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My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere - Family (3) - Nairaland

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 6:58pm On May 22, 2015
The ones wey she don do never satisfy am, she sef be another , at her age she should av forget sex

At 50?! nawa for you o!

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Gr8amechi: 6:58pm On May 22, 2015
After some foolish girls go dey form say sex don't freak them.....back to the topic, the man is a wise man that have his eyes on the ground and know what the wife is doing already but the foolish woman think she is smart, there is no smoke without fire. the man can't wake up and just start telling her to go have sex outside, she should check herself

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by centjamie(m): 6:59pm On May 22, 2015
The ones wey she don do never satisfy am, she sef be another , at her age she should av forget sex

Just hear yourself

What an immature contribution


Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by kambili999(f): 7:00pm On May 22, 2015
what if the husband just wants to know how she will act? if he really loves her he should guard her. maybe he is viewing it from the point of making his wife happy. but she should remind her husband that it is for better for worse and she is willing to remain like that when he tries to convince her to sleep outside. wish her the best.

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by malla123(m): 7:00pm On May 22, 2015
hi Madam I feel you , But stroke should not be the end of your sex life . your just have to understand how to go about . both of you can still have fun . the american heart fundation has some resoucres on these subject you can order to help understand how to do it . first you need you husband to belive in himself and you will have to do most of the work . Talk to Mature spealist on stroke patients for guidance . You both need to talk and communcation a lot about this . your husband needs reasurance for this to be sucessfully. I salute u madam for being a faithfully african woman . many of these generation do not understand what true love commitment and mariage is a lot of sacriface . talk to husband seduce him he can still have fun and ride mama your man . enjoy your self .
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by czarr(m): 7:02pm On May 22, 2015
How easy is it to find no strings attached sex?
If she finds some guy elsewhere maybe that one will start catching feelings someday and try to ruin her marriage for her.

But do what you must. And most importantly, try not hurt your husband with your actions.
hadly would a guy catch feelings because of sex...unless she be IndecentStar,she's probably lacking in experience.

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Bluffly: 7:03pm On May 22, 2015
My husband had a stroke a very long time ago and we have not had sex for nine years. We’re both in our early 50s and he doesn’t think I should settle for a sexless life.
We don’t want to split because we still love each other and our children are doing well. So my husband has suggested I need a sexual companion. He said I should just find sex where and when I could; only I should be discrete about it.

I wasn’t really keen at first, but the more we talked through the emotional complications of my not being sexually fulfilled, the more the idea appealed to me. I just don’t want to hurt his feelings.
Florence, by e-mail.


Common be truthful. It is not your husband that wants you to seek sex where you like, it is you that want it. Must you always make him realize you are not sexually fullfilled when you know the rhythm on ground.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by FestusCool: 7:04pm On May 22, 2015
If u didn't crave for it when you were 9 or 10 years younger I wonder why it is coming now. Appears you've not told us everything. Be careful before you rush into his counsel because no man will willingly counsel you that way except you've pushed him to the wall and he wants to be seen as fair.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by princybeauty: 7:04pm On May 22, 2015
d question goes to d woman? do u want to hv sex wit anoda man nw, despite ur husband asked u to, it is nt compulsory, unless u re interested

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:04pm On May 22, 2015
All the sex you guys have been catching in every conceivable corner available when the vile of youth was dormant is still not enough

Truth be told your husband is testing your loyalty and any sign of betrayal will give him the ginger to give up. He's feeling guilty which is killing him slowly.

You need to reassure him and swore an oath of One body one heart and one soul and watch the magic of how your man will fight stroke to a standstill.*sings Sam Smith Stay With Me*

As a cause of that nonsensical drivel I hereby declare your entire statement rubbish, and all further statements are forthwith under probation.

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by 9jatatafo(m): 7:04pm On May 22, 2015
Madam with all due respect, marriage is for better or for worst. I believe your man is testing you after much suspicion for the 9 years he hasn't fire down. Also can you beat your chest that for this 9 year period, you have not fan your punny outside? You and your husband is one. If you feel Hot, get a se.x toy and let your husband use his hands. He can use his tongue to please and pleasure you and you will get satisfied. Just bone that idea of wanting to fan your honey-pot outside with another guy. Your children will be so disappointed in you if you dare go out and service your oil well.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Chinom(m): 7:04pm On May 22, 2015
Madam if h have abstained all tis years,u can still wait and hope your hubby gets healed. There is not impossible wen it comes to God. If u conceal to ur hubby and have a sex partner,u will not only get carried away and forget ur sick hubby u will also sin against God and man by defiling ur home. Dont forget that most of our culture forbids that,cos u will be cooking 4 ur hubby while hvin an affair n killing him slowly,dts some of our culture depends on whr u r 4rm. The ball is on ur court.

What do you mean by " Abstained ". No body abstains from sex for 9 years. Not even Catholic Nuns. She has been having sex and orga.sms. with herself. She should just continue like that or better still get her husband involved.
Most women can have a blast sexually without any man being involved. Let's not pretend here.


Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by morereb10: 7:05pm On May 22, 2015
As if she is not already doing it. women: I no trust una from here to there.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:05pm On May 22, 2015
And the award for best f*ckin story goes to...........9 years without sex and now all of a sudden you want sex at the age of 50, post menopause, cool zobo!

Very fake story. Believed by the gullible majority
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:05pm On May 22, 2015
Yes, he can't cope with the thought of another man having s*x with his wife - if he truly loves her.. Probably it's a test.

what if the husband just wants to know how she will act? if he really loves her he should guard her. maybe he is viewing it from the point of making his wife happy. but she should remind her husband that it is for better for worse and she is willing to remain like that when he tries to convince her to sleep outside. wish her the best.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Chubhie: 7:06pm On May 22, 2015

I million likes bro! Which kain sex is she looking for, she shld be looking for love now not sex and advise her children properly. Is marriage not for better for worse again? She is the one pressing the man she wants to go outside and the man will be like, abeg u can go if u wish, which man will Koro Koro allow his wife that liberty or is the man from Benue... grin
Some woman have coined the statement- for better for stay, for worse for waka.

What happened to men from benue?

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:07pm On May 22, 2015
For confidentially it will be best you take a trip to ghana,ama hook you up,if the price is right.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Damikevin(m): 7:09pm On May 22, 2015
And when he miraculously recovers, how do you face him. His in his feelings that's why his say all this. If he recovers he'll prolly forget he told you that. Marriage is for better or worse, this is the worst. Deal with it.


Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by chrischina(m): 7:09pm On May 22, 2015

What do you want to learn in that department. I offer free lessons to women. If you be man....waka dey go.

You dey find who you go rape abi. God pass you
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:09pm On May 22, 2015
Sex Sex Sex... na food?

Yes na food.

Sexual satisfaction is very important in marriage regardless of how old the spouse is or the marriage and it is the duty of every spouse to give it to his/her partner very well.

But wait a minute, any man who has stroke can't have an erection anymore?


Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by 50calibre(m): 7:10pm On May 22, 2015
This woman should have hung her boots long ago. Women should stay celibate once they hit 50.

My mum is in her 50s, and the mere thought of her having or even desiring sex revolts me.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Chubhie: 7:10pm On May 22, 2015

As a cause of that nonsensical drivel I hereby declare your entire statement rubbish, and all further statements are forthwith under probation.
Tamper justice with mercy your lordship.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:10pm On May 22, 2015
What do you mean by nobody can abstain from sex for 9 years ? Some people are frigid and can cope without sex for even longer period.. Sex na food?


What do you mean by " Abstained ". No body abstains from sex for 9 years. Not even Catholic Nuns. She has been having sex and orga.sms. with herself. She should just continue like that or better still get her husband involved.
Most women can have a blast sexually without any man being involved. Let's not pretend here.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by LuvSwollenPussy(m): 7:13pm On May 22, 2015
Hmm. What a pathetic situation. I've hrd of this kinda case b4.

I don't know why posters at frontpage would make sex at 50 sound bad..is there any culture that says u shouldn't satisfy ur sex drive at 50?

Well OP I don't know ur religion but for you to ask b4 doing it shows u are a committed wife. And he cares abt ur feelings. What a strong bond.

I'm not against you going to have sex outside marriage but if u do that it means;

-you've made up you mind..that he may not recover again but you'll love him till he dies
-you've considered that d love btw u may fizzle as he who permits you now may feel betrayed later

I think you should seek spiritual help 1st. If there's no change then go ahead knowing fully well that no one is to take your hubby's love from ur hrt..its only a fling...its not that u'll follow another man in d name of love and leave ur hubby to suffer. Many responsible hubby and wives do it too and they do not relinquish their spouses position in their hrt. U could get a sugar young man that can be replaced on the long run to avoid the risk of permanent affection and not an old man ur age that u could remarry when ur hubby is still alive..u know love can creep in gradually. Fling/shag is for the wise and matureminded.

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Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:14pm On May 22, 2015
Tamper justice with mercy your lordship.

Na lie! I no gree
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Shegz4god(m): 7:14pm On May 22, 2015
If you truly love him get that out of your mind I think when you married him it was for better foe worse. Eh?
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by akeenalee(m): 7:14pm On May 22, 2015
Where is the love? Is it not for better for worse again?? To all men outside there, May God never retire your Dickson while you are still alive ...

Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:14pm On May 22, 2015
You mean couples have sex through out their life - even as grandparents ?
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Nobody: 7:15pm On May 22, 2015
The ones wey she don do never satisfy am, she sef be another , at her age she should av forget sex

Get urslf a bleeping f**k*n machine ur above 50 u no lönger nid intimacy all ya need is satisfaction tk my advice or *if u dnt like dz ringtone press2*

Wait until you get to her age.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by excellentmomma(f): 7:19pm On May 22, 2015
Some woman have coined the statement- for better for stay, for worse for waka.

What happened to men from benue?

We heard there is a culture in Benue where husbands give their wives out as "kola" to their friends while they turn a blind eye. You haven't heard of it?


Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by Chubhie: 7:21pm On May 22, 2015

Na lie! I no gree
Nwa nna, make we meet in mama nkechi joint and do some nkwobi and manya Ocha.
Re: My Sick Husband Wants Me To Be Having Sex Elsewhere by cococandy(f): 7:21pm On May 22, 2015
This woman should have hung her boots long ago. Women should stay celibate once they hit 50.

My mum is in her 50s, and the mere thought of her having or even desiring sex revolts me.
bush man grin

You don't know age is just a number?
I put it to you that she's doing it tongue
You just don't want to accept it.

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