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Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him - Religion - Nairaland

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Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by lalasticlala(m): 5:45pm On Apr 09, 2015
The pastor and the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Prophet TB Joshua, has rained cuses on some Zimbabweans whom he claimed are spreading false rumuors about him.

The controversial pastor said on Thursday, April 8, 2015 that if the people did not desist from spreading lies against him, they would be utterly destroyed.

Zimbabwean media claimed that Joshua had predicted that three of their prominent preachers would die this year. The alleged prophecy was contained in a message delivered by TB Joshua in his church.

The transcript of the message was published by state-owned Herald newspaper in Zimbabwe.

Joshua was quoted to have said, “I saw in a vision a flag, the Lord said that’s the flag of Zimbabwe. In the vision behold there were three trees, but of the three trees only one had roots, the other two were standing, but had no roots.

“The Lord said look again and when I looked the other tree had fallen, and another tree was about to fall. The Lord said take this message to Zimbabwe and tell them, I am cleaning up Prophets in their nation, and the work has already began.

“The three trees represent the three well known prophets in that nation, one who has already fallen and the other about to fall harder than the first.”

But speaking through his verified Facebook page, TB Joshua said he did not make such pronouncements because he was not given such a prophecy by God.

He said, “Good morning, people of Zimbabwe. Our attention has been drawn to false rumours spread by the father of lies which are currently being circulated around Zimbabwe. The reward of liars is destruction.

“We hereby curse, in the name of Jesus, whoever is spreading these rumours. Prophet T.B. Joshua can NEVER and he will NEVER give such a message because our God is not the God of confusion. We should be very careful not to touch an anointed man of God and lie against him.

“The Bible says in John 8:44 that satan is ‘the father of lies’. Don’t listen to the father of lies, the sons of lies and the daughters of lies. Do not sit somewhere, hear this or that and come to a hasty conclusion. God requires that we find out the truth from Him first and hold fast to that which is true, as the Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:21.”


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Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Nobody: 5:46pm On Apr 09, 2015
them go hear am!!!!
spreading lies against a man of God or anybody is a serious sin. undecided

FTC at last!! grin


Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by madridguy(m): 5:46pm On Apr 09, 2015
Bad pastors that I have too often encountered now main objective is to control, rule over even silence the flock through fear and intimidation. In this despotic, institutionalized church system where disloyalty to or disagreement with the pastor or leaders is viewed as the same as disobeying God. Questioning the pastor on doctrinal statements becomes equal to questioning God. After all, the Pastor is the authority, and authority is always right. These pastors even try to commit their objectors to mental institutions. Sadly in real life both God, Good and bad preachers coexist but presently the bad preachers seem to outnumber the good ones.


Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Omexonomy: 5:53pm On Apr 09, 2015
How when and why
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by DuchessLily(f): 5:58pm On Apr 09, 2015
Hmmmm....be careful!
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Nobody: 5:59pm On Apr 09, 2015
them go hear am!!!!
spreading lies against a man of God or anybody is a serious sin. undecided

FTC at last!! grin
Man of God kor.

Only God knows who serve him.

By the way, he's un-christlike going with the way he's using cuss words.

26 Likes 1 Share

Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by DuchessLily(f): 5:59pm On Apr 09, 2015
Bad pastors that I have too often encountered now main objective is to control, rule over even silence the flock through fear and intimidation. In this despotic, institutionalized church system where disloyalty to or disagreement with the pastor or leaders is viewed as the same as disobeying God. Questioning the pastor on doctrinal statements becomes equal to questioning God. After all, the Pastor is the authority, and authority is always right. These pastors even try to commit their objectors to mental institutions. Sadly in real life both God, Good and bad preachers coexist but presently the bad preachers seem to outnumber the good ones.



Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Nobody: 6:01pm On Apr 09, 2015

Man of God kor.

Only God knows who serve him.

By the way, he's un-christlike going with the way he's using cuss words.
Do not judge undecided If u have never cursed someone out of anger cos they are spreading lies against u, then u can judge him.


Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by CR77(f): 6:02pm On Apr 09, 2015
Only God knows who serve him

Fake prophet every where

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by adorablepepple(f): 6:03pm On Apr 09, 2015
undecided why would he do that, those people r his major customers now n customers r always right grin

Papa TB don't curse them Oo


Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by siraj1402(m): 6:03pm On Apr 09, 2015
Why? So he doesn't want to be like Jesus?" Mo fe kin da bi Jesu ninu iwa pele,ko se ni to gboro ibinu lenu re ri lekan" grin

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Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Bonapart(m): 6:03pm On Apr 09, 2015
The last thing you should do is to lie against a prophet of God...


Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by immortalvoices(m): 6:03pm On Apr 09, 2015
The way people readily insult prophet TB joshua is alarming

Am beginning to think that the demons inside of you are the ones manifesting...

Even if TB joshua was the one who chases traders at the temple...u guys will still insult

Or even if he was Elisha who commanded wild animals to come out and devour those children mocking him...you guys will still criticize him

He is right to react and curse them for using his name to sell newspapers

Because even the bible said "I will bless those who you bless and curse those whom you curse!

Admit it, your inner-online demon is scared of the prophet, cos you can't get rid of him...so the worst you can do is to hide behind a cheap phone with 100mb to spleen you anger

Be careful because the prophet is never your problem....you sinful lives is the cause of your situation "BE WARNED"

Quote me negatively and my silence would hurt you


Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Elzends(m): 6:03pm On Apr 09, 2015
Dear Prophet Tb Joshua
If there's anything you should have learned this year, it's how to respond to these kinda people.. Do you remember Mbaka YYY
Do you remember the adoration ministry's response to that??
If you keep reacting to rumors like that, den u never see anything
Yours sincerely
Elzends cool
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by macanu(m): 6:03pm On Apr 09, 2015
Some people just like to bring curse upon themselves and generation for something they know notin about,why?

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Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Nobody: 6:03pm On Apr 09, 2015
Too much agreement kills a chat..
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by otemanuduno: 6:03pm On Apr 09, 2015
Na wa o
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Nobody: 6:04pm On Apr 09, 2015
Z ni

olobe oshi

Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Prodeegee(m): 6:04pm On Apr 09, 2015
I thought pastors are supposed to bless and watch over the flock and not curse them?

do you know how many of this moses took?

Do you know what God did to him after he "bleeped up"

Somuch for what we call pastors nowadays

1 Like

Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Nobody: 6:04pm On Apr 09, 2015
Do not judge undecided If u have never cursed someone out of anger cos they are spreading lies against u, then u can judge him.
Atleast, I didn't claim that anyone who spreads lies against me is committing a serious sin like you opined.

If he's truly a man of God, he doesn't have to curse. undecided


Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by koxi(m): 6:04pm On Apr 09, 2015
He has no right whatsoever to lay curses on anyone.....more so because he's a "man of God"

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Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Anoruo(m): 6:04pm On Apr 09, 2015
Don't speak ill about a man of God.
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by hummerwise(m): 6:04pm On Apr 09, 2015
As a pastor? shocked
WhatevEr happen to the term 'God will fight me'
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by dipopooo(m): 6:05pm On Apr 09, 2015
shocked Sir, u dnt nid to curse them, they are already cursed. Zimbabweans worwor pass chimpanzee
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by tucky200(m): 6:05pm On Apr 09, 2015
People never know say dis man na fake...well sha one breeze go blow fowl yansh go open grin

1 Like

Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Genycharl(f): 6:05pm On Apr 09, 2015
Hmmmm....be careful!

Hmmmm....be careful!
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by imperiouxx(m): 6:05pm On Apr 09, 2015
Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him - frontpage

Ok, next news please.
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by hero31x(m): 6:05pm On Apr 09, 2015
Mod, why? This is my post u just reposted! Lalastica?

1 Like

Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Macelliot(m): 6:05pm On Apr 09, 2015
Re: Prophet TB Joshua Curses Zimbabweans For Spreading Lies Against Him by Omexonomy: 6:06pm On Apr 09, 2015
them go hear am!!!!
spreading lies against a man of God or anybody is a serious sin. undecided

FTC at last!! grin
do you realy believe in curse?

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