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Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? - Romance - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? (16535 Views)

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Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by MrsChima(f): 7:29pm On Jun 01, 2015
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by agarawu23(m): 7:30pm On Jun 01, 2015
embarassed grin
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by FLAWLES(f): 7:31pm On Jun 01, 2015
What was your question?
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Nobody: 7:31pm On Jun 01, 2015
Is ur husy not around?
Ask him nah grin


Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by MrsChima(f): 7:33pm On Jun 01, 2015
What was your question?

Why do you think men's nuts stank?
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by PunkyOh(f): 7:35pm On Jun 01, 2015
Sour balls tongue I haven't come across those lol.

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Nobody: 7:35pm On Jun 01, 2015

Why do you think men's nuts stank?

Ask him to wash. It doesn't when you wash regularly

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by IamLEGEND1: 7:36pm On Jun 01, 2015
in footballing terms

we call dem

Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by pTomz(m): 7:37pm On Jun 01, 2015
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Nobody: 7:38pm On Jun 01, 2015
Birds of the same feather flock together. #stinkFest #weStinkPassOurNeighbour #teamStinky

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Nobody: 7:42pm On Jun 01, 2015
A lot of guys are dirty and unkempt, how do you expect a guy who wears one boxers for a week to not have stinking balls? Not possible.


Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by bennygreat1(m): 7:42pm On Jun 01, 2015
funny question.. what were u thinking cool
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by agarawu23(m): 7:44pm On Jun 01, 2015
A lot of guys are dirty and unkempt, how do you expect a guy who wears one boxers for a week to not have stinking balls? Not possible.
same applies to ladies who store their period panties for months


Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Bozzax: 7:47pm On Jun 01, 2015
What was your question?
Is there anything that you actually know or understand?


Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Cutehector(m): 7:47pm On Jun 01, 2015
same applies to ladies who store their period panties for months
lmao... D bacteria dat oozes out from there is enough to perform a culture experiment

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by MizTyna(f): 7:49pm On Jun 01, 2015
Well,i've got no business with his balls if he doesnt shower first.

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by agarawu23(m): 7:51pm On Jun 01, 2015
lmao... D bacteria dat oozes out from there is enough to perform a culture experiment
some Ladies can't even wash their panties well.

some ladies armpit is grown enough to train rabbit grin


Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Prettyvhickie(f): 7:52pm On Jun 01, 2015
some Ladies can't even wash their panties well.

some ladies armpit is grown enough to train rabbit grin
some Ladies can't even wash their panties well.

some ladies armpit is grown enough to train rabbit grin
how did u know?
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Cutehector(m): 7:53pm On Jun 01, 2015
some Ladies can't even wash their panties well.

some ladies armpit is grown enough to train rabbit grin
lol if it is armpit, they really shave dem off... I'v neva seen a lady wit hairs on her arm pit.


Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by MEGGATRON(m): 7:54pm On Jun 01, 2015
women talking about balls.....I think we are in innovation era of nastiness

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Cutehector(m): 7:55pm On Jun 01, 2015
Well,i've got no business with his balls if he doesnt shower first.
grin evrybody must bath before havn sex
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by PunkyOh(f): 7:55pm On Jun 01, 2015
[right][/right] grin
how did u know?

Those who roll with dogs get fleas, so he's probably speaking from experience. He beds slobs.


Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by MEGGATRON(m): 7:55pm On Jun 01, 2015
lol if it is armpit, they really shave dem off... I'v neva seen a lady wit hairs on her arm pit.

dude you haven't met basira!
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Cutehector(m): 7:56pm On Jun 01, 2015

who is she? Ur girlfrnd? grin
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by ronald4lif(m): 7:57pm On Jun 01, 2015
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by francizy(m): 7:57pm On Jun 01, 2015

Hypocrisy is when a lady says this "Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank" but goes behind the scene to suck on Ronald4lif's nut sack.. grin

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by MrsChima(f): 7:58pm On Jun 01, 2015
funny question.. what were u thinking cool

In my profession, I have smelled some smelly men and when they leaves their seats it is like they have left behind their boxers! A few clients have gagged profusely upon their departure. lipsrsealed

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by peeparty(m): 7:58pm On Jun 01, 2015
Mrschima asking from xperince.lol

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Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Enegod(m): 7:59pm On Jun 01, 2015
this woman again!
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by MrsChima(f): 8:02pm On Jun 01, 2015

Hypocrisy is when a lady says this "Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank" but goes behind the scene to suck on Ronald4lif's nut sack.. grin

Do you want your nuts gnaw?
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by Brugo(m): 8:03pm On Jun 01, 2015
Ladies calm down na. Many of us are very neat down there. Clean shaven and washed.
Re: Ladies....why Do You Think Men's Nuts Stank? by agarawu23(m): 8:03pm On Jun 01, 2015
lol if it is armpit, they really shave dem off... I'v neva seen a lady wit hairs on her arm pit.
you never see something grin

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