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Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday - Politics (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday (17040 Views)

Details Of Money Released For 2016 Budget By FG / Senate Reduces 2016 Budget By N17bn / N4.7bn Cars: Buhari Can’t Dictate To Us –n’assembly (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by kay1one2(m): 6:18am On Mar 01, 2015
112billion is still too much! What the heck!!!

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Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by persius555(m): 6:35am On Mar 01, 2015
Only 25%. What the hell are they using 125 billion to do in a year. Criminals.

It is well no more oil booty. Nothing firnuna to steal again. Better reduce it to 10% let's know you are serious.

125 billion. How much is education budget. Some states don't even get that amount.

God please rescue us.
States like kebbi, zamfara, ekiti yearly budget put together is far less than what these criminals spend. And to think nigerians currently know next to nothing about those politicians vying to be in the national assembly come next dispensatiuon. God help this nation.


Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Bello555: 6:44am On Mar 01, 2015
They will device other means to recover the 25%. They are the most greedy and gullible people un Nigeria

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Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by driand(m): 6:47am On Mar 01, 2015
Talking about the legal budget! What about the stolen 1 dat is about 40 times the legal budget.

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Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by owobokiri(m): 7:05am On Mar 01, 2015
Their emoluments should be slashed by 85%. They are redundant, highly ineffective and totally useless to this country going forward. Moreover this country doesn't need a bicameral legislature. We can't afford the enermous wastage both in time and resources. One House is ok and should be populated with sophisticated characters with proven intergrity. It is obvious that this slash has nothing to do with the calls for "tightening of belts" across board. They have just been forced to realise that dwindling reveneu means little to share..


Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by rudebouy: 7:05am On Mar 01, 2015
Day tried sha, but day shd reduce it more na. After dem go day shout CHANGE, when dem no want change dia greed.
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by owobokiri(m): 7:08am On Mar 01, 2015
States like kebbi, zamfara, ekiti yearly budget put together is far less than what these criminals spend. And to think nigerians currently know next to nothing about those politicians vying to be in the national assembly come next dispensatiuon. God help this nation.

These rats should be fed to some salt water crocs..

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Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by 1stola: 7:19am On Mar 01, 2015
This is a good step in the right direction.Oil price is falling and oir economy might fall with it.25% is too small it should be around 65% at least it will reduce the strain on the budget.Their jumbo pay and allowances should be slashed too.
There is also need to cut down on executive spending and maintaince Jonathan should reduce the presidential fleet to at least two,he should also cut down on his aide his media aides alone are about four.The amount spend on feeding should also reduce.
The state governors should also cut down on their number of aides i heard one has 73 reduce the number of cars in their convoy and sell their private jets if they have one at least till the looming economy gloom passes away.They should sacrifice for the people

Meanwhile GEJ till 2019
I laugh your idiocy
By the time your own salary is cut by 75%, you go get sense.
GEJ till you get sense.

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Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by wordcat(m): 7:20am On Mar 01, 2015
Since most of them are aware that they are not coming back, they have no option than to support the slash
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by PAINGAIN: 7:51am On Mar 01, 2015
They should give us d names of d legislooters dat opposed d reduction, we need to know d wolves masquerading as sheep. Ndi wayo rice. Good one though.

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Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Horllamideh(m): 7:53am On Mar 01, 2015
Awon morrafuccker buruku....Igba yii laaro
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by teemy(m): 8:02am On Mar 01, 2015
a good step in the right direction. doing better would be getting same salary and allowances as countries with the same range of nigeria's minimum wage. meanwhile budget on constituency allocations should be made public by lawmakers in good faith.
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Anthonie28(m): 8:23am On Mar 01, 2015

No GEJ Till 1999 trash until the President cuts down his exorbitant feeding budget of 1 billion naira per year.

No GEJ Till 1999 till the President scraps the unconstitutional office of the first lady which gulps a whooping 4billion naira per year.

When that fool does these things which I know he can never, then one should take him as someone who has the interest of Nigerians at heart.
is GEJ the 1 dat created d office of the first lady or made the presidents feeding budget 1 billion per year....talking rubbish
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Hman12(m): 8:35am On Mar 01, 2015
Following are Jonathan’s true
achievements so far: President
Jonathan met the National Debt at
$26bn, today it is $70bn..
Jonathan met Excess Crude account
at $20bn today is $2bn.
Jonathan met unemployment rate at
11.8%, today it is 24%. Jonathan met
debt servicing at 10%, today debt
servicing today is 20%.
Jonathan met the Naira/Dollar rate at
N119. The Naira/Dollar rate today is
N225– N230.
Jonathan met the poverty level 54%,
today poverty level is about 71%.
Jonathan met recurrent expenditure
at 62%, today recurrent expenditure
is 86%. Jonathan met the GDP
Growth at 11%, today GDP Growth is
about 6%.
Jonathan met petrol price N65, today
petrol price is N87 following its recent
reduction from N97.
Today the stock market that was
thriving before Jonathan came is
down by N3.4trillion in 12 months and the boko boys that started with small group now international acclaimed, killing thousand Nigerian.
The prognosis for four more years
under the same management looks
dire. The choice is yours.. smiley
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Nobody: 9:01am On Mar 01, 2015
Funny enough, I guess most of you didn't read through.
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by MrIncrediible(m): 9:45am On Mar 01, 2015
is GEJ the 1 dat created d office of the first lady or made the presidents feeding budget 1 billion per year ....talking rubbish
For you to spew such trash, it shows that you're a political novice and you're talking nonsense.

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Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by babajay69: 10:06am On Mar 01, 2015

If you don't understand why those who are in Abuja don't want to return and those who want to go are doing so at all cost, look at this information.


After reading through this Special Report, any shred of doubt in the reader's mind that Nigeria is doomed and heading for a headlong, downward plummeting will simply dissipate. The details of the remuneration of an average Nigerian Senator is detailed below:

* Basic Salary (B.S) - N2,484,245.50
* Hardship Allowance (50% of B.S) - N1,242,122.70
* Constituency Allowance (200% of B.S) - N4,968,509.00
* Newspapers Allowance (50% of B.S) - N1,242,122.70
* Wardrobe Allowance (25% of B.S) - N621,061.37
* Recess Allowance (10% of B.S) - N248,424.55
* Accommodation (200% of B.S) - N4,968,509.00
* Utilities (30% of B.S) - N828,081.83
* Domestic Staff (70% of B.S) - N1,863,184.12
* Entertainment (30% of B.S) - N828,081.83
* Personal Assistants (25% of B.S) - N621,061.12
* Vehicle Maintenance Allowance (75% of B.S) - N1,863,184.12
* Leave Allowance (10% of B.S) - N248,424.55
* Severance Gratuity (300% of B.S) - N7,452,736.50
* Car Allowance (400% of B.S) - N9,936,982.00
* TOTAL MONTHLY SALARY = N29,479,749.00 ($181,974.00)
* TOTAL YEARLY SALARY = N29,479,749.00 x 12 = N353,756,988.00 ($2,183,685.00)
* EXCHANGE RATE: $1 = N162

* Britain - $105,400.00
* United States - $174,000.00
* France - $85,900.00
* South Africa - $104,000.00
* Kenya - $74,500.00
* Saudi Arabia - $64,000.00
* Brazil - $157,600.00
* Ghana - $46,500.00
* Indonesia - $65,800.00
* Thailand - $43,800.00
* India - $11,200.00
* Italy - $182,000.00
* Bangladesh - $4,000.00
* Israel - $114,800.00
* Hong Kong - $130,700.00
* Japan - $149,700.00
* Singapore - $154,000.00
* Canada - $154 000.00
* New Zealand - $112,500.00
* Germany - $119,500.00
* Ireland - $120,400.00
* Pakistan - $3,500.00
* Malaysia - $25,300.00
* Sweden - $99 300.00
* Sri Lanka - $5,100.00
* Spain - $43,900.00 
* Norway - $138,000.00

In terms of lawmakers’ salaries as a ratio of GDP per capita, the gap is even much wider. While the salary of a Nigerian lawmaker is 116 times the country’s GDP per person, that of a British member of parliament is just 2.7 times.

The average salary of Nigerian worker based on the national minimum wage is N18,000.00, So, the yearly salary is N18,000.00 x 12 = N216,000.00 ($1,333.00)
Remember, Yearly Salary of Nigerian Senator = $2,183,685.00.
Proportion: $2,183,685.00/$1,333.00 = 1,638
It will take an average Nigerian worker 1,638 years to earn the yearly salary of a Nigerian Senator.

Source: the economist

Legislators, both at d state & federal level are d problem of dis country. They only legislate into their pocket. Lets unite, mobilize & move against them begining with those thieves at the National Assembly. Pls read & send to all ur contacts
Which one is sacrifice? Is it not the masses money? they should slash their ridiculous salaries by 50%... that's when I will believe they really wanna help our economy


Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by NaijaNaWaa: 10:22am On Mar 01, 2015
25% of N150 Billion is N37.5 Billion which is too small. They should give up at least 50% and gradually reduce their annual budget to no more than N25 Billion
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Nobody: 10:33am On Mar 01, 2015

i can bet with all i have that you are unemployed
you are nothing but a Nigerian black sheep. u even have the effrontery to bet someone is unemployed. so your gainful employment is by your brain or power? if only you would turn back and be grateful to your lord!
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by ozoigbondu: 11:08am On Mar 01, 2015

I laugh your idiocy
By the time your own salary is cut by 75%, you go get sense.
GEJ till you get sense.

Block head
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by IYANGBALI: 11:15am On Mar 01, 2015

i can bet with all i have that you are unemployed

"As I wrote in another contribution almost one month ago, ”the problem that we have is the President himself- a President who prides himself on his own weakness and incompetence and whose love of false prophets and strange women knows no bounds and has no end. A President who is as confused and as clueless as the comic character called Chancey Gardner in the celebrated 1970's Peter Seller's Hollywood blockbuster titled ”Being There”. A President who does not understand the meaning of the word ”class” or ”honesty” and who breaks his own word consistently. A President who has abdicated his responsibilities, destroyed his own political party, divided his own country, alienated his own friends, humiliated his own mentor, abandoned his own people, brought ridicule to his own faith, cowers before his own officials, betrays his own governors, scorns the international community and BREAKS HIS SOLEMN OATH TO PROTECT AND DEFEND THE NIGERIAN PEOPLE. A President who does not even have the nerve or the guts to call to order any of the numerous Jezebels that control him.
He is the problem we have in our country today and until he resigns, is impeached or is voted out of power nothing will change and Nigeria will continue to go from bad to worse. That is what you get when you vote for a man who never wore shoes to school'."

1 Like

Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by IYANGBALI: 11:17am On Mar 01, 2015

Trash Can by IcePrince

"As I wrote in another contribution almost one month ago, ”the problem that we have is the President himself- a President who prides himself on his own weakness and incompetence and whose love of false prophets and strange women knows no bounds and has no end. A President who is as confused and as clueless as the comic character called Chancey Gardner in the celebrated 1970's Peter Seller's Hollywood blockbuster titled ”Being There”. A President who does not understand the meaning of the word ”class” or ”honesty” and who breaks his own word consistently. A President who has abdicated his responsibilities, destroyed his own political party, divided his own country, alienated his own friends, humiliated his own mentor, abandoned his own people, brought ridicule to his own faith, cowers before his own officials, betrays his own governors, scorns the international community and BREAKS HIS SOLEMN OATH TO PROTECT AND DEFEND THE NIGERIAN PEOPLE. A President who does not even have the nerve or the guts to call to order any of the numerous Jezebels that control him.
He is the problem we have in our country today and until he resigns, is impeached or is voted out of power nothing will change and Nigeria will continue to go from bad to worse. That is what you get when you vote for a man who never wore shoes to school'."
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by buJu234: 12:16pm On Mar 01, 2015
No wonder APC and PDP wants to kill themselves for abuja runs...

That means jst a year in abuja has a nigerian senator or lawmaker one can become a billionaire

Politics the most lucrative business in nigeria. .
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by 989900: 1:25pm On Mar 01, 2015

If you don't understand why those who are in Abuja don't want to return and those who want to go are doing so at all cost, look at this information.


After reading through this Special Report, any shred of doubt in the reader's mind that Nigeria is doomed and heading for a headlong, downward plummeting will simply dissipate. The details of the remuneration of an average Nigerian Senator is detailed below:

* Basic Salary (B.S) - N2,484,245.50
* Hardship Allowance (50% of B.S) - N1,242,122.70
* Constituency Allowance (200% of B.S) - N4,968,509.00
* Newspapers Allowance (50% of B.S) - N1,242,122.70
* Wardrobe Allowance (25% of B.S) - N621,061.37
* Recess Allowance (10% of B.S) - N248,424.55
* Accommodation (200% of B.S) - N4,968,509.00
* Utilities (30% of B.S) - N828,081.83
* Domestic Staff (70% of B.S) - N1,863,184.12
* Entertainment (30% of B.S) - N828,081.83
* Personal Assistants (25% of B.S) - N621,061.12
* Vehicle Maintenance Allowance (75% of B.S) - N1,863,184.12
* Leave Allowance (10% of B.S) - N248,424.55
* Severance Gratuity (300% of B.S) - N7,452,736.50
* Car Allowance (400% of B.S) - N9,936,982.00
* TOTAL MONTHLY SALARY = N29,479,749.00 ($181,974.00)
* TOTAL YEARLY SALARY = N29,479,749.00 x 12 = N353,756,988.00 ($2,183,685.00)
* EXCHANGE RATE: $1 = N162

* Britain - $105,400.00
* United States - $174,000.00
* France - $85,900.00
* South Africa - $104,000.00
* Kenya - $74,500.00
* Saudi Arabia - $64,000.00
* Brazil - $157,600.00
* Ghana - $46,500.00
* Indonesia - $65,800.00
* Thailand - $43,800.00
* India - $11,200.00
* Italy - $182,000.00
* Bangladesh - $4,000.00
* Israel - $114,800.00
* Hong Kong - $130,700.00
* Japan - $149,700.00
* Singapore - $154,000.00
* Canada - $154 000.00
* New Zealand - $112,500.00
* Germany - $119,500.00
* Ireland - $120,400.00
* Pakistan - $3,500.00
* Malaysia - $25,300.00
* Sweden - $99 300.00
* Sri Lanka - $5,100.00
* Spain - $43,900.00 
* Norway - $138,000.00

In terms of lawmakers’ salaries as a ratio of GDP per capita, the gap is even much wider. While the salary of a Nigerian lawmaker is 116 times the country’s GDP per person, that of a British member of parliament is just 2.7 times.

The average salary of Nigerian worker based on the national minimum wage is N18,000.00, So, the yearly salary is N18,000.00 x 12 = N216,000.00 ($1,333.00)
Remember, Yearly Salary of Nigerian Senator = $2,183,685.00.
Proportion: $2,183,685.00/$1,333.00 = 1,638
It will take an average Nigerian worker 1,638 years to earn the yearly salary of a Nigerian Senator.

Source: the economist

Legislators, both at d state & federal level are d problem of dis country. They only legislate into their pocket. Lets unite, mobilize & move against them begining with those thieves at the National Assembly. Pls read & send to all ur contacts

shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by shaqhead: 2:17pm On Mar 01, 2015
Moral of this; Where the head leads, the body follows!
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Nobody: 3:15pm On Mar 01, 2015

"As I wrote in another contribution almost one month ago, ”the problem that we have is the President himself- a President who prides himself on his own weakness and incompetence and whose love of false prophets and strange women knows no bounds and has no end. A President who is as confused and as clueless as the comic character called Chancey Gardner in the celebrated 1970's Peter Seller's Hollywood blockbuster titled ”Being There”. A President who does not understand the meaning of the word ”class” or ”honesty” and who breaks his own word consistently. A President who has abdicated his responsibilities, destroyed his own political party, divided his own country, alienated his own friends, humiliated his own mentor, abandoned his own people, brought ridicule to his own faith, cowers before his own officials, betrays his own governors, scorns the international community and BREAKS HIS SOLEMN OATH TO PROTECT AND DEFEND THE NIGERIAN PEOPLE. A President who does not even have the nerve or the guts to call to order any of the numerous Jezebels that control him.
He is the problem we have in our country today and until he resigns, is impeached or is voted out of power nothing will change and Nigeria will continue to go from bad to worse. That is what you get when you vote for a man who never wore shoes to school'."

why not use this time to think of an invention? because if you do, you will change this generation.

I can bet with all i got, you got nothing upstairs
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Nobody: 3:16pm On Mar 01, 2015
you are nothing but a Nigerian black sheep. u even have the effrontery to bet someone is unemployed. so your gainful employment is by your brain or power? if only you would turn back and be grateful to your lord!

so getting a job involves prayers? just get you butt out with your cv
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by IYANGBALI: 3:33pm On Mar 01, 2015

why not use this time to think of an invention? because if you do, you will change this generation.
I can bet with all i got, you go nothing upstairs
no thanx to your govt tongue
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by Nobody: 3:45pm On Mar 01, 2015
no thanx to your govt tongue

cheesy cheesy grin grin...gov't don suffer
Re: Legislators Agree To Belt-tightening, Cut N’assembly’s Budget By 25%-thisday by IYANGBALI: 3:49pm On Mar 01, 2015

cheesy cheesy grin grin...gov't don suffer
yes now,dey made us to be where we are today

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