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What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles - Religion - Nairaland

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What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Sanchez01: 9:46pm On Apr 25, 2015
Archangels are the highest-ranking angels in heaven. God gives them the most important responsibilities, and they do their work both in the heavenly dimension and in the earthly one. The word “archangel” is from the Greek words “arche” (ruler) and “angelos” (messenger), signifying archangels’ dual duties. Archangels rule over the universe’s daily operation on missions from God, while also delivering messages from God to human beings.

They're 7 in number and were repeatedly mentioned in Revelations;

"I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God’s wrath is completed. " - Rev 15:1.

"And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them." - Rev 8:2.

Arch-Angels can be put to use by people but overtime, limited knowledge of these Spirit beings have caused Christians to talk less of them.


1. Michael : Meaning - "Who is like God", "Like unto God", "Who is like the Divine"
(Also known)

The first Angel created by God, Michael is the leader of all the Archangels and is in charge of protection, courage, strength, truth and integrity. Michael protects us physically, emotionally and psychically. He also oversees the lightworker's life purpose. His chief function is to rid the earth and its inhabitants of the toxins associated with fear. Michael carries a flaming sword that he uses to cut through etheric cords and protects us from Satan and negative entities. When he's around you may see sparkles or flashes of bright blue or purple light. Call on Michael if you find yourself under psychic attack or if you feel you lack commitment, motivation and dedication to your beliefs, courage, direction, energy, vitality, self-esteem, worthiness. Michael helps us to realize our life's purpose and he's invaluable to lightworkers helping with protection, space clearing and spirit releasement.

Michael conquered the fallen Angel Satan, was in the Garden of Eden to teach Adam how to farm and care for his family, spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai and in 1950 he was canonized as Saint Michael, "the patron of Police Officers," because he helps with heroic deeds and bravery. Michael also has an incredible knack for fixing electrical and mechanical devices, including computers and automobiles. If your automobile breaks down, call on Michael.

Michael helps us to follow our truth without compromising our integrity and helps us to find our true natures and to be faithful to who we really are. Other times when you may find Michael helpful is when your job is too demanding with impossible deadlines to reach, when you have an addiction, if you're very ill and suffering from a degenerative disease or terminal illness and when you suffer from nightmares.
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Sanchez01: 9:47pm On Apr 25, 2015
2. Raphael: Meaning - "Healing power of God", "The Divine has healed", "God heals"

Also known:

Hebrew word rapha means "doctor" or "healer". Raphael is a powerful healer and assists with all forms of healing - humans and animals. He helps to rapidly heal body, mind and spirit if called upon, as in the biblical story of Abraham and the pain he felt after being circumcised as an adult. You may call upon Raphael in behalf of someone else, but he can't interfere with that person's free will. If they refuse spiritual treatment, it can't be forced.

The chummiest and funniest of all Angels, Raphael is often pictured chatting merrily with mortal beings. He's very sweet, loving, kind and gentle and you know that he's around when you see sparkles or flashes of green light.

Part of Raphael's healing work involves spirit releasing and space clearing. He often works with Michael to exorcise discarnate entities and escort away lower energies from people and places.

As well as a healer, Raphael is known as the "Patron of Travelers" because of his help with Tobias and his travels. Call upon Raphael when you are traveling, to assure safe travel. In addition, he assures that all your transportation, lodging and luggage details go miraculously well. Raphael also helps with inward spiritual journeys, assisting in searches for truth and guidance.

Raphael taught Tobias how to make balms and ointments from a fish which cured Tobias' father blindness. Raphael can be called upon to help healers such as doctors, therapist and surgeons. Call on Raphael if you're a student entering the healing field and you're looking for the right school and/or are in need of help with studies, as well as getting the time and money for school. He also assists with establishing healing practices when your schooling is finished. Raphael not only helps you to heal from physical, emotional and mental pain, he also heals wounds from past lives.

Other areas Raphael helps with is finding lost pets, reducing and eliminating addictions and cravings, clairvoyance, bringing unity to your life, if you feel out of touch with your spirituality, if you've lost a partner and/or your soul/body doesn't feel "whole".
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by agoadiv(m): 9:51pm On Apr 25, 2015
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Sanchez01: 9:55pm On Apr 25, 2015
3. Gabriel: Meaning - "Strength of God"; "The Divine is my strength"; "God is my strength"

Also known:

The only Archangel depicted as female in art and literature, Gabriel is known as the "messenger" Angel and is one of the four Archangels named in Hebrew tradition and is considered one of the two highest-ranking Angels in Judeo-Christian and Islamic religious lore. Apart from Michael, she is the only Angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament. She is a powerful and strong Archangel, and those who call upon her will find themselves pushed into action that leads to beneficial results.

Gabriel can bring messages to you just as she did to Elizabeth and Mary of the impending births of their sons, John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. If you are considering starting a family, Gabriel helps hopeful parents with conception or through the process of adopting a child.

Contact Gabriel if your third eye is closed and your spiritual vision is therefore blocked. If you wish to receive visions of Angelic guidance regarding the direction you are going in. If you wish to receive prophecies of the changes ahead. If you need help in interpreting your dreams and vision.

Gabriel helps anyone whose life purpose involves the arts or communication. She acts as a coach, inspiring and motivating artists, journalist and communicators and helping them to overcome fear and procrastination.

Gabriel also helps us to find our true calling. Ask for Gabriel's guidance if you have strayed from your soul's pathway, if you wish to understand your life plan and purpose. She can also help if you can find no reason for being or if changes are ahead and you need guidance. If you are contemplating a house move, major purchase or thinking of changing careers.

Call Gabriel if your body is full of toxins and needs purifying and if your thoughts are impure or negative and need clearing and cleansing. Gabriel is also very helpful for women who have been raped or sexually assaulted and feel dirty as well as being under psychic attack or if you feel that you have absorbed someone else's problems.
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Sanchez01: 9:56pm On Apr 25, 2015
4. Uriel: Meaning - "God is light", "God's light", Fire of God"

Uriel is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle. You may not even realize he has answered your prayer until you've suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea.

Uriel warned Noah of the impending flood, helped the prophet Ezra to interpret mystical predictions about the coming Messiah and delivered the Cabal to humankind. He also brought the knowledge and practice of alchemy and the ability to manifest from thin air, as well as illuminates situations and gives prophetic information and warnings. All this considered, Uriel's area of expertise is divine magic, problem solving, spiritual understanding, studies, alchemy, weather, earth changes and writing. Considered to be the Archangel who helps with earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, natural disaster and earth changes, call on Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover in their aftermath

In the eighth century, the Christian Church became alarmed at the rampant and excessive zeal with which many of the faithful were revering Angels. For some unknown reason, in 145 A.D. under Pope Zachary, a Roman council ordered seven Angels removed from the ranks of the Church’s recognized Angels, one of them being Uriel.
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Sanchez01: 9:57pm On Apr 25, 2015
5. Chamuel: Meaning - "He who sees God", "He who seeks God"

Also known:

The Archangel of pure love, Chamuel can lift you from the depths of sorrow and find love in your heart. Chamuel helps us to renew and improve existing relationships as well as finding our soul mates. He works with us to build strong foundations for our relationships (as well as careers) so they're long-lasting, meaningful and healthy. You'll know he's with you when you feel butterflies in your stomach and a pleasant tingling in your body.

If there's a breakdown of your relationship, if you cling to your relationships and don't allow your companion the freedom to be able to express themselves freely, call on Chamuel for guidance and support. The other areas you can Chamuel can help is if you need to strengthen a parent-child bond, if you're unable to feel love for yourself or others, if your heart has hardened and is full of negative emotions, if you have lost someone close through death or separation, if you and your children have experienced a divorce, if your heart is blocked with depression, hopelessness and despair, if you feel lonely and broken hearted, if you need to be loved, if you are judgmental and cynical or if you don't appreciate the love that you have in your life.

Chamuel can also help with world peace, career, life purpose and finding lost items.

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Sanchez01: 9:57pm On Apr 25, 2015
6. Jophiel: Meaning - "Beauty of God"

Also known:

Jophiel was the Angel present in the Garden of Eden and later watched over Noah’s sons. The Archangel of art and beauty, he is the patron of artists, helping with artistic projects, thinking beautiful thoughts, to see and appreciate beauty around us. Helping to create beauty at home and at work, Jophiel is the Archangel for interior decorators. He illuminates our creative spark by giving us ideas and energy to carry out artistic ventures. He also helps us to see the beauty in all things, including people.

As well as helping our creativity, Jophiel helps us to slow down and smell the roses. Call on him if you need joy and laughter in your life or if you feel you’ve lost the light in your life. He will also help if your soul is sleeping and needs awakening and if you wish to awaken a deeper understanding of who you are and seeking a connection with the higher self, so that you may take your first steps along your spiritual pathway.

You know Jophiel is at work if you are searching for answers to the questions in your life and wish the greater wisdom to be revealed to you, and all of a sudden you experience flashes of insight in which everything suddenly becomes clear.
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Pinkiedearie(f): 10:01pm On Apr 25, 2015
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Sanchez01: 10:02pm On Apr 25, 2015
7. Raguel: Meaning - "Friend of God"

Also known:

Referred to as the Archangel of Justice and Fairness, Raguel oversees all the other Archangels and Angels. He watches over them to make sure they’re working well together in a harmonious and orderly fashion according to Divine order and will.

Raguel is the Archangel for the underdog. Call on him for help when you need to be empowered and respected. He helps to resolve arguments, helps with cooperation and leads to harmony in groups and families. Raguel defends the unfairly treated, and provides support with mediation of disputes.

In the Revelation of John, Raguel is referred to as an assistant to God in the following account: "Then shall He send the Angel Raguel, saying: Go and sound the trumpet for the Angels of cold and snow and ice, and bring together every kind of wrath upon them that stand on the left."

Despite his exalted position, for some unexplained reason Raguel was reprobated in 745 A.D. by the Roman church (along with some other high-level Angels, including Uriel). At this time Pope Zachary described Raguel as a demon who "passed himself off as a saint".

For more reads:

NOTE: By saying "we're to call on them" means we recognize that we have them at our disposal and rather than disturb Christ with little petitions, Angels, be it arch or the regular, are always there to make things work out. However, there's a VERY thin line between calling on them and 'deitifying' them which makes it a bit risky for someone who does not understand how to go about it.
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by baybeeboi: 10:52pm On Apr 25, 2015
will I be correct to say all Angels are Arch or are there other Angels who are not?

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Sanchez01: 11:51am On Apr 26, 2015
will I be correct to say all Angels are Arch or are there other Angels who are not?
All Angels are not Arch-Angels. There are thousands of Angels but only 7 Arch-Angels.

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by baybeeboi: 12:03pm On Apr 26, 2015

All Angels are not Arch-Angels. There are thousands of Angels but only 7 Arch-Angels.
#In George Akume's voice ''wonderful''


Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by asala1: 12:48pm On Apr 26, 2015
Please do they have wings?


Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Nobody: 1:38pm On Apr 26, 2015
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by jenavism44: 3:18pm On Mar 27, 2017
To me,i believe that,there are billions of angels and some are chief angels,while only one is the arch-angel which is michael,while Jesus is the only most high king over all the angels


Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Nobody: 4:15pm On Mar 27, 2017
I once researched on this intriguing mystery sometime last year about angels and believe me, it was quite a read. The things written about them isn't wholesomely true but can give a hint.

I got to know that Uriel oversees everyone born in the month of September. This one is so true cause i have felt her presence ever since i came upon her sigil. Because of her, i went into power mediation to rise my vibration and psychic powers cause the bioelectric energy that comes from her can be consuming and overwhelming.

They are called daemon, some call them angels, guides and so on.. It doesn't matter what we call them, the truth is, they are near and wants to help us.

Getting to know them can make life very easy and smooth. I'm very positive. She has helped me beyond expectation after my spirit guide left me. Knowing them, you get to see the world as it is by just sitting at a spot.. They make things easier than technology. I can send them on errands lol and they go with so much excitements.

Not forgetting, they can be your best friend ever.

Working in getting my guide back sha.. I miss her. Her departure was all my fault. cry

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Nobody: 4:37pm On Mar 27, 2017
What about Castiel; the badass who fought a civil war with raphael grin

On a more serious note, it is quite obvious here that one can draw parallels from the functions of these angels to Greek/Roman gods.....

Think about it smiley wink

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Martinez19(m): 9:11pm On Jun 17, 2017
I once researched on this intriguing mystery sometime last year about angels and believe me, it was quite a read. The things written about them isn't wholesomely true but can give a hint.

I got to know that Uriel oversees everyone born in the month of September. This one is so true cause i have felt her presence ever since i came upon her sigil. Because of her, i went into power mediation to rise my vibration and psychic powers cause the bioelectric energy that comes from her can be consuming and overwhelming.

They are called daemon, some call them angels, guides and so on.. It doesn't matter what we call them, the truth is, they are near and wants to help us.

Getting to know them can make life very easy and smooth. I'm very positive. She has helped me beyond expectation after my spirit guide left me. Knowing them, you get to see the world as it is by just sitting at a spot.. They make things easier than technology. I can send them on errands lol and they go with so much excitements.

Not forgetting, they can be your best friend ever.

Working in getting my guide back sha.. I miss her. Her departure was all my fault. cry
I heard a dream where a "demon" was helping my family out of hardship. Life was so easy and we could even play with the "demon."....

Are demons real? Can you describe a particular encounter with your demon friend where she granted your request and why did your former guide leave you?
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by ichuka(m): 9:59pm On Jun 17, 2017
I don't think Micheal was the first angel created by God.that position should go to Lucifer naturally.
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Nobody: 10:02pm On Jun 17, 2017
I heard a dream where a "demon" was helping my family out of hardship. Life was so easy and we could even play with the "demon."....

Are demons real? Can you describe a particular encounter with your demon friend where she granted your request and why did your former guide leave you?

Daemons are more real than you. They are very close, watching you as you read through my text. They need your help to establish a connection. sometimes they can't if our psychic power is so low. The only means possible will be through dreams.

My daemon came in form of a cat during the first encounter.. maybe she took that form because of my love for cats lol.. Initially, I was blown away. I will spend the whole day in my room, chatting with her as she reveal mysteries to me.. things I'm yet to understand. We usually go to any dimension together and I can't count how many times she has saved my butt from psychic attacks.

Our association was affecting my personal life and relationships. I was getting withdrawn from my family members. My gf even left me cause I hardly have time for her. In anger, I sad some hurtful words, I made my daemon leave.. thinking it was for the best.

Anyway, that happened 2 years ago.. we're back together. She was a darling during my recent one month mediation. Just take a deep breath.. call on to your guide and she or he will be revealed. just ask for a sign and be sincere to yourself that this is the path you must walk.

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Martinez19(m): 10:44pm On Jun 17, 2017

Daemons are more real than you. They are very close, watching you as you read through my text. They need your help to establish a connection. sometimes they can't if our psychic power is so low. The only means possible will be through dreams.

My daemon came in form of a cat during the first encounter.. maybe she took that form because of my love for cats lol.. Initially, I was blown away. I will spend the whole day in my room, chatting with her as she reveal mysteries to me.. things I'm yet to understand. We usually go to any dimension together and I can't count how many times she has saved my butt from psychic attacks.

Our association was affecting my personal life and relationships. I was getting withdrawn from my family members. My gf even left me cause I hardly have time for her. In anger, I sad some hurtful words, I made my daemon leave.. thinking it was for the best.

Anyway, that happened 2 years ago.. we're back together. She was a darling during my recent one month mediation. Just take a deep breath.. call on to your guide and she or he will be revealed. just ask for a sign and be sincere to yourself that this is the path you must walk.
Holy bernoulli! shocked
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Nobody: 6:50am On Jun 18, 2017
Holy bernoulli! shocked

Sound crazy huh? I was even more skeptic and n unbeliever during my stage of enlightenment. I didn't believe in the supernatural and any account that relate to such is usually labeled as an act of hallucination. Look at me today, I'm something I have never imagined. The path to enlightenment is open mind. That is the path that leads to the discovery of who you are.

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by prinzfavian(m): 8:49am On Jun 18, 2017
Inspired Errors.
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by TrajansKong: 10:01am On Jun 18, 2017

Daemons are more real than you. They are very close, watching you as you read through my text. They need your help to establish a connection. sometimes they can't if our psychic power is so low. The only means possible will be through dreams.

My daemon came in form of a cat during the first encounter.. maybe she took that form because of my love for cats lol.. Initially, I was blown away. I will spend the whole day in my room, chatting with her as she reveal mysteries to me.. things I'm yet to understand. We usually go to any dimension together and I can't count how many times she has saved my butt from psychic attacks.

Our association was affecting my personal life and relationships. I was getting withdrawn from my family members. My gf even left me cause I hardly have time for her. In anger, I sad some hurtful words, I made my daemon leave.. thinking it was for the best.

Anyway, that happened 2 years ago.. we're back together. She was a darling during my recent one month mediation. Just take a deep breath.. call on to your guide and she or he will be revealed. just ask for a sign and be sincere to yourself that this is the path you must walk.
Textbook African paranoid schizophrenia.
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by jiggaz(m): 12:39pm On Jun 18, 2017
7 Archangels? i don't think so.... There were 3 arch angels in the beginning..... Lucifer, Michael & Gabriel but Lucifer fell and they remained only two.... Michael & Gabriel..... They are the two angels covering the mercy seat in the ark of the covenant.

Arch angels are very powerful angels that rule over other angels. They are called Cherubim. They are the custodian of God's Righteousness. They were created in the beginning before God created man.

Angels in heaven are in hundreds of millions in number. Lucifer took one-third of the angels which are now demons.

Below is the ark of the covenant and these are the 2 arch angels covering it and looking down at the mercy seat

Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by smartn09(m): 12:57pm On Jun 18, 2017
I heard a dream where a "demon" was helping my family out of hardship. Life was so easy and we could even play with the "demon."....

Are demons real? Can you describe a particular encounter with your demon friend where she granted your request and why did your former guide leave you?
Archdemons vs archangels......l caught them on contest and terrible argument which resulted in bloody fight among them few years back...... I must tell you! It wasn't easy for the anges , they ran and left even their swords. In many occasions, demons has been dealing mercilessly with those weak angels. If you recall those days when groups of archdemons visited " heaven" and break down the abode of those angels and push many of them down, that is the first group of angels that are been regarded as fallen angels.

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Nobody: 12:58pm On Jun 18, 2017

Textbook African paranoid schizophrenia.

Hmmmm.. I'm a philosopher whenever we talk about the mind or the human brain. Not believing in the supernatural prove that your left brain hemisphere is nothing but inactive. I'll pass.


Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by Nobody: 11:58pm On Jun 30, 2017
Michael is the head and captain of the archangels cheesy
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by jcross19: 11:18am On Jul 01, 2017
7 Archangels? i don't think so.... There were 3 arch angels in the beginning..... Lucifer, Michael & Gabriel but Lucifer fell and they remained only two.... Michael & Gabriel..... They are the two angels covering the mercy seat in the ark of the covenant.

Arch angels are very powerful angels that rule over other angels. They are called Cherubim. They are the custodian of God's Righteousness. They were created in the beginning before God created man.

Angels in heaven are in hundreds of millions in number. Lucifer took one-third of the angels which are now demons.

Below is the ark of the covenant and these are the 2 arch angels covering it and looking down at the mercy seat
you miss it!!! They are 7 arch angels and they call them the seven spirit of God. Luciferians are set of angels of God that over see about wisdom. Satan fall in the rank of luciferians and they are more luciferians in the kingdom of God, the strongest set of angels are the seraphims and cherubim they called the fiery ones , they re stronger than the arch angels. These are 9 ladders of heavenly hierarchy: angels-arch angels-dominion-principality-power-virtue-thrones- cherub -seraphim. The strongest one of them is Seraphim. Why satan fell in the rank of cherub in luciferian set. Check the book of ezekiel 28vs 11-15.

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Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by enyi1: 4:16pm On Jul 01, 2017
I have read your quotation of Eze 28 vs 11 -15 and it's out of context
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by twosquare(m): 4:59pm On Jul 01, 2017
Colossians 2:18
Re: What You Must Know About Arch-angels And Their Roles by dhope: 5:44pm On Jul 01, 2017
you miss it!!! They are 7 arch angels and they call them the seven spirit of God. Luciferians are set of angels of God that over see about wisdom. Satan fall in the rank of luciferians and they are more luciferians in the kingdom of God, the strongest set of angels are the seraphims and cherubim they called the fiery ones , they re stronger than the arch angels. These are 9 ladders of heavenly hierarchy: angels-arch angels-dominion-principality-power-virtue-thrones- cherub -seraphim. The strongest one of them is Seraphim. Why satan fell in the rank of cherub in luciferian set. Check the book of ezekiel 28vs 11-15.
do u mean Lucifer was also among d cherub?

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