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Nigeria Is Expectant - Politics - Nairaland

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Nigeria Is Expectant by engrsoma(m): 7:52am On Mar 27, 2015
Nigeria is Expectant. Nigeria must have a president after
march 28, be it Jonathan or buhari that's not my problem.

I strongly believe that the development of Nigeria has to do
with the development of the Nigerians people psychology.
Until we change our mindset, Nigeria would continue being
a "Developing Country" a term used to describe Nigeria
since I could understand the simple principles of language

We complain of corruption by the government, but this term
"Corruption" is in every nook and cranny of the Nigerian
Society, from the gateman to the CEO.
We will continue being called Developing until we change our
philosophy towards the Nigerian development. How can we
be called developed when we still wear our best clothes to
SHOPRITE just to take pictures and upload on Facebook?.

Continuously I have watched Nigeria imitate the American,
their education system, political system and our girls try to
imitate their accent. All these would be great if we imitated
them well, but no, we just imitate the outer picture and leave
the inner picture for the Americans to draw.

Whatever the outcome of March 28th would be, Nigeria
won't change if we the citizens don't change the way we
see the Nigerian Development for it lies on our hands.

# engrsoma
# nigeriaisexpectant
# concernedcitizen


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