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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant (34211 Views)
My Girlfriend Wants To Move Her Things Over & Start Living With Me / Dumped After Blood Covenant And Abortions / I Had A Blood Covenant (2) (3) (4)
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My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by soko(m): 8:15pm On Oct 19, 2005 |
Should I have blood convenant with my partner? My girlfriend insist I should have blood convenant with her, to show my love for her.can i do it.please advice me. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by queen2(f): 11:28pm On Oct 19, 2005 |
Why you talking like this? blood covenant, oh no no, all because of this love there any need to go into, that what if something else happens...God forbid, like if some one dies, so what will happen next...A blood covenant, once made, was considered more binding even than family ties My advice is no...don't do it.. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by nferyn(m): 11:29pm On Oct 19, 2005 |
What's a blood convenant? |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by Nobody: 11:41pm On Oct 19, 2005 |
^ what he said |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by nferyn(m): 11:49pm On Oct 19, 2005 |
K2DaC: I still don't understand. Is that making a cut in both your arms and letting the wounds touch each other? |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by Nobody: 11:52pm On Oct 19, 2005 |
i dont understand it either |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by queen2(f): 11:53pm On Oct 19, 2005 |
i dont really know how they do it, but ive heard it before that is not good.. ![]() |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by Nobody: 11:58pm On Oct 19, 2005 |
is it one of them juju shitt Lol? |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by hotangel2(f): 5:28am On Oct 20, 2005 |
Are u guys serious? U don't know what blood covenant is. Wow. It's simply an oath. Like u swear to be with each other forever. Give yourself a lil pinch on your thumb till blood comes out, you touch your thumbs together, and lick the blood and seal it with "together we shall be forever". My advice, please don't do it. We watch movies to be smart, not to be dumb. Don't u watch movies, don't u see what the end result of oath, and covenants are? Just don't do it. I personally will DUMP a guy that says i have to make a blood covenant with him, just to prove i love him. You can use promise rings, but let it be just that. Blood covenant might seem like fun at that moment, BUT... later on, u'll regret it. Few words are enough for the wise. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by layi(m): 11:36am On Oct 20, 2005 |
Whichever way u see it, blood convenant is bullshit. U came into this world as a free soul. why bind yourself and hinge your life/existence on the life of another all for the sake of love? It stupid. U met love on earth and u'll leave it sumday...don't let it kill u. Let your head rule over your heart. 1 Like |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by Fox(m): 2:36pm On Oct 21, 2005 |
Blood convenant is shit, pure, plain and simple bs. I don't believe in juju or anything of the sort so to me it's just an opportunity for you to expose yourself to HIV or dash the babalawo money. If you're a religious person simply tell her that it's against your religion. Look into her eyes and tell her that you love her a lot ....then go get a tattoo of her name on your forehead 2 Likes |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by mckaycee(m): 2:52pm On Oct 21, 2005 |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by spicequeen(f): 2:56pm On Oct 21, 2005 |
are U insane? Sorry no offence but if U know what is good for U then i'll say take a hike as fast as ur legs could carry U! For goodness sake don't do it! What's she afraid of that she needs a blood convenant to prove U love her? If she can't see the love then she never will blood convenant or not!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by solomon(m): 4:17pm On Oct 21, 2005 |
Lae!lae o!!even if she is the most beautiful lady in the global world;my brother i we advice you to run because if bad thing happen and she die omo you on own o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by mckaycee(m): 4:20pm On Oct 21, 2005 |
May be He needs some more piece of advice: THERE IS FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN, RUN! RUN!! RUN!!! A BIG BIG FIRE, RUN! RUN!! RUN!!! SHINE YOUR EYE MY BROTHER. Listen to the voice of reason.......... |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by sexylady1(f): 4:23pm On Oct 21, 2005 |
Bros me i go advice u like my blood covention, oath or whatever it is not good what if something happen to one of you, u know the consequence none of you is getting married so ve a rethink and give us the reply |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by sexylady1(f): 4:24pm On Oct 21, 2005 |
Bros me i go advice u like my blood, covention, oath or whatever it is not good what if something happen to one of you, u know the consequence none of you is getting married so ve a rethink and give us the reply |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by mckaycee(m): 4:26pm On Oct 21, 2005 |
A friend here said I shld give this to you, he says, "the world is made up of physical body and spiritual body. Is your degree of both bodies equal to her's? DANGER! QUIT!!" |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by allonym: 9:08pm On Oct 23, 2005 |
eeeh. . .what exactly is wrong with a blood convenant? When you give a promise ring, or get engaged, how binding is it? How binding is a marriage covenant? What is so special about blood? |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by Seun(m): 10:41pm On Oct 23, 2005 |
HIV/AIDS is what's special about blood. |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by layi(m): 10:48pm On Oct 23, 2005 |
...and what if they are certified clean from blood diseases. Can they go ahead with the convenant. I dont think so. Why bring in another guest (demon) into ur relationship to watch when 1 dies? On a lighter mood, if u insist on the convenant. Let it be "U jump-I Jump" NOT "U Die - I Die" o abeg. |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by queen2(f): 10:52pm On Oct 23, 2005 |
I cant just support Blood convenant.... |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by Scorpio(f): 10:53pm On Oct 23, 2005 |
Ok this one is the height ![]() |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by allonym: 11:20pm On Oct 23, 2005 |
so what? if one person has hiv/aids and they get married, then both would have it. In any case, you are ignoring the question. what is so special about a blood covenant? Do people take it more seriously than other covenants or promises they make in their lives? If not, then this thread is silly. He can make whatever covenant he wants with the girl. If he breaks it, then it is broken? So what? |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by madam: 2:14pm On Oct 24, 2005 |
Blood convenant ke... some girls can really go gaga sha... I think alot of people dont know what a blood convenant is... it is much more than that supposed sharking love. So what if after the convenant she now falls out of love... wo that wld be too much trouble ooh... I call this "looking 4 what is not looking 4 u" ... My advice u guys shd think seriously before doing this blood thing... A lot of people that have done it are still living with the pains that comes with it... I am strongly against it |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by allonym: 8:24pm On Oct 24, 2005 |
So, please, can somebody explain to me what exactly a blood convenant is and its significance over other types of promises or commitments? |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by layi(m): 9:52pm On Oct 24, 2005 |
The only major difference is that blood convenant is d ritual. Its back by spirit forces. The vow at such rituals usually says "Not even death can seperate us" unlike marital vow that says "Only death can seperate us". Basically when such convenants is in place..if 1 of them dies..the other dies immediately. If one of them cheats, s/he will die. Its basically a death thing sha. Too backwards for me to think. Love is suppose to give life because Love is Life. |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by tamia(f): 10:09pm On Oct 24, 2005 |
neva would i think of doin' somethin like dat TOFIAKWA!!!!!!!!!!! |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by allonym: 10:41pm On Oct 24, 2005 |
you can cheat and not be separated. . . |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by layi(m): 11:01pm On Oct 24, 2005 |
In blood convenants...even Cheatin leads to death. U may call it Love in Bondage ORĀ deathful love affair. Tufiakwa!!!!! |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by Oracle(m): 2:03am On Oct 25, 2005 |
men i'd advise u not to even try it anything can happen 2moro simply tell her u love her u dont have 2 prove ur love by swearing an oath coz men if u fail im sorry |
Re: My Girlfriend Wants A Blood Covenant by Latoya(f): 5:10am On Oct 25, 2005 |
Blood convenat ke? Pls run away from her now, i mean now at this moment. she is evil.y do u have to take a blood oath to prove to her how much u love and care? thats nonsense |
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