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#Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices - Agriculture - Nairaland

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#Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 9:06am On Mar 16, 2015
Please Read Till End!
Sedulus Farms Nig Limited Is One Of The Major Agro Company That Deals With Thee Highest Treated Dwarf Hybrid Plantain Suckers With Delivery Nation wide
1. Hybrids Plantain/Banana Suckers 9
2. Pineapple Sucker
3. Tenera Palm Seedlings
4 Coconut Seedlings
5. Genuine Farmlands (Farm Estates )
1. Farm Setup
2. Farm Management
3. Consultation ( Agro Field Only)
4. Sales Of Agro Products
5. Dry Plantain Processing Factory Setup
6. Logistics
Call/WhatsApp: 08120757274 : 08164891409 : 08057761905

Km43,Moniya/Iseyin Express Road,Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria
Click Here To Chat With Us Direct ������������������
Message Sedulus Farms Nig Limited

Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by fzero: 3:46pm On Mar 16, 2015
Hmmmmmm keep it up, www.agricnetwork.com is gradually becoming the number one agricultural forum cheesy cheesy

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Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 4:52pm On Mar 16, 2015
Thanks Very Much Sir.....
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 11:14pm On Mar 16, 2015
following this gives u agric opportunities

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Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 6:42pm On Mar 18, 2015
Musa parasidiasca belongs to the natural order, plantaginaceae which contains more than 200 species, twenty-five or thirty of which have been reported. The common plantain (Plantango major) has broad, irregular oval leaves, abruptly contracted at the base into a long broad, channelled footstalk. The fully grown blade is 1.3–2.4 meters long and about two- third as broad, usually smooth, with several parallel veins. Plantain grows more than any other plant in compacted soils, is abundant beside paths, roadside and other areas with frequent soil compaction. It is also common in grassland and as a weed among crops. It is wind pollinated and propagates primarily by seeds which are held on the long narrow spikes which rise well above the foliage. The large diversity that occurred in plantain has resulted in a variety of cultivars.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 10:02pm On Mar 21, 2015
This is the breaking down......For one acre of plantain Farmland...
***Plantain Havested Is 750
***Market Woman Usually buy At Dozen which everybody knows 12 is A Dozen
***Market Paid #8000 Naira Just for a dozen
Please Note Carefully All the Number Where the Belong Above.....
750÷12=62.2 Let Round up the figure to 64...
750 is the Harvested Plantain
12 is all we known as one Dozen
62 is the answere Figure wen you divide.....
8000 is what market woman pays for one dozen...
OK.....Now ......62.2 let's say 64 cos we rounded it up to 64.....now 64x8000=512,000.00 Naira is your initial income for one acre of plantain......Clap for me...its from experience not what I read or framed...thank Clifford

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Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 4:26pm On Mar 26, 2015
Soil Analyses Soil samples were taken 10 cm increments from the surface to 50 cm depth, before burning the biomass in 1994 (Table 1). Soil pH was determined in water (1:5 ratio). Basic cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+) were extracted in a 0.1 M 1:10 BaCl2/NH4Cl solution. Organic carbon was determined using a modified Walkley-Black method (Heanes, 1984). Total nitrogen was determined using the Bremner method (Bremner and Tabatabai, 1972; Bremner and Mulvaney, 1982).
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 7:29pm On Mar 28, 2015
Urea is a low cost nitrogen fertilizer form. This is because of its high nitrogen composition and consequent low transport and storage costs. Urea may be the fertilizer of choice when only nitrogen is needed in a soil fertility program. Urea converts to ammonium bicarbonate within about 48 hours after field application. Nitrogen in this form will tend to volatilize to the air as ammonia gas. This lost fertilizer investment risk can be minimized or eliminated by assuring that the urea gets into the soil and does not merely remain on the surface of the soil or crop foliage. This can be accomplished by irrigating in the urea; by plowdown soon after surface broadcast application; or by banding or injecting the urea directly into the soil. For further information see Chapter 8 “Fertilizer Composition and Reactions in Soils,” Utah Fertilizer Guide,
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 1:47pm On Apr 02, 2015
Propagators are used for sprouting of new seedlings and hardening of the subsequent sprouts. Simple propagators can be constructed using fairly cheap materials, such as bamboo and polythene sheets. Enterprising banana seedling producers could use iron rods and cast a concrete floor. It is important that at least 50% shade is provided and that the fragile seedlings are well-protected, by constructing a shade above the propagators. A convenient size for a propagator is 1.5 (width) x 5.0 (length) x 1 (height) meter. Propagators should be kept clean and completely covered with transparent polyethylene sheets. Humidity and temperature should be high. The propagator compartments can be made using wood or bricks and should measure not more than 0.5 m in height.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 7:22pm On Apr 08, 2015
The advantages of in vitro micropropagation include higher rates of multiplication; production of clean, or disease-free, planting material; and the small amount of space required to multiply large numbers of plants. These advantages of micropropagation are particularly relevant to vegetatively propagated crops, such as banana and plantain (Musa spp. L.), in which germplasm handling typically is fraught with such obstacles as slow multiplication, bulkiness, and poor phytosanitary quality of conventional propagules. Hence, in vitro, shoot-tip culture is a vital technical adjunct to any international Musa breeding program for multiplication and dissemination of newly bred clones. Thus, development of a shoot-tip culture technique for micropropagation of Musa has received considerable attention during the past 15 years and since has become well established
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by AreaFada2: 8:29pm On Apr 08, 2015

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Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by karlxavier(m): 7:59am On Apr 09, 2015
So@sedulus, how much can one use to set up an acre of plantain farm?

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Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 8:19am On Apr 09, 2015
it now depnd on what spacing you intend using ...we have 1x1,2x2,3x3...meters.
For 1x1 you need :1000 suckers
For 2x2 you need:870suckers
for 3x3 you need :750 $uckers
Each suckers cost #120 transportation exclusive.
with transportation is #160
..Our farm is in Ibadan and in Edo state...
Thanks for the spacing meters deference advantage /disadvantages ....pls call mr.clifford
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by karlxavier(m): 9:39pm On Apr 09, 2015
State the actual amount used in setting up an acre and what is the profit like
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 1:34am On Apr 10, 2015
Land clearing : #60,000.00 only south west region
Planting of Sucker: #50.00 each sucker can be multiplied with how many you want. depend on meters.
Sucker #160 wit transportation.
other can be discus on fone sit ...thank you visit www.facebook.com/sedulusplantainfarming
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 3:24pm On Apr 12, 2015
Effect of plantain (Musa paradisiaca (L) AAB genomic group) peel and stalk extracts were investigated using percentage inhibition test. Complete inhibition of growth (100%) was observed for Aspergillusniger, Aspergillus oryzae and Rhizopus stolonifer at 1.0 mg/ml concentration of stalk extract. Peel extract inhibited A. niger 100%, A. oryzae 76.67% and R. stolonifer 56.67% at the same concentration. As concentration reduces, growth inhibition reduces also up to the minimum inhibitory concentration. The results of this work justify that the plant extracts were able to inhibit and kill the growth of spoilage fungi and this implies that the extract in
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 9:37am On Apr 15, 2015
Vegetative growth Neither soil amendments, fertilizer applications methods nor fertilizer compositions had a significant effect on pseudostem height or girth, or on leaf area at flowering (Table 4). Treatment effects were only significant for the number of leaves at flowering between Saline-Ring-NPK plants (8.2 leaves/plant) and Amended-Mixed-NPK and Amended-Ring-NPK+micro plants (14.0 and 13.8 leaves/plant, respectively). Replacing the saline field soil in the root zone with non-saline soil improved the growth of ‘Malindi’ plants compared to those planted in saline soil.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 5:50pm On Apr 21, 2015
Like plantain, the plant is short and tree-like with a sturdy pseudostem and large broad leaves arranged spirally at the top. The leaves are large blades with a pronounced central midrib and obvious veins.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 1:15pm On Apr 25, 2015
Happy Weekend ......may it bring joy and happiness for you all

Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 3:49pm On May 02, 2015
Without these important crop protection and pest control technologies, Nigeria food production would decline, many fruits and vegetables would be in short supply, and the price of food would rise. What’s more, America’s production of important fibers for clothing, such as cotton, would decrease as farmers would lose their harvests and livelihoods to crop pests and diseases.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 4:25pm On May 06, 2015
. Spacing
The recommended spacing is 3 m between the plantain rows and 2 m within the row (in other words. 3 m x 2 m). An alternative is 2.5 m x 2.5 m. If spaced 3 m x 2 m, 1 hectare should contain 1667 plants, but with a spacing of 2.5 m x 2.5 m, it should contain 1600 plants. Rows should be straight in flat fields to give plants the maximum amount of sunlight. However, on sloping land, rows should follow the contour lines in order to decrease soil erosion.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 3:27pm On May 08, 2015
This to inform all our client that .....any plantain sucker that is bellow 500 pieces can't be payment at delivery... We only accept payment at delivery service from 1000 above....thank you....announcer Mr.Clifford
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 3:16pm On May 10, 2015
Plantains are eaten as a vegetable and are cooked prior to consumption. They are an important component of many dishes in Western Africa and Caribbean countries. In addition, the leaves of Musa species can be used as a source of fibre for thread, cloth string, thread or can be used as thatch and roofing. The plants are also grown as an effective source of shade for other crops.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by samabidoye: 7:56am On May 11, 2015
I am looking for a Farm Manager to oversee the establishment and running of a small Integrated Farm venture in the outskirt of Ibadan (Around CRIN).
Practical experienced in animal husbandry (Livestock Cow & Goat) and Plantain cultivation is required.
You don’t need a degree in Agriculture, all I’m after is your experience, passion and Zeal.

Only serious minded individuals should contact me: rehobothcattleranch@yahoo.com
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 3:24pm On May 13, 2015
Plantains grow best in hot and humid climates, require a rainfall of at least 1000 mm (39.4 in) per year to survive and have a high light requirement. Plantains will grow optimally at 27°C (98.6°F) and require a deep soil, rich in organic matter which is well draining and well aerated. The plants will grow optimally in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. Young plantains are very susceptible to wind damage and it is recommended that they are planted in sufficient shelter or in a block so that the plants will protect one another.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 2:02pm On May 17, 2015
Plantations should be regularly monitored for presence of disease; if Moko is present, male buds should be removed and all tools thoroughly disinfected; infected plants may need to be destroyed along with any neighbouring plants
Black sigatoka
Mycosphaerella fijiensis
Red/brown flecks or spots on underside or topside of leaves; spots with dark or yellow border and grey centre; death of leaf surface; bunch not developing
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 2:24pm On May 22, 2015
What we do sell is musa paradisiak a which is known as Giant Elephant and is a species from Cameroon which is the best hybrid so far..this are the type of species that the fruited are alway s big in nature and ...and it takes 10 to 12months to heavest ..the next heaviest don't take dat long before fruiting due to side by side suckers been germinating before the parent plantain gets ready for heavest.
We have different technique to plant plantain just to avoid weeds to fall them when mature and this thake practical aspect before comprehending with the the planting .....
To make a successful plantain business ..their are criterial we need to put into cons
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 7:34pm On May 23, 2015
Plantains grow best in hot and humid climates, require a rainfall of at least 1000 mm (39.4 in) per year to survive and have a high light requirement. Plantains will grow optimally at 27°C (98.6°F) and require a deep soil, rich in organic matter which is well draining and well aerated. The plants will grow optimally in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. Young plantains are very susceptible to wind damage and it is recommended that they are planted in sufficient shelter or in a block so that the plants will protect one another.
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 11:34pm On May 25, 2015
Reduced plant growth; reduced fruit production; tunnels may be visible in corm as rounded holes up to 8 mm in diameter; plants wilting and toppling over; destruction of root system; plant death; adult insect is a hard-shelled beetle which is almost black in color; adult is commonly found between leaf sheaths; larvae are creamy-white, legless grubs with a red-brown head

Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 4:03pm On May 26, 2015

select suckers of at least 50 cm high or with 4-5 leaves
carefully dig around the base of the mother plant to expose the rhizome
cut the rhizome as close to the mother plant as possible, preferably with a piece of the tuber
dig the rhizome carefully out with as much of the lateral roots as possible
cut off the lower leaves, retaining only the new leaves as this will prevent young plants from drying out
let the sucker dry out for a couple of days, out of direct sunlight, so that the wound on the rhizome heals nicely
plant the sucker in a whole at the bottom of which you have put a layer of organic compost or manure
fill the whole and push the soil well so that the plant remains firmly upright
in a pot you will put a drainage layer of stones at the bottom and fill the pot with any fresh soil, it contains enough nutrients for the start of the young plant, you will need to fertilize about 1 month after plantation

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Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by dapee(m): 4:12pm On May 26, 2015
Is it still possible to plant this year? Rainfall is not starting up well as expected in Lagos and Ogun States. Will the rains still pickup?[/quote]
Re: #Treated Dwarf Cameroonian Hybrid Plantain & Banana Suckers 4 Sale @ Chip Prices by sedulus(m): 10:13am On May 28, 2015
its very possible... its just that we had late rain this year very late..but its advisable you start it now than to start it late ..this is due to your plantain must at least 4months old before it. can survive in dry season... contact us for more details.. thanks Clifford


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