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Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents - Celebrities - Nairaland

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Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by jiggaz(m): 10:30am On Feb 27, 2015
Everyone now have an acquired fake accent in Nigeria and its getting sooo annoying!! Take a trip to our malls, airports and event centres, your ear go full cos of different accents from different Kingdoms. Mind u, there is a different between tushing up ur English and speaking with a fake accent. I like the tushing up of ur spoken English like the way Genevieve or Omotola speaks.

Our Celebrities are the worst hit. Take Iyanya for example, dude mixes British / American / Calabar accents all in one interview!!! Our Radio presenters nko, their own worse pass. Mind u, some of these presenters were born abroad or they attended Uni over there like Toolz of Beat Fm, Maria Okan, Stephanie Coker of MTV Base. Am not talking of those ones, the ones am talking of are the people that have not crossed Cotonou yet they have an undone British or American accent.

The ones that vex me pass are the people dat will escort someone off to the International airport and they will come back with a fake accent!! aahh!! Or some dat stays in Germany or Spain and come back with a fake British or American accent. Nawa oo!!!

Nairalanders, which celebrity or Radio/ Tv OAP takes the award for the Association of Fake Accents of Nigeria? Make we yarn..... grin grin
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by ejikeme(m): 10:39am On Feb 27, 2015
lwkmfh!!!!!@ international airport and spain-Germany
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by atilla(m): 11:43am On Feb 27, 2015
Broda. Na so we see am o. But even though u go to school abroad that does not mean u will come back with an accent after living in naija all your life.

I find it so annoying,does every oap have to have an accent??
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by axortedbabe(f): 11:56am On Feb 27, 2015
aunty toke makinwa..
one lady they call Karen black coffee in love fm porthacourt, mehn I can't stand her accent, so fake and annoying..
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by okooloyun1(m): 1:16pm On Feb 27, 2015
There is one presenter on Beat fm Ibadan can't remember her name her own accent na die, I just tune d station to another anytime she on air.
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by jiggaz(m): 1:29pm On Feb 27, 2015
lol keep dem coming guys
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by Wendy80(f): 2:10pm On Feb 27, 2015
Daniella okeke accent is too obvious, she adds 'r' to every word. 'Abujar'
A Lot of celebs speak like they have water in dia mouth grin

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Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by Creamychic(f): 3:34pm On Feb 27, 2015
Daniella okeke accent is too obvious, she adds 'r' to every word. 'Abujar'
A Lot of celebs speak like they have water in dia mouth grin

lol...hilarious grin
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by jiggaz(m): 11:26am On Feb 28, 2015
lwkmfh!!!!!@ international airport and spain-Germany
yes oo my broda. grin; D
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by jiggaz(m): 11:26am On Feb 28, 2015
Broda. Na so we see am o. But even though u go to school abroad that does not mean u will come back with an accent after living in naija all your life.
I find it so annoying,does every oap have to have an accent??
i wonder o
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by jiggaz(m): 11:27am On Feb 28, 2015
aunty toke makinwa..
one lady they call Karen black coffee in love fm porthacourt, mehn I can't stand her accent, so fake and annoying..
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by jiggaz(m): 11:28am On Feb 28, 2015
There is one presenter on Beat fm Ibadan can't remember her name her own accent na die, I just tune d station to another anytime she on air.
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by jiggaz(m): 11:29am On Feb 28, 2015
Daniella okeke accent is too obvious, she adds 'r' to every word. 'Abujar'
A Lot of celebs speak like they have water in dia mouth grin
abi oo. lool. She's a Nollywood actress i guess?
Re: Nigerian Celebrities/ Oaps & Their Fake British/ American Accents by jiggaz(m): 8:37pm On Feb 28, 2015
There is one presenter on Beat fm Ibadan can't remember her name her own accent na die, I just tune d station to another anytime she on air.
asin ehh.... There's one dat works with one of the Radio stations on d Island in Lagos, he pretends dat he cant pronounce ADEOLA ODEKU STREET in V.I meanwhile he was born and bred in Ibadan. He pronounces ADEOLA ODEKU like white people as if he has hot yam in his mouth. i vex!!!

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