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My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones - Business (4) - Nairaland

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Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by DanielPop(m): 9:14am On May 20, 2015
All this talk about slave labour is missing the point. Employment contract has the following - Offer and acceptance. They make you an offer, you accept or reject. It is not an offer you cant refuse. If you accept it, then live with the terms and condition. If you accept the offer and somewhere down the line you find that your employer has breached it, recourse to the law or walk....resign! As long as your employer is paying you above the minimum wage, you have no case. You willingly entered into the contract. So you can as well walk out of it. Dont stay in there and start bitching all over the place. LEAVE!!! Anything worth doing, is worth doing well. Period.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by efe2luv: 9:15am On May 20, 2015

Do you work in a bank? Or do you just feel like talking?


Thanks Cramjones for that reply you gave him...It really shouldn't matter whether one is employed as a contract staff or full staff...In the real sense of it contract staff should earn higher than a permanent staff as is obtainable in in developed countries(even in other African countries like Ghana and Angola who have citizen's friendly Labor LAws)... A contract staff does more of the Job than a permanent staff who just sits there and look good on the job that a contract staff performs. Well it should'nt be about who is or who is not a full staff it should be that we review out Labor law such that employers should not have the right under law to abuse employees, by way of modern day slavery as in remunerations...There should'nt be anything like contract staffing..if there must be a contract staff should earn more than a full staff as is practiced unser international labor law because the pay is an all inclusive one. The govt really need to review our Labor law to favor the employee and employer alike but not to enslave employees and have enforement agents to make sure these laws are practiced.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by mikolo80: 9:17am On May 20, 2015
That's our financial institution for u. That being said, the way foreigners treat our citizens as slaves in their own country is another pressing matter to be addressed by whomever cares to. They are not allowed to participate in labour meetings any longer. Any attempt to complain about the poor state of work they are immediately threatened with sacked letter. While their foreign counterparts with a lesser qualification have dedicated drivers they are subjected to inhumane working conditions. In factories, they are not entitled to personal protective equipments, no special provisions for over time, no accommodation for drivers in case of long distance assignments. They are treated less than they will treat their pets. It's time to raise our voices and not the suffering.
they treat us the way we treat ourselves,it's not their fault we do not value ourselves very highly

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Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by justi4jesu(f): 9:17am On May 20, 2015
All this talk about slave labour is missing the point. Employment contract has the following - Offer and acceptance. They make you an offer, you accept or reject. It is not an offer you cant refuse. If you accept it, then live with the terms and condition. If you accept the offer and somewhere down the line you find that your employer has breached it, recourse to the law or walk....resign! Dont stay in there and start bitching all over the place. LEAVE!!! Anything worth doing, is worth doing well. Period.

They should leave and stay hungry right, the right thing should be done instead of taking graduates for a ride because these so called employers know there are no job vacancies to fall back on if they reject the offer. It is not right.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by bayulll01(m): 9:20am On May 20, 2015
I think we should look at all the outsourcing companies that are doing nothing and reaping graduate off,those coys needs to be charge for slavery and if found guilty should be sentenced to 30yrs with hard labor,no bail just to feel what those graduate are facing outside,where is that young korea presido when you need him

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Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by owobokiri(m): 9:20am On May 20, 2015
I pity the contract staffs, especially the ladies. They are so exposed to all sorts of temptations by their managers I wonder the type of devilish characters that run these banks. The banks just hire and fire as if it is some kind of fun
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by DanielPop(m): 9:20am On May 20, 2015

They should leave and stay hungry right, the right thing should be done instead of taking graduates for a ride because these so called employers know there are no job vacancies to fall back on if they reject the offer. It is not right.

Be creative then. Go and start your own company and pay your workers fat salaries!


Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by bayulll01(m): 9:23am On May 20, 2015

They should leave and stay hungry right, the right thing should be done instead of taking graduates for a ride because these so called employers know there are no job vacancies to fall back on if they reject the offer. It is not right.

Don't mind the uselesss mofo,what do u expect if am okay who cares,forgetting that those u advise to leave can join criminals and resorts to robberies,how I wish they visited you and cart away all ur savings edioota
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by Nobody: 9:23am On May 20, 2015

@Cramjomes, I think contract staff should be abolished in banks. The banks may say they cant absorb everyone as a full staff, but there is something they can do.
They should have a unit under their HCM unit that would handle contact staff.
Fact is I work as a contract staff with one of the 1st generation banks. I take home 64k (Cum rain or sunshine). But our employers are paid 150k. They give us 64k, pay 14k as pension n also subscribe to Standard Plan HMO for us. (Just malaria n typhoid treatment)
They have an interest of. @Least 60k per head monthly n we are over 250 in my unit (call centre) who are contract staff.
Bankwide, the agents employs all the tellers, dsa' s, drivers et al.
So we all are working for them. If only we can b directly employed by d bank, then we can have 120k take home even as associate staff.

Pls note that some of us wer receivin 40k as salary 4 4years before the increase in salary to 64k. Some of us have spent over 5years doing d same job.
This is my contribution to wat can b done differently.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by Willie2015: 9:23am On May 20, 2015

@Cramjomes, I think contract staff should be abolished in banks. The banks may say they cant absorb everyone as a full staff, but there is something they can do.
They should have a unit under there HCM unit that would handle contact staff.
Fact is I work as a contract staff with one of the 1st generation banks. I take home 64k (Cum rain or sunshine). But our employers are paid 150k. They give us 64k, pay 14k as pension n also subscribe to Standard Plan HMO for us. (Just malaria n typhoid treatment)
Atleast they have an interest of. @Least 60k per head monthly n we are over 250 in my unit (call centre) who are contract staff.
Bankwide, the agents employs all the tellers, dsa' s, drivers et al.
So we all are working for them. If only we can b directly employed by d bank, then we can boast of 120k take home even as associate staff.

Pls note that some of us wer receivin 40k as salary 4 4years before the increase in salary to 64k. Some of us have spent over 5years doing d same job.
This is my contribution to wat can b done differently.

There is enough unemployed youths that are ready to take these jobs, contract staffs is an effective way of reducing staff cost for most employers. Every employee should strive to get additional source of income to augment his salary. The problem is that most bankers are too lazy to think and mostly depend only on the income from their employer.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by bayulll01(m): 9:28am On May 20, 2015

Be creative then. Go and start your own company and pay your workers fat salaries!

Some of you that rant be creative go and start your business are you people that dummmb!where do u want a graduate with little or no experience or capitals to start business,what business are you doing,I guess recharge cards abi,even agriculture you still need capitals so where can u get the money,even if u have the best idea banks will never give u their money without good collateral,oga just shut the up,my advice to graduate just try and leave this shiit country
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by Reference(m): 9:37am On May 20, 2015
I read about the pay scale of bankers in Nigeria with deep and utter sadness. I haven't been able to sleep since I read the stories on Nairaland, for I have been deeply disturbed. Prior to these articles, I erroneously thought that entry level bankers earn nothing less than 120k, but I was very wrong! My nephew is banker, but he keeps asking me to send him money. I joke about it, albeit ignorantly, not knowing his pay is that of a slave.

Fellow Nigerians, granted we have over 50 million unemployed youths, nevertheless should we accept to be slaves in our own country? What will a young man full of life and energy do with 24k/month or $110 per month. I can remember many times I have spent such an amount one night on a family dinner. This is not fair and must be stopped! We must task the incoming administration to review our labor laws. It is unacceptable for a graduate working in a multibillion dollar coporation as a banker to earn less than $4/day.

Instead of trekking from pillar to post, do something about it! I would like to urge all youths to use the power of social media and spread the word. We must start that way. I will do my part by telling the C-in-C to tackle this slave labor head on. Not just the banks, but we must have enforcable laws that all employers of labor must abide to. Little wonder why Kelechi and Kayode are doing drugs in Indonesia. Little wonder why Ifeoma, Kabiru and Femi are drowning in the mediterranean trying to cross to Europe. We must put an end to modern day slavery, wickedness and greed!

You have all taken the right step by revealing it. Now make it popular and we will work on the one-on-one side. This must stop!


Instead of using/directing your initiatives at the youth with ideas to put them to work in a country that produces nothng in the midst of so much want, the 'one trick poniness' in you will it see beyond, wait for it.......of course government, yet again, government again and again and again. Because you too has a sense of entitlement.... so government ought to do or the youth will simply die.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by colossus2: 9:38am On May 20, 2015

The conversion is not as easy as it seems, the emphasis is more on the qualification at entry level.
Sorry please explain that part better sir.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by kingthreat(m): 9:40am On May 20, 2015

This is an anonymous forum and the people that know and have met the C-in-C elect do not reside in the moon.

People who have are his confidants are usually more matured and dont brag about it on social media to improve their status. So petty and childish of cramjones and his blind followers like yourself.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by rottennaija(m): 9:40am On May 20, 2015
Get your facts right, bro.

Entry level in any Nigerian bank earns above N120k. ..
..Contract and support staff earn less though.

Contract staff work as hard as full time employees. They should not be treated any different
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by zubby29(m): 9:46am On May 20, 2015
we have to stop dis slave labour,its modern slave trade
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by CecyAdrian(f): 10:02am On May 20, 2015

There is enough unemployed youths that are ready to take these jobs, contract staffs is an effective way of reducing staff cost for most employers. Every employee should strive to get additional source of income to augment his salary. The problem is that most bankers are too lazy to think and mostly depend only on the income from their employer.

Seriously,must you comment
a banker should try to get additional source of income? During what time if I may ask??
With the little time they have to rest their tired bones 4rm their "dawn to dusk" work or when?
Bankers are not lazy, and they might depend on solely only their employer 4 dia income, because that is what the have the time doing. The banking environment doesn't give you time to do any other thing. Excerpt your are a manager or top executive
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by Vek2015: 10:04am On May 20, 2015

Bro I can testify to this.entry level in any bank earn above 120k.

Your assertion is wrong. FirstBank pays its entry level less than 90k per month. You are free to verify it.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by philips70(m): 10:05am On May 20, 2015

People who have are his confidants are usually more matured and dont brag about it on social media to improve their status. So petty and childish of cramjones and his blind followers like yourself.

Your stupidity just opened you up to ridicule. Correcting your wrong notion cannot make me a follower of anyone on Nairaland. And anyone who brags with what he thinks is not easy to come by and must have worked for is not being childish. Well to do people show off everyday around the world. I am pretty sure if you have a personal relationship with any high ranking personality you will put it on your signature and it will remain your cup of tea. Address whatever cramjones wrote about and quit using your personal hatred for him to judge his character. If you have nothing to contribute apart from displaying stupidity, open up another thread.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by colossus2: 10:17am On May 20, 2015
All this talk about slave labour is missing the point. Employment contract has the following - Offer and acceptance. They make you an offer, you accept or reject. It is not an offer you cant refuse. If you accept it, then live with the terms and condition. If you accept the offer and somewhere down the line you find that your employer has breached it, recourse to the law or walk....resign! As long as your employer is paying you above the minimum wage, you have no case. You willingly entered into the contract. So you can as well walk out of it. Dont stay in there and start bitching all over the place. LEAVE!!! Anything worth doing, is worth doing well. Period.
You are what is wrong with the world. Enough said.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by DanielPop(m): 10:17am On May 20, 2015

Some of you that rant be creative go and start your business are you people that dummmb!where do u want a graduate with little or no experience or capitals to start business,what business are you doing,I guess recharge cards abi,even agriculture you still need capitals so where can u get the money,even if u have the best idea banks will never give u their money without good collateral,oga just shut the up,my advice to graduate just try and leave this shiit country

...and you want to dictate for the man who searched for capital and started his own company, to pay you as you want abi?
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by esere826: 10:20am On May 20, 2015

.....Fellow Nigerians, granted we have over 50 million unemployed youths,....

Is this a statement of fact or is this the typical Nigerian statistics?
Kindly confirm please..

Roughly speaking, your statement translates to 50 million out of circa 180 million Nigerians who are between the age of 18 and 40, (excluding those in schools) as having no employment.

That's extremely wrong
Nigerian unemployment rate is presently less than 30%. see http://ieconomics.com/nigeria-unemployment-rate-forecast
Unemployment rate is calculated based on working age

in fact,.... why am I wasting my time doing this!!!
Goodluck to you

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Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by paparazzi1987(m): 10:28am On May 20, 2015
That is true.Are we saying the contract staff are not bankers as well?What makes them different several of them have the same qualification as the core staff some even more but due to unemployment challenges they take the job.Are they not doing work in the bank?Some doing same duties as the so called bankers.Lets put ourselves in their shoes its not fair to them.

Qualifications differs from skills. Many unemployed youths seek qualifications rather than skills.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by davic00: 10:29am On May 20, 2015
Hi Cramjones,
Is your nephew a securityman or Cleaner in the bank? Pls let the Nairalanders know what he or she does there? Because like the Bank I work with. Security man collects over 25k per month, Contract Staff collects over 100k per month and entry level earns over 200k per month. So your issue is totally wrong except you are making reference to MICROFINANCE Bank which is not also correct too.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by Willie2015: 10:30am On May 20, 2015

Some of you that rant be creative go and start your business are you people that dummmb!where do u want a graduate with little or no experience or capitals to start business,what business are you doing,I guess recharge cards abi,even agriculture you still need capitals so where can u get the money,even if u have the best idea banks will never give u their money without good collateral,oga just shut the up,my advice to graduate just try and leave this shiit country

You don't need huge capital to start a business.

My meat seller in the market started with only =N=15,000.00 in the local market. He goes to the Hausa section to buy goats for =N=7,500.00. He butchered the goat and make a profit of around =N=4,000.00 to =N=5,000.00 on each goat. He butchered an average of 4 -5 goat on weekends.....he makes more money per month than a contract staff in a bank.

My classmate got his family members to get him a Sharan Mini Van after graduation. He drive the Sharan Van himself, he makes an average on =N= 100,000.00 in a month less expenses. He currently have additional five cars he manages for other people (inclusive mine).

The vendor that roofed my house and complete the lintel is a final year student of Electrical Engineering of a federal university. I know of at least six houses he roofed with his team.

Look around your environment, there are opportunities all over.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by bayulll01(m): 10:31am On May 20, 2015

...and you want to dictate for the man who searched for capital and started his own company, to pay you as you want abi?

Under gej common sense is not common,so as gej leave office on 29th I expect u to also re-install sense into your brain,like seriously you want a graduate with no capital to create and start his own business,like seriously are you for real
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by CecyAdrian(f): 10:37am On May 20, 2015
Hi Cramjones,
Is your nephew a securityman or Cleaner in the bank? Pls let the Nairalanders know what he or she does there? Because like the Bank I work with. Security man collects over 25k per month, Contract Staff collects over 100k per month and entry level earns over 200k per month. So your issue is totally wrong except you are making reference to MICROFINANCE Bank which is not also correct too.

Hi Davic00
Please can you kindly state the name of the bank you work with?
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by pasol4real(m): 10:38am On May 20, 2015
The rate at which this employers enslave their workers in this country is pathetic,especially the foreigners.,particularly chinês e,lebanese n some southafrican companies .i know of a five star South african hotel dat pays it staff 40,50 60 to 70k depending on ur deparment.where as their so called expatriates ,that does little or nothing goes home with about 500,600,700,800k monthly n yet dis Same ppl are entitled to 120k weekly bonus,hav free accomodation,free transportation pays no utility bills n eat free meals when ever they want.
The relationship between nigerians n the Southafricans in this hotel is like the master / slave relationship .any small mistake u make u are called for an enquiry which usually ends up with the person bin fired.

I honestly hope that the incoming government will take this challenge seriously as working in these organizations is almost the Same as bin unemployed .labour n work unions shud be more active,better laws with emphasis on remuneration must be enacted for the benefits of all nigerians in the labour force.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by bayulll01(m): 10:43am On May 20, 2015

You don't need huge capital to start a business.

My meat seller in the market started with only =N=15,000.00 in the local market. He goes to the Hausa section to buy goats for =N=7,500.00. He butchered the goat and make a profit of around =N=4,000.00 to =N=5,000.00 on each goat. He butchered an average of 4 -5 goat on weekends.....he makes more money per month than a contract staff in a bank.

My classmate got his family members to get him a Sharan Mini Van after graduation. He drive the Sharan Van himself, he makes an average on =N= 100,000.00 in a month less expenses. He currently have additional five cars he manages for other people (inclusive mine).

The vendor that roofed my house and complete the lintel is a final year student of Electrical Engineering of a federal university. I know of at least six houses he roofed with his team.

Look around your environment, there are opportunities all over.

Lol funny very funny,oyaa ooo all the graduate in the house start butchering meat and selling,or you get Van so u can drive anywhere you go,oga those one you mentions are unskilled job,a graduate in chemical engineering or biochemistry will curse you,why did he waste all the years in the university,he should av start selling meat since he left high school or he should av start driving van since junior high school,I quite understand your ranting on being entrepreneurial or creating business,but not for graduate woo u won't understand guess you are the few fortunate one to get job after nysc
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by pasol4real(m): 10:44am On May 20, 2015
Hi Cramjones,
Is your nephew a securityman or Cleaner in the bank? Pls let the Nairalanders know what he or she does there? Because like the Bank I work with. Security man collects over 25k per month, Contract Staff collects over 100k per month and entry level earns over 200k per month. So your issue is totally wrong except you are making reference to MICROFINANCE Bank which is not also correct too.
You must be a bloody liar.
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by paparazzi1987(m): 10:47am On May 20, 2015

Obviously not true, are you really serious or being mischievous? Marketing jobs are done by bsc holders all over the world, and I also want to say this, many graduates are doing contract staff jobs and even work in the bulk counting rooms of banks who earn some of the least. So yes, there are graduates who are earning so low in banks

Don't mis interpret my comment sir.
I have friends here that works as contract staff but most of them al agreed that they do not present there bsc certificate before they get the job .even when some of them try to present there bsc certificates,HR advices them not to include there bsc degree and cert in there profile cos the jobs are for ond,nce,intern and co. And not for BSc.
The entry level for bsc holder is graduate trainee.
moreover, not all marketers are contract staff, there are lots of Graduate trainee in marketing as well
Re: My Take On The Slave Labor In Nigerian Banks - Cramjones by Nobody: 10:54am On May 20, 2015
This is a big joke. No bank pays its entry level below 100K.
I am a banker and I can testify to this claim.

nna ehn...
Where do these people churn out facts from?

How can they call a DSA and contract staff 'bankers'!!
A DSA whose position might not even be recognised in the organizations' chart.
Contract staff : most of them present their OND certs during recruitment because it's a temp job, like an intern. Where you learn, save and proceed to higher learning.

In GTBank, common IT's collect 40k!
So what are they talking about bikonu?

Recently GTbank started converting contract staff with some yrs of experience/less than 30yrs that have 'higher HND degree' to semi-full staff.

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