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4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Nobody: 10:51am On May 20, 2015
Becoming a pro-blogger is the desire of every blogger today, but you must know how to go about becoming a pro-blogger; in this post, I have highlighted 4 very vital tips for achieving this.

Unlike today, blogging in the past was mostly a medium of sharing of one’s personal opinions and views. It has become a medium of earning a living for so many folks.

But with the rapid growth of information technology and its dominant role in the commercial market; blogging has become one of the most potent medium of making money online and offline.

Creating a professional blog has not only become a source of making money, but it also has become one of the most potent tools for company and individual website owners to express themselves, market their products and above all, generate swarms of traffic (leads) to their sales.

Many people in our world today including companies are doing great online by setting up professional blogs online, these blogs are very informative and updated regularly thereby being liked by internet users.


Below are 4 proven tips for becoming a pro-blogger for generating targeted traffic that converts effectively.
One major way of becoming a pro-blogger is by being a regular in commenting on other person’s blog.

There are millions of blogs online as at today, your task is to look out for the ones relevant to your blog and regularly post useful comments in them. You can subscribe to their RSS to alert you whenever their new post goes life.

The blogs you are commenting regularly on will reciprocate your action and in turn generate a lot of comments and traffic for your blog as well. In addition your blog gets uncommon promotion and exposure the more. It helps you generate instant website traffic.
There is nothing as annoying than when you visit a blog to read a blog post that is as good as a huge block of texts packed together in one block. In setting your paragraphs, let it be not more than 5 lines long.
The use of images to Tell Your Story in a blog post is very seo friendly. Everybody loves pictures, adults, youths and kids alike. Hence the use of images that corresponds with your post is highly recommended.

Images help tell your story at first sight and they are visually appealing to all visitors. They also help to draw your reader's eye down the page and keep them engaged.
Look out for forums especially those that are related to your blog niche. WarriorForum is one big internet marketing forum on the internet today. Here is a list of some very good internet marketing forums. If your blog contents are tutorials and providing solutions; your blog will begin to enjoy instant website traffic.

Joining forums also help improve your blogging capabilities and gives you access to free exchange of opinion and views with other bloggers who might know more than you do.


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Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by DICKtator: 1:17pm On May 20, 2015
I don't understand
But you are not a pro blogger
How come you are selling what you don't have?
Like it ought to be practise what you preach?

Hahaha. I'm the first to............*slap myself*

Too co.ccky for that ishh!!!

grin grin grin grin


Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by ignis: 1:18pm On May 20, 2015
Make the page simple and less data consuming just like Nairaland.
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by kilokeys(m): 1:18pm On May 20, 2015
what is blogging?

does it mean ill dabble into people's affairs?

amebo thingz?

nt interested
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by emmalezy(m): 1:19pm On May 20, 2015
nice one bro...
i agree
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by SilentCrescendo: 1:19pm On May 20, 2015
Nah this ain't for me son.
You know how much strippers earn? angry angry
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by asumo12: 1:19pm On May 20, 2015
noted shocked shocked shocked
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by solobenzo(m): 1:19pm On May 20, 2015
Based on
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by uwa1(m): 1:19pm On May 20, 2015
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by emmalezy(m): 1:19pm On May 20, 2015
what is blogging?

ask linda ikeji that question sir..
she will tellu
blogging made her rich
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by FazzyKachi(m): 1:20pm On May 20, 2015
Yeah_thats true sha
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by emmalezy(m): 1:20pm On May 20, 2015
Nah this ain't for me son.
You know how much strippers earn? angry angry
you know how much linda makes?
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Dollarchap(m): 1:20pm On May 20, 2015
Blogging is actually a profession these days. But it is not a get-rich-quick job as some think.

Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by zangiff(m): 1:21pm On May 20, 2015
and be ready to write and spend few dollars on adverts
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by winetapper: 1:22pm On May 20, 2015
also make your adverts cheap
dont spam other blogs,
Be ready to spend some money too
Dont give up
Work harder
learn new codes daily..


Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by free2ryhme: 1:22pm On May 20, 2015
Na story be dis one

Start making money like Linda ikeji and the likes then we will believe you
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by winetapper: 1:24pm On May 20, 2015
Na story be dis one

Start making money like Linda ikeji and the likes then we will believe you
They didnt start today
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by tessylove2(f): 1:24pm On May 20, 2015
Nice one!
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Nobody: 1:26pm On May 20, 2015
What about buying traffic and getting the email addresses of your visitors?
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Nobody: 1:27pm On May 20, 2015
Gidilink blog is hiring creative writers.

Check my profile on how to apply.wink
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Aspireahead(m): 1:29pm On May 20, 2015
i will apply this....
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by KingEbukasBlog(m): 1:29pm On May 20, 2015
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by SLiMBOiFREND(m): 1:35pm On May 20, 2015
This is one of the reasons I so much love nairaland!

If na beyonce wer pour wine inside bathtub make front page like this, e go don reach 6page d go b4 some of us go see am but as na about blogging, see as here dry! grin
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by glassman: 1:36pm On May 20, 2015
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by stlarry001(m): 1:36pm On May 20, 2015
just like this blog
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Nobody: 1:38pm On May 20, 2015
Nice one Op
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by JideTheBlogger(m): 1:40pm On May 20, 2015
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by hola106(m): 1:41pm On May 20, 2015
Nice one
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Nobody: 1:48pm On May 20, 2015
Too many blogs already,must everybody become a blogger? maybe it's time they have bloggers Association, even those who can't write with simple English or compose an article of their own wants to owned a blog, there are better jobs out there abeg,
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Seuncoded(f): 1:55pm On May 20, 2015
Thanks For This
Re: 4 Tips for Becoming a Pro-Blogger by Nobody: 2:06pm On May 20, 2015
Simple n Strait forward tips.....

Not some wordy stuffs I have to skim thru. grin


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