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How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD - Business (7) - Nairaland

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Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by styles2009: 9:09am On May 10, 2015
If you are not patient, you can't make money online,some here are in a hurry but i like the way queen is given her tutorials.
@queen which network pays better for african traffic? as I got close to 12k daily.

@ all the females here and willing to go into online money making,I am proud of you guys.
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by saintisaac1(m): 11:55am On May 10, 2015
If you are not patient, you can't make money online,some here are in a hurry but i like the way queen is given her tutorials.
@queen which network pays better for african traffic? as I got close to 12k daily.

@ all the females here and willing to go into online money making,I am proud of you guys.

bro pls can u fill me in also?
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by pxjosh(m): 12:13pm On May 10, 2015
If you are not patient, you can't make money online,some here are in a hurry but i like the way queen is given her tutorials.
@queen which network pays better for african traffic? as I got close to 12k daily.

@ all the females here and willing to go into online money making,I am proud of you guys.
can you also fill me in?
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by styles2009: 1:30pm On May 10, 2015
can you also fill me in?
I don't want to derail this thread for the OP, please pm me and we talk.

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Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Danyl(m): 2:08pm On May 10, 2015
please o. I tried to access one of my download links, the surveys that came up are for naijas, when I click it it took.me to another page with 'this offer is not available' information almost on 3 occasions. I tried this on dreamcash.net, cleanfiles.net. on purebits the link to create file locking or ppd isn't on the dashboard pls how ccan I handle this 2 scenarios?
thank you.
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Nobody: 3:04pm On May 10, 2015

Mr man am not discouraging anyone am only stating the fact, and I can envisage where you are heading to.

Can you post proofs of how much you have earned so far.

I tried PPD for a while, which I later abandon not because I failed but because I discovered better options.

Ma guy no time I like better options abeg help a broda owu no be small thing
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by blym4real: 3:13pm On May 10, 2015

Ma guy no time I like better options abeg help a broda owu no be small thing
what I consider a better option for me might not mean the same for you.
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Nobody: 3:20pm On May 10, 2015

what I consider a better option for me might not mean the same for you.

Hmm those ar for bad guys(gurus) me na low key fellow I no even know much about computers
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by tbaby534(f): 3:50pm On May 10, 2015

what I consider a better option for me might not mean the same for you.

Plz o, I need a tutor on importation
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by blym4real: 3:57pm On May 10, 2015

Plz o, I need a tutor on importation
Go and read the importation thread, after reading pm me.
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by blym4real: 4:04pm On May 10, 2015

Hmm those ar for bad guys(gurus) me na low key fellow I no even know much about computers

Hmm those ar for bad guys(gurus) me na low key fellow I no even know much about computers
you don't need to be a guru. You got to start somewhere.
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by tbaby534(f): 5:25pm On May 10, 2015

Go and read the importation thread, after reading pm me.
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by samogo1: 9:30pm On May 10, 2015
we dey wait madam. continue e don pass 10hours
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Queensss(f): 10:50pm On May 10, 2015
Hello guys, I promised to make updates some 8-10hrs after the previous update was posted(that was to be this morning)..
Sorry I couldn't do that.honestly I have been busy through out today..

Multiple updates coming up

(Continues from where we stoped last night)

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Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Queensss(f): 11:57pm On May 10, 2015
Now that you know that Hot Niches are niches that always have traffic;And that if you really wan to make good $$$ on PPD you must have to focus on this niches what is the next qst?
What/which are actually the hot niches?

2.Business(talking about how to make moneyy
3. Entertainment.
4.Romance(sexually related content)

Those mentioned above for sure are the hot niches. Discussions,stories,trends,actions that concerns any of those niches always have a large reception.. You can confirm thAt by yourself rightaway.
And Since this is where we have majority of the audience that means this is where we are likely to make more money.. And that leads us to the next thing;
How do we get the info on that niche that we will promote to get downloads and make money..

Well, it all depends on the format which you are presenting the info/stuff for downloads.. First you'v got to consider the nichez, if its the Business niche or generally information on "How'to's"(how to do this how to that)
Then the best format will be an ebook or an ilustrative video,if it concerns Games/gaming cheats,hack codes then video would do. Or you can just type/write down the steps in a one page document,upload it to your PPD acount ask people to download it if they wAnt the info. You sure you understanding this?
Alright let's go on.
Also if you'have got hot music videos of trending songs you can also upload and promote to get downloads And maybe new audio releases too..This falls in the etertainment niche.

Also for the Romance niche,
Believe me this is a hot niche.
You see one of the major things searched for online are sexually related stuffs(P.o.r.n)
Peolple come online to search for different means which they can satisfy their sexual urge and they do this by watching p.o.r.n videos or doing things that gives them sexual gratification and this keeps going on by the day making that niche a hot niche.. So the question is how do we take advantage of this always green niche and make money(hell of money from this niche).. Its simple, all that will come up in our 3rd step -TRAFFIC
For now just keep that as a note.
But wait, there's a bug. What's could that be! Yea You do know that your PPD network has actually restricted you from uploading sexually related content and may have your account banned if you are discovere to be doing such..
Then the qst is how/what do we do about that? Don't worry I will show you how I do it when the time comes.(Mind you aint using no cheat,or whatever its just something that gotta do with using your brain)okay?

So back to the question, how do I get the info neede for that niche!
Like I said earlier it will be wise and helpful for you to first kno what the people want,after you'd done that it would be left for you to decide the best format to present your info for download..
If you will be usinf ebooks, then there are two major sources.
Source one- this is you putting together the info you are giving out for download. You must have to arrange,type and create the ebook byyourself.
Source two- Getting the infofrom another source. It could be free or it could be paid. Really doesn't matter. What matters is that when you present this info out people should free mindedly willing to do what they suppose to get it and that's just to download. Sharecash/org has virtually plenty of ebooks with very great info that cuts across several niches. Infact when I first registered with them I was promoting their very own materials to get downloads. They have ebooks,softwares,games etc.
How many ppl have registered on shArecash? Fine. Go ahead and check that out.

If it is videos you can always get videos on anything from youtubem Yea, that is what I do. Just anything at all,type it and you 'd get results. Download,upload to your acct, then promote.
(Sure we will be talking more on this when we get to the 3rd phase- Traffic.

If it is Gaming,Cheats,codes; info could be gotten from basic forums.. ThAt will be revealed in 3rd step.

Now the next thing we'd be talking about on this PHASE is the PAYMENT factor..
This is what has been in the air & we have reached the stage to get correct knowledge about it.

I mean how much do you really make from a download? Hundreds, and thousands!
Why does payment per download varies from country to country?
What is the real secret behind Pay per Download?
Who is actually paying me for the downloads?
Is there any catch?

All these and more coming up
Stay tuned
Any questions?

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Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Mogenerous(f): 12:05am On May 11, 2015
What is it again now? Her most recent post is hidden, has she been ban again? Mod pls do the needful
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by samogo1: 6:24am On May 11, 2015
with all these banning, I think we should create a whatapp group. just an opinion.


Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Nobody: 7:32am On May 11, 2015
Lalasticlala. Op's been banned again. Please verify
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by lalasticlala(m): 7:41am On May 11, 2015
Lalasticlala. Op's been banned again. Please verify

Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Mogenerous(f): 8:24am On May 11, 2015


God bless you....

Op, you made mention of rewriting ebook, doesn't that breach the law of copyright? Or is it permissible?
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Hardheolar(m): 8:25am On May 11, 2015

Thanks OP for this wonderful information.

I have checked all 3 sites you recommended and my joy is they use Payoneer s their payment method. So that is already sorted out for me. Before I register, I would like to know if these sites fully accept Nigerians and if one country of origin have some benefits than others.

Thanks once more.
kindly help with the 3 sites as I can't locate dem in her post
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by blym4real: 8:31am On May 11, 2015
hmmm. Don't do illegal stuffs, read the terms and condition of each ppd site to avoid getting your account terminated.
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Nobody: 9:26am On May 11, 2015


Thanks. Queensss you need to verify your posts well to avoid further bans
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by G12(m): 9:28am On May 11, 2015
kindly help with the 3 sites as I can't locate dem in her post

Refer to the OP's last post on the first page. It has been updated.

Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by telim: 1:34pm On May 11, 2015
hmmm. Don't do illegal stuffs, read the terms and condition of each ppd site to avoid getting your account terminated.
The ppd site listed by op terms and condition strictly oppose black hat niche but in reality they dont give a Bleep about your niche except there is a dmca complain
eg cleanfiles which is owned by a blackhat member. To earn a living in cpa/ppd network with free traffics most publishers depends on blackhat tricks to drive traffic to incentive and adult offers while using highly targetted traffics eg facebook and media buying sites to non incentive offers. Youtube with ppd in a highly saturated niche eg game cheats. android game mode etc is dead because your competitors will flag the hell out of your videos till they get removed by youtube. Free traffic source for cpa/ppd are torrents sites. highly ranked websites and adult tube sites for adult offers..


Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Nobody: 6:00pm On May 11, 2015
This thread is dying, where's quensss
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Queensss(f): 8:34pm On May 11, 2015

God bless you....

Op, you made mention of rewriting ebook, doesn't that breach the law of copyright? Or is it permissible?
No,that's not what I meant. You aint rewriting the ebook. You can create the ebook yourself.I.e, you can actually put up the info together yourself for an information or something you know of.
If you don't know Abt it(what you wan to promote) you can get the info(mostly infos as such are presented in an ebook format) either by paid means or free means. we will get to completely handle this in the 3rd step
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Queensss(f): 8:38pm On May 11, 2015
The ppd site listed by op terms and condition strictly oppose black hat niche but in reality they dont give a Bleep about your niche except there is a dmca complain
eg cleanfiles which is owned by a blackhat member. To earn a living in cpa/ppd network with free traffics most publishers depends on blackhat tricks to drive traffic to incentive and adult offers while using highly targetted traffics eg facebook and media buying sites to non incentive offers. Youtube with ppd in a highly saturated niche eg game cheats. android game mode etc is dead because your competitors will flag the hell out of your videos till they get removed by youtube. Free traffic source for cpa/ppd are torrents sites. highly ranked websites and adult tube sites for adult offers..

Yea, nice contribution And that's what I made mention of promoting adult related content.
We aint really being manipulative though.
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Queensss(f): 8:43pm On May 11, 2015
This thread is dying, where's quensss

No the thread can not die. And with the way I'm seeing things everything is moving as planned. I just don't want to hurry you guys but not too from now you will start making money.

Although I got a ban again last night after updating just logged in now to see that the ban have been liifted.
my intention was to make multiple updates.
Anyways, we'd be keeping up tonight.Get ready,

updDATES coming up!
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Eberex(m): 8:58pm On May 11, 2015

No the thread can not die. And with the way I'm seeing things everything is moving as planned. I just don't want to hurry you guys but not too from now you will start making money.

Although I got a ban again last night after updating just logged in now to see that the ban have been liifted.
my intention was to make multiple updates.
Anyways, we'd be keeping up tonight.Get ready,

updDATES coming up!

Are we gonna have a vigil?
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by Queensss(f): 9:07pm On May 11, 2015

Are we gonna have a vigil?

Lol,not really.
All I mean is I'd be making multiple updates to make-up and catapult us to where we supposed to be.

Session commences by 10
See you guys
Re: How To Make A Huge Success Online With PPD by sod09(m): 9:17pm On May 11, 2015
Pls steps on aw to upload....
Seems I can't find it

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