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[amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nsonaso(m): 10:35pm On Feb 15, 2015
Indeed a journey of a thousand miles start from one
City Montessori School aka CMS is The world’s biggest school: 47,000 pupils in 1,000 classrooms run by 3,800 staff in India

Dr Jagdish Gandhi started the school in 1959 with only five pupils
He believes every child has the right to an education
The school receives no government funding; parents are charged a small fee for their children to attend

Starting from humble beginnings in a building with just five pupils, City Montessori school in India is now the world's largest - with a staggering 47,000 attendees.

It is so large a packed Anfield football stadium could comfortably attend - with room to spare.

The school, known as CMS, employs an army of 3,800 staff, including teachers, support staff, cleaners, rickshaw drivers, and even electricians, carpenters and gardeners.

Today, it sprawls over 20 campuses across the city - and is still growing despite more than doubling in size during the last 14-years alone.

Dr. Gandhi said: 'I founded this school with great difficulty back in 1959. I was beating the drum all around the part of Lucknow that I live for 15 days but no one came.

'It was only when me and my wife persuaded a woman to send the children from her extended family that it all started, and even then it was only five children.

'We started from very humble beginnings and back then we only had a loan of 300 rupees (£3 at current rates) to fund our school.

'But from word of mouth it slowly spread and children started coming. Year after year the numbers swelled.

'I never thought that one day we would have the world's biggest school. There are over 20 campuses around Lucknow and we are bigger than the population of many towns.'

The school's rapid growth saw it officially recognised by the 2013 Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest, taking the crown from Rizal High School in Manila, Philippines, which had just 19,738 pupils.

Dr. Gandhi added: 'It was a proud moment for us when we were included in the record book.

'But since then we have kept growing - in the last 14 years the number has more than doubled from 22,000

'I believe that we should not deny children the right to education.'

CMS's sheer size means it has never convened for an assembly - because there is no venue large enough to house them all.

Geeta Kingdon, the current head teacher and daughter of founder Dr. Gandhi, said: 'The whole of Lucknow would be jammed if we tried because one bus holds 50 children, so we'd need 1,000 buses to bring them together.'

The school receives no government funding, instead charging a relatively modest 1,000 rupees (£12) a month in fees for younger pupils, rising to £2,500 (£30) a month for seniors.

Some of its past alumni have gone on to work for the United Nations, studied at Harvard and worked for Goldman Sachs.

You can read more @ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2400941/The-world-s-biggest-school-47-000-pupils-1-000-classrooms-run-3-800-staff-India.html

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Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by ammyluv2002(f): 10:37pm On Feb 15, 2015
Wow! Very large
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nsonaso(m): 10:40pm On Feb 15, 2015
City Montessori School aka CMS classroom and more

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Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nsonaso(m): 10:44pm On Feb 15, 2015
Dr Jagdish Gandhi, the co-founder of City Montessori School

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Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by watered(m): 10:45pm On Feb 15, 2015
Then why are majority of indians still impoverished? Or is situation same as a black country in WA?

1 Like

Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nsonaso(m): 10:47pm On Feb 15, 2015
City Montessori School staff

Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nsonaso(m): 10:50pm On Feb 15, 2015
Then why are majority of indians still impoverished? Or is situation same as a black country in WA?
My brother India is the second populated country after china...... that means so much struggle

1 Like

Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by watered(m): 10:53pm On Feb 15, 2015

My brother India is the second populated country after china...... that means so much struggle
But they have good hospitals
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nsonaso(m): 10:57pm On Feb 15, 2015
But they have good hospitals
Yeah but are very expensive.......

1 Like

Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by watered(m): 11:04pm On Feb 15, 2015
Yeah but are very expensive.......
awwwww dats pathetic. I watched a video about the ills going on in Mumbai and I wept for India
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Wuuworld(m): 11:09pm On Feb 15, 2015
Seeing small small children in schools Gives me great joy!!! joor...it makes me think they are doing what some men of 72years was unable to do since their lifetime....u guys should try to reach PHD level like GEJ...am working towards GEJ height..


Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by dkronicle(m): 11:26pm On Feb 15, 2015
Dis kine school go swt for assembly. Middle thin
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nsonaso(m): 11:42pm On Feb 15, 2015
Seeing small small children in schools Gives me great joy!!! joor...
As in eee..... see their beautiful and happy smiling faces so lovely
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by ps3o(m): 12:23am On Feb 16, 2015
this is strange o! if a man can stand to offer the citizens of his country help, then he's worth to be honoured
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by chrisdoller(m): 12:25am On Feb 16, 2015
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by goldtooth: 1:46am On Feb 16, 2015
Then why are majority of indians still impoverished? Or is situation same as a black country in WA?
India has a very high level of corruption. Just like nigeria and india, any country that has high corruption level has impoverished citizens. Where few people just loot the collective wealth of all others that is the result.


Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nobody: 2:02am On Feb 16, 2015
Just imagine if this school is one of the private schools with exorbitant feed,the owner will just be smiling to the bank..
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nobody: 2:48am On Feb 16, 2015
47000/3800=one teacher to twelve students. Fair enough for a developing country.
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Davedoz(m): 3:04am On Feb 16, 2015
For the Love of learning and education
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by psyqs(m): 4:42am On Feb 16, 2015
No wonder naa, na india, their population says it all
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by NnamdiN: 4:54am On Feb 16, 2015
Still the school looks better than most public schools in nigeria.
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nobody: 4:55am On Feb 16, 2015
Thats an average of 47 students per classroom. Here in Nigeria, we either have mushroom schools, or schools where students a packed like sardines to recieve lectures.

We need change in our educational system. Improved infrastructures, teaching and learning materials, and competency test to assess the quality of our teachers.

Its all possible with Buhari


Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Blaqsmith(m): 5:28am On Feb 16, 2015
that man Ghandi sees a generational investment in education.hence he didnt resort to other businesses that could fetch him billions in a year,he is wise enough to see the profit education offers apart from money.

that man has succeeded writing his name on waters.

he wont be forgottten in a hurry.

a lesson to Dangote,Jimo Ibrahim,Otedola,Adenuga and co.

1 Like

Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by angelTI(f): 6:58am On Feb 16, 2015
From a little beginning to where they are now, kudos to the founder.

The school looks nice and modest
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Nsonaso(m): 7:21am On Feb 16, 2015
Just imagine if this school is one of the private schools with exorbitant feed,the owner will just be smiling to the bank..
You're indeed a real son of the soil
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by chumakk: 7:32am On Feb 16, 2015
do not look down on your days of small beginning
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Humblebloke(m): 7:38am On Feb 16, 2015
Tall oak from little acorns grow.....

Ghandi has made his mark.....
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by iamrealdeji(m): 7:38am On Feb 16, 2015
Seeing small small children in schools Gives me great joy!!! joor...it makes me think they are doing what some men of 72years was unable to do since their lifetime....u guys should try to reach PHD level like GEJ...am working towards GEJ height..
But you'll be causing them to say you want them to be like clueless GEJ
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by justi4jesu(f): 7:46am On Feb 16, 2015
Good management i must say smiley
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Drdaps(m): 7:58am On Feb 16, 2015
Despite the great population, they're well organized and the class is fully equipped. But here in 9ja angry
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by Thebrightest(m): 8:14am On Feb 16, 2015
Video or i don't believe it.
Re: [amazing] The World’s Biggest School: With 47,000 Pupils In 1,000 Classrooms Pix by NCSRECUITMENT(m): 8:15am On Feb 16, 2015
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