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The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria - Politics - Nairaland

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The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by charlo(m): 10:59pm On Sep 06, 2006
The staggering figures behind the rate of poverty and unemployment in Nigeria

5.66milion Nigerian graduates or 5.66% of the total population are roaming about unemployed.
The figure could hit 10 million by the year 2002(which obviously is the case today)
As at January 2000, 18.8% of Nigerians were unemployed according to the statistics released by the Nigerian manpower Board.
That the following holds true for the 8 main metropolitan (Lagos, Ibadan, Kano, PortHacourt, Abuja, Aba, Jos, Maiduguri):
OND holders topped the list of unemployed people.
Secondary school leavers-53.9% of total jobless population.
University degree holders-21.2%,
HND holders-21.3%
University Postgraduate Diploma- 18.9%
The colleges of education, NCE awardees- 18.9%
That only about 3 million people out of estimated 22 million in the school system enters the labour market annually.
The labour market can hardly absorb 10% of the entire school output.
That according to CBN annual report for 1998, out of 81,239 unemployed lower grade workers made up of youths who registered with employment exchange offices across the country, only 3,323 applicants were offered jobs.
The case study witnessed by the minister of Labour, employment and productivity is more significant when a vacant advertisement was put out in his office. This is what he said: “In my office 7,500 persons applied for a vacant advert needing 20 people. All the 7,500 workers were qualified”.
As released by the federal office of statistics and published in various editions of CBN report:
In 1993- composite unemployment was 3.4%
In 1994- It moved down to 2.7%
1n 1995-It was 1.8%
In 1996- Worsened to 3.4%
In 1997- Out of 3,694 vacancies advertised for professional and executive jobs only 70 were actually filled.
The ratio of places to total regular unemployed- 0.2%
The crux of the matter remains the 18.8 million or 18.8 unemployed youths roaming about as the figure is increasing on daily basis.
(Statistical facts from: Be Your Own Boss by JOE. C. DAVID)

[b]Election 2007: It is high time the citizens of this country took the future of our country, and generations yet unborn very serious. The above statistics is to help us to understand some of the qualities and the vision which whoever is going to become a public position holder in this country must posses. As long as a higher % of the youths and the middle class of this nation remain jobless, then the state of this potentially blessed nation will continue to deteriorate and the future Jeopardised. Please let us stop believing our votes don’t count, let us stop voting for personal interests, lets us stop all tribal voting, let us stop selling the future of this country by selling our votes. Let us vote credible people that have visions and what it takes to address the major problems of this nation. Let us vote people that we know are ready to serve and not people that are ready to oppress, dictate and embezzle. Yes we have lots of presidential candidates for the coming election but a very few of them know what it it takes to serve.
Make sure you vote and Vote for servant leaders.
The future of this country is in your hand.
God Bless Nigeria. –

Re: The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by BigB11(m): 4:46pm On Sep 07, 2006
Charlo: Very impressive gesture. Excellent, A great indication to move forward.

You should also simplify your thought or comment by identifying what to look for, strategy that needs to be implemented to improve poverty and unemployment in Nigeria.

Let's keep it real:

For instance, I believe that Nigeria as a country has completely stopped educating the new generations for over 14 years ago, BA, MBA and so on are now nothing but diluted titles. What can we do to upgrade the levels and empower the strength of these degrees once again instead of our companies giving away all the top opportunities to the expatriates

Bad leaders = Bad economy = Diluted degrees = Unemployment = Poverty = Bad leaders = Bad economy = diluted degrees = unemployment = Poverty, and on and on in a circle.
Re: The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by Sijien(m): 5:17pm On Sep 07, 2006
unemployment is a global problem
Re: The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by BigB11(m): 6:35pm On Sep 07, 2006
Not correct, my man. Nigerian unemployment rate and level is not normal, it's a disease that doesn't have to exist to that current magnitude.

Re: The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by GNature(m): 11:33pm On Sep 07, 2006
It is going to take a while for things to get better. We need to have political
stability so the foreign investors (foreingers and nigerians alike) can come and invest.

We need to wipe out corruption. We need to plough our money to proper use and
not in politicians' pockets

We need to enforce the law, no one should be above the law. The reform going on should stay its
course (with transparency).

The federal government needs to place a lot of emphasis on people getting their PhDs. We are already
experiencing a major brain drain in the country and it is only going to get worse. There should
be incentives in place for students with first class degrees to go on and obtain their

Competent people should be put in place to run government parastatals. It is not by coincidence that
the reform put in place by Okonjo-Iweala (e.g. Due Process in awarding contracts) and  Charles Soludo
(e.g. the consolidation in the banking industry) took place. We need the right leadership in place to
make the system work.

These ideas should not only be implemented, but they should be sustained. Only then will the masses
see any changes in their lives.
Re: The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by Sijien(m): 8:17am On Sep 08, 2006
nigeria has 5.66% unemployment. germany has 6.2%. so how is it not a global problem?
Re: The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by charlo(m): 8:12am On Sep 09, 2006
sijien:You are right it is a global problem, but that fact does not make it a good thing and the very more reason why we have to address our own side of global inconveniencies. Some countries are far better off and those are the examples to we need to be looking at. We dont have to wait till we are at the top of the chat before we start acting.
Re: The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by charlo(m): 8:56am On Sep 09, 2006
Big B :Lucida Sans Unicode]You should also simplify your thought or comment by identifying what to look for, strategy that needs to be implemented to improve poverty and unemployment in Nigeria.

Let's keep it real:

Bad leaders = Bad economy = Diluted degrees = Unemployment = Poverty = Bad leaders = Bad economy = diluted degrees = unemployment = Poverty, and on and on in a circle.
e post

If you go through the post again you will see the strategy you talked about. There are a lot of issues to be addressed in this counrty and they can not all be addressed at once. You will be surprised at what the right leader can achieve in solving some major problems. We all know most leaders in this country are voted out of sentiments and not on what they carry or can achieve, This is just one of the areas from where we can begin the war on unemployment, we need to vote and vote the right candidate not because he or she is from our locality, not because of what we will be given by voting them, but for the fact that they can deliver.
Re: The Rate Of Poverty And Unemployment In Nigeria by Chxta(m): 5:51pm On Sep 11, 2006
@ Sijien, I'd like to know the source of your statistic. . .

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