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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Culture / Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? (65571 Views)
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Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nowenuse: 7:00pm On Mar 01, 2015 |
Hausa-fulanis & Yorubas have the largest & 2nd largest muslim populations in Nigeria, but one wonders why intermarriage btween both groups is not so common. Igbos & Yorubas who have the largest & 2nd largest christian populations in Nigeria intermarry more often than Hausas do with yorubas and i wonder why. The only area that may be of exception is the ILORIN AREA of Kwara state.....due to the history of Hausa-Fulanis conquering Ilorin and settling with the yorubas there in large numbers and have been intermarrying down the centuries because of the Fulani Islamic monarchy (emirate rulership) that unites them together. Aside Ilorin, it is quite very difficult for u to find yoruba muslims from the south-west intermarrying with Hausa-fulanis... Why?? 17 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Bekwarra(m): 7:11pm On Mar 01, 2015 |
Civilian JTF should watch over this plot for me. 21 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Wulfruna(f): 7:53pm On Mar 01, 2015 |
Going by what I have learnt, Hausa Muslims often have difficulty accepting Yoruba Muslims as true Muslims. Perhaps this is because Yoruba Muslims generally tend to be less rigid about their religion than their Northern counterparts. I remember a conversation that once ensued between a Yoruba Muslim friend of mine and an Hausa man he engaged to repair his shoe. The Hausa guy simply refused to accept my friend was Muslim, even after my friend recited passages from the Qu'ran in Arabic. Probably, in the Hausa cobbler's mind, you can't be Muslim if you are not a Northerner. This perception may account for why we see relatively fewer cases of Hausa Muslim- Yoruba Muslim unions. 104 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by ianSweet(f): 9:21pm On Mar 01, 2015 |
Well i think it is because the hausa muslims look down on the yoruba muslims as inferior muslims or because they are not northernerns like them 26 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 10:00pm On Mar 01, 2015 |
First and foremost, what is a Hausa-Fulani? You are either Hausa or you are Fulani. Secondly, this is a dumb question. It's like asking why don't Igbo and Yoruba Christians marry each other a lot..... Culture <> religion, religion is only but a subset of culture. 53 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Wulfruna(f): 10:12pm On Mar 01, 2015 |
^^ It does appear to me that Christian Igbo/Christian Yoruba marriages are a lot more common than Muslim Yoruba/ Muslim Hausa marriages. 33 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 10:14pm On Mar 01, 2015 |
Wulfruna: Do you have any statistical information to back up your belief? 20 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Wulfruna(f): 10:24pm On Mar 01, 2015 |
^ I said It does appear to me Which means I am making a personal remark based off what I have observed, not stating empirical fact or quoting the report of an academic study. As someone who has moved around the country, I'll say I have seem much more of the former kind of unions than the latter. 61 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nobody: 9:07am On Mar 02, 2015 |
Fulaman198:*Appropriate reply*. So many dumb topics on nairaland. For sanity sake this is the internet i wonder why they can't pretend they have sense. 20 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Funjosh(m): 10:40am On Mar 02, 2015 |
Fulaman198: Forget that thing, is either you are Hausa, or Fulani, or Hausa-Fulani ![]() 10 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nowenuse: 3:50pm On Mar 02, 2015 |
Fulaman198: Fulaman, how could there be statistical information on this? Ask most people urself and they will tell u truly this is a fact, just wait for more comments and u'll see. Are u not wondering how come u are the only one disproving this? Igbo/yoruba christians intermarry far far more than Hausa/yoruba muslims. Even amongst the northern n middlebelt christian minorities, we even intermarry with igbos n yorubas far more than yorubas with hausas. 13 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nowenuse: 3:57pm On Mar 02, 2015 |
Fulaman198: My friend. I know u are a pure fulani man that is why u are always assertive on a distinct identity for ur fulani people. But as a pure fulani man from Adamawa, do u think u are the same with the fulanis who have lived centuries in the midst of hausa land and have intermarried drastically down the decades and acquired hausa culture to a large extent? Most of the fulanis in hausa land have assumed the status of HAUSANIZED FULANIS. They have become linguistically hausa (native hausa speakers) and they hardly answer native pulaar names unlike u Adamawa/Gombe/Taraba fulanis. And this is why they are fond with the name Hausa-fulanis, or i'd say this was how the name came about. 32 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 9:31pm On Mar 02, 2015 |
Nowenuse: I don't disagree with this your statement, in fact I wholeheartedly agree with it and embrace it. What I have come to find myself doing is calling these "Hausanized Fulanis" just plain old Hausa. 2 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nobody: 11:10am On Mar 03, 2015 |
Yolobass are fake muslims according the slavemasters the Hausa-Fulani, so its a taboo for a slave to inter- marry with his masters 25 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by absoluteSuccess: 10:10am On Mar 04, 2015 |
IgboMonk:Wow, by their fooly, you shall know them...don't hope to find wisdom where it does not exist. 37 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by anonymous6(f): 1:09pm On Mar 04, 2015 |
Wulfruna: I have heard this sentiment myself from family members of mine who are Muslim Yoruba's. I think its the perceptions and stereotype's of southerners vs. northerners have against one another and what you mentioned is part of that, that they feel Yoruba Muslims are not true Muslims is one I have heard Yoruba Muslims experienced. If this is the case it shouldn't be a surprised that there a slight higher intermarriage between Yoruba and other southern tribes then Yoruba and Hausa. 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nowenuse: 1:44pm On Mar 04, 2015 |
Fulaman198: No my brother. Hausanized fulanis are still very much different from the pure hausas. Some hausanized fulanis may still manage to be able to speak a few words in fulfude language, but no matter what Hausa remains their native tongue/first language, unlike most of the pure fulanis in Adamawa/Taraba/Gombe axis. I may create a thread on that Meanwhile we also have the YORUBANIZED FULANIS in Ilorin. 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 4:24pm On Mar 05, 2015 |
Nowenuse: How in the name of Allah Almighty is a 'Hausa-Fulani' and Hausa any different? I don't think the relationship between the people who call themselves Hausa-Fulani and Hausa is a healthy one at that. The so called Hausa-Fulani doesn't know a thing about Fulani culture and can't identify with a Fulani person on any level. Whilst a Hausa-Fulani can identify easily with a Hausa. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by kaura5000: 1:13pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
I think am in a good position to speak on this issue been related to both sides.. first of all there is nothing as hausa-fulani you are either one or the other.. and most people claiming to be hausa-fulani are the fulani people themselves who have been hausanized I have never met a real hausa person that calls himself a fulani, I think the fula people have to call their people to order who call themselves hausa-fulani.. to prove to you is the fula that have lost their language and culture that do this shit.. why not the kanuri,zarma,nupe,taureg,etc call themselves hausa this and that.. because it pains me when I hear other fula from other countries saying hausa ppl claim fula.. why would some one do that when the conversion is from fula to hausa not the other way round .. have you ever seen a real hausa not those hausa's wannabe speaking dressing like fula? 5 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 2:55pm On Mar 07, 2015 |
kaura5000: True, believe me I have tried, but they don't want to listen. 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by fulanigirl(f): 10:01am On Mar 08, 2015 |
I think it's because both sides look down on each other. Hausa people see themselves as being "better" Muslims than Yoruba Muslims. Yoruba people see hausa people as being uneducated and not as exposed as them. Obviously these stereotypes are not true but people believe them. 18 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nowenuse: 5:24pm On Mar 09, 2015 |
Fulaman198: You are right to an extent by saying that Hausanized fulanis are more like Hausas and share more in common with hausas. But one thing is that d fulani ancestry of these hausanized fulanis is still very much intact in most cases, when u see them, they look so much like fulanis in their appearance. And like i mentioned earlier, some of these hausanized fulanis still know how to speak fulfude, some of them still bear the tribal marks, so i think it would be out of place for u to absolve or totally disconnect these hausanized fulanis from their origin. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by havennie(f): 9:50pm On Mar 09, 2015 |
Hmm, quite interesting and informative thread, am learning some things here. Pls Moderatora i think this thread ought to make front page. tnks. 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 12:35am On Mar 10, 2015 |
Nowenuse: Too late, I have completely abandoned them ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 12:35am On Mar 10, 2015 |
havennie: ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nowenuse: 10:55pm On Mar 11, 2015 |
Fulaman198: U have, but have all d pure fulanis done that? Ur opinion is just urs. Shehu Shagari, Muhammad Buhari, Yar'adua e.t.c do not speak fulfude but are mostly identified as fulanis. Most of these hausanized fulanis are still counted and regard themselves as fulanis. 5 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 11:00pm On Mar 11, 2015 |
Nowenuse: I think Muhammadu Buhari does speak Fulfulde according to one other Fulani guy on this forum. Those "Hausanized Fulanis" are no more Fulani than Wasulu. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by havennie(f): 11:01pm On Mar 11, 2015 |
Fulaman198: LoL, why d look? does it sound silly? I never knew d difference btw d pure fulanis and d hausanized fulanis b4 now. Am also getting a clearer picture d major area of misunderstanding btw northern n southern muslims. so am.not really wrong sayin am learning som tins here . 1 Like |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nowenuse: 11:09pm On Mar 11, 2015 |
Fulaman198: But even the Hausas regard and adress some of these Hausanized fulanis as Fulanis. Other neighbouring tribes in some cases also adress these Hausanized fulanis as Fulanis. U pure fulanis just see yazelves too pure to be on d same category with them. Those of u fulanis in Adamawa, Taraba, Gombe were lucky ur fore fathers settled in d middlebelt or northern minority groups area, hence they could hardly be absorbed into these smaller groups unlike those whom their fore-fathers settled in Hausa land and have been absorbed to varying extents into Hausa culture. Do u know that the Nomadic fulani bororo see themselves as better fulanis than u town fulanis in Adamawa and environs?? Cos they keep the ancestral fulani traditional practices/religious rituals to an extent unlike u islamized folks. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 11:30pm On Mar 11, 2015 |
Nowenuse: You may not know this but I am of Mbororo'en stock ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Nowenuse: 12:08am On Mar 12, 2015 |
Hmmm, suprising. But at least i can see where u are coming from. Cos i know a typical town fulani whether from Adamawa, Gombe or Taraba would never be as 'fulano-centric' as u. LoL. D only difference btw u and the typical fulani bororo in d bush is that u are educated. Hmm, i really see. Cos There are some pure town fulanis even in Adamawa, Taraba, Bauchi and Gombe who cannot speak fulfude but speak only where do u classify these type of fulanis?? 2 Likes |
Re: Why Do Yoruba Muslims & Hausa-fulani Muslims Not Inter-marry? by Fulaman198(m): 12:34am On Mar 12, 2015 |
Nowenuse: The same sellout Hausankoore categorization as their bros in the NW. Do you think I'm too Fulano-centric? Some people say I'm not that bad. |
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