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Unveiling My Contribution To Education: Myrecomp Application For Every Lecturer - Education - Nairaland

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Unveiling My Contribution To Education: Myrecomp Application For Every Lecturer by valenu(m): 7:28am On Jun 23, 2015
My fellow N'landers, I wish t present to you my humble application, MyReComp for our Universities and Polytechnics lecturers as a way of making lecturing easier for the lecturers. It provides a better way for lecturers to manage their students' results.
MyReComp is a desktop application software designed to help lecturers automate and manage the results of the students offering their courses.
It possesses many features which offer it a must have for every lecturer. MyReComp is:

>>User friendly and Interactive
>>Easy to use with on-the-spot user tips and helps
>>Automatic compilation, computation, grading and generation of result score sheet ready for printing and submission to the departments concerned.
>>Easy access to information about your students.
>>Accommodates different universities/polytechnics at a time for those lecturing in different school at a time.
>>Accommodates different courses and departments at a time for those lecturers handling many courses or students different departments at a time.

The problems to be solved by MyReComp include
>>Delay in the submission of course(s) result(s)
>>Error and stress in result processing.
>>Misplacement and misappropriation of results.
>>Different computation for different schools.
>>Inconsistency in the format of results sheet.

Below are the screenshots:
Login feature for security

Supports multiple schools at a time for lecturers lecturing in more than one school at a time

The main menu screen

Some generated result sheet

In summary, MyReComp application is a very interactive software that can be used by any lecturer in any school: be it University or Polytechnic, it can be used to manage more than one course at a time, more than one school at a time, and many department at a time. The good thing about it is that it automatically computes scores and generates the result score sheet for the selected course and department in a more professional and standard report.

You can visit the support site for more details and the downloads at www.myrecomp.com

Thanking you for your time.

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