIMBUKTU. He writes, "The Chaldeans and the other People of that region were Jet black in their complexion."

The root word of Ur which is ORR means fire oven. The average temperatures in that region was 120 degrees. this is where the ancient Sumerian civilization began. The Sumerians called themselves "Saggig", which means "black headed ones", because they shaved their heads. The ancient Chaldeans were their cousins.

Abraham father Terah, was a relative of Nimrod. He was a merchant who sold idols in the city of Ur. It's a widely known fact that Nimrod was the son of Cush. Cush is the progenitor of the Nubians / Ethiopians, and the Nubians are a black skinned people. So, this means that Nimrod was also black. Abraham came from this part of the world, which in his day was overwhelmingly populated with black skinned people. This is not surprising because in that region the average temperature was 120 degrees. This means that the people in that part of the world had to have large amounts of melanin in their skin, which means they were very dark skinned.

Dr. Charles S. Finch III, M.D. says in his book Echoes of the Old Darkland, on pgs 5, & 32,
"We know from the fate of albinos all over Africa that unprotected skin (light skin) is subject to grotesque, disfiguring cancers that are soon fatal." "Melanin, the substance that gives the skin a dark brown or black pigment, by absorbing ultra violet radiation and scattering the ions produced, protects the skin from cancer".
So, for Abraham to have come from that part of the world, he had to have been very dark / black-skinned.

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 5:40pm On Feb 15, 2015
STATUE OF KING TUT 1334 - 1325 B.C.E.

This is a statue of the boy king (King Tut), this statue was found in his tomb, among many of his treasures in Egypt, during an archaeological excavation in 1922. Scholars say king Tut was on the throne of Egypt, a few years before the Israelites' Exodus.

One of the newly reconstructed images of King Tut

Above is one of the pictures of the reconstructed image of King Tut. This image comes from the Discovery.com website, it is from a soon to be aired program called the "Assassination of King Tut". The image was put together from the skeleton of the King by using forensic science and sophisticated computer programs. King Tut and the Egyptians of biblical times were a black skinned people. Let the pictures tell the story.

Here are a couple pictures of two people with a disease called Vitiligo, which is somewhat similar to the above mentioned form of scriptural leprosy. The top picture is that of a white-skin person with vitiligo. A white skinned person with this disease may start to notice the spots in their skin after they have gotten a tan, otherwise the white spots from vitiligo can go unnoticed.

This picture is a black skinned person with vitiligo. The white spots can be seen on black skin as soon as they appear. Notice how "white" the hands of the black-skinned person are compared to their original skin tone, which can still be seen. The hands of this black skinned person are now white as snow. This is how Moses "probably" would have seen his hands after removing it from his bosom. Singer, Michael Jackson says this is the same disease that turned his skin from dark brown to white.

It is an established fact that The Bible always mentioned leprosy in the context of the skin turning white because of a disease or in relationship to some specific wrongdoing.

Leviticus 13:2 states:

"When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy. Then he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest, or to one of the sons of the priest".

Verse 4: If the bright spot be WHITE in the skin of his flesh, the priest shall shut up him that has the plague seven days.

In the 2nd and 4th verse a bright or white spot in the skin is mentioned. A bright spot means a spot that is lighter than the regular dark brown / black skin. Moses said in the sixth verse: "And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day, and behold if the plague be somewhat dark, and the plague spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean..."

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by 0700Jesse(m): 5:49pm On Feb 15, 2015
Nawa oh,,. This post is too long!

1 Like

Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 5:56pm On Feb 15, 2015
Nawa oh,,. This post is too long!

Take your time to read the article, it is a wake-up call for the black man to know his place in the history of man.

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by UyiIredia(m): 6:30pm On Feb 15, 2015
Are u sure u aren't buzugee. He used to talk about stuff like this a lot.
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by paul288yahoo(m): 6:54pm On Feb 15, 2015
powerful piece...never knew this before...bless you..for bringing this out.....


Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Fulaman198(m): 7:57pm On Feb 15, 2015
I know that Egyptians were black, and it's possible Hebrews (who could very well be related to Falasha Jews of Ethiopia) could be "black" as well.
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Funjosh(m): 8:13pm On Feb 15, 2015
Men this is what I history with FACTS lipsrsealed

Black is Beautiful cool


Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by gidjah(m): 8:50pm On Feb 15, 2015
You are not far from the truth op,just dat the blacks have been so brain washed to think black means evil ,and retrogression!though this sudden transfer of power happened because the black man selected his own creator out of foolishness .thus it seems God punished them. But all the same the white man painted black to be bad ,and white to be good


Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Horus(m): 9:54pm On Feb 15, 2015
It is an established fact that The Bible always mentioned leprosy in the context of the skin turning white because of a disease or in relationship to some specific wrongdoing

The Caucasian race was cursed with leprosy or albinism. The Caucasoid race is in fact the cursed race because of the disease of leprosy found in the book of Leviticus chapter 13, Quraan chapter 20, verse 102, Genesis 9:25. They took Negroids from their homeland in Africa from various tribes. Over time they programmed you to worship their image of God as them (see the usual Jesus picture). A concentrated effort was made to portray European standards of beauty. In time you accepted THEIR way of life, religions, you lose your soul because of them. Their recessive genes (research that) obviously lead to irrational thoughts as well as actions. If somethings wrong with the mind, the body will follow. Only a sick race would promote unhealthy foods, cigarettes, harsh alcohol consumption, sexual promiscuity and more.

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by macof(m): 12:17am On Feb 16, 2015

Here's my reply
1. Although many people don't realize this but Abraham, Isaac and even Jacob had servants who must have followed them into Egypt and mingled with them(if the story was ever true..considering Egyptologists haven't found evidence to Hebrew presence in Egypt)

2. Ham(Kham) doesn't mean black in Hebrew, "Shakur" means black, "Cush" is actually close as it means "burnt" jst like Greeks called Cushites "Aethiops"(root of Ethiopia) meaning the same thing. The name was a racial term for the Hebrew neighbors who were of a darker complexion...the blackest they knew of. Jeremiah 13:23 proves the Hebrews were of a different skin tone from the Ethiopians(Cushites)

3. Your idea of Joseph being recognisable among a band of Egyptians is hilarious
I. So a Minister is light skinned in the mist of blacks, it was so easy for Pharaoh to appoint a foreigner who was currently serving a jail term. how many foreigners do you think,Egypt must have appointed as ministers?
II. If Joseph's brothers couldn't recognise him in Egypt even if they saw him in China they won't still recognise him...it has nothing do with the race of people Joseph lived amongst, because no matter where he lived they wouldn't have resigned him
III. Egypt was a mixed race civilization of Black and light-brown stock typical to others around North Africa of the Mediterranean coast

4. during the burial of Jacob, all Egyptian elders including chiefs of Pharaoh plus their multitude of Egyptian military entourage were present...it's only logical to deduce that the Egyptian population overshadowed the Hebrews who were nt more than Joseph and his brothers leaving the children back home, nothing was said about their wives(verse 7&8

5. At the case of Moses, do we know what excuse Pharaoh's daughter gave as the result of a white baby? Considering there was a population of brown Mediterranean skinned Egyptians in the North.

6. You have no basis to conclude that Pharaoh sought to kill Moses for being Hebrew...the Bible says Pharaoh sought to kill him for killing an Egyptian(verses 11-15)
The Bible didn't even say if pharaoh knew he was Hebrew blood or not

7. Omg! This is manipulation. Do you think the issue of race will come up in the face of evidence provided by clothing in such an era of human existence.
are the daughters of Jethro(Reuel) witches

8. Seriously?? fair complexion is equal to white snow? are caucasians in Europe of the same skin colour as Snowmen?

9. The Bible showed in that same chapter that the Jewish god was in approval of the union between Moses and an Ethiopian...so it wasn't about Yahweh hating other nations, it was about the Jews themselves and how different they saw themselves from other nations like the Egyptians did too

10. A light brown(olive skin) person can suffer from leprosy..there's nothing to it that drives ur point

11. During the time of Paul there was already a large population of Interbreeding between Egyptians, Hyskos and Greeks...the blacks were dying out fast

12. Herod had no authority in Egypt, a light skinned baby in Egypt is safe from Herod....there was no record of Herod seeking Roman proconsul help

13. Amos 9:7 will be understood if u read the whole chapter which describes Israel as having become sinful like other nations...nothing about skin in the whole chapter

14. I guess by ur logic of the Ethiopian eunuch... the wife of Moses was actually Hebrew because Yahweh approved of his union..right?

15. Surely Simeon that was called Niger wasn't Hebrew...we can only guess his nationality but at that time few Nubians, Egyptians and Ethiopians were already coverting to christianity. The fact that people called him Niger(nigga grin) means others were not niggas. There's no place in the Bible where he was called that for fun of nicknames


Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Fulaman198(m): 12:30am On Feb 16, 2015
You are not far from the truth op,just dat the blacks have been so brain washed to think black means evil ,and retrogression!though this sudden transfer of power happened because the black man selected his own creator out of foolishness .thus it seems God punished them. But all the same the white man painted black to be bad ,and white to be good

The whole world sadly believes the lies propagated by white males in the west, and many blacks believe it as well except for the blacks who still live within traditional cultures/societies. That's when I see ethnic or religious bigotry and bickering on Nairaland and some NLers siding with whites over a fellow African group it really upsets me.

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by macof(m): 1:23am On Feb 16, 2015
16. The book of Acts has no definite timeline, it's called the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES as compiled by Luke...so u are wrong to say the apostles had not started preaching to gentiles...many of whom were into judaism already

17. Can you provide the source to Tacitus assertions?

18. The Justinian coins of yahshua show different descriptions to the man

19. Can you show us video of Jews turning white while suffering from hunger and famine?
Btw even u agree that brown people turn black at such harsh conditions...

20. The idea of Hebrews having locks is nothing to suggest they were Negros...locks simply means ringlets of hair, don't confuse it with dreadlocks...and even at that The stock of people the Hebrew belonged to were like the people of carthage who had much locks...but carthage wasn't a black country, although we had cases of dark skinned berbers who spilled their genes on the Carthaginians...still Berbers aren't Negro neither were the Carthaginian lockers
Go to the middle east u still see locks

21. In what language does Ur stand for ORR meaning fire oven? The area which Abraham came was typical Mesopotamian cultured, I doubt if the population there was mixed


Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Nobody: 5:07am On Feb 16, 2015
I've always told black people to be proud of the many great civilizations their ancestors created in sub-Saharan Africa instead of pursuing phantom black civilizations in Asia (Hebrews), America (Olmecs) etc.

This issue of the colour of the Ancient Egyptians is something that has been overstretched. I don't know why it's hard for people to understand that Egypt was a mixed-raced civilization. Dark-skinned people moved in from the Sahara (following its dessication), from the Sudan (Nubians and Beja), from Eastern Africa, and we're joined by lighter coloured Asiatics and a few Berbers.

Egypt was very much like Brazil today. if you are only familiar with Samba musicians and dancers, you would think Brazilians are all Negroes. If you are only familiar with Brazilian soaps and glamour magazines, you would think all Brazilians are snow-white. The true story however is that the most common hue in Brazil is brown.

Egypt was like that. The fact that there were classical authors who wrote about black Egyptians is only indicative of perspective, like the blind man who caught the elephant's trunk and thought elephants all looked like a snake.(By the way, most of the classical accounts of Ancient Egypt are not firsthand accounts...except for a few like the account of Herodotus.)

An objective person would get the true picture by attempting to reconcile the classical accounts with Ancient Egyptians' depiction of themselves (as against the way they depicted black people (Nubians) ), with study of mummies, as well as the osteology of skeletal remains of Ancient Egyptians.

On the topic of Ancient Israelites being Israelites, I'll try and add a few things to what macof said.

Joseph as a prime minister in Egypt would not have stuck out or seemed out of place at all, even if we accept that Egyptians were black. Egyptian history is filled with many examples of light-skinned foreigners who rose to prominent positions in the Egyptian government. One more light-skinned official would not have looked strange to anyone at all.

The story of Moses' hand turning white with leprosy is even funnier. It's not like anyone is suggesting his skin was as white as milk or something. If his colour is a Mediterranean brown, why can't it turn white? Even pale-skinned Europeans turn "white" when they are sick or really terrified.

On the story of Jesus in Egypt. I have heard that before. In Graeco-Roman times, Egypt was a multicultural place. Alexandria which had the largest Jewish diaspora at the time was actually founded by Greeks and was filled with foreigners from all over the world. Indigenous Egyptians were probably a minority in that city. it is very likely that it was to this city that Joseph and Mary took Jesus. With its very large Jewish population, it is much more likely that Joseph had relatives there than elsewhere in Egypt. Jesus wouldn't have stuck out in Alexandria ( a Greek city and a melting pot) even if Egyptians themselves were black. The way a man with a skullcap and a beard won't stick out in Birmingham.


Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 5:30am On Feb 16, 2015
16. The book of Acts has no definite timeline, it's called the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES as compiled by Luke...so u are wrong to say the apostles had not started preaching to gentiles...many of whom were into judaism already

17. Can you provide the source to Tacitus assertions?

18. The Justinian coins of yahshua show different descriptions to the man

19. Can you show us video of Jews turning white while suffering from hunger and famine?
Btw even u agree that brown people turn black at such harsh conditions...

20. The idea of Hebrews having locks is nothing to suggest they were Negros...locks simply means ringlets of hair, don't confuse it with dreadlocks...and even at that The stock of people the Hebrew belonged to were like the people of carthage who had much locks...but carthage wasn't a black country, although we had cases of dark skinned berbers who spilled their genes on the Carthaginians...still Berbers aren't Negro neither were the Carthaginian lockers
Go to the middle east u still see locks

21. In what language does Ur stand for ORR meaning fire oven? The area which Abraham came was typical Mesopotamian cultured, I doubt if the population there was mixed

Listen, the bible mentions that Samson's hair grew, for he did not cut it, into locks or braids. Now the hair of caucasians/middle eastern peoples I know does not grow into locks but rather long, wavy, and flowy. On the other hand, when a black man lets his hair grow for some time, it grows into locks naturally without any artificial effects whatsoever done to it. That is a strong pointer to the race of Samson, a hebrew.

Notice that the bible hardly gave the race or skin colour of ancient Hebrews however when Cain was born, the bible mentioned 'he came out red all over', indicating his differing skin colour from the 'general' Hebrew colour. If ancient hebrews were already of similar colour to him or mixed-race or brown, would Cain's skin colour make any difference to be of note in the bible?
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 5:36am On Feb 16, 2015
I've always told black people to be proud of the many great civilizations their ancestors created in sub-Saharan Africa instead of pursuing phantom black civilizations in Asia (Hebrews), America (Olmecs) etc.

This issue of the colour of the Ancient Egyptians is something that has been overstretched. I don't know why it's hard for people to understand that Egypt was a mixed-raced civilization. Dark-skinned people moved in from the Sahara (following its dessication), from the Sudan (Nubians and Beja), from Eastern Africa, and we're joined by lighter coloured Asiatics and a few Berbers.

Egypt was very much like Brazil today. if you are only familiar with Samba musicians and dancers, you would think Brazilians are all Negroes. If you are only familiar with Brazilian soaps and glamour magazines, you would think all Brazilians are snow-white. The true story however is that the most common hue in Brazil is brown.

Egypt was like that. The fact that there were classical authors who wrote about black Egyptians is only indicative of perspective, like the blind man who caught the elephant's trunk and thought elephants all looked like a snake.(By the way, most of the classical accounts of Ancient Egypt are not firsthand accounts...except for a few like the account of Herodotus.)

An objective person would get the true picture by attempting to reconcile the classical accounts with Ancient Egyptians' depiction of themselves (as against the way they depicted black people (Nubians) ), with study of mummies, as well as the osteology of skeletal remains of Ancient Egyptians.

On the topic of Ancient Israelites being Israelites, I'll try and add a few things to what macof said.

Joseph as a prime minister in Egypt would not have stuck out or seemed out of place at all, even if we accept that Egyptians were black. Egyptian history is filled with many examples of light-skinned foreigners who rose to prominent positions in the Egyptian government. One more light-skinned official would not have looked strange to anyone at all.

The story of Moses' hand turning white with leprosy is even funnier. It's not like anyone is suggesting his skin was as white as milk or something. If his colour is a Mediterranean brown, why can't it turn white? Even pale-skinned Europeans turn "white" when they are sick or really terrified.

On the story of Jesus in Egypt. I have heard that before. In Graeco-Roman times, Egypt was a multicultural place. Alexandria which had the largest Jewish diaspora at the time was actually founded by Greeks and was filled with foreigners from all over the world. Indigenous Egyptians were probably a minority in that city. it is very likely that it was to this city that Joseph and Mary took Jesus. With its very large Jewish population, it is much more likely that Joseph had relatives there than elsewhere in Egypt. Jesus wouldn't have stuck out in Alexandria ( a Greek city and a melting pot) even if Egyptians themselves were black. The way a man with a skullcap and a beard won't stick out in Birmingham.

Hebrews at the time of Jesus' birth were scattered all over and in neighbouring towns. When Joseph was told to run and hide with Jesus, why was he not instructed to go to neighbouring nations such as light-skinned-race Jordan (or whatever it was called back then). Palestine e.t.c where Hebrews were also to be found in numbers, given their travelling tendencies? Why were they asked to run and hide in Egypt instead?

The bible in the book of Amos mentions:

In the book of Amos chapter 9: we will now see Israel being compared to Ham (Khawm) first born son Cush / Ethiopians.


Isn't it a strong indication of the skin colour of Isrealites? Are the Ethipiopians as we know them today a light-skinned people?

If for anything, Jesus of ancient times would look like this:

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Nobody: 6:41am On Feb 16, 2015

Hebrews at the time of Jesus' birth were scattered all over and in neighbouring towns. When Joseph was told to run and hide with Jesus, why was he not instructed to go to neighbouring nations such as light-skinned-race Jordan (or whatever it was called back then). Palestine e.t.c where Hebrews were also to be found in numbers, given their travelling tendencies? Why were they asked to run and hide in Egypt instead?

The bible in the book of Amos mentions:

In the book of Amos chapter 9: we will now see Israel being compared to Ham (Khawm) first born son Cush / Ethiopians.


Isn't it a strong indication of the skin colour of Isrealites? Are the Ethipiopians as we know them today a light-skinned people?

If for anything, Jesus of ancient times would look like this:

The neighbouring nations to Judea couldn't have been safe enough. Herod the Great had power and alliances built all over the place from Nabatea in modern Arabia as far north as Syria. Egypt was not only farther afield from the area Herod controlled, but as it had the largest Jewish diaspora in the entire world at the time, Joseph and Mary were very likely to have had relatives there who they could shack up with.

The verse in Amos that you quoted did not say anything...ANYTHING....about skin colour. If I say Martin Luther King was like Gandhi or that Shaka was like Napoleon Bonaparte, does that in anyway suggest I am talking about their skin colour?

Interestingly, Jeremiah says in Jeremiah 13:23, "Can an Ethiopian change the colour of his skin?". If Ethiopians and Hebrews were the same colour, why did he have to use an Ethiopian example? Why didn't he say, "Can we change the colour of our skin?"

I do not know what Jesus looked like, and neither do you. My guess is he was brown-skinned (mediterranean-type brown) and his nose was probably not as broad as the guy in that drawing.
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Nobody: 7:11am On Feb 16, 2015

Listen, the bible mentions that Samson's hair grew, for he did not cut it, into locks or braids. Now the hair of caucasians/middle eastern peoples I know does not grow into locks but rather long, wavy, and flowy. On the other hand, when a black man lets his hair grow for some time, it grows into locks naturally without any artificial effects whatsoever done to it. That is a strong pointer to the race of Samson, a hebrew.

Look up the meaning of 'lock of hair' on Google or a dictionary. No offence, but you do not seem to understand what it means. Locks of hair are not necessarily dreadlocks.

Notice that the bible hardly gave the race or skin colour of ancient Hebrews however when Cain was born, the bible mentioned 'he came out red all over', indicating his differing skin colour from the 'general' Hebrew colour. If ancient hebrews were already of similar colour to him or mixed-race or brown, would Cain's skin colour make any difference to be of note in the bible?

I believe it was Esau, rather than Cain, who was said to have been born red.(What today we would call a ruddy complexion). David was also said to have had a ruddy complexion. But I don't understand why you think this means other Hebrews were black. The opposite of a ruddy complexion is not a black complexion. There are many other skin tones in between. The Romans named ruddy complexioned people 'rufus', meaning 'red'... but that doesn't mean other Romans were black.
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Fulaman198(m): 7:41am On Feb 16, 2015
In all honesty, we live in such a white-washed and white-dominated world that we may never know the truth about anything.

Most things negative are associated with black and most things white are associated with white. Unfortunately, the world does not realise how far it has plunged into being super white-washed/brainwashed. Even black people often find it hard to fathom themselves as successful despite Nigerians being the most educated people in many Western nations:

Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by macof(m): 8:54am On Feb 16, 2015

Hebrews at the time of Jesus' birth were scattered all over and in neighbouring towns. When Joseph was told to run and hide with Jesus, why was he not instructed to go to neighbouring nations such as light-skinned-race Jordan (or whatever it was called back then). Palestine e.t.c where Hebrews were also to be found in numbers, given their travelling tendencies? Why were they asked to run and hide in Egypt instead?

The bible in the book of Amos mentions:

In the book of Amos chapter 9: we will now see Israel being compared to Ham (Khawm) first born son Cush / Ethiopians.


Isn't it a strong indication of the skin colour of Isrealites? Are the Ethipiopians as we know them today a light-skinned people?

If for anything, Jesus of ancient times would look like this:

Amos 9 talks of Israel being as sinful as other nations, notably Ethiopia...in the entire chapter there's no place the issue of skin was brought up

I'll like you to take this passage
Jeremiah 13:23 "can the Ethiopian(cushite) change his skin? Can the leopard his spots? Then may ye do good that are accustomed to do evil"
Here we see the issue of skin...very simple and straight forward with the words chosen
If the Hebrew and cushites had the same skin tone what was so special about a cushitic skin that Jeremiah talked in such a manner? Obviously the case here is that they are of different skin
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by macof(m): 9:00am On Feb 16, 2015

Listen, the bible mentions that Samson's hair grew, for he did not cut it, into locks or braids. Now the hair of caucasians/middle eastern peoples I know does not grow into locks but rather long, wavy, and flowy. On the other hand, when a black man lets his hair grow for some time, it grows into locks naturally without any artificial effects whatsoever done to it. That is a strong pointer to the race of Samson, a hebrew.

Notice that the bible hardly gave the race or skin colour of ancient Hebrews however when Cain was born, the bible mentioned 'he came out red all over', indicating his differing skin colour from the 'general' Hebrew colour. If ancient hebrews were already of similar colour to him or mixed-race or brown, would Cain's skin colour make any difference to be of note in the bible?

why not check out the hair texture of berbers, Lebanese, Palestinians, Arabs am sure you will see many fitting with Samson's

You should read ur Bible more, I am sure Cain wasn't born red(if he existed) and even if he was, the Bible doesn't tell
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Horus(m): 2:39pm On Feb 16, 2015

Maiherpri Mummy (18th Dynasty, 1427-1392 BC)

Maiherpri, Buried at Thebes in Egypt, Valley of the Kings, New Kingdom 18th Dynasty, 1427-1392 BC

Maiherpri Mummy (18th Dynasty, 1427-1392 BC)

Maiherpri Mummy (18th Dynasty, 1427-1392 BC)

Maiherpri was buried in a Royal Tomb in Egypt, in the Valley of the Kings, the royal necropolis. The mummy was unwrapped in March 1901, revealing a very dark skin with woolly hair. In Maiherperi's tomb, a papyrus was found depicting him with literally "blackish" skin. The papyrus in question was the Book of the Dead.

Papyrus of Maiherpri

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by gatiano(m): 3:26pm On Feb 16, 2015
No doubt about the fact that the hebrews, israelites, arabs or muslims were originally black, infact they are black.
if white people are as a result of albinism or vertilago or leprosy, why can't the whites produce a black baby? how then can anybody explain the emergence of other races such as the light skinned indians, the modern arabs and so forth?
Albinoes still carry the dominant black germ however ressesive in them, they can still make black babies. unlike the other races who can't.
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by vooks: 4:15pm On Feb 16, 2015
Negroes always hiding their inadequacies in 'history'
OK. They was black. Now please win a Nobel in Physics


Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Horus(m): 8:57pm On Feb 16, 2015

Ham had four sons,

1. CUSH (Ethiopians / Cushites & Nubians),
2. MIZRAIM (Egyptians / Khemet),
3. PHUT (Ancient Libyans or Somalia),
4. CANAAN (Canaanite, the original inhabitants of the land of Israel) genesis 10:6-19.

All four of Ham's sons and their descendants settled in and around the continent of Africa, this includes the so called Middle East which is also a part of the Continent of Africa. Ham sons are the people of the African continent, the Ancient Egyptians, Ethiopians, Somalia's, Canaanites etc.

All of Ham's sons (Gen 10:6) are described as being black except Canaan.

Canaan was basically albino or had Biblical leprosy. Albinism and vitiligo was historically was known as "white leprosy" of which this particular form of leprosy is now referred to as Alphos.
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by Nobody: 9:46pm On Feb 16, 2015

All of Ham's sons (Gen 10:6) are described as being black except Canaan.

Is this description of Ham's sons as black recorded in the bible or some other text?

Canaan was basically albino or had Biblical leprosy. Albinism and vitiligo was historically was known as "white leprosy" of which this particular form of leprosy is now referred to as Alphos.

In what ancient text can one read of this Biblical leprosy that afflicted Canaan?

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 11:09pm On Feb 16, 2015

why not check out the hair texture of berbers, Lebanese, Palestinians, Arabs am sure you will see many fitting with Samson's

You should read ur Bible more, I am sure Cain wasn't born red(if he existed) and even if he was, the Bible doesn't tell

I was typing fast. I meant Esau, who the bible mentioned was born red all over. Of what difference would his red colour make if other isrealites had been of similar 'red' colour to him? Implying that Jacob came out a different colour from Esau, his colour being the general colour of the Hebrews?

Note that 'red' was attributed to light-skinned Igbos aka 'red igbo' during the slave trade because these 'red Igbos' definitely stood out and looked different from other brown-skinned Igbos. Brown-skinned Igbos were not given any special name because they were of 'normal' or usual colour however, the light-skinned Igbos got called out and were tagged 'red' because they were different from others. Do you get the visual picture?
Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 11:16pm On Feb 16, 2015

Look up the meaning of 'lock of hair' on Google or a dictionary. No offence, but you do not seem to understand what it means. Locks of hair are not necessarily dreadlocks.

I believe it was Esau, rather than Cain, who was said to have been born red.(What today we would call a ruddy complexion). David was also said to have had a ruddy complexion. But I don't understand why you think this means other Hebrews were black. The opposite of a ruddy complexion is not a black complexion. There are many other skin tones in between. The Romans named ruddy complexioned people 'rufus', meaning 'red'... but that doesn't mean other Romans were black.

I meant to say Esau. I was typing those posts very fast because I had to go to sleep in order to wake up early for work.

When her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. 25Now the first came forth red, all over like a hairy garment; and they named him Esau. 26Afterward his brother came forth with his hand holding on to Esau's heel, so his name was called Jacob; and Isaac was sixty years old when she gave birth to them.…

Genesis 25:25.

If Esau's so-called 'red' colour had been the same as or simiar to the skin colour of other Isrealites, why would the bible take extra effort in mentioning his skin colour if it hadn't been rare or different from what they usually saw? And why was no reference made as to Jacob's skin colour, someone born the same time with Esau? What sense does it make for an african to write a novel and in it say, 'and we gave birth to our first child and he came out black all over??' Jews of today and caucasians as we know them aren't 'white' in complexion but of a mild red colour or pink colour. If Esau's colour had been noteworthy to be noted in the bible as 'red', it is implied that the general Hebrew colour must have been different from that of Esau.

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Re: Ancient Biblical Hebrews Were Black People. by bigfrancis21: 9:17pm On Feb 17, 2015
Here's my reply
1. Although many people don't realize this but Abraham, Isaac and even Jacob had servants who must have followed them into Egypt and mingled with them(if the story was ever true..considering Egyptologists haven't found evidence to Hebrew presence in Egypt)
2. Ham(Kham) doesn't mean black in Hebrew, "Shakur" means black, "Cush" is actually close as it means "burnt" jst like Greeks called Cushites "Aethiops"(root of Ethiopia) meaning the same thing. The name was a racial term for the Hebrew neighbors who were of a darker complexion...the blackest they knew of. Jeremiah 13:23 proves the Hebrews were of a different skin tone from the Ethiopians(Cushites)
3. Your idea of Joseph being recognisable among a band of Egyptians is hilarious
I. So a Minister is light skinned in the mist of blacks, it was so easy for Pharaoh to appoint a foreigner who was currently serving a jail term. how many foreigners do you think,Egypt must have appointed as ministers?
II. If Joseph's brothers couldn't recognise him in Egypt even if they saw him in China they won't still recognise him...it has nothing do with the race of people Joseph lived amongst, because no matter where he lived they wouldn't have resigned him
III. Egypt was a mixed race civilization of Black and light-brown stock typical to others around North Africa of the Mediterranean coast
4. during the burial of Jacob, all Egyptian elders including chiefs of Pharaoh plus their multitude of Egyptian military entourage were present...it's only logical to deduce that the Egyptian population overshadowed the Hebrews who were nt more than Joseph and his brothers leaving the children back home, nothing was said about their wives(verse 7&8
5. At the case of Moses, do we know what excuse Pharaoh's daughter gave as the result of a white baby? Considering there was a population of brown Mediterranean skinned Egyptians in the North.
6. You have no basis to conclude that Pharaoh sought to kill Moses for being Hebrew...the Bible says Pharaoh sought to kill him for killing an Egyptian(verses 11-15)
The Bible didn't even say if pharaoh knew he was Hebrew blood or not
7. Omg! This is manipulation. Do you think the issue of race will come up in the face of evidence provided by clothing in such an era of human existence.
are the daughters of Jethro(Reuel) witches
8. Seriously?? fair complexion is equal to white snow? are caucasians in Europe of the same skin colour as Snowmen?
9. The Bible showed in that same chapter that the Jewish god was in approval of the union between Moses and an Ethiopian...so it wasn't about Yahweh hating other nations, it was about the Jews themselves and how different they saw themselves from other nations like the Egyptians did too
10. A light brown(olive skin) person can suffer from leprosy..there's nothing to it that drives ur point
11. During the time of Paul there was already a large population of Interbreeding between Egyptians, Hyskos and Greeks...the blacks were dying out fast
12. Herod had no authority in Egypt, a light skinned baby in Egypt is safe from Herod....there was no record of Herod seeking Roman proconsul help
13. Amos 9:7 will be understood if u read the whole chapter which describes Israel as having become sinful like other nations...nothing about skin in the whole chapter
14. I guess by ur logic of the Ethiopian eunuch... the wife of Moses was actually Hebrew because Yahweh approved of his union..right?
15. Surely Simeon that was called Niger wasn't Hebrew...we can only guess his nationality but at that time few Nubians, Egyptians and Ethiopians were already coverting to christianity. The fact that people called him Niger(nigga grin) means others were not niggas. There's no place in the Bible where he was called that for fun of nicknames

I don't have much time to rebut all of your points but I will quickly point out some falsities in your post:

In ancient hebrew language and till today, 'ham' means 'brown', 'hot', or 'sun burnt' aka black. This meaning is still in Hebrew till today.

2) The daughter of Pharoah adopted Moses as her own child and Moses grew up in the palace of Pharoah as the grand child of Pharoah for 40 years and Pharoah never suspected for one day that Moses was not his own blood. How is that possible if Moses, a Hebrew, and Pharoah, an Egyptian, did not look alile or were, at least, of the similar skin colour?? If Moses were to be light-skinned, would he not have stuck out like a sore thumb in the palace of Pharoah for Pharoah to begin questioning his origins and paternity? How can a light-skinned man grow up in the midst and palace of Pharoah, a black-skinned man, for 40 years and go unnoticed?

Anthropology reveals that the Pharoah of Egypt at the time of Moses was a very black-skinned man with true facial African features. Wouldn't Moses have been at least black-skinned himself to have passed unnoticed for 40 years in the house of a black-skinned pharoah, his grandfather?

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