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Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus - Celebrities (12) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus (66708 Views)

Poll: Who is the best?

Gene: 31% (100 votes)
Omosexy: 38% (120 votes)
SAD: 17% (56 votes)
Ini Edo: 12% (38 votes)
This poll has ended

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Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Nobody: 10:34pm On Jul 30, 2008
grin grin

I will forever defend Gene!
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by rampant(f): 10:39pm On Jul 30, 2008

Why won't she have a good heart when she sprays her money to show she has it?

Abeg, that woman nor get defence!

did u see her spray any money?abeg forget matter sweetheart,stop assuming things,she's got a good heart,and that is what people love about her,in as much as her hubby is wealthy she still brings herself down and relate wt people from diff levels,even sef look d vote i think shes leading,a lot of people love her and i am inclusive,she never dash me money before,and even if she dash me i no go collect,its not as if my hubby is wretched,so forget matter

gene used to be cute when she get body but now shes looking like someone who suffered a very terrible abortion,skinny and only God knows what

gene is a typical example of the word rude,arrogant and madam feeling big,yeah shes rich so what,no wonder no man wants to marry her sef  grin who will?abeg next time make  u dey comapre gene wt  d single ladies,no compare her wt d married like omosexy and stella(though divorced)  where she for stand ,omosexy has 4 kids ,a husband a career and a good home ,can someone tell me what else that woman needs in life?

make gene cool down abeg,her arrogance too much,even in switzerland she's hated like no mans business,where her arrogance no touch?

i rest my case smiley
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Nobody: 11:03pm On Jul 30, 2008

grin grin

I will forever defend Gene!

grin grin grin
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Chinyere(f): 9:07am On Jul 31, 2008
@ rampant and ruby
God bless you my dear sisters, you really know her very well just like i do. Gene is so full of herself, she's a big time snub, so who gives a damn about her anyway? but what we are saying in essence is that even if God has blessed you, does it mean you will not have regard for other common people? by the way, what does she even have self that people do not have?
I still stand on my word, my Omoteee is far far better than her, people love her because of her cheerfulness and humility and that doesn't change her, it does not make her inferior or less important in the society. there's nothing like humility, because, you are not the owner of your life, even the bible recorded that when you humble yourself, God will exalt you so why should one think she's untop of the world when your creator is there.

Please my dear fellow nairalanders, please lets humble ourselves, no matter the position we find ourselves, pride chased lucifer out of heaven, so humility goes a long way in ones life. there's always a reward for that, you might not know now, but when the time comes, God will exalt you.
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Gonorrhea(m): 9:10am On Jul 31, 2008
Genevieve, Omotola and ini Edo can all piss off the face of the earth for all i care!

Stella damasus, u can stay love! kiss
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by rubi(f): 5:17pm On Jul 31, 2008
@chinyere what you said is true do you know when Gene started acting I love her so much but one day I had dialogue on the same issue with my hubby and he said to me omo takes the lead in all ramifications that I should take time and watch both of them closely. I later realized that there are so much that makes one pretty and Gene lacks most of those things eg behaviour is one of them.
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by rampant(f): 6:20pm On Jul 31, 2008

@chinyere what you said is true do you know when Gene started acting I love her so much but one day I had dialogue on the same issue with my hubby and he said to me omo takes the lead in all ramifications that I should take time and watch both of them closely. I later realized that there are so much that makes one pretty and Gene lacks most of those things eg behaviour is one of them.

even me too,i used to love her like crazy

but its not all about physical beauty ,attitudes,characters matters,gene lacks them
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by yongbabe(f): 1:57pm On Aug 05, 2008
gene gene gene
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by ogbogo: 11:25am On Sep 23, 2008
They are all beautiful in their on way.chikinah
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by origina9ja(f): 11:31am On Sep 23, 2008
omotola mother off 4 sha cheesy
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Lizt(f): 3:05pm On Oct 20, 2008
i vote for omosexy and stella those are the beauty queen
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Nobody: 3:56pm On Oct 30, 2008
na wa o! even women dey rate women wey fine. as for me stella is the most beautiful.
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by marhd: 9:59pm On Oct 30, 2008
Omotola- pretty, sexy, knows ow to work on her body, extremely good actress.
Stella- extremely pretty, not sexy, has a great deal of dress sense,emotional actress
Gene- black and beautiful, not too sexy,extremely good actress
Ini- pretty, nids to work on her body {proportion}, good actress.

body shape
Omo tee

Facial beauty
Omo tee
Gene- she nids to depend more on her natural beauty, i guess shez too artificial as in make up n all

Dress Sense
Omotee- janded outfits
Stella-way african
gene- mixture
ini- strictly lagos
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by shylladear(f): 10:41am On Oct 31, 2008
for me its Genny kiss
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by XFio(m): 12:25pm On Nov 03, 2008
Genevieve Nnaji is prettier than all of them put together

Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Gracito(f): 3:57pm On Apr 25, 2009
here is my order of arrangement:
dressing:Omotola smiley

facial features:Ini and Stella cheesy

shape:Genevieve kiss
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Nobody: 6:32am On Jun 20, 2009
its stella damasus all the way anyday , anytime and anywhere,  wink wink wink wink wink wink wink kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Abbygyal(f): 12:33am On Jun 21, 2009
Genevieve mahn . . .she's just lovely!
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by MissyB1(m): 9:30pm On Jun 21, 2009
Who compares Klin to Caustic Soda? cheesy
Gene all tha way. . . . .
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by debbynicky(f): 3:22pm On Aug 13, 2009
Omo T all da way

Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by debbynicky(f): 3:36pm On Aug 13, 2009
More pics of Omosexy

Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by debbynicky(f): 3:40pm On Aug 13, 2009
More Pics

Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by shayoor(f): 12:33pm On Aug 14, 2009
i prefer Omotola and Stella
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Joseph6(m): 4:14pm On Aug 15, 2009
Well i no berra dan 2 beliv a couple of photoshoped photos buh as soon as omo t gets dat boob job d media is talkin abt i'll prefer her(dis is as a reslt of genny's actin bein way ahead in d game-deny it all u want) buh till den its genny all d way okay mayb ini @ one tym and pls stella damasus is sooo 2k6 duh!
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by taex(f): 1:44am On Sep 18, 2009
definitely stella damascus aboderin, naturally the most beautiful, great actress and wonderful singer, triple threat. smiley
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by Amigoz(f): 1:57am On Sep 18, 2009

definitely stella damascus aboderin, naturally the most beautiful, great actress and wonderful singer, triple threat. smiley

I agree jere wink
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by kellorah: 2:11am On Sep 18, 2009
Let's just say I'd rather watch a movie with Genevieve in, than a movie with the other actresses mentioned. [The others are irritating!!]
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by firdaws1: 11:28am On Sep 18, 2009
i feel genevieve and stella damasus are the best out of the four.genevieve is rally great because she can act any part.
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by shayoor(f): 2:25pm On Sep 18, 2009
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by nwaaba101: 7:02pm On Sep 18, 2009
stella damascus
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by samieyjay(m): 5:41pm On Oct 15, 2009
where was Omotola, Ini Edo & Stella damascus when Gene was voted the one of the sexiest woman in the world in 2008, its not by being facially beautiful, its about every aspect of your body coordinating your beauty, Omotola is too fat to be listed, Stella Damascus is even out of the show(she does not have the shape, fat(cheek)), Ini Edo does not even match Omotola & Stella.

Sentiments apart, I don't really like Gene but meeeennn, she's got the shape, the hips, hot legs(check out Omotola's legs if it matches one bit of Gene's), the looks(eyeballs), lips, accent, emotions, intonation, abeg she get the qualities, wink give it up for her kiss
Re: Genevieve vs Omotola vs Ini Edo vs Stella damascus by toxy(f): 2:23pm On Oct 16, 2009
please lets 4get dis argument deres no nid 4 dat,haba we all dont need glasses to know dat stella has got it all d way  nice dentition,stature,complexion,hair,i mean everytin about her is lovely, even wen she cries or angry she's still very beautiful,please any man whose got her now cos i heard she has re-married should pls take care of her and her kids,Omotola is pretty too but she's adding too much  weight dis days. please nobody should mention ini or genevieve here dey are no match 4 d two.genevieve is just too short.

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