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'one Chance' With Investment One KGIF - Investment - Nairaland

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'one Chance' With Investment One KGIF by obadeyemi: 5:48am On Mar 20, 2015
Good people of Nigeria, this is a clarion call for advise on where to find quick help on this issue.
I thought the days of 'wonder banks' are over but sincerely yours, I have "entered One Chance" with InvestmentOne Kakawa Guranteed Income Fund.
I made three investments of N50k each between March and June last year. My investment statement of account reflected the four investments buh I got 3 certificates instead of 4. After a whole lot of calls and complaints to my relationship manager and their customer service, they claimed that my certificate was at Lafiaji Post Office. I was given a tracking number which happened to be FAKE!
I was so shocked and embarrassed when I got to Lafiaji Post Office with the tracking number and I was told there was no such record plus lots of innocent investors like me had been mis-informed to come there and pick up their certificates.
InvestmentOne first claimed the certificate of the last N50k investment was sent to my office, they later said Lafiaji Post Office and now NO DIVIDEND WARRANTS for second quarter of last year. I can see their adverts everywhere now and they are organising seminars to recruit more investors to defraud!
I contacted First Registrars to confirm if the FORGED tracking number emanated from them since their name was on the 3previous certificates, no response from First Registrars till date.
Compatriots, please advise on where to forward my complaint to. I also want the issue discussed on popular shows and investment columns of newspapers so that Nigerians will be aware and don't enter one chance like me.

Help spread the news, share with friends and let everyone know that the fear on InvestmentOne is the beginning of investment wisdom.



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Re: 'one Chance' With Investment One KGIF by saibuhari(m): 9:29am On Mar 20, 2015
Is this investment One not a subsidiary of GTB?
Re: 'one Chance' With Investment One KGIF by obadeyemi: 11:46am On Mar 20, 2015
That was the impression made when we were marketed. It turned to be affiliated to FBN too.

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