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What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? - Romance (7) - Nairaland

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by profsomebody(m): 10:08pm On May 13, 2015
That guy is materialistic. Please tell him to refund the sex undecided
C this one talking shyyt. As if sex is a favor. Both parties enjoy it. They guy is busy using all his strength to bang and d gyal stays there moaning. Return d sperm too na.

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by PreciousBro: 10:09pm On May 13, 2015
Why do you behave like shegoat by opening you leg for the he-goat

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by brownlord: 10:10pm On May 13, 2015

Ignored, momma says don't talk to idi0ts and stupid fellows brrrp

Lol, loser

Bloody coward, you got used and dumped by a smelling girl yet come here trying to message your ego.

Stupid fool, i can imagine how boring your life is.

You must be really faustrated in real life.

Confirm maga dey form activity on top faceless forum.

Software emginner my foot, idat when fit no no know wetin be CD ROM. Ode


Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by AAinEqGuinea: 10:12pm On May 13, 2015
African American women are exactly like this too. I love em but I warn you to not invest too much time and definitely not your money in them. You better save those phone cards for yourself. Don't spoil these b'tches, they already got men acting like animals collecting shiny things to appease them, fighting over them... Lol grin

What's funny is, as rapper yo Gotti puts it, when a arrogant man's main woman is the next man's side woman, and both males probably don't know.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by brownlord: 10:12pm On May 13, 2015

can you pls dont direct your comment to me cos i dint direct mine to anyone.

Oh sorry, but please answer my question
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by skylane: 10:12pm On May 13, 2015
fυςk!!! now here is another with a fυςking lovely smile; am fυςking doing good; trust you're fυςking doing good too grin grin
hell yeah I am fvcking excellent man! Todays really fvcked and am loving d fvckin sht

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:13pm On May 13, 2015
I lyk dat, he is just lyk me
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by priscillawill(m): 10:15pm On May 13, 2015
That guy is materialistic. Please tell him to refund the sex undecided
i don't support fornication but is he paying for the sex

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by PreciousBro: 10:15pm On May 13, 2015
I don't think its childish to get your stuffs back after finding out her own childishness in cheating.

Something about humans and the law of retribution or revenge, call it whatever you wanna call it ,but humans just like to be even on things, its fairer that way.

I for one, I'd want her to feel the pain she brought upon me with the knowledge of her infidelity, it could be anything to get back at her, fucck her sister,friends if you have to grin

Or collect back he material gains bought by you, we all know 9ja girls are materialistic ,so this obviously scores more point in your player book when Ya dealing with a gold-digging wh•re shocked in 9ja girls lol tongue She must be pained too, that's the concept.


Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by armadeo(m): 10:17pm On May 13, 2015
lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed

Now this is funny

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by PreciousBro: 10:21pm On May 13, 2015
No body takes/fuccks my woman, except my wh¤re, so if she ain't loyal to me, then she definitely deserves to be treated like a disloyal rat/wh•re.

Simple as counting.1".2.3"

Even a kindergarten kid knows this.


Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:21pm On May 13, 2015
wen it comes to matters of d heart most of us has made a lot of sacrifices,I did too,but it hurts wen we r being taken for granted by d people we gave our hearts to,betrayed by d people we trust,d only thing we can do is move on,nd not dwell in d past anymore,nd hopefully find someone dat would appreciate everything dat someone else took for granted
you jst dey console d dude


Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Dollar101(m): 10:23pm On May 13, 2015

this your advice is not needed on this topic & you know it.

you dont need to advice me cos you cant give advice based on this...& moreover am not a cheat, i was only keen on the guy's reaction which was too degrading of himself.

finally, you dint answer the question i asked you.

Sure, everybody has been cheated on one way or the other, I stand to disagree with you that he wasn't right to do what he did, I don't know if u work, then u will know how hard it is to make money, coming to ur GF the place u feel that u can find comfort and seeing disrespect and that shameful act...considering the fact that ur heart was on the line, I will do worse

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by MRBrownJ: 10:23pm On May 13, 2015

It's not ethical to take a gift back. So if I bought him a car as a gift because I loved him then no I wouldn't take it back.

You talking bout lending and borrowing which isn't the same as a gift.

i am not talking about what is ethical or not here, i am talking about what any normal person who has been betrayed would do. funny how you would even mention the word "ethical" when the subject of cheating is involved. there is nothing ethical about what she did, the minute she opened her legs to some other dude, the gloves were off and "MR nice guy" becomes a totally different monster (that THE LADY created).

obviously, in such type of r/ship, NOTHING is in the name of the deluded "pay as go" gal, so the guy has all the right to take back everything he owns. the toto was pay as you go, and in return for her favours, she got a nice home and all the goodies that came with it..... as a "temporary" improvement in her life (as long as the gal and her toto stayed fresh and relevant).


Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Gguy4real: 10:26pm On May 13, 2015
Infact thats what me and my guys was discussing before i enter nairaland i fit do wating that guy do infact my own go worst past girls think they are smart but in this game guys are still the best
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:27pm On May 13, 2015
The girl wasn't cheating........a man that will do this kind of childish act is the one cheating and not any meaningful babe!

If I can get the girl's contact, I will replace everything (with the best) as the guy is a big disgrace to the m-world!!!

Niqqas sidelining a brov just to get into a girls pants, pathetic! Boy grow up, learn to take a stand for what is right and stop selling ur conscience for cheap gratification.
What do u stand to gain with this irritating comment of yours?

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by boldking(m): 10:27pm On May 13, 2015
I don't think its childish to get your stuffs back after finding out her own childishness in cheating.

Something about humans and the law of retribution or revenge, call it whatever you wanna call it ,but humans just like to be even on things, its fairer that way.

I for one, I'd want her to feel the pain she brought upon me with the knowledge of her infidelity, it could be anything to get back at her, fucck her sister,friends if you have to grin

Or collect back he material gains bought by you, we all know 9ja girls are materialistic ,so this obviously scores more point in your player book when Ya dealing with a gold-digging wh•re shocked in 9ja girls lol tongue She must be pained too, that's the concept.

you are the best ..
am planning on using a new razor blade 2 give my cheating girl friend marks, i want to make her regret
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by vicadex07(m): 10:28pm On May 13, 2015

guy which ever way you view it, it wont happen,he no even bold....if it was him that cheated,what would have be his punishment,nothing right?

abeg free matter.

not that the girl did right in cheating but the guy did the worst.

Assuming the guy bought her engagement ring of say $10,000 are you saying the guy should just let go, leave it for her to abuse and bone the relationship

That's kinda the way I view it, cos those properties he bought for her are like investment towards their engagement and possible marriage cos am sure he saw marriage potential in her before spending so much.


Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Sanjayd1(f): 10:29pm On May 13, 2015

Refund which sex? They both had sex my friend and the girl was not doing him any good for opening her leg for him.

When will you girls abolish this mentality of thinking a guy owe you anything because you agree to have sex with him?

Do you just fold ur arms, looking at the roof of his house while the guy is banging you, like you enjoy nothing from the act?

Help me ask her! Some people's way of thinking really baffles me! How could somebody have typed dat?? Just tell me how a man will respect them when they think like fish. Imagine! He should refund the sex! No be only sex, na gender!! Nonsense!


Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:30pm On May 13, 2015
you jst dey console d dude
am not consoling anybody,am just stating the obvious
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by czarr(m): 10:30pm On May 13, 2015
i wont allow that atall except he pay me back all my fluids.. cool
what fluid?.... elaborate.... biko?

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by PreciousBro: 10:31pm On May 13, 2015

you are the best ..
am planning on using a new razor blade 2 give my cheating girl friend marks, i want to make her regret

LoL grin please o, I didn't Subscribe to Inflicting Physical Pain. That one is a Tad Extreme Bro.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by czarr(m): 10:32pm On May 13, 2015
i wont allow that atall except he pay me back all my fluids.. cool
what fluid?.... elaborate.... biko?

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:32pm On May 13, 2015

Sure, everybody has been cheated on one way or the other, I stand to disagree with you that he wasn't right to do what he did, I don't know if u work, then u will know how hard it is to make money, coming to ur GF the place u feel that u can find comfort and seeing disrespect and that shameful act...considering the fact that ur heart was on the line, I will do worse
this is where i talk about maturity,if i were the one who rented an apartment for a guy & i caught him cheating,i will yell,quarell but i wont pick a pin from the place just to punish him cos i once loved him, his conscience will judge him more & i will be blessed more....God knows why it happened that way...thats my own view, he would have just let it be.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by AAinEqGuinea: 10:32pm On May 13, 2015

i am not talking about what is ethical or not here, i am talking about what any normal person who has been betrayed would do. funny how you would even mention the word "ethical" when the subject of cheating is involved. there is nothing ethical about what she did, the minute she opened her legs to some other dude, the gloves were off and "MR nice guy" becomes a totally different monster (that THE LADY created).

obviously, in such type of r/ship, NOTHING is in the name of the deluded "pay as go" gal, so the guy has all the right to take back everything he owns. the toto was pay as you go, and in return for her favours, she got a nice home and all the goodies that came with it..... as a "temporary" improvement in her life (as long as the gal and her toto stayed fresh and relevant).

Now ^this^ is gospel, add the Red text because you spoke like Jesus, who didn't get married for a reason. cool

Your last sentence was even more golden, women out here are using men for an upgrade, excitement, and some d on the side. Sucker men proudly fall in love, like the guy in this story.

That white culture took over the black female too... bleaching their minds to the core. grin

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:34pm On May 13, 2015

Fine woman, I like u o jare, leave this smellos, way day live on leftovers, shows the kind of class they belong to.
Woman do u wrong u day para for am, how many them don wrong, them no gree talk am. No follow this stupid people
smile...u r funny
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Baddestguyp(m): 10:35pm On May 13, 2015
That guy is materialistic. Please tell him to refund the sex undecided

i wont allow that atall except he pay me back all my fluids.. cool

you girls sound like prostitutes, stop disgracing yourselves on NL. no offense


Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:37pm On May 13, 2015

Assuming the guy bought her engagement ring of say $10,000 are you saying the guy should just let go, leave it for her to abuse and bone the relationship

That's kinda the way I view it, cos those properties he bought for her are like investment towards their engagement and possible marriage cos am sure he saw marriage potential in her before spending so much.
engagement ring is different here, without bn told, the girl is expected to give the ring back to the guy.
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Dollar101(m): 10:37pm On May 13, 2015

this is where i talk about maturity,if i were the one who rented an apartment for a guy & i caught him cheating,i will yell,quarell but i wont pick a pin from the place just to punish him cos i once loved him, his conscience will judge him more & i will be blessed more....God knows why it happened that way...thats my own view, he would have just let it be.

My dear u r in Naija not Canada, Nigeria girls don't hv that kind of conscience...they will call u maga when u leave, u wil jst go and kill ursef with thinking
Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by czarr(m): 10:38pm On May 13, 2015
Cheap niggar.

But when u look at it critically,the girl lost nothing.

The guy lost something.

The girl will probably go on to the guy she cheated with.

she lost more....abeg wetin d guy lose?.....na cheater im lose?...mtchew....I say good riddance,d babe has lost a potential husband,....later she go join those sexually frustrated women for norttt dey cry make government share men 4 dem

it's czar

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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by brownlord: 10:39pm On May 13, 2015

Help me ask her! Some people's way of thinking really baffles me! How could somebody have typed dat?? Just tell me how a man will respect them when they think like fish. Imagine! He should refund the sex! No be only sex, na gender!! Nonsense!


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Re: What A Guy Did To His Cheating Girl Friend:right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 10:39pm On May 13, 2015

you girls sound like prostitutes, stop disgracing yourselves on NL. no offense
i just checked your profile & i reserved what am suppose to tell you..

one word for you..'i pity you'.


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