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Newly Build Unical Tower Claims An Engineer’s Life Handling The Project by Wisdytech(m): 10:17pm On Feb 28, 2015

By Ekemini Raymond,

CALABAR- The ongoing construction of the tallest tower in Nigeria,embarked upon by the catholic church in UNICAL has finaly claimed the life of the engineer handling the project. The sad incidence occurred in the early hours of today,when the late engineer was said to had climbed up to put the finishing touches on the tower, but suddenly fell from the fourth floor of the tower and slumped. He was then rushed to the University of Calabar Teaching hospital where he gave up the ghost.

Speaking on the incidence,the President of the catholic students Association in the church,narrated the story how the man came this morning with his vehicle and started work as usual, but suddenly, they heard an heavy sound and when they rushed to the scene,the late engineer was lying helpless and they had to rush him to the hospital for treatment. Another eye witness to the tragedy, the coordinator of the graduating studnets, Anthony Onah, said that the graduating students came for a novelty match which they had today,but while still preparing for the match,the man fell down and was helpless, he and the choirmaster help in rushing the man to the hospital.

According to him,on reaching the emergency unit of the UCTH,the doctor on duty reluctantly pronounced that the man is dead,without any attempt by him to salvage the situation. He lament over the unconcerned attitude exhibited by the doctor on duty. Meanwhile, the servant of the late engineer who came with him for the work said it was the plank the master stood up there, that broke and made the master fall.

He appealed to the church and the entire university to compensate him and the master’s family over the sudden departure of his master. The late engineer is identified as Williams and a native of Nsit Ubium L.G.A of Akwa Ibom State. As at the time of going to the press, the body of the diseased was deposited at the UCTH mortuary.

Source: http://brainnewsng.com/newly-build-unical-tower-claims-an-engineers-life-handling-the-project/
Re: Newly Build Unical Tower Claims An Engineer’s Life Handling The Project by delishpot: 10:30pm On Feb 28, 2015
Rip man. Church and vanity. What is the use of building the highest tower?

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Re: Newly Build Unical Tower Claims An Engineer’s Life Handling The Project by ireneony(f): 10:50pm On Feb 28, 2015
the tower is magnificientcheesy

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Re: Newly Build Unical Tower Claims An Engineer’s Life Handling The Project by Nobody: 2:52pm On Mar 01, 2015
Well to show deep regret they should name the tower after the late engineer!
Re: Newly Build Unical Tower Claims An Engineer’s Life Handling The Project by Wisdytech(m): 8:11am On Mar 04, 2015
Well to show deep regret they should name the tower after the late engineer!

Great idea! Bro!! I will forward it to the appropriate persons ok! Thanks bro

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