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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? (256319 Views)
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Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 1:24pm On Mar 06, 2015 |
FrancisTony:I wasn't derogatory towards women, I merely stated observations. You cast an unfavourable light on your IQ and comprehension ability when you wilfully ignore/discount important parts of a sentence and give it your own meanings and interpretations. You really haven't exposed any "shits", Mr. Francis. Where have I stated that women haven't "innovated/invented"? Mr. Francis, you present as someone who's trying to impress a particular someone with your shows of progressiveness-and-enlightenment. You basically have no point. Again, I see no untoward generalisations here. Of course, you wouldn't. 1 Like |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by TV01(m): 1:27pm On Mar 06, 2015 |
MasterJayJay:Most responses so far have esentially been a cry of "sexism" (against women) and have only served to stifle the discussion. No real debate has been had. In practice most "families" would want to do the best for all their children and allow them to pursue education as far as their talent and desire allows. But in a scenario where there are limited resources (at societal or family level), I would favour educating males over females. Even where "resources" at first dont appear to be an issue, there can be longer-term implications. Let's take Doctors (MD's) for example; in the UK fully 60% of female Dr's stop practicing or only work part-time. The effect, twice as many females doctors have to be trained to maintian service levels; at great cost to the state (approx. £250K p/s). The outcome, a deteriorating provision of GP services. Previously one could always get an appointment for same or following day, nowadays appointments have to be made weeks in advance. Many now simply head for hospital A&E's, clogging up what should be an emergency service. Yes, there are other factors but the fact that women are now filling about 60% of medical places (up from around 10% in the 60's) is a major contributor. And what happens to the 60% that "fall away"- they are typically at home playing "alabado" to some wealthy bloke ![]() Additionally, some of the harder medical specialisations are suffering shortages, as women tend to opt for the easier ones or become GP's that more easily allow flexible working. Other studies show that even where female Dr's are practicing F/T they don't put the hours in that men do. It's not always about gender, equality or choice per se, it's about outcomes. Put another way, the cost/value benefit of training male Dr's far exceeds that of training females. Where there are scarce resources, or the danger of not be able to maintain an adequate service, what should be done? Whilst I don't for one second think that women shouldn't be educated, or have equal access, there are oft times longer-term costs and consequences. Shrill ideological cant does not change that. TV 7 Likes |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 3:53pm On Mar 06, 2015 |
This debate is dead on arrival. Next! 2 Likes |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by crackhaus: 8:44am On Mar 08, 2015 |
TV01:Well said TV, it's consequently no wonder that we don't get to see more female heart and/or brain surgeons...and the reason for this is quite obvious (it's nothing to do with intelligence but more to do with the time and concentration involved in acquiring the required expertise in highly specialized medical fields). Regarding your last paragraph, I fear a lot of the women on these boards still can't comprehend without painting it as sexism... ![]() |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by TV01(m): 10:51am On Mar 09, 2015 |
crackhaus:Morning Bro', I can't but agree. Whatever the absolute or relative differences between males and females in terms of intelligence, I don't think it is an issue. The real differences tend to be biological and social imperatives; 1. Women will always want to/have to make allowance for thier fertility constraints & child-bearing 2. If it's mentally or physically arduous men generally have an edge and a naturally greater inclination - even if #1 is not a factor It's glaring in a lot of proffessions; even the best chefs are men. I was a commis chef for a while. Standing in front of a hot oven for hours on end - very long shifts. Often burning, cutting or otherwise injuring yourself. Throwing heavy pots around (and multi-tasking ![]() At the end of the day, I don't see it as that much as an issue, as typically that outperforming male is using what he produces to provide for a family. crackhaus: Whic is one reason I bother; in pursuit of some imaginary equality/inclusinveness nirvana built on nothing but touchy-feely ideology, they risk doing great harm to the family. They can always take their case direct to "Mother Nature". However, if anyone has anything other than slogans and slurs (or gifs and emoticons), we'll be here to respond - hopefully they won't find it too "arduous" ![]() Make I go troll jor ![]() TVMIC Correction; in my original post I noted 60% of female Dr's leave or go part-time. That should be 60% leave (within 10 years). A number of the 40% that remain go part-time. |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by crackhaus: 7:30pm On Mar 09, 2015 |
TV01:Lol... happy trolling. The bit about being (was) a chef, cool - the Mrs sure has nothing on you I'm sure ![]() |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by TV01(m): 1:09pm On Mar 10, 2015 |
crackhaus: ![]() crackhaus:It was an eye-opener and great learning experience - I was promoted from dish washer - and it sure beat washing pots and pans, peeling and chipping potatoes and getting home at 4 in the morning ![]() One of the funniest but truest pieces of advice pops used ot give was "if you can cook, no woman can take the piss" - so cheffing certainly helped in that way as well. Lets just say the Missus knows the score ![]() Commander TV |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by DollyParton1(f): 2:16am On Mar 12, 2015 |
bukatyne:lolz ![]() ![]() ![]() 3. Males have three legs |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by DollyParton1(f): 2:20am On Mar 12, 2015 |
FrancisTony: Hehehehehehhe. ... ![]() ![]() ![]() Dayummm!!!! 1 Like |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by hilaryiq(f): 4:41pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
Timbuktou: I don't know what backwards place you live in but women don't tend to "major" in such courses. the courses most females study at my old Uni are law, engineering and IT courses. I'm the youngest in my family but I graduated with a Msc in Computer science at age 20, my brothers (including one who is 30yrs) are still in school. I also work alongside my male partner and I earn a little more than him The reason why most men WERE "creating" more than women was because of this type of backwards 18th century attitude towards women which by a matter of fact still exists in Nigeria today as we can see from your shrouded level of thinking. If you haven't seen that women are leading the world, especially the first world then you've been hiding under a rock. Prime minister of England is a woman, Prime minister of Scotland, top American presidential candidate, Chancellor for Germany, the Queen of England and so many others. There are highly successful women like Oprah, Ellen degeneres etc not to talk of the artists, scientists, actresses and people changing lives across the globe that are all women. Please open your eyes you aren't in 1952 4 Likes |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 4:51pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
hilaryiq: All you have succeeded in producing is anecdotal stories. Yes, you're female, but how many females are in your class, department, faculty? And why are they there? As a result of passion or because of government grants and incentives which, interestingly, the males don't usually have. Also, the likes of Zuckerberg dont have female equivalents in America is because of backward Nigerian mentality? Right. 1 Like |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 5:06pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
Jennifer Doudna’s discovery could cure tons of diseases — or create superbabies. Jennifer Doudna developed CRISPR, a method of genetic engineering that allows scientists to make precise genetic changes relatively easily. Last November, CRISPR saw its first major success in two female monkey twins, Mingming and Lingling, who were born healthy but with specific genetic mutations created through the technology. But it’s not without drama: The development of CRISPR ignited the scientific world with controversy after Chinese researchers had experimented with genetic engineering on a human embryo. Doudna is a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley. Elizabeth Holmes Holmes originally founded the company in Palo Alto, California as Real-Time Cures to "democratize healthcare."[6][9] She changed the company's name to Theranos (an amalgam of "therapy" and "diagnosis" ![]() Theranos claimed to have developed a blood-testing device named "Edison" that uses a few drops of blood obtained via a finger-stick rather than vials of blood obtained via traditional venipuncture,[11] using microfluidics technology.[12] Its founders have raised over $700 million from investors, valuing the company at $9 billion, without their testing device ever being subject to peer-reviewed study.[13] As of 2014, Holmes held 18 U.S. patents and 66 non-U.S. patents. She is also listed as a co-inventor on over 100 patent applications.[6] She’s among nine of America’s 50 richest self-made women to become multimillionaires – or billionaires – before the age 50. These entrepreneurs and executives hit the jackpot in everything from entertainment to fashion to translation services. Tory Burch Burch began her fashion label – "TRB by Tory Burch", later known as Tory Burch – in February 2004, launching it with a retail store in Manhattan's Nolita district.[5][13][14] Most of the inventory sold out on the first day.[15][16] When Oprah Winfrey endorsed her line on The Oprah Winfrey Show in April 2005, calling Burch "the next big thing in fashion", Burch's website received eight million hits the following day.[17][18] Since launch, the company has grown to include 180 Tory Burch stores worldwide.[19] The fashion line, which encompasses ready-to-wear, shoes, handbags, accessories, watches, home decor, and a fragrance and beauty collection, is also carried at over 3,000 department and specialty stores worldwide.[16][20] In 2015 Burch also introduced a separate performance activewear line, Tory Sport, with a dedicated website and a pop-up shop.[21][22][23] A stand-alone store on Fifth Avenue in New York, as well as boutiques in East Hampton and Dallas, followed in 2016.[24][25][26] Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, who is 40, and YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, who is 46, owe their multimillion-dollar fortunes to being among the first employees to join Google in the late 1990s. Another young tech CEO, 42-year-old Houzz cofounder Adi Tatarko, caught up with the Google veterans despite being a relative newcomer. She started the home design website with her husband, Alon Cohen, in 2009 and now has an estimated $300 million to her name thanks to the company’s $2-billion-plus valuation. Timbuktou, how much wealth have you created so far? ![]() You can tell your daughters they can't make it far in life, let us tell our daughters the opposite. ![]() cc: hilaryiq 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by eyinjuege: 6:20pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
Timbuktou: The world is changing. Women are catching up. There were centuries of gaps between men and women in terms of education. Even in the developed world centuries ago, women were not deemed fit to retain or study to have any knowledge. I think women are doing absolutely just fine catching up with the men. It's just a matter of time. We now have house husbands or stay at home dads, and that's nothing to be ashamed of provided it's a joint decision between spouses. In Naija, the men would rather die than admit they're house husbands, but we have a lot of them around, but they still have the luxury of not contributing anything to the home, and still have their wives come home to clean up after them A lot of women are the ones keeping their homes running these days both home and abroad. Most women's money are spent on the home. Women no longer do "alabodo". Everybody is shouting Zuckerberg, how many men will ever attain the kind of wealth he has? But we are having more women bridging the gap amongst your everyday regular and middle class folks. It's just a matter of time...... 3 Likes |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by cococandy(f): 6:24pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
I love Tory burch handbags. But I digress. Mindfulness: |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by cococandy(f): 6:25pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
eyinjuege: Preach 3 Likes |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 6:40pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
cococandy: Which one(s) would you like to have? Help yourself. ![]() 1. ![]() 2. [img][/img] 3. ![]() 4. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by cococandy(f): 7:08pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
These two are in my shopping cart. For now. Help myself? Like I can just reach into my phone and grab them. Mindfulness: 1 Like
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 7:21pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
cococandy: I live in a world of fantasy and love it. ![]() The first one you posted is goregous. I absolutely love it. Which dress would I wear with it ...? ![]() |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by cococandy(f): 7:24pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
Mindfulness:Wear it with a LBD. Let the color pop. 2 Likes |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 7:29pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by TV01(m): 7:32pm On Sep 07, 2016 |, we are talking Inventors, innovators that bring real transformation, and creators of cutting edge technology. And they present handbag makers to represent women ![]() Women do not have the same burden of performance that men do and are not typically as well-equipped, driven, or as ambitious to pioneer and break new ground. Even if all things were equal, they'd still lag, as they simply do not have the same desire or capacity for plain old hard work. Hence they will continue to be under-represented at that creator/innovator echelon, with or without a level playing field. Good thing too, we need them mainly to birth and raise the innovators and creators, not be them. TV 1 Like |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by cococandy(f): 7:39pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
Mindfulness:This one is by from Macy's I love their dresses because of the Lacey patterns. Yum. I like lace. I have it in the yellow also from Macy's. (Second pic) But if you don't like too much lace. (Which I suspect. Right or wrong?) Third pic is for you. That bag against a LBD? You're set for the night lady. ![]() ![]() 2 Likes
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by cococandy(f): 7:53pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
So it's only the bag maker you saw on that list? And yes she can represent the female folk because not only does she make bags as you put it, she influences lives with her female empowerment programs, philanthropy and foundations. Trust you to try belittle something beautiful just because a woman is the one doing it. What's your definition of real transformation? Do you know how many people's lives she has transformed? Pls don't be guided by blind sexism. TV01: 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 8:04pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
cococandy: I like the first one best. ![]() Now imagine the shoes ... I have a very clear vision here. ![]() |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by MizMyColi(f): 8:05pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
TV01: You would have made more sense if you yourself did not try to make this thread a sexist one by singling out the Handbag maker. You would have made sense if you did not sound demeaning in addressing her as a handbag maker. She mentioned other women who have stood out and performed above par in their chosen field of endeavor. How you ignored those and chose to focus on a "Hand Bag Maker" beats my imagination. So what if she's a handbag maker? Can you employ the number of Labour that Handbag maker has employed? Since when did it become norm to shame people's handiwork? You won't stop with the surprises anytime soon, will you? One minute, I read a TV post and I'm like, "This guy is good!" The next minute I read another post of his and I'm like; "But why is this guy being this petty naaaa" ![]() 7 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by cococandy(f): 8:20pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
Mindfulness:Are you a stilettos girl? |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Pidggin(f): 8:22pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
Timbuktou: Do you know why she has achieved what she stated? She was likely told she could do it. What you tell your kids is what they are likely to believe about themselves I bet you've never heard of Lady Lovelace? Mark Zuckerberg is a toddler compared to her. Bill Gates is a kid compared to her. She is the first computer programmer in the world, try reading about her. It seems you are still in the dark, open your eyes women ti take over ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 8:27pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
cococandy: There is an occasion for every style one can think of. ![]() [img][/img] |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by cococandy(f): 8:32pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
That is gorgeous ![]() All set. Now where are we going? Mindfulness: 1 Like |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by Nobody: 8:42pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
cococandy: We need food before we start sipping Bacardi. ![]() Let's go to a busy place by the sea where we can eat, drink and dance. ![]() But wait a moment ............................ we need a second outfit, don't we? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by TV01(m): 8:57pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
cococandy:Nope, I saw one - the first - who could be considered a creator, then a bunch of mostly entrepreneurs. Males such as Richard Branson and Dangote would not make the equivalent list for men because they make, not create. And a great education is less a factor in being a successful entrepreneur. cococandy:As I defined it. Inventing ab initio. Talent shows transform lives, so do lottery wins ![]() ![]() Sexism? Me ![]() How many women are bird spotters,or spend inordinate amounts of time tinkering with old machines or waxing lyrical over the engineering of suspension bridges? How many women dream of conquering the hood, the next country, the seas, or the distant planets, as opposed to the local shopping mall ![]() It's simply the way men are. The nerdiness, the obsessiveness, the curiosity, the drive, the ambition. Those are what lead to breakthroughs, even when they may not be being sought. A lot of transformational stuff is happenstance. Take gaming for example - and I personally don't get it - it's mostly men, mostly nerds, but the advances have been rapid It's wiring. Sure women have it, women can do it, but not to the same degree. And I am all for them having the equal opportunity to avail themselves of it, if they so desire. It's not sexist, it's realist. It seems you are set on seeing it through an ideological lens which says there is no difference between men and women, and the difference in achievement or representation is due to oppression (historic or current). But with "oppression" eliminated or factored, there would still be a gap. Women want the bag, men want to be able to buy the bag for them. Balance, you know that's what you want ![]() TV 1 Like |
Re: Why Male Education Is Better Than Female Education In The Family? by TV01(m): 9:07pm On Sep 07, 2016 |
My response to Coco mostly answers this. The handbag maker was one of a list of entrepreneurs, not creators or inventors, of which there was only 1. I was not being demeaning, you chose to read it that way. Like I said, Branson and Dangote sef no enter. Am I gainsaying their achievements as entrepreneurs? No, just categorising them accordingly. And make it personal by asking how many I can employ ![]() Your opinions on my posts mean nothing. In as much as I care, the ones you call good could actually be bad? You see what you want to see. Your surprise is mostly as a result of your own blind-spots. Surprise me with facts, repudiating anything I've said. TV MizMyColi: |
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