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How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nobody: 9:11am On Feb 28, 2015
Where is your picture let see if we can still manage it thank you
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Craigston: 9:14am On Feb 28, 2015
knock knee? I doubt
When you see people (mostly girls) with rounded outer thighs, a lateral depression on the outer side around the knee, widened hips, smaller calf muscles, large and dis-proportioned buttocks, a hollow lower back and, sometimes, weak abdominal walls, what do you think is the cause?
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nobody: 9:16am On Feb 28, 2015
take a step back and look at what u just wrote.. first of all try to improve your english... this was quite difficult to read..
you re such a fool wit initial
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Faraidi(m): 9:16am On Feb 28, 2015

I am girl of 21 years old. I am used to masturbating since 1 was 15. I do it by crossing my legs and clenching my thigh muscles and leg muscles. I do it more when I feel upset for any reason or when I feel tired, sometimes before, after, or during sleep. Actually I get used to do this before I knew what I was doing. In fact, I do not know how it turned to a habit.

1 or 2 years ago, I noticed that my hip, thigh and leg muscles are being enlarged abnormally. They have grown fatter so abnormally than the other parts of my body. I had a really good body but now it looks horrible. I have done lots of study and come to an conclusion that this change in my body shape is an effect of my clenching muscle masturbation habit.

Now I am trying a lot to stop this habit but it seems really tough. I really really really want to give up this habit and get my perfect figure. This habit is ruining my body shape and also my sex life with my boy friend. I want to give up this habit. Plzzz help me! I need a friendly suggestion!
Is there any girl who is facing the same problem? Plzzz reply! Plz suggest to me how I can get rid of this horrible habit! Should I practice any exercise to get slimmer hip, thigh and leg? Is it possible to get still? Which are the useful exercises? How can I give up this masturbation habit?
my dear,honestly I have a powerful drug that can reduced your hyperactive libido,it is very potent.Just PM me.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Raphd(m): 9:17am On Feb 28, 2015
Stop clenching ur thighs. Babe use ur fingers.. Or come let me use my dick
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Faraidi(m): 9:19am On Feb 28, 2015
take a step back and look at what u just wrote.. first of all try to improve your english... this was quite difficult to read..
if you can't read what She wrote then you are worse than Mumuhamadu Buhari.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by wisdomguy4u(m): 9:28am On Feb 28, 2015
The picture of the hip, thigh and leg muscles OR ...... U know nawh
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Tonason: 9:40am On Feb 28, 2015

I am girl of 21 years old. I am used to masturbating since 1 was 15. I do it by crossing my legs and clenching my thigh muscles and leg muscles. I do it more when I feel upset for any reason or when I feel tired, sometimes before, after, or during sleep. Actually I get used to do this before I knew what I was doing. In fact, I do not know how it turned to a habit.

1 or 2 years ago, I noticed that my hip, thigh and leg muscles are being enlarged abnormally. They have grown fatter so abnormally than the other parts of my body. I had a really good body but now it looks horrible. I have done lots of study and come to an conclusion that this change in my body shape is an effect of my clenching muscle masturbation habit.

Now I am trying a lot to stop this habit but it seems really tough. I really really really want to give up this habit and get my perfect figure. This habit is ruining my body shape and also my sex life with my boy friend. I want to give up this habit. Plzzz help me! I need a friendly suggestion!
Is there any girl who is facing the same problem? Plzzz reply! Plz suggest to me how I can get rid of this horrible habit! Should I practice any exercise to get slim
mer hip, thigh and leg? Is it possible to get still? Which are the useful exercises? How can I give up this masturbation habit?
The truth is that only Jesus Christ can set you free from this mess you are into, if only you will surrender your life to Him today. Try as you may, do any form of exercise you will realize that you can not stop the habit. That habit has some evil force that propels it, so it need greater force to break it. And only Jesus has solution to it. I am very sure that you will not take this advice. But after must have tried other options given to and they failed. Try Jesus He is ever ready to help you. Jesus loves you.

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Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by PlutoLA(m): 9:47am On Feb 28, 2015
Unless you post pictures,I'll have to assume this is a cheap attempt to try to stop ppl from masturbating. Anyways just go to a doctor.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Terry68: 10:09am On Feb 28, 2015
Self - servicing does not play any role in your hip and muscle increase. It happens naturally. Most areas are occupy with adipose tissues.

Planing on the reduction, I really don't go with the idea.

Our Naija men love it big.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by EOOJ(m): 10:09am On Feb 28, 2015

I am girl of 21 years old. I am used to masturbating since 1 was 15. I do it by crossing my legs and clenching my thigh muscles and leg muscles. I do it more when I feel upset for any reason or when I feel tired, sometimes before, after, or during sleep. Actually I get used to do this before I knew what I was doing. In fact, I do not know how it turned to a habit.

1 or 2 years ago, I noticed that my hip, thigh and leg muscles are being enlarged abnormally. They have grown fatter so abnormally than the other parts of my body. I had a really good body but now it looks horrible. I have done lots of study and come to an conclusion that this change in my body shape is an effect of my clenching muscle masturbation habit.

Now I am trying a lot to stop this habit but it seems really tough. I really really really want to give up this habit and get my perfect figure. This habit is ruining my body shape and also my sex life with my boy friend. I want to give up this habit. Plzzz help me! I need a friendly suggestion!
Is there any girl who is facing the same problem? Plzzz reply! Plz suggest to me how I can get rid of this horrible habit! Should I practice any exercise to get slimmer hip, thigh and leg? Is it possible to get still? Which are the useful exercises? How can I give up this masturbation habit?

Well its good u know u have a bad habit. Now dats a first step to recovery. What u need now is determination to change. Trust me, its Not EASY at all. U wud fall once in a while and also feel disapointed/discouraged with ur self but fix ur gaze on d brighter picture. Also know dat u kant stop in a day or a month dat which u haave been doing for years. But above all, u need Christ to see u through cos seriously u can't do it on ur own...humble ur self before d Lord ma dear n he wud surely see u through dis.

Wish u all da best...
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nobody: 10:16am On Feb 28, 2015

I am girl of 21 years old. I am used to masturbating since 1 was 15. I do it by crossing my legs and clenching my thigh muscles and leg muscles. I do it more when I feel upset for any reason or when I feel tired, sometimes before, after, or during sleep. Actually I get used to do this before I knew what I was doing. In fact, I do not know how it turned to a habit.

1 or 2 years ago, I noticed that my hip, thigh and leg muscles are being enlarged abnormally. They have grown fatter so abnormally than the other parts of my body. I had a really good body but now it looks horrible. I have done lots of study and come to an conclusion that this change in my body shape is an effect of my clenching muscle masturbation habit.

Now I am trying a lot to stop this habit but it seems really tough. I really really really want to give up this habit and get my perfect figure. This habit is ruining my body shape and also my sex life with my boy friend. I want to give up this habit. Plzzz help me! I need a friendly suggestion!
Is there any girl who is facing the same problem? Plzzz reply! Plz suggest to me how I can get rid of this horrible habit! Should I practice any exercise to get slimmer hip, thigh and leg? Is it possible to get still? Which are the useful exercises? How can I give up this masturbation habit?

this one is just indirectly trying to lure gullible girls into this act with the idea of natural hip and thigh widener.

may God have mercy on you.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by mentorandfriend(m): 10:33am On Feb 28, 2015
. Na only two of u undastand am abi? Cos u guys are d only learned ones here? If I hear! Besides dat guy just copied & pasted a secction of his Anatomy/physiology note, just to create d impression dat he knows to much. Wat he just typed doesn't really make sense in d sense dat it has nothin 2do wit d topic under discussion
Hahahaha. Really? Let me go through it again.

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Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by mentorandfriend(m): 10:36am On Feb 28, 2015
disillusioned so called docs or med students always looking for the slightest opportunity to show themselves, I'm probably goin to feel stupid coming here to solve plenty mathematics over a simple question asked by someone who isn't into dsame field as i am just because I'm an engineer, u guyz need to grow up.
Sorry sir. We aint quarrelling o. I was just advising the gentleman to softpedal on his anatomy bruhaha. Get things straight. It was an advice, nothing more. You're the one who needs to grow up and stop hating.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by mentorandfriend(m): 10:39am On Feb 28, 2015

Who says? Do you know how many peeps, more learned (on the subject) than you on this thread? That's kinda delusional.
Mr man, read my comment before bashing. My advice was to the gentleman to softpedal his use of anatomy since the lady wont benefit from his advice. If you are more knowledgable than me on this issue, I humbly welcome your challenge in the form of contributing meaningfully to this thread, and stop hating.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by mentorandfriend(m): 10:43am On Feb 28, 2015
I know what you are both saying. I would not buy the Gluteal Disuse Theory since the issue here seems to be a normal Lipid accumulation with a hypochondriac tendency to associate self-servicing with muscular hypertrophy. E don tey wey we leave medical school sha cool grin
Exactly my guess. Normal lipid accumulation, nothing more. You still get am o chief.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Pamcrest(f): 10:51am On Feb 28, 2015
Op your problem is more psychological/spiritual than physical. U say u have a bf, why do u still self service....doesn't he satisfy u well? If so, then teach him how to pleasure u so u don't need to make it up later. A habit is usually difficult to break, that's why it's better not to even cultivate it in d first place. Since u have recognized u have this problem n u desire a change, then seek professional help on how to break this habit. It's not going to be easy but I believe with determination u can do it.
I don't think this act is d cause of yr weight gain in those areas of yr body...perhaps u are developing cellulite. Check this out with a GP.
Good luck!
My humble submission
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nobody: 10:51am On Feb 28, 2015
Let ur bf do more of allowing u guys to spend more time together, I'm not sure u are happy with ur relationship and with more fun with ur bf u will get over it
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by tomzman: 11:03am On Feb 28, 2015
Op, you are just 21 and you already have a sex life, hmmn.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Revolva(m): 11:06am On Feb 28, 2015
take a step back and look at what u just wrote.. first of all try to improve your english... this was quite difficult to read..
Oga I too know Mr englishman wetin dey there wey u no understand....seems ur brain is wet...abi.....why some people dey feel like say na dem papa bring English language come naija...

As for the self servicing babe keep it upo you are a star and a freak in the making...Holla me if you want a real pipe..in you
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nobody: 11:48am On Feb 28, 2015
[quote author=Craigston post=31151191]Disuse of a muscle causes it to remain dormant in size and growth (it'll grow unnaturally and out of proportion with the other healthy muscles: so, they're relatively dormant). Her case seems one of promoted activation of the hip adductors and stretching of the hip abductors. The hip abductors suffer disuse and elongate, and the hip adductors grow tight and shorter. The glutes also suffer disuse and grow weaker, larger (not denser) and, most times, the hamstrings become hyper-activated to compensate for the dysfunction of the glutes so they become shorter. The quads may lengthen too. The sartorius also weakens. This sets her up for a knock-knee condition.
I hope I'm correct[/quote
English please]
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by imsuboi(m): 12:16pm On Feb 28, 2015
Hahahaha. This man, you just dey intimidate innocent nairalanders with your knowledge of anatomy. Aside you and I, I bet no one else knows what you're talking about. It makes sense to me, but I doubt if it will make sense to the lady in distress who opened this thread.

undecided I bet you're feeling ultra, super intelligent right now.

You prolly think you both are the only ones in the medical field on this large forum?

Think again. Dumb fvck undecided
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by jackpot(f): 12:17pm On Feb 28, 2015
My girl friend needs that self service exercise
what happened to your 2-inch prick?
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by nikky2much: 12:21pm On Feb 28, 2015
Make jesus your best friend dearie, u need him so much. He said we should come to him all those who are weary and heavy burdened and he will give us rest. As u said in your post, u self service when u r upset or worried. Why don't u let him handle your issues and tell him to help stop this habit and babe, believe me, from 2weeks to 1 month, to 2months then a year, that habit will disappear.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nickymezor(f): 12:25pm On Feb 28, 2015
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by ManTiger(m): 12:26pm On Feb 28, 2015

I am girl of 21 years old. I am used to masturbating since 1 was 15. I do it by crossing my legs and clenching my thigh muscles and leg muscles. I do it more when I feel upset for any reason or when I feel tired, sometimes before, after, or during sleep. Actually I get used to do this before I knew what I was doing. In fact, I do not know how it turned to a habit.

1 or 2 years ago, I noticed that my hip, thigh and leg muscles are being enlarged abnormally. They have grown fatter so abnormally than the other parts of my body. I had a really good body but now it looks horrible. I have done lots of study and come to an conclusion that this change in my body shape is an effect of my clenching muscle masturbation habit.

Now I am trying a lot to stop this habit but it seems really tough. I really really really want to give up this habit and get my perfect figure. This habit is ruining my body shape and also my sex life with my boy friend. I want to give up this habit. Plzzz help me! I need a friendly suggestion!
Is there any girl who is facing the same problem? Plzzz reply! Plz suggest to me how I can get rid of this horrible habit! Should I practice any exercise to get slimmer hip, thigh and leg? Is it possible to get still? Which are the useful exercises? How can I give up this masturbation habit?
You need deliverance.
Send me a PM. I can arrange one for u for free.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by samuelson06(m): 12:34pm On Feb 28, 2015
My dear, the truth is this. Your spirit need to be saturated by the Spirit of God that is the only way. Which means you to go and pray in a church that has the Spirit of God. Or go for Scoan Sunday service in lagos....

I love your suggestion.

cc: pittoilet
@OP: Good you've realize your wrongs. This is the best suggestion to your problem by this guy. Please go to SCOAN. As it stands, I don't think you can help yourself eventhough it's possible. Just go to Lagos.
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nobody: 12:59pm On Feb 28, 2015
@ pittoilet,
Men love thick powerful legs and booty die!
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by citizenjuwon(m): 1:04pm On Feb 28, 2015
You'll die in your sin.
Is that your wish for her?
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nobody: 1:17pm On Feb 28, 2015
@Op, Vote for Change come March 28 and you will be surprise how Buhari will change your disfigured body into brand new body..

Sai Buhari!....
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by ADAMUdaCOWBOY: 1:26pm On Feb 28, 2015
op, post the pinshure of your tigh here so i can know the kind of advice to give you. hurry. grin
Re: How Do I Stop Self-Servicing Habit Of Crossing Legs And Clenching Thigh Muscle? by Nobody: 1:48pm On Feb 28, 2015
9ic one babe I gbadu ur ringtone na true u tell her
hmm that's bad dear. just get closer to God and try to occupy yourself, so that you won't think about it. like they say, an idle mind is the devil's workshop. smiley

but sha, if you look at it from another angle..... ma sure way to enlarge hips and bums o grin

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