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What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? - Romance (14) - Nairaland

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by IAmTobore(m): 10:37am On May 14, 2015

I don't know the stupid shit you wrote! But whatever, it might interest u to know she didn't go to the school. Ask questions before u type, silly you.
Sorry for the ban. Alway try to read nairaland rules before commenting.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Etetejake(m): 10:39am On May 14, 2015
That guy is materialistic. Please tell him to refund the sex undecided

U gave me I gave u. it please me it please u. nothing more nothing less. As for my properties, u gave nothing in return for it. u gave me sex and I gave u sex too. sex cancels sex. if u want me to pay for the sex then : #500 * 50= 5000. Sex workers are paid #500 in our area. can 5000 buy a house or furnish one?
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:43am On May 14, 2015
. No insults meant maa'm; but do u know u comment is sending signals of u being a love peddler; like u were selling it for the material benefits; u girls cry wolf that u want to be respected, but you never put urselfs in that light of respect; respect is earned and until you strt making people respect u; it shall never come!!! See a discussion was raised, and this was the only thing u could come up with? (When some guyz claim all ladies are whores U'll frown at it, but here u are acting the scripts) ...

And who even said they were sexually involved?, cus the chronicle never hinted that!!!

My dear, please u really need to reorient yourselve, and see ur gender more to being just sexual materials, its unhealthy for you, and your folks.... Like I wrote earlier, no insults intended...
i have made my point cleared long ago, i feel no pain in anybody's insult...since you are judging from your own view so be it,if you like insult me from now till eternity,i feel no itch cos am far better than your thinking.

i have seen such issue before,when the guy requested back all he did for her, the girl tabled this same my quote to the elders,at the end of the day the girl won the case cos the guy could not provide all the damages the girl claimed she had during their affair which were not physical.
so i based my comment on that.

like i said calling LovePeddler or no LovePeddler is none of my business....i know who i am.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Titilayo32: 10:46am On May 14, 2015
I just saw the post bellow on a friend's facebook wall and decided to share.

With enough proof @ his disposal to show that his girlfriend
was cheating on him, a guy carted away all the items he
used to furnish his girlfriend's apartment. From the flat
screen, to the settee, Gotv dish, air-conditioner and even the
light bulb. Her rent was to expire that month and invariably,
it meant she was forfeiting her continuous stay in that
building. This was a true life story and when I first heard it
among a gathering of friends (both male and female), I
laughed so hard, tears rolled out of my eyes. Now every
female in the gathering that heard the story as usual termed
the guy 'immature' but I beg to disagree.

If I were in the guy's shoes, knowing fully well my
personality, there's a 99.5% chance that i'll do the same
thing. I might probably even scrape the paint of the wall sef.

You see ladies want to act all tough, independent, free-
spirited and feminist, but they don't want to be treated in
that manner. I am totally against all forms of abuse against
women, especially a cheating woman, but i'm also against
ladies trying to eat their cake and having it all @ the same

What the guy in this story did is far from immature in my
own view, in every sense of his actions, it was the right thing
to do.

The girl can keep cheating alright, but she should be
adequately compensated for her misdeeds and put in the
same position she was in abinito before the grass under her
feet started getting green.

Too bad why would a babe be this dependent.i am glad no man can do this to me because i am a dependent and also content with what i have.Contentment always have great gain.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by padre4p: 10:50am On May 14, 2015
Hmmm...ladies shaaa.. with comment
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by bayulll01(m): 10:56am On May 14, 2015

Thank u stupid sir, I don hear, idi0t
Ur fada lol
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Skain(m): 11:10am On May 14, 2015
. bad investment? you won't be a good businessman.
So he should die there for me to be a good businessman?
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by jayben(m): 11:30am On May 14, 2015
D guy will get another girl with his retrieved properties quote author=ahsekeena post=33709773]Cheap niggar.

But when u look at it critically,the girl lost nothing.

The guy lost something.

The girl will probably go on to the guy she cheated with.

Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by wizard007(m): 11:44am On May 14, 2015
he should have applied maturity undecided

they are other ways he can deal with her

All these mumu guys no Go get sense undecided


I beg to disagree, does that mean a married woman doesnt cheat? shocked so what, you gon do if your wife cheats? Pat her on the head for the sake of una kids abi...Cliche shii! if i love you i express my feelings in every way i can, and even financially. Once you mess up, if i have my way i will scoop them all from you back, EVERYTHING!!!

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Dheartless: 11:46am On May 14, 2015

guy which ever way you view it, it wont happen,he no even bold....if it was him that cheated,what would have be his punishment,nothing right?

abeg free matter.

not that the girl did right in cheating but the guy did the worst.
so you think if the stupid girl bought a car in her name and gave it to him , she wont collect it back, if guy cheated?

this one that even after cheating you still expect him to pay for your fluids.

and you're are expecting someone who was cheated on, to loose his own precious fluid and property.

if the property are in the guys name, he will collect every single one of it,and you can do absolutely nothing, as if he forced you to throw your fluids away, go and tell the court that you willfully open your legs and enjoyed the way your fluid were flowing but you want the guy to give you back your fluids,
if the judge won't call your st*pid grin

fucking hypocrites

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Emmaxmusic(m): 11:50am On May 14, 2015
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Dheartless: 12:05pm On May 14, 2015

if sex is not more enjoyed by one partner, why then is one partner behaves like he-goat when sees anything in skirt.

ah! you think men enjoy sex more?
so you don't know the difference
to express want and to enjoy?
to express desire and to enjoy?
to express ones feeling does not mean that person enjoys a thing more than another person that keeps quiet on same issue.
let me ask you something, why do most women scream in pleasure from the beginning of sex until the end?
why do women in general scream in pleasure more than men when having sex?
so can we judge by this fact that women enjoy sex more than men?
I am, sorry i shouldn't have quoted you.

now I see why you post the way you do.
you're actually brainless grin

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by cutelover19(m): 12:10pm On May 14, 2015
That guy is materialistic. Please tell him to refund the sex undecided

Are you for real? Since when did only men enjoy sex? Get a life!

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Ehi69: 12:42pm On May 14, 2015
It's a gift, so make sure you understand that when you give it..... I always advise to not gift what you can't comfortably afford. That way u can easily cut your losses if the relationship goes south. The fact that you pay rent, feed her etc does not remotely guarantee her faithfulness. Even marriage doesn't!

If your pocket is a lot bigger than your gf and her family's, then money is the backbone of your relationship. So tell me, is it inconceivable that she would fall for someone whose pocket is larger than yours?

It isn't her fault, so don't blame her. We all strive to live better. It's almost natural. You had a choice............ you left the rich, independent and career driven ladies because they are arguably harder to get for the ones that you can easily impress with a few bucks....

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But you have to manage your expectations.


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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by iahmed(m): 1:07pm On May 14, 2015
i wont allow that atall except he pay me back all my fluids.. cool
and his own fluids?who pays for that?

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by imauri: 1:34pm On May 14, 2015

Thank you Mr unsilly,hehehehe I go show u maturity by not talking to you, silence is the best answer for fools like YOU
you already spoke to me....so how can you prove your maturity then? come to think of it, i think you do make a good foot stool... it suits you. smiley
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 2:23pm On May 14, 2015
fυςking NO; on the fυςking contrary; he's got fυςking bälls grin grin

Balls in his mouth i guess? Sweaty camel balls? grin
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 2:51pm On May 14, 2015
beta yarn..
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 2:52pm On May 14, 2015

Na so now, how are u better person... u good abi
am good tanks for asking
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Yemiolads(f): 3:16pm On May 14, 2015
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 3:25pm On May 14, 2015

i have made my point cleared long ago, i feel no pain in anybody's insult...since you are judging from your own view so be it,if you like insult me from now till eternity,i feel no itch cos am far better than your thinking.

i have seen such issue before,when the guy requested back all he did for her, the girl tabled this same my quote to the elders,at the end of the day the girl won the case cos the guy could not provide all the damages the girl claimed she had during their affair which were not physical.
so i based my comment on that.

like i said calling LovePeddler or no LovePeddler is none of my business....i know who i am.
madam I never insulted u; n I never wish to; I was only analysing the issues the way it was putting ur comment in perspective;
I happen to b an activvist for female rights; so U can understand my concerns n swift interjection!
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by crazo(m): 3:45pm On May 14, 2015

Hahahahahhahaha, I'm a happy man now, a proud software engineer,am happy am living my life,i could get any woman I want, lemme clear a dog like you on something, I'm not broke, ok... Hahahahahhahaha, I did what a broker like you CANNOT DO, you go into relationships for sex only and that's what a dog like you is telling the world. I wish the same thinking fools like you have, other guys would reciprocate that to your sisters, say amen to that.
Guy please tell me u r not dz dum.b real life undecided undecided
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by fuckshit: 4:04pm On May 14, 2015

Balls in his mouth i guess? Sweaty camel balls? grin
fυςk!!! you're fυςking being funny now; fυςking good one grin grin
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by ajog1: 4:25pm On May 14, 2015
Mekybliss,its both parties that enjoy sex so there's no refund
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by MrBasketball: 4:42pm On May 14, 2015

[s] Michael Jordan, calm down, no be me go insult u, silence is best answer for fools. Let me just add something for your own thinking, I no be mumu, I got respect even from the lady and her family, her mum, dad, sisters and brothers call me today, we talk like friends, the girls friends all give me support, they even come to be with me most times, suppose I did jungle justice, respect no for day.

I no be you way fight na way of life for your village, fijabi,go learn how to behave. You expect everyone to be radical, swear you haven't cheated on anyone before, woman don cheat now na bring am make we kill na em be agenda, see who day talk sef. I no go insult u. U too small. [/s]

Your post are just too baseless and pointless,u still don't get any point in your silly post.

Go and complete your secondary school kid.

Continue asslicking, it suits you.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by tunnary(m): 4:47pm On May 14, 2015
i wont allow that atall except he pay me back all my fluids.. cool
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 5:12pm On May 14, 2015

Nwanne calm down. No make people day use one eye day look u, idikwa harsh o
lol... in as much as i am not in support of what the guy did, what the lady I quoted said was vvveeeeerrrrryyyy wrong and offensive.... she made it seem like the guy having sex with his ex was a favour.... Who thinks that way?
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Ewuro4: 5:30pm On May 14, 2015

Nigeria is a Banana Republic which has Kangaroo courts. And it reflects in your comment.

Thunder fire ignoramus mind... I watch a lot of Judge Judy , People's court, J.Joe brown , to name few ... I know for a fact that the guy will get a favourable ruling provided he has a proof of payment.

Listen up guys: There's no such thing as 'a gift' in court.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by cyberBug(m): 6:12pm On May 14, 2015
E make brain die, I get padi wey do dis kind tin o... d chika l8r turn olosho ni. Do me I do u God no dey vex nah, u Bleep up I treat am. Bintin!
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by cyberBug(m): 6:54pm On May 14, 2015
c abasha yearn... wetin d bobo lose ?, fine, pretty shawties wey dey loyal 2 d core boque 4town. He jez lost a p*ssy.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by loomer: 6:57pm On May 14, 2015
Make the person she de cheat with furnish the house

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