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Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• - Rap Battles - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Music/Radio / Rap Battles / Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• (4737 Views)

~ ~ ~ **** Hell In A New Dawn *** ~ ~ ~ GIYAZZ Vs FLUXMIND ~ ~ ~ *** / ***/// BRAGGING RIGHTS I: Paayne Vs Zachhugo \\\*** / Darkrebel Vs Giyazz - The Holocaust Part 5 (2) (3) (4)

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Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• by Emaprince: 10:20am On Jun 21, 2015
Voting Criteria :

Similes/ Metaphor


- 20 lines

- Deadline is 8pm

- Verses should be posted by both battlers

- No biting, swaying, stretching, feeding or recycling.

- A no show attracts a ban.

- No unnecessary comments.

- Voting is open to regular members only.


Re: Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• by GIYAZZ(m): 7:56pm On Jun 21, 2015
I got pissed and irritated by this weak old fàg/ reason I'm putting Mail in a box faster than a Swift Postman/
And this is rap battles, we love Hip-Hop, not RnB or Disco Jams/ so Malc will die here!. . . the motherfúcker's a Sisqo fan!/

(Dye hair)

Now y'all better tag this battle a murder case/ cos I'm going Gangsta, got the Nine and a shotgun in place/
So if he fronts or tryna act hard and punch my face/ you will see a capped M. . . and ain't nobody typed in Upper case!!

You a stùpid idíota/ who keeps talking bout how his era was tougher/
Disrepected a man like taa! O4ka was a joker/ But we all know your time was a different ball game. . . and you was the bítch in that field like Asisat Oshoala!


u starving to upgrade from a word-less being - when 'i reign supreme'/
knock ya (Nokia) senses out - make 'em of no use like a phone less sim/
See that bar?

It's proof you fúcked up already/ It's wack as fùck, I don't see the funny lines connecting/
Ksslib would do that easily and get us laughing our bùtts off honestly/ but you? Your jokes so lame. . . you couldn't do stand up comedy!!!

He tried making internet money so he opened a blog/ like "mehn, Lala be getting paid on Notjustok" I can't let this opportunity go to the dogs/
But Bigtatafo ain't making waves and that's totally fúcked/ It's like Lalaboi is wired for success and you've been programmed to be poor!!

Bis, Coogar, Emaprince na the only bad dudes around/ them don dey give us advice since and we dey gbadu am now/
But if you try talk to us? we go carry sand full ya mouth/ Cos nobody send mail. . . we no get Yahoo account!!

You quick to diss the newbs forgetting these folks trying/ now everybody hates you like what the fùck this wack oaf ranting?/
Look Malc! I know you cool, and you ain't wack, cos you got some dòpe rhymings/ but you've also got a mouth big as the SKY. . . and that's why your personality been Nose-DIVING!!

Fùck Coogar and y'all motherfùckers who tryna check the odds!/ where the new generation at? See how I'm repping y'all?/
O4kaa, Sauron, Mailmalc, your bars never had any effect in us/ that's why we ain't respecting y'all/
You like a deserted animal clinic. . we don't see no fúcking vets in y'all!!

Please what is the price for a Honda Accord 2010 with all the right clearance?
After this bar y'all will laugh at the fàg/ cos prizing a 2010 ride in 2015 is proof his lacking the cash/
And now we understand why he keeps talking bout those oldbees and ranking them áss/ Malc's Kiera Cameron in Continuum. . . a poor silly bítch who's trapped in the past!!

My poetry is deep, you can call me Laykorn/ I eat gladiators and wacks, like burger and bacon/
And this battle is done, cos I swallowed the pagan/ I beat, stamped and sent Mail to hell. . . some dùmbfucks will think I sent a letter to Satan!!


Darkrebel you next!

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Re: Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• by Emaprince: 8:19pm On Jun 21, 2015
mailmalc's verse

I'v battled 'heathens'/ . . . and accrued winnings/
To win this soul, i'd hit him with 'commandments' like 'true Christians'/

So these new critics believe in me/ cos this 'pro fit!' . . . And yielding 'good
And by the time I 'bag-Gi' (Baggy). . . he'd 'lose fittings'.. with few stitches/

He rants on purpose/ . . but his action lacks some muscles/
Dude wouldn't 'spell' this win . . . if he 'stands on turtles'!!!/

My 'mast' on chockfull/ . . spanned to receive battle demands from such fools/
On 'reception' . . ., the mac 10 and Mailmalc's pen . . goes together like 'entrance
of couples'/

Facing the stats/ you defeated 04ka? . . a guy who had no place with the stars/
Then you digested *Rebel666*,. . I mean, who wouldn't eat a *Shawarma *as tasty as *Dark*?
Hence, as crazy as it sounds../ your 'net worth' on 'NL' . . is 'averagely' a sham!/

He'll regret he was born/ . . for not preparing for this 'storm'/
He's getting 'blown away' . . faster than rookie 'terrorists on drugs'/

His crew will tear their shirts off/ . . .and swear he was robbed/
cos I'd Leave Giyaz on 'bended knees' . . like a 'boys 2 men song'/

Trying to 'map' Malc's footprint gets Giyazz 'lost time travelling'/
Cos ghosts of the netcees I murked . . will all strangle him/
Or they'll bend his 'legs anticlockwise' . . without a stress applied/
Then throw him back to the future . . to see if he'll 'stand the test of time'/

Like a DJ Mix, i'll bar you non-stop/ . . but if you still sounding all tough/
Not talking Guitar 'connectors' . . when i pull 'strings' to 'jack' Giyazz off 'plug'/

I'm Shakespeare on rage/ . . . been gracing threads..since ancient of days/
In other words I'm 'a-notch' (Enoch) above Giyazz . . . like 'decendants of Cain'!!/

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Re: Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• by Emaprince: 8:22pm On Jun 21, 2015
Open for votes...



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Re: Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• by 007Bruce: 9:07pm On Jun 21, 2015
Opener - Giyaz
rhymes - mail
metaphor/simile - giyaz
flow - mail
personal - giyaz
punchline - tie/ quantity vs quality
wordplay - mail / baggy/ enotch vs dye here
closer - tie

MV - tie!!
Re: Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• by coogar: 9:11pm On Jun 21, 2015
as predicted, malc put giyaaz in a box.....
these new rookies with their big mouths - they win a battle and their ego rises like dough used to bake cake. cheesy grin

MVGT - mailmalc

limerick - send my private apology within the next 12 hours. angry


Re: Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• by kr0ne(m): 9:37pm On Jun 21, 2015
Mail - flow, wordplay, closer

Giyazz - opener, punchline, metaphor,

Tie - personal, rhymes

Mvgt - Giyazz!
Re: Bragging Right!!! (oldschool Vs Newschool) •• Mailmalc Vs Giyazz •• by ELYMAXiimus(m): 9:42pm On Jun 21, 2015
Actually, both were underwhelming. I expected more, after all the noise.

Opener = tie

flow = mailmac

rhymes = mailmac

mets = giyaz

punchlines = nil ( no rib cracking haymaker! they were mediocre... Giyaz's opener, the first two lines were nice, then he spoilt it with the last two lines, where he played hair/here...... Mailmac's punches were not bad, but mediocre as well. He reminded me of bis in 2007)

pun = mailmac ( bag gi stands out)

personal = giyaz

closer = nil ( felt none)

slightly edged

MVGT = mail

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