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Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by ziccoit: 11:30am On Jun 08, 2015
I have been on social media for some times now and I'm yet to see anyone who arrogates importance to virtual online popularity as you. You are aspiring politician as far as I know. If my assertion is true; you need to watch it before you, by your own hand, destroy yourself. You attach so much importance to yourself, whatever you say or anyone says about you that I'm begining to think you may need to seek a psychiatrist evaluation( I didn't say that to slight or mock you pls).

It is very difficult and uncommonly too, to see somebody doing what you are doing here without a hidden agenda or impetus from powerfuls. That is never a problem in as much as you are comfortable with it. But, you shouldn't destroy yourself in effort to edifying some prople's image. if truly you are doing all these for free without any form of inducement or gain from any quater and in patriotism to your country; I expect you to be more careful so that you don't create more foes than you can handle. A good aspiring politician should be friend to all and enemy to none.

Personally, I don't care where you chose to repose your confidence and loyalty. I only had problem with explanation you gave for changing gear to now opposition PDP. I believed there was more than meeting an ordinary eyes.

You don't need to prove anything to anybody in as much as you know what you are doing and strongly believe in your convictions. Showing the screenshot of probably an innocent blabbing between you and a NLder was childish and shouldn't have happened. The subject in question may eventually become you greatest tool towards achieving you political ambition in the future. I felt over 90% of what the guy said in that conversation was just bragging. The true killer or destroyer doesn't allert his victim.

You need to start taking things cool. Be as active as you want on NL but reduce the way you comment on every rubbish posted on NL.

This is just a candid advice from your fellow Forumite.


Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by sademola: 11:32am On Jun 08, 2015
Tell him!!!

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Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by Nobody: 11:33am On Jun 08, 2015
Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by HungerBAD: 11:37am On Jun 08, 2015
To the op, i feel you are indirectly letting this man thinks he is important on this online portal called Nairaland.

It was Okadigbo, who famously told that man from the east , that his rantings were those of an ant. Barcanista's rantings are those of an ant.

Truth be told, who exactly is barcanista trying to sway on nairaland? Is it the more than 98% of very educated people registered here? People that can decipher phonies like him from a million miles away?

I am registered on nairaland for fun, i write for fun, i make funny comments too. But, of late and especially after following barcanista comments on nairaland, i am actually starting to feel that there are people here who might be getting paid to write here.

The chief culprit is barcanista.

I do not have a problem if you have to make a living barcanista, i do however have a problem if you have to start making a mockery of Nairaland where we all come for information already.

My advice to the Super Mods is that, Barcanista should be told to take it easy, and if he does not heed to advice be banned permanently.

His obsession with Buhari, has gone beyond mere political analysis. More like a crazy man intent on peeping through the window to look at another man's naked wife.

it is not only unhealthy, it is sick.

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Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by agarawu23(m): 11:39am On Jun 08, 2015
Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by Nobody: 11:41am On Jun 08, 2015
Too many kids on Nl.
Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by Nobody: 11:43am On Jun 08, 2015
Another crap from Tiefnubu slave

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Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by demelza: 11:44am On Jun 08, 2015
Him go hear?
Dude's head is so far up his ass.
Imagine him saying Buhari read his writeup before deciding to go visit the petrol tanker victims! grin
He has reached a point of no return.


Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by Nobody: 11:44am On Jun 08, 2015
Thank you for the hypocritical and unsolicited piece of advice. You should be more concerned with getting your views heard and less concerned about mine. Rightly, I am an aspiring mainstream politician that seeks to build and maintain relationship with both foes and friends alike. I have never been ashamed to apologise when I did wrong and to maintain my stance whenever I'm convinced that I'm on the right path. In fact, some of my friends and brothers on this forum were people I connected with even when in APC. Is it Firefire? Is it Truckpusher? Is it Dearpreye? Or Is it Mogidi. Is it SeverusSnape, Scantee or Whynotthetruth? Is it Agabai23 or is it Bayswater? What about Tomakint that despite our taunts and banters we never rosort to enemity? I know the importance of relationship and I strive to maintain it! At the same time, I have reputation to protect because "barcanista" is a brand and I WILL NoT sit down to see it destroyed.

It is a shame that some people chose to blackmail which left me with the option of defending myself. I have never tried to blackmail ANYONE(not even accusers) and truct me I have no apology to offer anyone that I defended myself against.

Please, I never asked you whether my e-life is important or not, allow me to it. It's non of your business. I can't be in a group where blackmail is seen as a weapon to whip critics to size. I'm proudly PDP and will continue to be! Take your advice to your friends that are blackmailing ppl.

This should do

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Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by lionduke(m): 11:46am On Jun 08, 2015
it's no longer just barcanista. So many comrades are joining the cause. We must hold our politicians by their words.
Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by Nobody: 12:04pm On Jun 08, 2015
It is a shame for Barcanista to allow the brand to go extinct. You come across as someone I can sit down with and debate issues pertaining to politics, economy, current affairs and philosophy. However, it is difficult to understand what Barcanista represents now. As an aspiring politician you should offer something different; you shouldn't be harassed away from your principles or be bought off. Barcanista as at now is not a change agent. Your expressed opinions these days appear to be stripped of balance. But you rightly said that you have friends across the divide. This is the period for you to count on your friends to reinvent your brand. Until then, you appear to drift without mission or direction; content at remaining afloat.


Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by ziccoit: 12:08pm On Jun 08, 2015
Thank you for the hypocritical and unsolicited piece of advice. You should be more concerned with getting your views heard and less concerned about mine. Rightly, I am an aspiring mainstream politician that seeks to build and maintain relationship with both foes and friends alike. I have never been ashamed to apologise when I did wrong and to maintain my stance whenever I'm convinced that I'm on the right path. In fact, some of my friends and brothers on this forum were people I connected with even when in APC. Is it Firefire? Is it Truckpusher? Is it Dearpreye? Or Is it Mogidi. Is it SeverusSnape, Scantee or Whynotthetruth? Is it Agabai23 or is it Bayswater? What about Tomakint that despite our taunts and banters we never rosort to enemity? I know the importance of relationship and I strive to maintain it! At the same time, I have reputation to protect because "barcanista" is a brand and I WILL NoT sit down to see it destroyed.

It is a shame that some people chose to blackmail which left me with the option of defending myself. I have never tried to blackmail ANYONE(not even accusers) and truct me I have no apology to offer anyone that I defended myself against.

Please, I never asked you whether my e-life is important or not, allow me to it. It's non of your business. I can't be in a group where blackmail is seen as a weapon to whip critics to size. I'm proudly PDP and will continue to be! Take your advice to your friends that are blackmailing ppl.

This should do

Advice unsolicited, you are very right but being hypocritical is incorrect.

See, there is a saying that a 20yrs old pounded yam can still feel very hot. One may chose to deny an oral report but what you put down in writing has a way of hunting you for life.

Doyin Okupe, Olisha Methu and co become majorly so hated through what they wrote on social media in their attempt at doing what they were being paid for- GEJ image making. There are so many intelligent business, political, industrial icons on this forum. They hardly comment or do so occasionally.

Have you ever thought it out that your NL popularity only happened to be a product of circumstance. You came in and started beating the drum to the music people wanted to dance and they were dancing. Your PMB image making efforts was what served as springboard that catapult you to wherever you think you are today. There is nothing in Barcanista as a Monica. What is important is you don't allow your self-adoration negatively impact on your real person.

Well, it is your call deal with it.


Re: Barcanista:- A Piece Of Advice. by Nobody: 12:19pm On Jun 08, 2015
It is a shame for Barcanista to allow the brand to go extinct. You come across as someone I can sit down with and debate issues pertaining to politics, economy, current affairs and philosophy. However, it is difficult to understand what Barcanista represents now. As an aspiring politician you should offer something different; you shouldn't be harassed away from your principles or be bought off. Barcanista as at now is not a change agent. Your expressed opinions these days appear to be stripped of balance. But you rightly said that you have friends across the divide. This is the period for you to count on your friends to reinvent your brand. Until then, you are appear to drift without mission or direction; content at remaining afloat.
I don't NEED your hypocritical "advice"/emotional blackmail o ye Buharist. Be concerned about yourself and get your voice heard.

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