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What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. - Romance - Nairaland

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Just Got This Shocking Text From My Girlfriend (please Advise Me) / Please Advise, My Girlfriend Refused To Accept My BBM Request / Beautiful, Caring & Intelligent But Cant Cook - Please Advise (2) (3) (4)

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What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Alikwe(f): 4:09pm On Jan 30, 2009
I met this guy far back as 2005 and he was just like hey i want to be your bf. but i was in another relationship then and he was almost breaking up one then. But we did not get to see very often in 2006/2007. Late 2007 one thing led to the other and i broke up with my bf. But by this time he had been sending me text and calling like no mans business so i decided to give in to him. Not long he just called me and made me to understand that he would like to have me as a wife and not a g/f. I did not give him any response to that but i was really glad about that
As time went on he kept reminding me that am not a girl friend but a wife to be. I eventually told my mum and she was like no way to a non- yoruba guy. He is from Delta and born and bred in Osun state. My Dad is from Ekiti state and my mom from Ogun state. I love this guy and would love to nmarry him. But i attend a K and S church and when i enquired about it at church they also advised that the way is rough i told him this and he fell sick. He asked if there was anything he could do but i said nothing could be done. please bail me before i make a mistake. Thanks for your expected replies.
My mom did not leave a reason as to not to marry a non yoruba guy. I know he might never get over this. please what can i do
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by MrCrackles(m): 4:12pm On Jan 30, 2009
I am tired of parents meddling into thier children's relationships and love life

I am sick and tired of moronic religious leaders telling people who to marry and who not to marry!!!!


Follow your heart, trust me, u wont regret it!
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Ben13: 4:16pm On Jan 30, 2009
But i attend a K and S church and when i enquired about it at church they also advised that the way is rough

Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Gabry(f): 4:16pm On Jan 30, 2009
So your problem is that your mom wants you to marry to a Yoruba boy and no one else?
Well, my bf's eldest sister had the same problem like yours too. Well, somehow. What his sister did was that one day she brough her guy to the house and the guy and her talk with her parents and both told them that its their life and they are old enough to decide. The daughter ended up telling the parents that she really love him and no one else and told them that it is unfair that they could choose whom they wanted to marry to and that she could not choose. The guy really had to prove to her parents that he can be a responsible husband by having a good job and help to buy groceries for the house and stuff like that.

Then after some few months, the parents let the both of them get married.

So try to get your bf over to your parents house and just talk and know each other in general at the same time your bf should try to buy their hearts.
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by evergreen6: 4:17pm On Jan 30, 2009
I hate situations like these. . . . . . . . . follow ur heart wink
B.t.w what way is rough, is ur pastor God?
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by MrCrackles(m): 4:21pm On Jan 30, 2009
Some religious leaders think they know everything, fucking bongo tea idiots! angry
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by DaPhoenix(f): 4:24pm On Jan 30, 2009
Forgive my ignorance but what is a K and S church
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Nobody: 4:42pm On Jan 30, 2009
i don't believe in k and s shit. go and marry him.
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Magz(m): 5:35pm On Jan 30, 2009
Marry the guy!!! Don't let anyone, not even a church person or parent, hold you back from true love. If you listen to them, you will end up being miserable for the rest of your life. You said that you really love him, so do not let a good thing pass you by,
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:10am On Jan 31, 2009
Horse sh.it
Abeg dont let one k n s pastor dictate ur life angry
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:13am On Jan 31, 2009
what is a k and s church?
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:16am On Jan 31, 2009

what is a k and s church?

its the other white garment church
there is cele n k n s
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:20am On Jan 31, 2009

its the other white garment church
there is cele n k n s
oh i can now see why the guy fell
sick. I am sure the church has "prayed" about it
cheesy cheesy
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:21am On Jan 31, 2009

oh i can now see why the guy fell
sick. I am sure the church has "prayed" about it
cheesy cheesy

rofl. . . . . i cant shout grin
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Sauron1: 12:21am On Jan 31, 2009

what is a k and s church?

Cherub n Seraphim.
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:23am On Jan 31, 2009

Cherub n Seraphim.
oh that


rofl. . . . . i cant shout grin
tope darling
are you sure?
val is around the corner they can
"pray" for you too. This time though
it will make any man fall in loff with you
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by DaPhoenix(f): 12:26am On Jan 31, 2009

Cherub n Seraphim.

why the heck is it called [b]K [/b]and S?! Shouldn't it be C and S?
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:26am On Jan 31, 2009

tope darling
are you sure?
val is around the corner they can
"pray" for you too. This time though
it will make any man fall in loff with you

DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin grin grin grin grin grin
I rebuke that kind of prayer unless ofcos the prayer will allow me to bag boris kodjoe or joe grin
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Sauron1: 12:28am On Jan 31, 2009

why the heck is it called [b]K [/b]and S?! Shouldn't it be C and S?

There's no letter "C" in Yoruba alphabet so K is the preferred letter for the older generation who never saw the 4 walls of a school.
Are we CLEAR, now??
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:31am On Jan 31, 2009

DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin grin grin grin grin grin
I rebuke that kind of prayer unless ofcos the prayer will allow me to bag boris kodjoe or joe grin
how can you rebuke it when it will
help you bag boris?
cheesy cheesy
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by debosky(m): 12:33am On Jan 31, 2009
Kerubim ati Serafim cheesy grin grin
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:34am On Jan 31, 2009

how can you rebuke it when it will
help you bag boris?
cheesy cheesy

Abeg there is no gurantee i will bag him with the pastor's prayer undecided tongue
plus i am 100% sure that the pastor will not prounouce his name very well when parying. i dont want to end up with the WRONG boris grin cheesy
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:36am On Jan 31, 2009

Abeg there is no gurantee i will bag him with the pastor's prayer undecided tongue
plus i am 100% sure that the pastor will not prounouce his name very well when parying. i dont want to end up with the WRONG boris grin cheesy
lol we do not want that to happen
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:38am On Jan 31, 2009

lol we do not want that to happen

Mehnnnnnnnnn . . . .if that happens, i will cry cry cry
infact i might commit suicide angry grin
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:39am On Jan 31, 2009

Mehnnnnnnnnn . . . .if that happens, i will cry cry cry
infact i might commit suicide angry grin
you want me to help you
push the chair away when you are hanging from the fan?
cheesy cheesy
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:45am On Jan 31, 2009

you want me to help you
push the chair away when you are hanging from the fan?
cheesy cheesy

Shaaaaaaaaaaatttttap dia tongue
Instead of u to be consoling me grin cheesy
u want to help me die. bad guy sad
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:47am On Jan 31, 2009

Shaaaaaaaaaaatttttap dia tongue
Instead of u to be consoling me grin cheesy
u want to help me die. bad guy sad

console a suicidal woman?
either you want my help or i can give you
cheesy cheesy
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:50am On Jan 31, 2009

console a suicidal woman?
either you want my help or i can give you
cheesy cheesy

Well . . . . since i am a very good friend cheesy
I wont let u help me die cuz u'll end up in prison 4 it tongue grin
As 4 prozac, dont worry. i aint losing it yet tongue
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:54am On Jan 31, 2009

Well . . . . since i am a very good friend cheesy
I wont let u help me die cuz u'll end up in prison 4 it tongue grin
As 4 prozac, dont worry. i aint losing it yet tongue
why would i end up in prison?
for aiding you?
i will never let anything bad happen
to you dear
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 12:56am On Jan 31, 2009

why would i end up in prison?
for aiding you?
i will never let anything bad happen
to you dear

U dont know if u assist some1 die, u cud go to jail shocked tongue cheesy
u wont let anything bad happen to me and yet u want me to go on prozac shocked shocked shocked shocked
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by Treetop20(m): 12:59am On Jan 31, 2009

U dont know if u assist some1 die, u cud go to jail shocked tongue cheesy
u wont let anything bad happen to me and yet u want me to go on prozac shocked shocked shocked shocked
no i will not
what are you doing on the 14th?
Re: What Am I To Do? Please Advise Me. by tope2000(f): 1:02am On Jan 31, 2009

no i will not
what are you doing on the 14th?

LoL . . . . Prolly gonna hang out with friends undecided

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