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God Created Man In His Own Image? - Religion - Nairaland

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God Created Man In His Own Image? by goodguy(m): 10:32pm On Sep 18, 2006
Often times, we, at one time or the other call a fellow human "ugly", and the next thing we usually hear from the "good Christians" among us is: "Don't call her 'ugly'.  She was created in the image of God.  Calling her 'ugly' means you are abusing God.  We are all created in the image of God, hence beautifully made; so stop it!".

Now, while going through a thread recently, I found these posts below really sensible (both made by darkmanzero).

personally I'd put it this way. your SOUL, which makes you a Child Of God (TM) was made by GOD himself (which is why u can't see it, duuuuuh) and put inside a fleshy vessel (with selfish needs and desires that drive you to SIN) that was descended from Apes. So the FLESH was descended from apes, but the SPIRIT is a creation of GOD! afterall its created in GOD's divine image, and since we can't see God the fact that we can't see the soul follows suit.

Or do u want to tell me that GOD has 2 legs 2 arms, a head with EYES ON THE FRONT (what a terrible location), a TAIL THAT IS COMPLETELY USELESS (except for opening and closing ya butthole so u don't stink up the place when ya farting away, does GOD fart?!?!??!) an Appendix for breaking down chorophyll,  which we NO LONGER NEED TO DO (since we no longewr swing about de trees like our simian cousins in the orang-utang gang) ,  a ridiculous arrangement where his reproductive organs and TOXIC WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM are forced to use the SAME body orifice,  Sheeeeeesh!!!!!!

If u really believed in God u wouldnt claim that this fleshy vessel is anything like him. It is an Ape. Or at least it was one before the LORD breathed your spirit into it! rejoice!

In any case, I think it shouldnt be hard to accept that the spirit is created by God and the fleshy body is akin to that of an ape. Personally I think that it is even more insulting to religious sensibilities to claim that the body is in the image of God. It is the SPIRIT and not this smelly, sinful, blood-and-sweat-suppurating meat sack that is in the image of God.

Personally, I will like to go with his line of thought that it is our soul, our spirit, that is created in the image of God, and not our fleshy body.  However, I do not agree that we are apes. I believe man was created with dust; but hey. . that's offtopic.

What do you guys think?
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by layi(m): 1:52pm On Sep 19, 2006
When scriptures refers to us. it refers to our spirit, our essence, our beign NOT our body. If our body is us then we wont need to battle with it oft-times.

GOD is a spirit and we are spirits as well.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by DeepSight(m): 4:20pm On Sep 29, 2011
brilliant. Very well put.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by Kay17: 6:10pm On Sep 29, 2011
Spirits that float about?
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 6:14pm On Sep 29, 2011
What is a spirit?. . . .
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:44pm On Sep 29, 2011
You are a tripartite being, that is, you are a spirit, you have a soul and live in a body.  Your spirit and soul takes the same shape as your body.  It is just like a hand in a glove.  God created man in His own image and made him a living soul.  God breathed on him and he became a living soul, the same way God breathed or inspired Scriptures, God breathed on man and man became a living soul, created in the image of God.  So when we die our bodies go back to the dust and our spirit and soul goes back to our Maker to give an account of what we have done when we were in this earthly vessel.  Our spirits and souls will again be reconnected to our incorruptible resurrected bodies to reign and live eternally with our Lord and God.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 7:57pm On Sep 29, 2011

You are a tripartite being, that is, you are a spirit, you have a soul and live in a body.  Your spirit and soul takes the same shape as your body.  It is just like a hand in a glove.  God created man in His own image and made him a living soul.  God breathed on him and he became a living soul, the same way God breathed or inspired Scriptures, God breathed on man and man became a living soul, created in the image of God.  So when we die our bodies go back to the dust and our spirit and soul goes back to our Maker to give an account of what we have done when we were in this earthly vessel.  Our spirits and souls will again be reconnected to our incorruptible resurrected bodies to reign and live eternally with our Lord and God.

Firstly NO body inspired any scripture beside the person that said so. . . .God also inspired the Koran and the Koran is his word, no?. . .

Here are some facts. . . It can be empirically shown that the brain is the source of all thought and emotions. It can be empirically shown that there is no effect of the brain that goes on after death. It can be empirically shown that every kind of knowledge and everything people do can be mapped onto the regions of the brain. Everything we do is explained by brain activity and we can do nothing without it. It can be empirically shown that the brain is nothing more than a complex biochemical machine. Sure we are still learning about the details of the brain, but we know all of what I said and more. Without question, scientifically we can categorically state that there is no soul or spirit in a human because every thing with regards to consciousness begins and ends with the brain and it has been shown empirically. . . . . .There is no evidence at all to show that human consciousness survives bodily death. . .

Consider your brain. Consider the brain of everything you've ever encountered that exhibits intelligence. Every one of them have several things in common:
All of them are composed of physical matter.
All of them require some form of energy in order to operate
All of them generate heat when operating.

According to religious claims we are spirits trapped in physical bodies. When we die our spirit leaves our body and religion claims that it contains all our intelligence.If this claim is true that means that our body is nothing more than a vehicle for our spirit to drive around in while it's alive.

And that means that our brain isn't really the source of our intelligence. If we truly remember everything after we die then it's our spirit (soul) that actually contains all the information. The brain is unnecessary.

Yet the evidence is conclusive. Brain damage (depending on the nature of the damage) results in loss of intelligence. Memories can be completely lost because of damage to our physical brain. Skills can also be lost. Even one's own personality can be altered permanently because of damage to the brain. If we truly have spirits then NO physical injury would be sufficient to turn a decent person into a psychopath, but we have seen many times how people's behavior has completely been altered due to brain injury. . .

It cannot be shown that there is any way for a consciousness to exist outside of a brain of some kind. Immaterial things can be empirically shown to have no consciousness of any sort and cannot have any such thing. Spirits have never been detected anywhere at any time. People who tell you otherwise are selling something or they are delusional. People can fool themselves and can have hallucinations and dreams that they interpret as spiritual meetings or revelations. These can be induced in the laboratory and personally with drugs. They are effects of the physical brain and nothing more.

The ideas of a soul can be traced to ancient superstitions and ignorant ideas. So when we die we arent going any where. . .We simply cease to exist, as a aforementioned, we aren't any special that other living creatures out there. . .A louse simply ceases to exist when it dies, just like a cat, a dog and an elephant. . .We are just like them. . .So we arent going no where because every from of consciousness begins and ends with the brain. . .The soul can be traced to Cartesian dualism which can be empirically shown to be invalid. Yes, I can state that empirically. Every scrap of evidence points to it and nothing can be demonstrated otherwise. As much as we can know anything, we know that there is no such thing as a soul. It is no more than a poetic reference to the essence of a person which is all in the brain and dies with the body. . . . .
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by Nobody: 8:44pm On Sep 29, 2011
It's funny how these atheist fanatics accuse Christians of preaching to them , but in the same vein try to force their ridiculous and almost silly arguments on these same religious people.

Not only that , they seem to reserve their utmost hatred for true believers. This in itself is indicative of what spirit is behind their rage.

Even a child knows automatically that GOD created the world, and thus MAN.

At a very early age I knew that GOD existed instinctively. Looking at the pattern of the universe, the harmony of creation, the complexity of the human composition , its just plain foolishness to attribute these beauties to chance or some silly scientific nonsense. I just cannot imagine that a sensible person will attribute the creation of man to anything other than GOD.

Madness and folly in it's state of perfection.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by PAGAN9JA(m): 8:50pm On Sep 29, 2011


False pride will be the downfall of man.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 10:35pm On Sep 29, 2011

It's funny how these atheist fanatics accuse Christians of preaching to them , but in the same vein try to force their ridiculous and almost silly arguments on these same religious people.

Not only that , they seem to reserve their utmost hatred for true believers. This in itself is indicative of what spirit is behind their rage.

Even a child knows automatically that GOD created the world, and thus MAN.

At a very early age I knew that GOD existed instinctively. Looking at the pattern of the universe, the harmony of creation, the complexity of the human composition , its just plain foolishness to attribute these beauties to chance or some silly scientific nonsense. I just cannot imagine that a sensible person will attribute the creation of man to anything other than GOD.

Madness and folly in it's state of perfection.

You are a liar. . . .All children are born without a belief in any God\Gods. . .Parents and the society MUST indoctrinate them with what ever concept of God they believe in and worship be it Allah, Yahweh, Ra, Sango, Zeus etc. . . .I live in a country where most of the people are atheist and their Children don't even know what God is because their parents didn't tell them any thing about God. . . .Those that have an idea from school think God is no different from a cartoon character or something. . .Many of the kids here don't even know what God is. . . .So what you have stated is a lie. the God hypothesis must be thought to you at a very small age. . . .If you were born into an islamic family from kano state, you will be here telling chating that christians are deluded and that mohammed is the last prophet of Allah whose religion is the only true religion. . . .
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by OLAADEGBU(m): 2:35pm On Sep 30, 2011

Firstly NO body inspired any scripture beside the person that said so. . . .God also inspired the Koran and the Koran is his word, no?. . .

You seem to be so sure that no body inspired scripture just as you are sure that there cannot be any Creator God.  For you to come to this conclusion you must possess absolute knowledge about everything in the universe, no?


Here are some facts. . . It can be empirically shown that the brain is the source of all thought and emotions. It can be empirically shown that there is no effect of the brain that goes on after death. It can be empirically shown that every kind of knowledge and everything people do can be mapped onto the regions of the brain. Everything we do is explained by brain activity and we can do nothing without it. It can be empirically shown that the brain is nothing more than a complex biochemical machine. Sure we are still learning about the details of the brain, but we know all of what I said and more. Without question, scientifically we can categorically state that there is no soul or spirit in a human because every thing with regards to consciousness begins and ends with the brain and it has been shown empirically. . . . . .There is no evidence at all to show that human consciousness survives bodily death. . .

You can say this because of your presupposition that doesn't allow for the spiritual realm.  You think everything can be explained by natural processes.


Consider your brain. Consider the brain of everything you've ever encountered that exhibits intelligence. Every one of them have several things in common:
All of them are composed of physical matter.
All of them require some form of energy in order to operate
All of them generate heat when operating.

As you are reading this right now, can you see your brain, if not why do you believe it exists?


According to religious claims we are spirits trapped in physical bodies. When we die our spirit leaves our body and religion claims that it contains all our intelligence.If this claim is true that means that our body is nothing more than a vehicle for our spirit to drive around in while it's alive.

You are not far from the truth there.


And that means that our brain isn't really the source of our intelligence. If we truly remember everything after we die then it's our spirit (soul) that actually contains all the information. The brain is unnecessary.

God breathed into Adam and Adam became a living soul.  Mankind and animals have nephesh but it is only mankind that lives on eternally.  Death only came because this image has been marred by sin but the spirit lives on, with God or without determining on our decisions here while we are still earth bound.


Yet the evidence is conclusive. Brain damage (depending on the nature of the damage) results in loss of intelligence. Memories can be completely lost because of damage to our physical brain. Skills can also be lost. Even one's own personality can be altered permanently because of damage to the brain. If we truly have spirits then NO physical injury would be sufficient to turn a decent person into a psychopath, but we have seen many times how people's behavior has completely been altered due to brain injury. . .

Have you heard of gut feelings or intuition, do you know what the conscience is, that part of you that is your moral compass, where do you think it comes from?  Have you heard of those who had heart transplants and began to behave differently?  Just something for you to think about.


It cannot be shown that there is any way for a consciousness to exist outside of a brain of some kind. Immaterial things can be empirically shown to have no consciousness of any sort and cannot have any such thing. Spirits have never been detected anywhere at any time. People who tell you otherwise are selling something or they are delusional. People can fool themselves and can have hallucinations and dreams that they interpret as spiritual meetings or revelations. These can be induced in the laboratory and personally with drugs. They are effects of the physical brain and nothing more.

There is no way for you to prove empirically the spiritual realm just as you cannot detect the ultimate cause of the universe or the origin of life.  There are many documentations of people who have died and experienced the spiritual realm, heaven and hell but since you have already made up your mind you may not want to be confused with the facts.


The ideas of a soul can be traced to ancient superstitions and ignorant ideas. So when we die we arent going any where. . .We simply cease to exist, as a aforementioned, we aren't any special that other living creatures out there. . .A louse simply ceases to exist when it dies, just like a cat, a dog and an elephant. . .We are just like them. . .So we arent going no where because every from of consciousness begins and ends with the brain. . .The soul can be traced to Cartesian dualism which can be empirically shown to be invalid. Yes, I can state that empirically. Every scrap of evidence points to it and nothing can be demonstrated otherwise. As much as we can know anything, we know that there is no such thing as a soul. It is no more than a poetic reference to the essence of a person which is all in the brain and dies with the body. . . . .

I will post a videoclip of a child who left his body on the operation table and witnessed what was happening to his body and his parents who were in separate rooms while he was still being operated on.  He spoke of going to heaven and seeing Jesus including his grandfather who he had never met before, he described what he looked like so accurately that his father confirmed it with pictoral evidence.  But then, if you don't believe the Bible you will not believe this testimony.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by OmoTier1(m): 8:00pm On Sep 30, 2011
Really, we were all born into condemnation, but some have chosen to and live for condemnation, thus God's word be true; WE SHALL ALL REAP WHAT WE SOW.

To the author of this thread:
I pray that God show you favour and my the spirit of God open your hearts and may the hand of satan the devil be shortened from your soul!
Grace be yours unto salvation, Amen!
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:16pm On Sep 30, 2011
Here is the videoclip showing the boy who had an out of body experience.

Heaven Is For Real! -- Fox News

Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:44pm On Oct 01, 2011
A little bit more on the story.

Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by Sweetnecta: 5:30am On Oct 02, 2011
suddenly our own image is thrown overboard for His Own Image.

funny. sad for those who created image for God.

What is the Image of God that man carries? any answer?

so when man does evil or dies, etc, things man do, image of God is there doing the same thing?
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 9:19am On Oct 02, 2011

You seem to be so sure that no body inspired scripture just as you are sure that there cannot be any Creator God.  For you to come to this conclusion you must possess absolute knowledge about everything in the universe, no?

A simple reading of the scriptures says it was written by men. . . .There is nothing written it it that could not have been written by ancient and superstitious men of that time. . . . .The writers of the Koran were inspired by God as well, the Koran says so and so IT MUST be true. . . .There is nothing about humans, animals, the earth  and the universe that is not written in the Koran. . . So the Koran too is inspired by God. . .

You can say this because of your presupposition that doesn't allow for the spiritual realm.  You think everything can be explained by natural processes.

Because natural explanations remain the best way to explain things when supernatural phenomena are studied natural explanations provide the best explanations for such phenomena. .  , By the way what exactly is the supernatural?. . . .

As you are reading this right now, can you see your brain, if not why do you believe it exists?

I can't see my brain but i have seen the brain of others. . . . When did you see any God?. . .

God breathed into Adam and Adam became a living soul.  Mankind and animals have nephesh but it is only mankind that lives on eternally.  Death only came because this image has been marred by sin but the spirit lives on, with God or without determining on our decisions here while we are still earth bound.

What has all these tales by moon light mythology got to do with reality?. . . . .Do you have any evidence to show that human consciousness survive bodily death?. . .

Have you heard of gut feelings or intuition, do you know what the conscience is, that part of you that is your moral compass, where do you think it comes from?  Have you heard of those who had heart transplants and began to behave differently?  Just something for you to think about.

Morality MUST be learned. . . .It does NOT function on gut feeling that is why parents spend a lot of time teaching their kids about the differences between right and wrong. . .All moral rules  were set by men. . . .And these moral laws evolve and chane all the time, what might be considered morally right today might be considered evil tomorrow. . . .Heart transplant might make a person weak or slow but it does NOT erase a person's memory completely or make him act as a new being. . . .People's behavior have been altered completely due to brain injury. . .If people have immaterial souls then how is it that an injury to a material brain changes or affects the immaterial soul?

There is no way for you to prove empirically the spiritual realm just as you cannot detect the ultimate cause of the universe or the origin of life.  There are many documentations of people who have died and experienced the spiritual realm, heaven and hell but since you have already made up your mind you may not want to be confused with the facts.

There are documented cases of people that were  said to have reincarnated reincarnated after they died, some were studied by very established scientist and their studies were published in scientific journals. . . .But in this case it was reincarnation not life after death. . . .Do you believe that people reincarnate? There are a lot of such cases published in scientific journals. . . .Viaro once put up such publications in another thread I will look it up and provide you the links. . .But since you have made up your mind about reincarnation I know you will not believe it. . . .

I will post a videoclip of a child who left his body on the operation table and witnessed what was happening to his body and his parents who were in separate rooms while he was still being operated on.  He spoke of going to heaven and seeing Jesus including his grandfather who he had never met before, he described what he looked like so accurately that his father confirmed it with pictoral evidence.  But then, if you don't believe the Bible you will not believe this testimony. 

Here is a video of children that reincarnated. . . .It was reported on Abc news. . . .Since it was reported on TV(abcnews) then it must be true, no?

Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 9:24am On Oct 02, 2011

Here is the videoclip showing the boy who had an out of body experience.

Heaven Is For Real! -- Fox News


Here is a videoclip showing a child that reincarnated. . . . .

Reincarnation is for real. . . .BBC news. . . .

Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 9:26am On Oct 02, 2011

A little bit more on the story.


A little bit more on the reincarnation story. . . .Reincarnation is for real. . . .

Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by Sweetnecta: 10:20am On Oct 02, 2011
Of all the things that Mazaje said, he is wrong about Quran. It was not written my men.

if your illiterate great grandmother dictate a letter to the boy genius in your village, informing you to be careful so that you do not contact hiv which may lead to aids, when you receive it, you will never say that boy wonder wrote me.

but great grandmother does. but all she did was dictate it. This is the same with the Quran.

God dictate, except the last 4 verses of Chapter 2 to Jibril.
Jibril repeats the dictates to Muhammad [as].

Both by God's Miracle have 100% memories of what were dictated.
Muhammad received the last 4 verses of Chapter 2 from Allah directly in the journey of Isral wa Miraj.

All that Muhammad heard from Jibril and the 4 verses he heard from directly from God,
he dictated to his 4 scribes, right away.

the scribe wrote them, repeated what they wrote.
Muhammad collected their writing and put them in the 4 copies of what were already dictated and written down.

the above process was used throughout until revelation was completed.

In the main time, the community learned and used the 'revelations' in salah and in all their affairs, including mere meetings and going separate ways of the "believers".

Muhammad was there to make sure the revelations were recited accurately.
Many memorized the entire revelation. all memorized portions including all,

All memorized Surah Fatiha.

Quran is unique in this sense, still what is truly Quran is in authentic language that it is revealed.
Allah makes a miracle of the Quran even so very young minds and well as old and seasoned people can take up its memorization.

And while you cleverly responded to Olaadegbu about seeing the brains of others,

you and Olaadegbu are idolaters; you denied the True God because you can't see Him, Olaadegbu made gods out of Him because he loved
a prophet from Him and an invisible angel running errant of His, that he said they are part of Him.

the problem with you, mazaje is that it is true that you see other people's brains,
but you are blind to see other people's Gods which are gods; Remember the man called pagan9ja? He is hausa.
when next you visit nigeria, you will hausa gods.

if you don't get next to a Buddhist. he has a god.
Look at the hindus; they have gods up to ying yang.

You, an atheist, your god is your idea, your concept, your desire, your denial.

You will never see my God and live, just like you will never see your brain and live; InchaAllah.

That does not mean my God does not exist because you can not see Him. His not being visible to any is at least in the same way you cant see your brain,
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 11:31am On Oct 02, 2011

Of all the things that Mazaje said, he is wrong about Quran. It was not written my men.

Who wrote the Koran if not men?. . . .This old man has lost his bearings completely. . . . grin grin

God dictate, except the last 4 verses of Chapter 2 to Jibril.
Jibril repeats the dictates to Muhammad [as].

Where you there?. . . . .Who told you that? The fact that you chose to accept the lies of the people that wrote the koran and created the Islamic tradition hook line and sinker only shows how gullible and deluded you are. . . The writers of the bible said that God inspired them to write it and its true because the bible said so. . . .NEXT!. . . .
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by Sweetnecta: 12:03pm On Oct 02, 2011
[Quote]Posted by: mazaje
Insert Quote
Quote from: Sweetnecta on Today at 10:20:56 AM
Of all the things that Mazaje said, he is wrong about Quran. It was not written my men.

Who wrote the Koran if not men?. . . .This old man has lost his bearings completely. . . . Grin Grin[/Quote]my late brother [ra] you dad saw some good in the granddaughter of your great grandmother, the unlettered, so he married her. you are the son of your mom, educated i think, you are. grandma dictates the letter to the village wiz kid. you read the letter in denmark. when rhino 5dm asked who wrote you, did you say oh its the boy wonder so and so, or do you say great grandma? but great grandma is a stack illiterate.
i think i overrated you by counting you among the literate. your case is worse than great grandma. she at least know she cant pen anything. you on the other hand can't think that the one who dictates is the writer because in the case of great grandma it was her order than boy wonder followed, her words he wrote down in the letter you received.
if monies were requested, you would have been a village id.iot to have sent it to boy genius, instead of great grandmother.

God dictate, except the last 4 verses of Chapter 2 to Jibril.
Jibril repeats the dictates to Muhammad [as].

Where you there?. . . . .Who told you that?[/Quote]shouldn't i throw the same questions back to you on the matters of 'no God exist' that you atheist carry ignorantly without a single sign of any proof? as i said above, i have certainly over priced you. you are worse than great grandma.

[Quote] The fact that you chose to accept the lies of the people that wrote the koran and created the Islamic tradition hook line and sinker only shows how gullible and deluded you are. . .[/Quote]The fact that you chose to deny the truth even after my brother [ra] worked hard to give you a good life, a sound education, and created an environment that allows you to be aware of yourself and others in existence, you never the less swallowed falsehood, hook, line and sinker, only shows that all that effort you have squandered to no reward for him. If there is a poster face for a child Muslim should not have, you are a perfect candidate. may Allah forgive my brother and all muslims who have passed. Amin.

[Quote] The writers of the bible said that God inspired them to write it and its true because the bible said so. . . .NEXT!. . . .
[/Quote]many in Madina saw strange man appearing that even Umar bin Khattab who was quick to defend the Messenger [as] was incapacitated in the occasion of "The hadith of Jibril dubbed "He came to teach you your religion". You need to check if people saw Jibril, as men in Madina. You will find plenty of instances when he appeared, including in battles on the side of the Muslims.
The Bible writers can say any angel appeared to them. They were not elect of God in truth. Whatever they claimed, is their own desire.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by Sweetnecta: 12:36pm On Oct 02, 2011
While mazaje beats the drum of "everything happened without the Creator", he forgets such an idea is deficient in many ways;

1] This is the only process and time that they can use such a concept. Even they will concede that everything else today or in the past has a causer.
2] This idea of theirs abruptly stopped and never to come to life again so as to shame doubting thomases like me and all creationists.

To disproof the first idea, there is no time or anything known to man, things useful to the essence of man that suddenly came about, while man manufacture similar things.
Let use a bridge over a gorge or water to illustrate this. Has anyone seen a bridge without a builder? Can any just appear before our eyes so that we can use it to cross to the other side and then after that disassembles itself or simply vanish as it had appeared? This will proof the atheism concept to so many if this is possible. It will never happen because it is impossible. the concept of atheism is just that; concept that is fostered by much layers of lies and denial.

All things are created by Creator and we realize it when we see it. If the designer/manufacturer of computer chips does not tell us the secret of its product and indeed the computer, we may all have that infant reaction as he hears dad's voice over the phone, thinking dad is inside it. lack of knowledge is not the reason to say something does not exist especially when you impact of the existence is so apparent. The wind exist, you dont see it. But you can measure its current. Yet it is a created thing.

The proof that the second part of the concept or excuse of the atheist is false is that we do not see clearly a prior intermediate stage between too stages from the more primitive to the more refined in the evolutionary chain.
First we must ask, what was there before the first thing appeared and then began its evolutionary process? If the atheists can with certainty tell us and prove this, then it is a sign that they have nothing to stand on except conjecture.

But we should even expect the more refined product of the more crude origin to evolve even faster than their primitive origin. Yet man has been stagnant as if it is not a product of atheist concept of evolution, since Adam. Why? Simply put, evolution is a fluke.

Everything is created by God in its present form, perfectly. If it deviates, it becomes abnormal, deficient, imperfect and its efficiency is compromised. We are yet to discover all that God created. If we have today, there will not be any more knowledge and discovery for the future generations. Yet, no one can prevent himself from aging and at the end death.

Will you not learn, atheists?
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 2:48pm On Oct 02, 2011

my late brother [ra] you dad saw some good in the granddaughter of your great grandmother, the unlettered, so he married her. you are the son of your mom, educated i think, you are. grandma dictates the letter to the village wiz kid. you read the letter in denmark. when rhino 5dm asked who wrote you, did you say oh its the boy wonder so and so, or do you say great grandma? but great grandma is a stack illiterate.
i think i overrated you by counting you among the literate. your case is worse than great grandma. she at least know she cant pen anything. you on the other hand can't think that the one who dictates is the writer because in the case of great grandma it was her order than boy wonder followed, her words he wrote down in the letter you received.
if monies were requested, you would have been a village id.iot to have sent it to boy genius, instead of great grandmother.

What is this old man saying?. . . . .How did you know that the writers of the Koran weren't telling lies?. . . .Where you there? How did you know there weren't telling lies like the writers of the bible, hindu verders, egyptian book of the dead and other religious books?. . . .So its only the writers of the religion you have been indoctrinated into that are right and all other writers of other religious books are false, eh?. . .You are a joke old man. . . .

shouldn't i throw the same questions back to you on the matters of 'no God exist' that you atheist carry ignorantly without a single sign of any proof? as i said above, i have certainly over priced you. you are worse than great grandma.

Again hwo do you know that the writers of the koran weren't telling lies? Where you there did any God appear to you and told you that he sent mohammed as his last messenger? Where you there?. . . .How do you know that the writers aren't telling lies?. . . .You have lost your bearings. . .

The fact that you chose to deny the truth even after my brother [ra] worked hard to give you a good life, a sound education, and created an environment that allows you to be aware of yourself and others in existence, you never the less swallowed falsehood, hook, line and sinker, only shows that all that effort you have squandered to no reward for him. If there is a poster face for a child Muslim should not have, you are a perfect candidate. may Allah forgive my brother and all muslims who have passed. Amin.

You know no truth old man so stop talking about any truth. . . .Again the fact that you swallowed the lies, myths and ridiculous assertions of the writers of the koran and the creators of the islamic religion hook line and sinker only points to your gullibility and delusion and nothing else. . .Where you there when Allah dictated the koran or do you happen to accept the lies the writers of the koran said to keep people in line?

many in Madina saw strange man appearing that even Umar bin Khattab who was quick to defend the Messenger [as] was incapacitated in the occasion of "The hadith of Jibril dubbed "He came to teach you your religion". You need to check if people saw Jibril, as men in Madina. You will find plenty of instances when he appeared, including in battles on the side of the Muslims.
The Bible writers can say any angel appeared to them. They were not elect of God in truth. Whatever they claimed, is their own desire.

What am I do do with this nonsense? . . . .Stop bandying ancient myths as if they have anything to do with reality. . .The writers of the koran can say any angel appeared to mohammed and dictated some things to him. They were not elect of God in truth. Whatever they claimed, is their own desire.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 2:49pm On Oct 02, 2011

While mazaje beats the drum of "everything happened without the Creator", he forgets such an idea is deficient in many ways;

1] This is the only process and time that they can use such a concept. Even they will concede that everything else today or in the past has a causer.
2] This idea of theirs abruptly stopped and never to come to life again so as to shame doubting thomases like me and all creationists.

To disproof the first idea, there is no time or anything known to man, things useful to the essence of man that suddenly came about, while man manufacture similar things.
Let use a bridge over a gorge or water to illustrate this. Has anyone seen a bridge without a builder? Can any just appear before our eyes so that we can use it to cross to the other side and then after that disassembles itself or simply vanish as it had appeared? This will proof the atheism concept to so many if this is possible. It will never happen because it is impossible. the concept of atheism is just that; concept that is fostered by much layers of lies and denial.

All things are created by Creator and we realize it when we see it. If the designer/manufacturer of computer chips does not tell us the secret of its product and indeed the computer, we may all have that infant reaction as he hears dad's voice over the phone, thinking dad is inside it. lack of knowledge is not the reason to say something does not exist especially when you impact of the existence is so apparent. The wind exist, you dont see it. But you can measure its current. Yet it is a created thing.

The proof that the second part of the concept or excuse of the atheist is false is that we do not see clearly a prior intermediate stage between too stages from the more primitive to the more refined in the evolutionary chain.
First we must ask, what was there before the first thing appeared and then began its evolutionary process? If the atheists can with certainty tell us and prove this, then it is a sign that they have nothing to stand on except conjecture.

But we should even expect the more refined product of the more crude origin to evolve even faster than their primitive origin. Yet man has been stagnant as if it is not a product of atheist concept of evolution, since Adam. Why? Simply put, evolution is a fluke.

Everything is created by God in its present form, perfectly. If it deviates, it becomes abnormal, deficient, imperfect and its efficiency is compromised. We are yet to discover all that God created. If we have today, there will not be any more knowledge and discovery for the future generations. Yet, no one can prevent himself from aging and at the end death.

Will you not learn, atheists?

Atheist will learn when you provide a single evidence for your BASELESS and mythical assertions. . . .Your evidence to show that the universe was created by ONLY one entity and not many entities is WHAT?
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by thehomer: 2:55pm On Oct 02, 2011
No, man created God in his own ignorance.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:42pm On Oct 02, 2011

No, man created God in his own ignorance.

That is the atheists' Strawman god that they constructed, I agree with you that that god doesn't exist.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by OLAADEGBU(m): 4:09pm On Oct 02, 2011

A simple reading of the scriptures says it was written by men. . . .There is nothing written it it that could not have been written by ancient and superstitious men of that time. . . . .The writers of the Koran were inspired by God as well, the Koran says so and so IT MUST be true. . . .There is nothing about humans, animals, the earth  and the universe that is not written in the Koran. . . So the Koran too is inspired by God. . .

Yes.  It was written by holy men that were breathed on by God just as God breathed on Adam and he became a living soul.  God inspired them to write the holy Scriptures (The Bible).  Sinful men would have condemned themselves eternally if they had written Scriptures.  The Holy Scriptures are divine.


Because natural explanations remain the best way to explain things when supernatural phenomena are studied natural explanations provide the best explanations for such phenomena. .  , By the way what exactly is the supernatural?. . . .

The supernatural is the spirit world and it is more real than the natural and this explains why scientists cannot come up with what the ultimate cause of the universe is or the origin of life.


I can't see my brain but i have seen the brain of others. . . . When did you see any God?. . .

Good, since you can't see your brain shall we conclude that your brain doesn't exist?  Do you see the radiowaves, that is, the electro magnetic wave of radio frequency?  Do they exist? God is a Spirit and you can only worship Him in spirit and in truth.


What has all these tales by moon light mythology got to do with reality?. . . . .Do you have any evidence to show that human consciousness survive bodily death?. . .

If I show you the evidence will you believe it?


Morality MUST be learned. . . .It does NOT function on gut feeling that is why parents spend a lot of time teaching their kids about the differences between right and wrong. . .All moral rules  were set by men. . . .And these moral laws evolve and chane all the time, what might be considered morally right today might be considered evil tomorrow. . . .Heart transplant might make a person weak or slow but it does NOT erase a person's memory completely or make him act as a new being. . . .People's behavior have been altered completely due to brain injury. . .If people have immaterial souls then how is it that an injury to a material brain changes or affects the immaterial soul?

It is rather the other way round.  Children have to be indoctrinated on how to silence their consciences with all these evolutionary ideologies they learn from the public education so as to deny the existence of God.


There are documented cases of people that were  said to have reincarnated reincarnated after they died, some were studied by very established scientist and their studies were published in scientific journals. . . .But in this case it was reincarnation not life after death. . . .Do you believe that people reincarnate? There are a lot of such cases published in scientific journals. . . .Viaro once put up such publications in another thread I will look it up and provide you the links. . .But since you have made up your mind about reincarnation I know you will not believe it. . . .

You are free to believe what you want but if you believe and live as if there is no God you better be right. The belief in reincarnation is an extension of the belief in evolution. The theory of evolution is an extension of paganism and that is why I will not be surprised if you believe in reincarnation afterall you believe that the dinosaurs have come back as birds. shocked


Here is a video of children that reincarnated. . . .It was reported on Abc news. . . .Since it was reported on TV(abcnews) then it must be true, no?

I know any claim is acceptable to you as long as it negates what the Bible stands for.  You can get your 'scientific evidences' from the BBC, National Geographic and Discovery channels who report your evolutionary fairytales as facts, but I as I have noted, your decision determines your destiny. There are two major worldviews out there and in the spirit world are two camps, the angels working for God's kingdom and fallen angels working against God's kingdom. Your choice will determine where you will spend your eternity when your time is up here on earth.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by thehomer: 4:30pm On Oct 02, 2011

That is the atheists' Strawman god that they constructed, I agree with you that that god doesn't exist.

Actually you see, believers are in the business of conjuring up their Gods not the non-believers.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by Sweetnecta: 7:34pm On Oct 02, 2011
[Quote]« #22 on: Today at 02:48:05 PM »

Quote from: Sweetnecta on Today at 12:03:30 PM
my late brother [ra] you dad saw some good in the granddaughter of your great grandmother, the unlettered, so he married her. you are the son of your mom, educated i think, you are. grandma dictates the letter to the village wiz kid. you read the letter in denmark. when rhino 5dm asked who wrote you, did you say oh its the boy wonder so and so, or do you say great grandma? but great grandma is a stack illiterate.
i think i overrated you by counting you among the literate. your case is worse than great grandma. she at least know she cant pen anything. you on the other hand can't think that the one who dictates is the writer because in the case of great grandma it was her order than boy wonder followed, her words he wrote down in the letter you received.
if monies were requested, you would have been a village id.iot to have sent it to boy genius, instead of great grandmother.

What is this old man saying?. . . . .How did you know that the writers of the Koran weren't telling lies?. . . .Where you there? How did you know there weren't telling lies like the writers of the bible, hindu verders, egyptian book of the dead and other religious books?. . . .So its only the writers of the religion you have been indoctrinated into that are right and all other writers of other religious books are false, eh?. . .You are a joke old man. . . .

shouldn't i throw the same questions back to you on the matters of 'no God exist' that you atheist carry ignorantly without a single sign of any proof? as i said above, i have certainly over priced you. you are worse than great grandma.

Again hwo do you know that the writers of the koran weren't telling lies? Where you there did any God appear to you and told you that he sent mohammed as his last messenger? Where you there?. . . .How do you know that the writers aren't telling lies?. . . .You have lost your bearings. . .

The fact that you chose to deny the truth even after my brother [ra] worked hard to give you a good life, a sound education, and created an environment that allows you to be aware of yourself and others in existence, you never the less swallowed falsehood, hook, line and sinker, only shows that all that effort you have squandered to no reward for him. If there is a poster face for a child Muslim should not have, you are a perfect candidate. may Allah forgive my brother and all muslims who have passed. Amin.

You know no truth old man so stop talking about any truth. . . .Again the fact that you swallowed the lies, myths and ridiculous assertions of the writers of the koran and the creators of the islamic religion hook line and sinker only points to your gullibility and delusion and nothing else. . .Where you there when Allah dictated the koran or do you happen to accept the lies the writers of the koran said to keep people in line?

many in Madina saw strange man appearing that even Umar bin Khattab who was quick to defend the Messenger [as] was incapacitated in the occasion of "The hadith of Jibril dubbed "He came to teach you your religion". You need to check if people saw Jibril, as men in Madina. You will find plenty of instances when he appeared, including in battles on the side of the Muslims.
The Bible writers can say any angel appeared to them. They were not elect of God in truth. Whatever they claimed, is their own desire.

What am I do do with this nonsense? Huh Huh. . . .Stop bandying ancient myths as if they have anything to do with reality. . .The writers of the koran can say any angel appeared to mohammed and dictated some things to him. They were not elect of God in truth. Whatever they claimed, is their own desire.
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Our ignorance is God, what we know is science
mazaje (m)
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Re: God Created Man In His Own Image?
« #23 on: Today at 02:49:45 PM »

Quote from: Sweetnecta on Today at 12:36:38 PM
While mazaje beats the drum of "everything happened without the Creator", he forgets such an idea is deficient in many ways;

1] This is the only process and time that they can use such a concept. Even they will concede that everything else today or in the past has a causer.
2] This idea of theirs abruptly stopped and never to come to life again so as to shame doubting thomases like me and all creationists.

To disproof the first idea, there is no time or anything known to man, things useful to the essence of man that suddenly came about, while man manufacture similar things.
Let use a bridge over a gorge or water to illustrate this. Has anyone seen a bridge without a builder? Can any just appear before our eyes so that we can use it to cross to the other side and then after that disassembles itself or simply vanish as it had appeared? This will proof the atheism concept to so many if this is possible. It will never happen because it is impossible. the concept of atheism is just that; concept that is fostered by much layers of lies and denial.

All things are created by Creator and we realize it when we see it. If the designer/manufacturer of computer chips does not tell us the secret of its product and indeed the computer, we may all have that infant reaction as he hears dad's voice over the phone, thinking dad is inside it. lack of knowledge is not the reason to say something does not exist especially when you impact of the existence is so apparent. The wind exist, you dont see it. But you can measure its current. Yet it is a created thing.

The proof that the second part of the concept or excuse of the atheist is false is that we do not see clearly a prior intermediate stage between too stages from the more primitive to the more refined in the evolutionary chain.
First we must ask, what was there before the first thing appeared and then began its evolutionary process? If the atheists can with certainty tell us and prove this, then it is a sign that they have nothing to stand on except conjecture.

But we should even expect the more refined product of the more crude origin to evolve even faster than their primitive origin. Yet man has been stagnant as if it is not a product of atheist concept of evolution, since Adam. Why? Simply put, evolution is a fluke.

Everything is created by God in its present form, perfectly. If it deviates, it becomes abnormal, deficient, imperfect and its efficiency is compromised. We are yet to discover all that God created. If we have today, there will not be any more knowledge and discovery for the future generations. Yet, no one can prevent himself from aging and at the end death.

Will you not learn, atheists?

Atheist will learn when you provide a single evidence for your BASELESS and mythical assertions. . . .[b]Your evidence to show that the universe was created by ONLY one entity and not many entities is WHAT?[/b][/Quote]i said your old man [ra] was my brother. though i never mer him. was i lying? if he were to be alive, he will tell you i am his brother. will he be lying? of course not. neither he nor i will be lying when we say we are brothers. we are brothers coming from Adam [as] and Hawa his mate. we are brothers being both from the black group. we are brothers being both africans. we are brothers being nigerians. the best part is we are brothers by religion of islam. if i am not lying by this part being muslims which you know, then i am not lying based on the things you have no knowledge of. and i don't have to be there to believe it because the evidences are enough. i trut the evidence when i put it on the scale of truth.o.meter. it passed even with perfect score while believing obama is the president of the united states or goodluck is the president of nigeria or un has a chamber for the general assembly. each could be a made belief for anyone who wishes to be blind to it, or a bush man.
which one are you; a blind man in your heart or a bush man?

while i believe the bible has revelation from God, it also has words of desire from men.
the fact that the collage of creation, however varied the creatures are, are all in agreement and in harmony with the flow of the dynamics of 'things' is an evidence that there is a perfection in creation. and as the say, many cooks [more than one is many] spoil the broth. in this case the broth is the 'universe', since you are only visual. the Cook in this case is the Creator and there is One, the reason you have perfection.
Allah says that if there has been more than One God, you would have seen one or more cooperating together to undermine the Creator. each God would have had his own desire, wishing it to be fulfilled over and and above the Will of the Creator God.

start learning mazaje. or I will send rhino 5dm against you.
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 7:46pm On Oct 02, 2011

i said your old man [ra] was my brother. though i never mer him. was i lying? if he were to be alive, he will tell you i am his brother. will he be lying? of course not. neither he nor i will be lying when we say we are brothers. we are brothers coming from Adam [as] and Hawa his mate. we are brothers being both from the black group. we are brothers being both africans. we are brothers being nigerians. the best part is we are brothers by religion of islam. if i am not lying by this part being muslims which you know, then i am not lying based on the things you have no knowledge of. and i don't have to be there to believe it because the evidences are enough. i trut the evidence when i put it on the scale of truth.o.meter. it passed even with perfect score while believing obama is the president of the united states or goodluck is the president of nigeria or un has a chamber for the general assembly. each could be a made belief for anyone who wishes to be blind to it, or a bush man.
which one are you; a blind man in your heart or a bush man?

What is this old man blabbing about?. . . .

while i believe the bible has revelation from God, it also has words of desire from men.
the fact that the collage of creation, however varied the creatures are, are all in agreement and in harmony with the flow of the dynamics of 'things' is an evidence that there is a perfection in creation. and as the say, many cooks [more than one is many] spoil the broth. in this case the broth is the 'universe', since you are only visual. the Cook in this case is the Creator and there is One, the reason you have perfection.
Allah says that if there has been more than One God, you would have seen one or more cooperating together to undermine the Creator. each God would have had his own desire, wishing it to be fulfilled over and and above the Will of the Creator God.

Reality has nothing to do with your beliefs. . . .Allah did not say anything in the koran the men that wrote the koran lied that an imaginary supreme being told them to write those things. . . .Who lied to you that the universe can not have many creators? Some religions believe that the universe had many creators. . .Your empirical evidence to show that beside the lies written in the Koran is WHAT?

start learning mazaje. or I will send rhino 5dm against you.

Who told you that rhino 5dm is a terrorist and a killer like you? You are an old FOOOOOOOOOOOL. . . . .Id[i]i[/i]ot. . . . .
Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by OLAADEGBU(m): 12:42pm On Oct 04, 2011

A little bit more on the reincarnation story. . . .Reincarnation is for real. . . .

[flash=400,400]http:// www.youtube.com/v/Vmpz4W7kGNg?version=3&hl=en_US"[/flash]

Was the little boy not supposed to evolve into something else when he 'reincarnates'  which is a natural progression that validates your myth called the theory of evolution or is it the 'scientific' explanation you give it.

Look at the videoclip below.  How will you explain the visions and gifts of a 4 year old girl (whose parents were atheists), who had no concept of God. This girl goes on to describe vividly what she saw in heaven in her paintings that was never learnt.  Her paintings of the Jewish Jesus was confirmed by the other 4 year old boy as to what Jesus and heaven really looks like. It is somewhat strange that the CNN finds it difficult to mention the name of Jesus.

Re: God Created Man In His Own Image? by mazaje(m): 1:25am On Oct 05, 2011

Was the little boy not supposed to evolve into something else when he 'reincarnates'  which is a natural progression that validates your myth called the theory of evolution or is it the 'scientific' explanation you give it.

He reincarnated into somebody else which is perfectly compatible with some of the views of reincarnation. . . .Funny how you refeuse to accept such a story when when some of such stories were published in a scientific journal that was posted here by viaro sometime ago. . . .

Look at the videoclip below.  How will you explain the visions and gifts of a 4 year old girl (whose parents were atheists), who had no concept of God. This girl goes on to describe vividly what she saw in heaven in her paintings that was never learnt.  Her paintings of the Jewish Jesus was confirmed by the other 4 year old boy as to what Jesus and heaven really looks like. It is somewhat strange that the CNN finds it difficult to mention the name of Jesus.


So Jesus is a white man. . . .The girl said she saw Jesus and drew exactly what she say and the man she saw was a white man with blue eyes. . . .Interesting. . . .Who told you that her paintings were never learnt?. . , The story does not say her paintings were never learnt. . .

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