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What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? - Culture (5) - Nairaland

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Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by curi00: 1:31am On Dec 18, 2015

Common sense would say that lightskinned blacks can get a bit darker if they work in the sun all day as farmers, blue collar workers or work in the market. I'm a prime example of that. I'm very very light naturally and I could pass for a latino, hence my username HugoChavezJr. But during my teenage years, I gained a bit of melanin working various blue collar jobs in my home town. Various Nigerians who have a brownish skintone got that tone as a result of increased exposure to the sun, but once they start to live a more comfortable life, their skin will naturally lighten up. Ever since I've been in Spain, my natural skintone has resurfaced. And as for Igbos developing leprosy, that's a bloody lie. I've seen many yellow and red Igbos who look healthy and normal, without any skin defects. MayorofLagos is just talking out of his a.ss.
Absolutely, my brother used to be lightbrown skinned till his 15 years, after that his skin became dark and now at the age of 26, his's natural skin color is getting back
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by HugoChavezJr(m): 3:29am On Dec 18, 2015

Agree with that. Skin's color is not an indication of admixture.

There is several reason you can get tan or light : climate, diet, health

Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by HugoChavezJr(m): 3:31am On Dec 18, 2015

Absolutely, my brother used to be lightbrown skinned till his 15 years, after that his skin became dark and now at the age of 26, his's natural skin color is getting back

Yup. Staying in the sun a lot can darken you as well. And many Nigerians assume that just because your skin fluctuates, that you're an automatic bleacher.

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Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by curi00: 1:50pm On Dec 18, 2015

Yup. Staying in the sun a lot can darken you as well. And many Nigerians assume that just because your skin fluctuates, that you're an automatic bleacher.
Not only sun but food as well. Sometimes it's just natural.

For those assuming you're bleacher, they probably dont know your past or your parents, the best way to find out it's to check old pictures.
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by HugoChavezJr(m): 1:52pm On Dec 18, 2015

Not only sun but food as well. Sometimes it's just natural.

For those assuming you're bleacher, they probably dont know your past or your parents, the best way to find out it's to check old pictures.

True. If one or both of your parents are light or at least light brown, then there's a good chance you're naturally lightskinned. I also look for facial features as well.
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by curi00: 2:06pm On Dec 18, 2015

True. If one or both of your parents are light or at least light brown, then there's a good chance you're naturally lightskinned. I also look for facial features as well.

Yes facial features is very important !
We are on the same page wink
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Litmus: 2:51pm On Dec 18, 2015
There was a huge research conducted long ago but don't seem present recently. In any case, the research was pretty conclusive. Limestone in the soil - think it was limestone, played a significant part. Research was conducted world-wide. You'll find, for instance, among the tribes of Papua new guinea, a higher incidence of lighter skinned tone people in limestone regions. Same apparently in Africa. In addition to this, the temperate and humid nature of forest regions give people a brownish complexion to begin with. People in Forested/ humid regions such as the baka pygmies of Cameroon and Igbos have lived in forested region for long periods.

Forget the white blood nonsense wink

A Baka forest dweller


A dry- bone land dweller, Sudan


Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by curi00: 2:58pm On Dec 18, 2015
There was a huge research conducted long ago but don't seem present recently. In any case, the research was pretty conclusive. Limestone in the soil - think it was limestone, played a significant part. Research was conducted world-wide. You'll find, for instance, among the tribes of Papua new guinea, a higher incidence of lighter skinned tone people in limestone regions. Same apparently in Africa. In addition to this, the temperate and humid nature of forest regions give people a brownish complexion to begin with. People in Forested/ humid regions such as the baka pygmies of Cameroon and Igbos have lived in forested region for long periods.

Forget the white blood nonsense wink

Interesting and as we said with HugoChavez, their facial features is clearly negroid.
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by tpiah2: 7:44pm On Jan 16, 2016
I think yellow Eritreans must have migrated out of East Africa for greener pasteurs and settled in Igboland hundreds of years ago.

Many half Eritrean or Ethiopian half Nigerians tend to look like yellow igbos.
The first pic is a half yoruba half ethiopian woman

what about the second pic?
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Charleys: 10:10pm On Dec 12, 2019
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by baby124: 11:02pm On Dec 12, 2019
There was a huge research conducted long ago but don't seem present recently. In any case, the research was pretty conclusive. Limestone in the soil - think it was limestone, played a significant part. Research was conducted world-wide. You'll find, for instance, among the tribes of Papua new guinea, a higher incidence of lighter skinned tone people in limestone regions. Same apparently in Africa. In addition to this, the temperate and humid nature of forest regions give people a brownish complexion to begin with. People in Forested/ humid regions such as the baka pygmies of Cameroon and Igbos have lived in forested region for long periods.

Forget the white blood nonsense wink

A Baka forest dweller


A dry- bone land dweller, Sudan
Correct. Originally Igbo land is heavily forested. Since cutting down their forests to make way for development their land has been ravaged by erosion. Still, majority of Igbo’s are dark skin. Could also be because they have a higher rate of Albinism than other tribes in Nigeria too.
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Shiver99: 2:49am On Dec 13, 2019
Igbo have ancient Khoisan-like and possibly bakoid-like dna; as well as ancestry from other ancient populations unique to eastern Nigeria.
This gave them their distinctive lighter skin and unique physique, very distinguishable from other West Africans.
This unique history also gives them some diversity in eye and hair color. One British traveler to Igboland described a clan many years back where most had bronze skin and blue eyes. Even today, you can see Igbo families where every other person may have green eyes. This is further explored in my thread "Who were the ancient Igbos?"

Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by omoharry(f): 9:59am On Dec 13, 2019
Igbos are Jews, meaning that instead of originating from Africa, our ancestors came from the land of Israel. We've only had a few centuries to adapt to the climate in this part of Africa, and so our skin is not as dark as the indigenes.
Jews Ko!! how come when a DNA was conducted by some Jews some years back( He was in Anambra and some other eastern state to take samples for a DNA testing) it came out Negative..there was no link to the Jews.
However a similar test was carried out for some people in Ethiopia that claimed they are descendant of Jews and there was a match..and they have been allowed to settle in Israel if they so wish.
You people should stop claiming you are descendant of Jews when you do not have any atom of DNA link to them, It embarrassing. Meanwhile you can become a Jew by practicing their religion but not the other way round.
Africans are diverse in their genetic demographics. We have natural fair people across all ethnic group too..will you say they are descendant from the white race? It is the make up of the Igbos and some other Africans to be light in complexion along other physical features that make them different from the black race.

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Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Noneroone(m): 10:15pm On Dec 13, 2019
Nice topic

People especially non-Igbos become defensive whenever the "Jewish origin" theory is being debated. However we try to wish it away, complex questions like why the Igbos have non black majority unlike every other west African group will always seek answers beyond the regular "climate" and "food" discuss. The Hebrew origin theory, although without evidence yet is still the most credible, Igbo skin tone, their name, their social organization, deeply entrenched traditions, political organization which is marked by spiritual rather than political authority, and their emphasis on spiritual purity before contact with any major religion as noted by Basden and Eqiano are all pointing towards a direction.

Note that the original Hebrew people were not white, they are rather light brown since Israel is located Between black Africans( Egyptians etc) and fair Arabs. A skin tone related to what many Igbo people have today.

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Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by 007koolstar(m): 7:14am On Dec 17, 2019
I have one question for you all, was the ibos light skinned before their contact with the european.....if you know this then you have your answer to this whole buhaha
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Shiver99: 10:29am On Dec 17, 2019
I have one question for you all, was the ibos light skinned before their contact with the european.....if you know this then you have your answer to this whole buhaha

Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by 007koolstar(m): 12:47pm On Dec 17, 2019
[quote author=Shiver99 post=84983912]


Wow...someone decides to a van damme move, please enlighten me on your "YES" answer
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Shiver99: 12:42am On Dec 18, 2019
[quote author=007koolstar post=84987803][/quote]

That’s like asking ‘were the yorubas black before Hausas started moving into the southwest?’
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by 007koolstar(m): 4:46pm On Dec 18, 2019
We were only told what favours a particular people in history, in as much you didnt answer my question,why not try a little research on your own not just with the help of google alone. yoruba has always been black right from time immorial and so was ibos and majority of the tribe from nubia down to the end of africa. and when i say black i mean 70 to 75 percent active melanine in their skin. so if you want to know what happened to the tone try knowing what happened after the first contact with the first european, this time i tell you google wont be your best friend...LOL
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by lx3as(m): 5:45pm On Dec 18, 2019
Original Africans are not dark in complexion, for example, pygmies, Khoisans, the Bushmen. The people that came to Africa from Mesopotamia and other Middle East got darker than them. Many people referred to as Igbos now(most Abians) had their origin from these ancient Africans. We need to study the physique and language sounds of Bushmen and the south-east Asians/Pacific people like Indonesians to understand that there is something common between Efik's groups, pygmies, Khoisans, even to some extent, some Cameroon people and igbos and Indonesians (although Igbo language is now in kwa group just like Yoruba).
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Shiver99: 1:03am On Dec 19, 2019
We were only told what favours a particular people in history, in as much you didnt answer my question,why not try a little research on your own not just with the help of google alone. yoruba has always been black right from time immorial and so was ibos and majority of the tribe from nubia down to the end of africa. and when i say black i mean 70 to 75 percent active melanine in their skin. so if you want to know what happened to the tone try knowing what happened after the first contact with the first european, this time i tell you google wont be your best friend...LOL

Ok...I didn't really get your response.
However, just like how Yorubas have been mostly dark since time immemorial, Igbos have always been a significantly lighter group. In fact, there is evidence that they have actually gotten darker over time, due to mixing with other African groups.

Not to mention that Igbos no matter what shade they are, whether light olive or night-black have the same features: soft cottony hair, broad or round faces, flat noses, full lips, almond eyes, smooth foreheads and good physiques.

People with caucasoid admixture tend to have, longer, thinner faces, loose stringier hair, protruding foreheads and noses, receding chins, and a somewhat gangly body, as we can see from the people that live further north and east of Africa.

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Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Shiver99: 1:21am On Dec 19, 2019
As well as that, the few Europeans that lived in Nigeria stayed at the coasts, not Igboland. So how they where able to change the dna of millions of Igbos by your estimation is beyond me.

By then, only relatively small populations of people lived in the delta and made a living almost solely by fishing. So they were much more friendly to Europeans due to their goods, which they supplemented with trade with Igbos. This is opposed to Igboland, where people lived in densely populated communities, and were exposed to many eastern, central, and western Nigerian trade routes. So many European goods outside of alcohols were not as popular until colonialism and hostility or indifference was more palpable.

In any case, the British explorers of the past noted that the people that lived on the coasts were far darker than the people that lived in the hinterland of the delta (Igbos), something that is still noticeable today; although to a small extent due to many intermarriages.
Infact, European explorers that lived in the Niger delta actually stated that it was when they reached Igboland that they had seen brown-skinned Africans for the first time, which were everywhere in Igboland, but scarce to absent in the delta. Other explorers noted that Igbo traders were often easily able to be spotted in the markets of Bonny/the coast as they were tall and bronze skinned men that were feared and respected.


Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by 007koolstar(m): 9:08am On Dec 19, 2019
Shiver99 i appreciate your effort in explaining your point.
Its a funny thing our history is distorted, if you agree the yorubas whom are the closest relative to the ibos are black then i say you must first accept the ibos been too before painting them lighter. the first european didnt just have the african costal region as their resort, their were waves of expenditure combing the african hinterland. pity is that your only describtion of the ibos is from the british explorer which was an "occupational expanditure".... have you ever wonder why the first explorer never distroyed,looted nor occupied the land even in their post which were the coastal region
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Shiver99: 12:20pm On Dec 19, 2019
Shiver99 i appreciate your effort in explaining your point.
Its a funny thing our history is distorted, if you agree the yorubas whom are the closest relative to the ibos are black then i say you must first accept the ibos been too before painting them lighter. the first european didnt just have the african costal region as their resort, their were waves of expenditure combing the african hinterland. pity is that your only describtion of the ibos is from the british explorer which was an "occupational expanditure".... have you ever wonder why the first explorer never distroyed,looted nor occupied the land even in their post which were the coastal region
The story of the Igbo and the Yoruba is akin to the story of the Spanish and the Mexican. They are both of Spanish descent, however the Mexican has significant ancient American DNA giving them distinct looks despite sharing a language.

In the same case with the yorubas and Igbos, their languages are in the same family and share many similarities. However, the Igbo have an ancient tropical West African DNA similar to the Khoisan that give them a distinct look from Yorubas.


Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by atmstyle: 12:14am On Dec 20, 2019
According to Igbodefender.com this is as a result of Eri's recessive gene becoming dominant in Igbos once in a while.

Source: https://www.igbodefender.com/2017/06/21/white-babies-born-to-black-igbo-parents-ate-descendants-of-eri
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Shiver99: 1:03am On Dec 20, 2019
According to Igbodefender.com this is as a result of Eri's recessive gene becoming dominant in Igbos once in a while.

Source: https://www.igbodefender.com/2017/06/21/white-babies-born-to-black-igbo-parents-ate-descendants-of-eri

Any source stating that Igbos have Caucasian ancestry must be taken with a pinch of salt.
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by theDEVILisHERE: 6:22am On Dec 20, 2019
Everyone just chatting crap upon crap

They are called "'Gbo'" aka Ancient people for a reason?!!

They are the father's and mothers of HUE- manity

Every black race came out of them

None blacks were grafted from them starting with 4 major races ie: brown Latin (Greeks,hispanic etc) , shemetic (Arab, Persian, Hindu aka Indians etc), mongoloid aka yellow people (Jap, Chinese etc), Caucasian

when the Gods/Goddesses (original earth brings) decided to make the new man in there image (none blacks) on earth
They first devolved their bodies to HUE-man
Those first human beings are the 'Gbo' aka Ndi 'gbo'/Igbo people

Other blacks were latter breed out of them
After which non blacks were breed out from them

The recesive light germ can only manifest when the Gods/Goddesses devolve to Human form
it's this germ that is needed to graft/breed out this new Man aka MAN- kind (non blacks)

Reason complexion among Igbo people is diverse

They possess the original totem gene for grafting/creating

This would be know by all in the coming yrs

Ndi 'gbo' would take back earth rulership

Mankind (non blacks) would latter go extinct

Through the Ndi 'gbo' black race all Hue-mans (black people) would evolve back to the Gods/Goddesses original earth being
A flesh and blood/Spirit long living being
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Shiver99: 6:39am On Dec 20, 2019
Everyone just chatting crap upon crap

They are called "'Gbo'" aka Ancient people for a reason?!!

They are the father's and mothers of HUE- manity

Every black race came out of them

None blacks were grafted from them starting with 4 major races ie: brown Latin (Greeks,hispanic etc) , shemetic (Arab, Persian, Hindu aka Indians etc), mongoloid aka yellow people (Jap, Chinese etc), Caucasian

when the Gods/Goddesses (original earth brings) decided to make the new man in there image (none blacks) on earth
They first devolved their bodies to HUE-man
Those first human beings are the 'Gbo' aka Ndi 'gbo'/Igbo people

Other blacks were latter breed out of them
After which non blacks were breed out from them

The recesive light germ can only manifest when the Gods/Goddesses devolve to Human form
it's this germ that is needed to graft/breed out this new Man aka MAN- kind (non blacks)

Reason complexion among Igbo people is diverse

They possess the original totem gene for grafting/creating

This would be know by all in the coming yrs

Ndi 'gbo' would take back earth rulership

Mankind (non blacks) would latter go extinct

Through the Ndi 'gbo' black race all Hue-mans (black people) would evolve back to the Gods/Goddesses original earth being
A flesh and blood/Spirit long living being

[url]https:///gifs/wiganathleticgifs-what-latics-erm-okay-SUPoGWIVTQpW4XuFNx [/url]

[img]html:///gifs/wiganathleticgifs-what-latics-erm-okay-SUPoGWIVTQpW4XuFNx [/img]

Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by atmstyle: 11:07am On Dec 20, 2019

Any source stating that Igbos have Caucasian ancestry must be taken with a pinch of salt.
Correction; part Caucasian not full Caucasian.
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Godhatesodomy: 12:38pm On Dec 20, 2019
Everyone just chatting crap upon crap

They are called "'Gbo'" aka Ancient people for a reason?!!

They are the father's and mothers of HUE- manity

Every black race came out of them

None blacks were grafted from them starting with 4 major races ie: brown Latin (Greeks,hispanic etc) , shemetic (Arab, Persian, Hindu aka Indians etc), mongoloid aka yellow people (Jap, Chinese etc), Caucasian

when the Gods/Goddesses (original earth brings) decided to make the new man in there image (none blacks) on earth
They first devolved their bodies to HUE-man
Those first human beings are the 'Gbo' aka Ndi 'gbo'/Igbo people

Other blacks were latter breed out of them
After which non blacks were breed out from them

The recesive light germ can only manifest when the Gods/Goddesses devolve to Human form
it's this germ that is needed to graft/breed out this new Man aka MAN- kind (non blacks)

Reason complexion among Igbo people is diverse

They possess the original totem gene for grafting/creating

This would be know by all in the coming yrs

Ndi 'gbo' would take back earth rulership

Mankind (non blacks) would latter go extinct

Through the Ndi 'gbo' black race all Hue-mans (black people) would evolve back to the Gods/Goddesses original earth being
A flesh and blood/Spirit long living being

This is rubbish.

Skin tone is not the origin of DNA it is the blood and bone.

Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by theDEVILisHERE: 4:08pm On Dec 20, 2019

This is rubbish.

Skin tone is not the origin of DNA it is the blood and bone.

Not here for debate, argument or proving whatever
Don't have such time

Don't take my word for it, cause truth goes only to the seeker
Those who seek truth arrive at this knowledge

Bottom line all would arrive at this knowledge eventually
just a matter of time
Re: What Is The Origin Of The "Yellow Skin" In Most Igbos? by Godhatesodomy: 5:02pm On Dec 20, 2019

Not here for debate, argument or proving whatever
Don't have such time

Don't take my word for it, cause truth goes only to the seeker
Those who seek truth arrive at this knowledge

Bottom line all would arrive at this knowledge eventually
just a matter of time

I am not debating this worthless theory that's based upon the eytomology of a mere word. grin That means it's pure rhetoric.

Wake up out your slumber

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