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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! (3556 Views)
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This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by sambas: 11:06am On Jun 27, 2015 |
We have many hypocrites in this country. Its is a fact. I have always said and would continue to say it. Christians are the most hypocritical being in the world. . . . A lot of peeps are on the brink of suicide. Why? Because USA legalized same sex marriage yesterday. Its funny how we cry over what is not supposed to make us cry. . . I have seen lotta bible verses/ chapters from the religious peeps on my timeline. And am tired of hearing ""mark of the beast"" Endtime this"Endtime that". Its very irritating to hear even educated people sound like a stark illiterate. . . First off, I have been hearing endtime ever since I was a child. Whether you like or not, the world is not ending anytime soon. You can kill yourself if you want your end to come as soon as possible. . . The most annoying part of the hypocritical submission is the fact that even the gays(mainly closet gays) we have in nigeria are all shouting "sin" sin". . . When you commit abortions, you don't quote bible verses. . . When you Bleep people's husbands and wives, you don't quote bible verses. . . When you cheat on your partner, you don't quote bible verses. . . When you come on social media and sexchat all manner of humans, you don't quote bible verses. . . When you sleep with little children, you don't quote bible verses. . . When you put "juju"in your shop to boost your sales, you don't quote bible verses. . . But when gays are mentioned, you remember your bible and cram the verses suitable to you. To drive home your stupid points. . . Unless you are without sin, you have no right to judge a gay. Who the hell are you? . . We all still living in abject poverty even with all the money we have in Nigeria. Nobody came to our rescue with bible verses. . . Your pastors are living in affluence and their members are still suffering, you don't quote bible verses, you don't remind them they are committing sin. . . Your pastors are fucking people's wives, choir mistresses on daily basis, you don't quote bible verses. Of course, fear no go gree you talk. You wan die? . . Your pastors are staging miracles deceiving nigerians every single day, you don't remember your bible verses. . . Your pastors are destroying people's marriages everyday with their fake fake prophecies. You don't quote bible verses. . . All those things no be sin? . . A woman I know have been pregnant since 2012, nobody healed her with bible verses. The poor woman is still going up and down looking for her miracle. . . A member of my family has been suffering a particular ailment since 2007, he has not seen his miracle. . . Boko haram have been killing innocent nigerians for many years, nobody quoted bible verses. . . When gays are mentioned, you remember sodom and gomorah, you remember 666, you remember endtime. . . For your small mind, you be born again? Heaven bound? Holiest in the world? . . Bleep you all. . . For your tiny mind, you be Homophobic abi? Bleep you to hell. . . You don't quote your bible verses where and when its needed. Bleep you. . . Bloody hypocrites. Ifeoma Lawal©©®™2015 13 Likes 1 Share |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 11:10am On Jun 27, 2015 |
funny but true 1 Like |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 11:11am On Jun 27, 2015 |
Unadulterated Truth 3 Likes |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by ronald4lif(m): 11:12am On Jun 27, 2015 |
I don't know what business it is with Nigerians and American gay laws. How does it affect them?. I agree that Christians are hypocritical lots and only make reference to the bible when it suites them. Finally, there's no such thing as end time. It's a myth. 6 Likes |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by delishpot: 11:13am On Jun 27, 2015 |
OP very true about the hypocrisy thing. but abeg, no woman can be pregnant since 2012 . Unless that pregnancy has calcified and is just a foreign growth in her. That baby is no more. She doesnt need a bible, she needs a doctor to get that baby out. She may even have fibroid. Abeg I hope she wont claim she finaly gave birth to 4 babies in an obscure prayer house/ herbalist hut o. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Jayjay0(m): 11:13am On Jun 27, 2015 |
Will be back to read it. |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by angieberry(f): 11:14am On Jun 27, 2015 |
![]() |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Hollawaley(m): 11:16am On Jun 27, 2015 |
Jenwitemi! Oole panu mi de (let me say my mind. You can't shut me up). Nice truth up bro. |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by sambas: 11:19am On Jun 27, 2015 |
misssclassy:Sis you are sighted, since yesterday people have been condemning and quoting all manner of verses relegating the fact that "sin is sin" |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 11:29am On Jun 27, 2015 |
ronald4lif:There is endtime bro... Its really true and Gay legalizing-laws are part of its signs... In as much as it hate it.. Its inevitable.. It would widely be imported to other parts of the world. I just pray that by that time, I would be 6feets down enjoying with lovely angels preparing for my eternal stay in paradise. 1 Like |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 11:40am On Jun 27, 2015 |
There is another aspect to this. Homosexuality is a sign that homo sapien is devolving. Soon, we will go extinct. ![]() |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by t0bbY(m): 11:41am On Jun 27, 2015 |
you can believe what you want to believe, but there is endtime and all u mentioned are some of the signs. |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by piicity(m): 11:44am On Jun 27, 2015 |
Op is mad,CC ISHILOVE FARANO SEUN ROCKTATINN ABEG BAN THIS OP FOR LIFE JOR!!1>version is meant for christian to make bible easier for them and translated into many languages 2>OBAMA IS NOT A CHRISTIAN,HE GOES TO ILLUMINATI CHURCH AND BELONG TO SATAN 3>Missclassy or wetin be ur name sef,what do you mean truth,Well i wouldn't blame you people.XTIANITY IS A RELIGEON OF PEACE SO I COMMIT YOU GOD'S HAND. Mtcchew 4>OP QURAN WASN'T TRANSLATED TO VERSIONS BECAUSE IT HAS ONLY A SINGLE LANGUAGE WHICH IS ARABIC AND IF YOU MUST KNOW QURAN YOU MUST LEARN ARABIC 5>Gay bible was created by illuminati so as to destroy religeon.ONCE AGAIN OP IS MAD |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Ginaz(f): 11:51am On Jun 27, 2015 |
yes all that the o.p said may be true but the bible specifically pointed that all this things taking place means the world is coming to an end. I dont wanna bore you by quoting bible verses, no cos I believed you know it already. that's why the bible said we should watch out, no body is without a sin. infact, no one is holy but Jehovah. I dont believe in pastors, sights, miracles happening in this modern day. all I believe is that only God can help us, and HE will indeed bring peace to the world and he will bring back the dead from the grave and that there is GOD!. that is my belief, though I'm a sinner, I'm not without sin I believe Jesus is alive. all this wickedness happening in the world will come to an END. no matter how you put it o.p, every body in the world are hypocritical where good and evil is involve. everybody are hypocrites, including you!!! we should all pray, cos the end will definitely come! I dont know about you, but I know that GOD CANNOT LIE!!! |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by piicity(m): 12:05pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
sambas:MAD MAN!! THE Bible says among my people lye bad people and the bible also says brethren if a sinner is tempting you,do not gree!! There is no where you will see christians and you will satan. Since the day God had sent devil to the hearth trouble had began"HE SAID HE WILL MAKE SURE NO ONE MAKES HEAVEN SO THEY THAT THEY WILL JOIN HIM IN HELL. USA is one of the country that God will destroy with water like sodom and Gommora when he comes and will purnish them severely. "PEOPLE YOU BETTER GO AND REPENT COS THE COMING OF JESUS IS AT haND" |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by epelumi42(m): 12:22pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
Well, your post seems a bit tense from pent up feelings but you might have missed some points. Ethically, the definition of right is a function of many factors which again you ignored. You might have made a point about hypocritical fellows and that is right. People criticize others while keeping skeletons in their cupboards. Your writeup is stereotypical and that is why I will disagree with you: first, not all Christians are hypocrites. Every religion has bad eggs and you should have thought about that. The fact that some people do stuff for selfish and personal gains means not that everyone is guilty of that. Not all pastors are fake. People are responsible for their decisions regardless of what religion preaches. As for gay laws: people want freedom, yes, but legalizing an act that the society considers immoral will definitely come under the axe. People will make references to that which their mind has grown accustomed to, what the society has programmed into them or what religion says. The same freedom that allows for gay practices is that which allows them to oppose it even if their views will change nothing. As for endtime: the religious books made references and its only logical that people refer to it when predicted stuff happens. I dont know the hatred you have, but its their choice. They have a right to be hypocrites just as you can go ahead and marry a guy. Im tired of typing jare. |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by XtraSmooth404: 12:23pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
Nigerians can pretend, that's not new. The guy above me is just blabbing ![]() ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by epelumi42(m): 12:25pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
piicity: You're getting kinda extreme o. He only aired his opinion without using 3D. A single perspective. Xtrasmooth404, are you referring to me?? I hope not. Can't you just ignore people's comment without making insulting remarks? SMH |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by johnydon22(m): 12:39pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
Teempakguy: Hahahahahaha i disagree with this. . . there have a little faction of humans that have been homosexually inclined right from the time homo sapiens started walking this earth. Humans are not the only animals found to indulge in this act too. So i don't see humans will go on extinction when just a small faction of the 7billion are homo sexuals like it has always being. 1 Like |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 12:41pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
johnydon22:I never said homosexuality was the cause. ![]() |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by johnydon22(m): 12:45pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
Teempakguy: I know, i just asserted that homosexuality poses no threat to survival of species... ![]() But seriously homo sexuality doesn't make sense, hate that shiiit |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 1:19pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
johnydon22:you and me both bro. ![]() You and me both. |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Geophem(m): 1:20pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
op u ar free to marry dt ur gay frnd.. Bt seriously leave xtianity nd bible out of dis.... Moral ethics doesnt support homosexuality ... Av u seen same sex animals making out before... Get a life nd be responsible |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by johnydon22(m): 1:27pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
Geophem: Lol... e deh every where my brother... Make we jeje mind our business and enjoy pvssys, if someone says a fellow guy is better for him, good for them. #TeamLovePussy |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 3:08pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
This is what I've been saying since! |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 3:19pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
Velocitron:What have you been saying since? As per your siggy, if one condems a murderer makes that person a murderer too? |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by plaetton: 3:20pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
sambas: Religion itself evolved out of man's need to camouflage and hide his real self and real intentions. Everything about religion is about hypocrisy. Nigerians don't lose sleep when Catholic priests are exposed of institutionally sanctioning the molestation, via sodomy, of millions of young children over a period of 2000 yrs. Neither do they lose sleep when Nigerian fraudster MOGs MONEY-SCAM the poor faithful in order to buy private jets and live like kings. Neither were there a natiomal uproar when 119 faithful worshippers were grinded to sausage in synagogue house of scams, due to the criminality of the presiding clown, TB clown Joshua. 2 Likes |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 3:20pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
epelumi42: You know, this is the thing people said when interracial marriages were legalised ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by kevoh(m): 3:29pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
Geophem:Male Lions and even dogs perform homosexual acts with themselves to assert dominance. Oga google and youtube is your friend. |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 3:29pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
blublahd: Don't you think it's hypocritical to call others sinners when we are no better? The same people who say God hates homosexuals will torture and burn someone alive in the streets. Remember the Pharisees and the adulterous woman? Anyway, here's the remainder of that chapter: Religion Can’t Save You 17-24 If you’re brought up Jewish, don’t assume that you can lean back in the arms of your religion and take it easy, feeling smug because you’re an insider to God’s revelation, a connoisseur of the best things of God, informed on the latest doctrines! I have a special word of caution for you who are sure that you have it all together yourselves and, because you know God’s revealed Word inside and out, feel qualified to guide others through their blind alleys and dark nights and confused emotions to God. While you are guiding others, who is going to guide you? I’m quite serious. While preaching “Don’t steal!” are you going to rob people blind? Who would suspect you? The same with adultery. The same with idolatry. You can get by with almost anything if you front it with eloquent talk about God and his law. The line from Scripture, “It’s because of you Jews that the outsiders are down on God,” shows it’s an old problem that isn’t going to go away. |
Re: This Post Is Sure Gonna Make You Angry. That's Your Problem!! by Nobody: 4:00pm On Jun 27, 2015 |
Velocitron: Its is one thing to castigated and condem/damn a soul. Its another thing to condem and reprimand an abominable act! Shall we continue and look on as abominable and condemable acts continue because we do not want to sound judgy or we as well sinners? In romans 12, it says be transformed by the renewing of your mind, meaning its a continuous process its not a totally washing away of sins from the heart at once but a gradual process. If we follow your logic, it means there shall not be renewing of mind and I hope you know the proverbial iron sharpeneth iron, so does the countenance of a man to another man. Anyway, here's the remainder of that chapter: Do you realise by this very assertion stated above you are as well judging them than rebuking their acts? |
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