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Apostle Johnson Suleman Reacts To Sex Scandal: "I'm Tough, Can't Bring Me Down" / I Didn't Ask Christians To Kill Muslims - Apostle Johnson Suleman / Seven Tough Question Muslims Ask Christians (2) (3) (4)
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by kheart(m): 4:55am On Jun 30, 2015 |
malvisguy212: I never posited that d entire bible is corrupt but some part of it for eg how can u explain to me that kj that has 66 books is compltely d same with d catholic version dat has 73 books? I delibrately start using bible as refrence because u don't beliv in quran bt since u ask I ll use both hence forth. What was d question again bro? |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by kheart(m): 6:00am On Jun 30, 2015 |
1) Muslim apologists claim bible is corrupted bcause of d variants in translation. which is just actualy conveying the same message in a different way. Lets call it exaggeration. :P1) It is not just a mere claim, how can u call 7 books diffrence between catholic bible (73) with kjs 66? 2) Before Mohammed came to tell us this, Jesus had warned us that there shall come false prophets to deceive many. matt 24,11&30 John 3 vs 17. AlsoAll d prophecies of biblical prophets of Jesus coming and Jesus fulfilled all 100% (the endtime prophecies excluded for now) mohammed none. Jesus never spoke of anothr like himself.... IN BIBLE. My point exactly as to why should xtians ask us what miracles (physical) has prophet muuhammd s a w done in his lifetime when jesus a.s has warn u about fake prophets dat ll do greater miracles dan him? 3) Most misunderstood basic concept. Trinity God is same as TRinity man (Gen 1,27-28, Gen 2.7). Jesus said "I proceedeth forth and came from God.'Son of GOD a.k.a Spirit of God. Unfortunately, Mohammed misundrstood Son of God as God giving birth to a son like a woman. and thereby misundertood TRINITY and has therby doomed his uncountable followers. Understand this Sir, your spirit is you. That is TRINITY CONCEPT. Body, Soul and Spirit. Why do we have xtians sects who don't even beliv in trinity nd when did d concept find it way in2 xtianity? 4) The biblical prophets prophesied of the death and crucifixrion of the Holy one. If Jesus didnt die, who fulfilled it? a thief, random stanger? Also Jesus frequently spoke of his death. In book of Matt alone you'll find more than 10 verses of Jesus prophesying his death. The most popular one in matt. Matthew 16,21-23 Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified. It was the plan of Jesus’ enemies to crucify him, but God saved him and raised him up to Him. They said, “We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God.” They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)... (Quran, 4:157) I limited my writing. You can add me on whtsap.0833791147. [/quote] |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by cmoney22222: 6:50am On Jun 30, 2015 |
Following and learning |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by malvisguy212: 7:07am On Jun 30, 2015 |
1.surah 10:94 "And if thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee, then ask those who have been reading the book from before thee..." . "Those who have been reading the book from before thee" are Jews and Christians who read the Torah and the Injil (Gospel)! If they were reading corrupted holy books,their minds would have been influenced by many misconceptions.It would therefore make no sense for Allah to command those who are in doubt to ask Jews and Christians who allegedly were misled by changed Scriptures! In order to follow the mandate in this verse it is absolutely necessary to believe that the Scriptures before Islam are uncorrupted! When did the bible corrupted? 2. More than tewnty quranic verse , when muhammed is ask to performed miracle here the excuse he give: Surah 17:90-93: They said, “We will not believe you unless you cause a spring to gush out of the ground.“Or unless you own a garden of date palms and grapes, with rivers running through it.“Or unless you cause masses from the sky, as you claimed, to fall on us. Or unless you bring GOD and the angels before our eyes. “Or unless you own a luxurious mansion, or unless you climb into the sky. Even if you do climb, we will not believe unless you bring a book that we can read.” Say, “Glory be to my Lord. AM I ANY MORE THAN A HUMAN MESSENGER?” (Khalifa) 3.Both the Qur’an and the Bible tell us very clearly that Jesus had no human father. We must therefore ask ourselves this vital question, “Since Jesus is addressed as a ‘son’ by the angel Gabriel both in the Qur’an (Surah 19:19) and in the Bible (Luke 1:35), whose son is he?” Is it Mary’s? In Surah 19:19, the angel Gabriel said to Mary: “I am only a messenger of thy Lord, to announce to thee the GIFT of a holy son .” Here, Gabriel refers to a son who was to be given as a “gift” by God to Mary. Since the Qur’an makes it very clear that the son is a gift from God, it shows that Mary was only the recipient of that gift. She is not the source of that gift but God. The gift belongs to God. The gift was a son. Therefore, the son belongs to God which means the son was His or His son. In other words, God’s son. This testifies to the Gospel truth that Jesus is the SON OF GOD. Christians worship ONE GOD with three personalities, genesis 1:27 say let US create man in OUR IMAGE >>image indicate ONE GOD and the US indicate more than ONE essence.the quran use plurality like WE, US and OUR . Can you explained? 4. Surah 19:33: Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive! (Pickthall) The chronological sequence of event is understood here.BORN, DIE,RESSURECT and the same phrase is use for John the baptist here, Note the similarity in the wordings: Surah 19:15: And peace on him on the day he was born, and on the day he dies, and on the day he is raised to life. (Shakir) If Jesus did not die, then John also did not die, will John came back again and die?[/quote] kheart:concerning the corruption, I will come to that. 1 Like |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by malvisguy212: 7:12am On Jun 30, 2015 |
kheart:concerning the corruption. I copy this questions I ask your muslim fellow who did not reply me uptil today, now answer it and see were you will land; so were is the original torah ,injil ? Allah continuously making reference to this book indicate this books is in circulation during that time, it is impossible for this books to vanish just like that without a copy, don't you think? Now answer the following question and see were it will land you, if you sincerely answer it, you will discovered soo many lies: 1. At what point did the people corrupted the Torah and Injeel, was it before islam, during Muhammad's time of after him? 2. If it was before islam, why would Allah refer Muhammad to something that is corrupted to make confirmation? 3. If it was after Muhamad had died, how was he able to receive the revelation that the Scripture (Torah and Injeel) had been corrupted? 4. The quran confirms that the Scripture was a clear proof in writings. This means there were copies in circulation. How possible all copies vanished without anyone having a copy anywhere? You should by now discover a lie is told. 5. Why would God be so weak as to allow man throw away His words before He would vow to protect the subsequent revelations? Did He learn from experience? I put it to you the Bible is the Torah and Injeel put in one Book. 2 Likes |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by kheart(m): 7:58am On Jun 30, 2015 |
Anas09: U don't expect me to answer dis questions in dis way u ask be civil Jesus said ‘Love your neighbour as yourself ,do unto others as you would like it to be done to you’.(Matt 22:39) |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by cmoney22222: 8:42am On Jun 30, 2015 |
@ kheart, having read your post from the beginning, I beg you to pls answer the questions been thrown to you. Yes we love you. Why are you alway quoting from a corrupt bible . Another question for you again, Does the quran or your shielk teach on loving your neighbour as your self.? Please am waiting for answers cus I wanna learn and convert to your religion. kheart: |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by babykaydee(f): 8:56am On Jun 30, 2015 |
Kheart, the idea that the qur'an is the unadultrated"word of Allah ",is an islamic dogma invented at the end if the 10th century. This was because historical scholars and archaeologists could not reconcile the historical basis for mohhammeds claims. But were able to access that of the bible. Islamic scholars then gave the "word of allah"excuse. In the 8th century caliph al-ma'mun. Taught d the koran as a human production inspired by allah. This resulted in a metaphorical rather than literal understanding of the books. Read. Abdul haqqs writings,wadindharassment. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by kheart(m): 9:19am On Jun 30, 2015 |
cmoney22222: Thanks, A muslim man is allowed to marry from the people of the book - Jews and christians. Which other scripture has dis? And prophets muhammad s.a.w live peacefully with his neighbour who re unbelivers (idol worshipers). Infact his emissary send letter to religious leaders seeking Protection for Saint Catherine Christians in Mount Sinai. The Jews would greet Prophet Muhammad with the greeting "as-samu alaykum" (Death be upon you) when they encountered him. Prophet Muhammad replied "wa alaykum" (And upon you). When A'isha replied "Death and curses be upon you," the Prophet said "A'isha, be careful! Allah loves those who act with mercy in everything; it is enough to say ‘wa alayka' (And upon you). These expressions show that he encouraged the Muslims to work to establish good relations with the members of the different religions, despite negative behavior. There many instances Allah swt knows best. Any more questions? |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by babykaydee(f): 9:28am On Jun 30, 2015 |
Sayyid albukhari, sayyid al muslim. Compiled the most accepted versions. Scholars (muslim and arabic scholars) have argued that wen translating to english, it was discovered that20% of the text is incomprehensible, (its meaning cam only be assumed cos it is 7th century arabic dialect which is no longer in use.) Ahmed Ali, a muslim scholar and a contemporary translator from pakistan. States," muslims call the quarantine "the greatest wonder if the wonders of the world. " claims that the book is perfect in everyway,however is not true. It has many grammatical errors, incomplete sentences, foreign words, more than 100 abberrations from normal rules and structure of arabic language, it is filled with scientific and historical mistakes. Its statement about history contained in the bible are filled with errors. Has very little narrative, no chronological order, mixes times and periods at random. Note that. Alot of scholars had similar views if you care to research. make no mistake these are world class history scholars and archaeologists that consists of different religions even atheists However, it was the opposite with the bible. Its errors were human mistakes during typing and translation which has been corrected. Till date an exergesis on koran m hasnt been concluded. But the bible was concluded 200yrs ago. And has been recognized as a historical piece 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by babykaydee(f): 9:35am On Jun 30, 2015 |
Try and watch debates by world class islamic clerics and christian clerics. They do not deny that the quran and mohhameds claims has not been proven historically. They defend their selves by saying it is the word of allah and cannot be disputed. Read writings of qutb sayid, maqsood,ruqaiyyah. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by cmoney22222: 9:48am On Jun 30, 2015 |
As I told you am learning, firstly, I do not believe the fact that quran teaches peaceful co-existence. Since you are gold in verse, could you quote me the verse when it is clearly written in your quran? In the Holy Bible, its clearly written. What is the full meaning of the quran in a lay man's understand. Since you are good with human explanations. Now the Bible is not a sort of storybook which you just read up and use the educational degree you have to interpret it. But the quran is . For you to be able to understand the Bible, you must be guided by the Holy Spirit. Until you have the Holy Spirit, you will keep having problem to understand it. Why did the Mohammed and his followers kept killing the ones they say were the unbelievers and yet you say the quran taught on love your neigbour as yourself? Why will a muslim man marry an unbeliver christain inclusive? Call a spade a spade, even this days, your brothers are still killing . More questions for you here . 1). Islam is monotheist right? Who are Allat, Manat and Uzzah? Could they be the demons Allah kept referring to as US, OUR, and WE? 2). Where is the original copy of the Bible so that we can compare with this present corrupt one? 3). Why did mohammed loved sex so much that even at death, he had errection? 4). How come he didn't know where he was going after dead. Jesus said, "I GO TO MY FATHER. Jesus knew where He was going. Mohammed didn't. A small girl poisoned Him and he died like a dog. 5). If Mohammed came to fulfil the message of Jesus, why did he kill christians and commanded his followers to do same? Come on now. Where is that idle Crusadistic? Since u live on NL jump in here and answer this Am waiting to get a quote from you kheart: 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by kheart(m): 9:51am On Jun 30, 2015 |
babykaydee: Historical scholars? Please historical scholars debunks d concept of trinity In its totality and yet u did nt see me using it as back up fact to butress my point. |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by babykaydee(f): 10:13am On Jun 30, 2015 |
K heart,most historical scholars do not belive in the supernatural aspects of the bible or koran. Thats why am emphasizingon the historical . By the way you forget that i mentioned that even atheist are amongst the scholars. They debunk any miracles or extraordinary events in the bible n koran or any other religion cos they do not believe in a supernatural being. However, they do not deny that ppl in history believed in the trinity |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by Hoseaovo(m): 11:58am On Jun 30, 2015 |
The same reason why you have to take the life of a Ram to make sacrifice. Jesus became that Lamb once and for all. |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by kheart(m): 12:15pm On Jun 30, 2015 |
[quote author=cmoney22222 post=35313027]As I told you am learning, firstly, I do not believe the fact that quran teaches peaceful co-existence. Since you are gold in verse, could you quote me the verse when it is clearly written in your quran? In the Holy Bible, its clearly written. What is the full meaning of the quran in a lay man's understand. Since you are good with human explanations. Now the Bible is not a sort of storybook which you just read up and use the educational degree you have to interpret it. But the quran is . For you to be able to understand the Bible, you must be guided by the Holy Spirit. Until you have the Holy Spirit, you will keep having problem to understand it. Why did the Mohammed and his followers kept killing the ones they say were the unbelievers and yet you say the quran taught on love your neigbour as yourself? Why will a muslim man marry an unbeliver christain inclusive? Call a spade a spade, even this days, your brothers are still killing . I am not verse at all, hopefully when d thred get to FP d real learned muslims here ll com 2 my rescue. That aside I m not goin to lie to u that there is no verse in d quran where Killing is not justify. Here re some of verse that abt killings and rulings “ Nor take life, which God has made sacred, except for just cause…” 17:33. The Qur’an confirms God’s revelation to previous prophets that “…if anyone slays a human being, unless it be [punishment] for murder, or for spreading mischief on earth, it shall be as though he had slain all humankind; whereas, if anyone saves a life, it shall be as though he had saved the lives of all humankind” 5:32. |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by malvisguy212: 12:32pm On Jun 30, 2015 |
malvisguy212:kheart, I know you cannot answer this questions I ask, if you cannot answer it, then why do you still chose to remain in deception? Hear what Jesus say; Revelation 3:20 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. What is the door? Well, actually the question should be made more specific. Jesus is not just talking about a door. He is talking about a door which is initially CLOSED. This is a closed door which is both keeping us IN, and keeping Jesus OUT. It is a barrier separating us. But once the door is opened, then it is no longer a barrier. It is then a gateway. It is a point of entry. So here we have a closed door which is a barrier.But IF any one will open it, it is no longer a barrier. It is then a gateway. That which keeps Jesus out then becomes the means by which He enters our lives. So what IS this door? Well, it is the gateway to our hearts. It is the gateway to our lives. And WE determine whether to open it. WE do. Not Jesus. WE alone must make that choice. Thank you . Bye. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by cmoney22222: 1:00pm On Jun 30, 2015 |
Pls sir, allow me to quote you. Bye bye too God bless our heart malvisguy212: |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by kheart(m): 2:45pm On Jun 30, 2015 |
cmoney22222: Let me give this simple comparison btw d quran and bible, then u cn drw conclusions from it. The Noble Quran was revealed to one person, and it was also recited by one person. The Bible was revealed to many people, and it was recited by many people The Noble Quran was memorized by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his followers. They then documented it. The Bible wasn't memorized by anyone, nor was it documented by jesus The Noble Quran was and still is recited in whole in the Holy Month of Ramadan, and recited partly during our daily prayers (there were many hafeez who memorize it). So corrupting it during Prophet Muhammad's time was virtually impossible, because EVERYONE knew it. The Bible is not recited by anyone. It's own theologians today don't even have it memorized. U can deduce ur answers from there. Islam is a witness on the Bible. It filters out the truth from falsehood and corruption in the Bible. As to reference from the quran here re verses .....Most surely there is a party amongst those who distort the Book with their tongue that you may consider it to be (a part) of the Book, and they say, It is from Allah, while it is not from Allah, and they tell a lie against Allah whilst they know. |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by kheart(m): 2:51pm On Jun 30, 2015 |
cmoney22222: Let me give this simple comparison btw d quran and bible, then u cn drw conclusions from it. The Noble Quran was revealed to one person, and it was also recited by one person. The Bible was revealed to many people, and it was recited by many people The Noble Quran was memorized by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his followers. They then documented it. The Bible wasn't memorized by anyone, nor was it documented by jesus The Noble Quran was and still is recited in whole in the Holy Month of Ramadan, and recited partly during our daily prayers (there were many hafeez who memorize it). So corrupting it during Prophet Muhammad's time was virtually impossible, because EVERYONE knew it. The Bible is not recited by anyone. It's own theologians today don't even have it memorized. U can deduce ur answers from there. Islam is a witness on the Bible. It filters out the truth from falsehood and corruption in the Bible. As to reference from the quran here re verses .....Most surely there is a party amongst those who distort the Book with their tongue that you may consider it to be (a part) of the Book, and they say, It is from Allah, while it is not from Allah, and they tell a lie against Allah whilst they know.... Qur'an 3:77-79 |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by Anas09: 9:48pm On Jul 02, 2015 |
@Crusadistic. You mean you didn't see any question I raised? Hmmmm ok kontinu. Instead of answering my questions @Kheart admonished me to love my neighbour as I love myself. Does these muslim think at all? If christians don't love u, don't u think Nigeria won't exist today? Come to Port Harcourt and see how we relate with the Muslims. They r free to roam. Enter anywhere they pls. Can the christians do that in Kano, or Katsina? The one who forgives and walks away is stronger and bigger than the one who retaliate. We r stronger. My dear. Islam doesn't have the word Love. So drop love, let's treat this questions. Answer my questions @Crusadistic. |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by Anas09: 9:54pm On Jul 02, 2015 |
Kheart. I love you as christ loves the church. Now are satisfied or you need a kiss to show u that I love u. Sorry I can't kiss aboki. |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by ProfessorPeter(m): 9:49am On Jul 03, 2015 |
kheart:you failed to tell us that Aishia and Usman fought bitterly over which Sura is authentic. If quran was the same, why did they fight? What about the satanic verse? |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by oaroloye(m): 7:46am On Sep 11, 2016 |
kheart: I was bitterly disappointed, by your supposed "TOUGH" questions. I have cooked INDOMIE that was tougher than these feeble questions! These questions are a disgrace on the Muslims who have to ask them! I hope d thread ll not be hijack by e- warriors and bigots cos the purpose of this thread is shed some light in d underlying issues in d 2 faith. Questions Muhammad was n illiterate, and as such could not know when Satan was leading him astray. When Satan tempted Yahshua, he was able to stop him with the exact Commandments of God he was trying to get him to violate. Muhammad was merely a person cursed with a Familiar Spirit, who did not tell him the whole Truth about Yahshua, nor about Humanity, nor about Reality. The "JUBRIL- Imposter told Muhammad things about Nature that any Prophet would have SEEN by ESP, which Science could later verify. That is no proof that GOD was Talking. The only foundation is THE ACTUAL WORDS OF YAHSHUA, and we need only ONE to find all the rest, through THE SPIRIT OF GOD which He gives to those who attain HOLINESS. Islam was created to cover up that Knowledge, and undo all of The Gospel Work Yahshua Established. THE GENUINE SCRIPTURES are the HEBREW MASORETIC TEXT, and the GREEK TEXTUS RECEPTUS. To PROTESTANT Christians, all other Scriptures are FAKE. The King James Version is not 100% accurate. For example, on my Blog: "LOVE:" DISAMBIGUATION AND CLARIFICATION, I show how the English Barbarians translated TWELVE different words as "LOVE," whereas the ONE they believe in: EROS- Romantic Love- is never used in the New Testament. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH bases its Bibles on the LATIN FORGERY by the Eunuch ORIGEN ADAMANTIUS, and tried to ENFORCE it, by MURDERING everyone who possessed and supported the Greek manuscripts by the ORIGINAL Christians, from Antioch. . ACTS 11:26. 26. And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a full year they assembled themselves with the Church, and taught much people. And the Disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. WHEN PETER AND THE OTHER FIRST DISCIPLES SAW THAT THE OTHER CHRISTIANS WOULD SURPASS THEM IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, THEY TRIED TO DESTROY THE CHURCH. They withheld The Gospel Teachings of Yahshua- as proven by THIS incident. . ACTS 5:1-11. BUT a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, 2. And kept back (part) of the price, his wife also being privy (to it), and brought a certain part, and laid (it) at the Apostles' feet. 3. But Peter said, "Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to The Holy Ghost, and to keep back (part) of the price of the land? 4. "Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? And after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? Why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God." 5. And Ananias hearing these words fell down and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things. 6. And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried (him). 7. And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in. 8. And Peter answered unto her, "Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much?" And she said, "Yea, for so much." 9. Then Peter said unto her, "How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt The Spirit of The Lord? Behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband (are) at the door, and shall carry thee out." 10. Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying (her) forth, buried (her) by her husband. 11. And great fear came upon all the Church, and upon as many as heard these things. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IMPOSSIBLE TO PULL OFF, WERE PEOPLE TAUGHT YAHSHUA'S TEACHINGS ON MERCY, COMPASSION, AND FORGIVENESS. PAUL was allowed to KILL ALL Hebrew Christians who rejected The Sanhedrin Edict that they should not EVER Teach nor Preach YAHSHUA'S Teachings again, then FAKE HIS CONVERSION, and JOIN the Church, build up his credibility as a Christian Authority, go to ROME- at NERO'S expense, and tell him that THERE WAS ANOTHER WAY TO SEE JESUS: . JOHN 14:21-27. 21. "He that hath my Commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." 22. Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, "Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the World?" 23. Jesus answered and said unto him, "If a man love me, he will keep my Words, and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24. "He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and The Word which ye hear is not mine, but The Father's Which sent me." 25. "These things have I spoken unto you, being (yet) present with you. 26. "But The Comforter, (Which is) The Holy Ghost, Whom The Father will send in my Name, He shall Teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things whatsoever I have said unto you. 27. "Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto you: not as the World giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." YAHSHUA SAID THAT THE WAY TO GET HIM TO MANIFEST HIMSELF TO ANYONE WAS TO HUMBLE ONESELF, AND SUBMIT TO HIS TEACHINGS- CAREFUL NOT TO OBSTRUCT OTHER PEOPLE'S DEVELOPING FAITH. . MATTHEW 18:1-10. . AT the same time came the Disciples unto Jesus, saying, "Who is the greatest in The Kingdom of Heaven?" 2. And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3. And said, "Verily I say unto you, 'Except ye be Converted, and become as Little Children, Ye shall not enter into The Kingdom of Heaven.' 4. "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this Little Child, the same is greatest in The Kingdom of Heaven. 5. "And whosoever shall receive one such Little Child in my Name receiveth me. 6. "But whoso shall offend one such Little Child that believeth in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and (that) he were drowned in the depth of the Sea. 7. "Woe unto the World because of Offences! For it must be that Offences come; but woe to that man by whom the Offence cometh! 8. "Wherefore, if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast (them) from thee: it is better for thee to enter into Life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into Everlasting Fire! 9. "And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast (it) from thee: it is better for thee to enter into Life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into Hell Fire. 10. "Take heed that ye despise not one of these Little Ones; for I say unto you, 'That in Heaven their Angels do always behold the face of My Father in Heaven.' " BUT THAT THERE WAS ANOTHER WAY THAT A. MAN COULD SEE JESUS- JUST TORTURE AND KILL AS MANY CHRISTIANS AS POSSIBLE, AND HE WOULD APPEAR TO TALK TO HIM. Even if that were TRUE, NO DISCIPLE of YAHSHUA would dare tell NERO such a thing! Explicit Commandment of Yahshua. . MATTHEW 7:6. 6. "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again, and rend you." That is: "NEVER GIVE UNBELIEVERS INFORMATION THAT COULD BE USED TO DESTROY THE CHURCH." Paul deliberately sacrificed his own life, so that Nero would believe him. This idea is consistent with JEWISH Religion. . JUDGES 16:29-30. 29. And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars upon which the House stood, and on which it was borne up, of the one with his right hand, and of the other with his left. 30. And Samson said, "Let me die with the Philistines." And he bowed himself with (all his) might; and the House fell upon the lords, and upon all the people. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than (they) which he slew in his life. PAUL WAS THUS THE FIRST SUICIDE BUMMER IN CHURCH HISTORY. 2. What about the predictions of Muhammad (saw) in the Bible? What- THIS Prophecy? . MATTHEW 13:24-30. 24. Another Parable put he forth unto them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven (is) likened unto a man which sowed Good Seed in his Field: 25. "But while. Men slept, his Enemy came and owed Tares among the Wheat, and went his way. 26. "But when the Blade was sprung up, and brought forth Fruit, then appeared the Tares also. 27. "So the Servants of the Householder came and said unto them, 'Sir, didst not thou sow Good Seed in thy Field? From whence the hath it Tares?' 28. "He said unto them, 'An Enemy hath done this.' The Servants aid unto him, 'Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?' 29. "But he said, 'Nay; lest while ye gather up the Tares, ye root up also the Wheat with them. 30. 'Let both grow together until The Harvest: and in the Time of Harvest I will say unto The Reapers, "Gather ye together The Tares, And bind them in Bundles to Burn them: But Gather ye The Wheat into my Barn." ' " And when Jesus the Son of Mary said, O children of Israel, verily I am the Apostle of God sent unto you, confirming the law which was delivered before me, and bringing good tidings of an Apostle who shall come after me, and whose name shall be Ahmed. And when he produced unto them evident miracles, they said, this is manifest sorcery. (Quran, 61:6)" MUHAMMAD was THE SOWER OF TARES. |
Re: Four Tough Question Muslims Always Ask Christians by oaroloye(m): 8:30am On Sep 11, 2016 |
kheart: I was bitterly disappointed, by your supposed "TOUGH" questions. I have eaten INDOMIE that was tougher than these feeble questions! These questions are a disgrace on the Muslims who have to ask them! I hope d thread ll not be hijack by e- warriors and bigots cos the purpose of this thread is shed some light in d underlying issues in d 2 faith. ANYBODY WHO USES " ![]() "COS" for "BECAUSE," And such Oyinbo Teenager abbreviations, must be a FOOL! What image are you trying to portray? You do not take your God seriously? Is that how they taught you ENGLISH in School? I was surprised that even DAVID ICKE brought it up in one of his recent videos [BEYOND EARTH,] he said that using abbreviations IMPAIRS YOUR ABILITY TO THINK CLEARLY AND INTELLIGENTLY. And when Jesus the Son of Mary said, O children of Israel, verily I am the Apostle of God sent unto you, confirming the law which was delivered before me, and bringing good tidings of an Apostle who shall come after me, and whose name shall be Ahmed. And when he produced unto them evident miracles, they said, this is manifest sorcery. (Quran, 61:6)" YAHSHUA IS THE ULTIMATE TRUTH HUMANS CAN ACHIEVE. . JOHN 14:1-12. "LET not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2. "In my Father's House are many mansions: if (it were) not (so), I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3. "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, (there) ye may be also. 4. "And whither I go ye know, and The Way ye know." 5. Thomas saith unto him, "Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know The Way?" 6. Jesus saith unto him, "I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man cometh unto The Father, but by me. 7. "If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know Him, and have seen Him." 8. Philip saith unto him, "Lord, shew us The Father, and it sufficeth us." 9. Jesus saith unto him, "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen The Father ; and how sayest thou (then), 'Shew us The Father?' 10. "Believest thou not that I am in The Father, and The Father in me? The Words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but The Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth The Works. 11. "Believe me that I (am) in The Father, nd The Father in me: or else believe me for the very Works' sake. 12. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, 'He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;' and greater (works) than these shall he do; because I go into my Father." . THE TEN TALENTS. (Matt. 25:1-46) 1. TOTAL RECALL. 2. EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION. 3. TELEKINESIS. 4. TELEPORTATION. 5. TRANSLATION. 6-10. ETERNAL LIFE. DID MUHAMMAD HAVE ANY ONE OF THESE POWERS? A case CAN be made, that he had TOTAL RECALL and EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION. But do MUSLIMS have ANY of The Ten Talents? FIRST TALENT is a possibility. The Religious Practices of Islam SHOULD produce FIRST TALENT from banging your head in the floor, five times per day, 35 times per week, 95 times per month and, er... a LOTTA times per year. That will produce a FACSIMILE STACK. . DIANETICS AXIOMS. 26. THOUGHT is accomplished by THETA FACSIMILES Of Physical Universe, Entities or Actions. 99. THETA FACSIMILES can recombine to form new symbols. 100. LANGUAGE Is the Symbolization of EFFORT. 101. LANGUAGE depends for its force upon the force which accompanied its definition. (Note: COUNTER-EFFORT, not language, is aberrative.) 109. BEHAVIOR is modified by COUNTER-EFFORTS which have impinged upon the organism. 110. The component parts of THETA are AFFINITY, REALITY, and COMMUNICATION. 111. SELF-DETERMINISM consists of MAXIMAL Affinity, Reality, and Communication. 112. AFFINITY is the cohesion of THETA. AFFINITY manifests itself as the recognition of similarity of efforts and goals amongst organisms by those organisms. 113. REALITY is the Agreement Upon Perceptions and Data in the Physical Universe. All that we can be sure is Real is that on which we HAVE AGREED is Real. AGREEMENT is the essence of REALITY. 114. COMMUNICATION is the interchange of Perceptions through the Material Universe between Organisms or the Perception of the Material Universe through Sense Channels. 118. An Organism cannot become aberrated unless it HAS AGREED-UPON that aberration, has been IN CONTACT WITH a source of aberration, and has HAD AFFINITY FOR the aberrator. 119. AGREEMENT WITH any Source, Contra- or PROSURVIVAL, Postulates a New Reality for the organism. 120. Non-Survival Courses, Thoughts and Actions require Non-Optimum Effort. 121. Every Thought has been preceded by Physical Action. 122. The mind does with Thought as it has done with entities in the Physical Universe. 127. ALL Perceptions reaching the organism's sense channels is recorded and stored by THETA FACSIMILE. Definition: PERCEPTION is the process of recording data from the Physical Universe and storing it as a THETA FACSIMILE. Definition: RECALL is the process of regaining perceptions. 130. THETA FACSIMILES of Counter-Effort are ALL that interpose between the Control Centre and its Recalls. [See: SCIENTOLOGY 0-8: THE BOOK OF BASICS, by L. Ron Hubbard.] A FACSIMILE is a 3-Dimensional Image the Mind uses to store MEMORY. They are stored in different Categories at the same time. For instance, "TOMATO" is stored under "RED THINGS;" "RED FRUITS;" "GARNISHINGS;" "SWEET THINGS;" "SEED-CONTAINERS;" etc. When FACSIMILES are IDENTICAL, they are FILED in the SAME CATEGORIES- forming a STACK. The Natural Mind perceives things SEQUENTIALLY- according to the TIME they were experienced. THIS IS AN ERROR. There is NO SUCH THING AS TIME on the ETERNAL Level where GOD IS, and GOD CREATED US FROM. When you ONLY perceive TIME, that means that you cannot perceive ETERNITY. ETERNITY is on a HIGHER Spiritual Energy Level than Earth Universe. The Facsimiles created of Earth Objects and Thoughts are Earth Universe Energy Class. So- by DUPLICATING A FACSIMILE, we create a STACK, separated by INSULATING BLOCKS that FORCE us to PERCEIVE these memories as SEPARATE EVENTS that happened at DIFFERENT TIMES- which is an ILLUSION. When the stack reaches a certain CRITICAL MASS (the mass t which radioactive material decays in a chain-reaction,) THE FACSIMILES IMPLODE, and become a SUPER-FACSIMILE charged with Spirit Energy of a Higher Reality Level. One perceives ETERNITY for an INSTANT. This creates a EUPHORIC STATE- OPIATE NeuroChemicals are released in the Brain, then, and any time one experiences, perceives, conceives, or recalls anything ASSOCIATED with THAT Facsimile. THAT is why Muslims have to pray FIVE TIMES PER DAY. It is to CREATE that Euphoric State. Organized Christianity uses a similar Technique. SINGING produces the same effect- but it takes much longer to achieve because THEY CHANGE the songs TOO FREQUENTLY, and Sing only once per week. If they sang the same song five times per day, they would reach the same state quickly. BUT Oyinbo Christians would UNDERSTAND what was being done to them. The Russian Scientist, IVAN PAVLOV uncovered this mechanism Scientifically- and was given the NOBEL PRIZE for exposing how Religion controlled people's lives, and how GOVERNMENTS could use this method to control their citizens. 3. God has no son - do christians worship 3 Gods? How did you determine that GOD HAS NO SON. How could you POSSIBLY determine such a thing? GOD USES NO TIME WHERE HE IS: Therefore He could not create anything, nor interact with Creation in any way. He therefore created an EXACT DUPLICATE of Himself to Operate in SPACE/TIME. He could not LEAVE Eternity, because there was NO TIME there for Him to GO anywhere. That Duplicate is called THE LOGOS. . JOHN 1:1-5,9,14. IN The Beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word was God. 2. The same was in The Beginning with God. 3. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. 4. In Him was Life; and The Light was The Life of Men. 5. And The Light shineth in Darkness; and The Darkness comprehended It not. 9. (That) was The True Light, Which lighteth every man that cometh into the World. 14. And The Word became Flesh, and dwelt among us [and we beheld his Glory, The Glory as of the only begotten of The Father,] full of Grace and Truth. JOHN ATTEMPTED TO SAY THAT YAHSHUA WAS THE LOGOS: THE RECORDED WORD, AND THEREFORE GOD. That is incorrect. If we sat that JESUS WAS GOD, we would have to say that EVERYTHING ELSE is GOD- including us. Everything is made from the imperfected duplicates of the LOGOS. YAHSHUA told a Parable about TWO SONS- one who stayed at home, and one who left home, and squandered his inheritance. HE WAS THAT SON. THE LOGOS was the other Son. . JOHN 17:1-8. THESE Words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to Heaven, and said, "Father, the hour is come; glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee: 2. "As Thou hast given him Power over all flesh, that he should give Eternal Life to as many as Thou hast given him. 3. "And this is Life Eternal, 'That they might know Thee, The Only True God, And Jesus Christ, Whom Thou hast Sent.' 4. "I have glorified Thee on Earth: I have finished the Work which Thou gavest me to do. 5. "And now O Father, Glorify Thou me with Thine Own Self with The Glory Which I had with Thee before the World was. 6. "I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which Thou gavest me out of the World: Thine they were, and Thou gavest them me; and they have kept Thy Word. 7. "Now they have known al things whatsoever Thou hast given me are of Thee. 8. "For I have given unto them The Words which Thou gavest me; and they have received (them), and have known surely that I came out from Thee, and they have believed that Thou didst send me." At the End of his time on Earth, Yahshua requested to be reinstated as THE LOGOS. The Logos did not want to be reunited with Yahshua- so THE FATHER came out of Eternity to show Him that it was HIS WILL. . LUKE 15:11-32. The context in which THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH presented THE PARABLE OF THE PRODIGAL SON made The Protestants THINK Yahshua was talking about SINNERS- but he was talking about HIMSELF. . JOHN 15:26-27. 26. "But when The Comforter is come, Whom I will send unto you from The Father, (even) The Spirit of Truth, Which proceedeth from The Father, He shall testify of me. 27. "And ye shall bear witness, because ye have been with me From The Beginning." THERE IS A DISHONEST AND FOOLISH ATTEMPT BY ISLAMIC FANATICS TO CLAIM THAT MUHAMMAD WAS "THE COMFORTER;" 500 YEARS AFTER YAHSHUA PROMISED THE COMFORTER TO HIS DISCIPLES, RIGHT THERE! If Muhammad was the fulfilment of that Promise, WHAT DID THE DISCIPLES RECEIVE? The Muslim fanatics do not care about THAT detail- only in authenticating their own unauthentic Prophet. PROPHECIES CAN BE FULFILLED MULTIPLE TIMES. The Holy Ghost could be The Comforter, and MUHAMMAD COULD have been ANOTHER ITERATION OF THE COMFORTER. However, Muhammad LACKED The Holy Ghost Attributes. . JOHN 16:12-15. 12. "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13. "Howbeit, when He, The Spirit of Truth is come, He will guide you into All Truth: for He shall not Speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall Hear, (that) shall He Speak: and He will shew you Things to Come. 14. "He shall glorify me, for He shall receive of mine, and shall shew (It) unto you. 15. "All Things that The Father hath are mine: and again, therefore said I, 'That He shall take of mine and shall shew (It) unto you.' " O people of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, nor utter anything concerning God save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of God, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say 'Three'. Desist, it will be better for you. God is only One God. . . The Messiah would never have scorned to be a slave of God.' (Surat al-Nisa, 171-2) MUHAMMAD had NO IDEA what a "MERE SERVANT OF YAHWEH GOD IS," and NO IDEA what GOD IS. . 1st JOHN 5:7. 7. For there are three that bear record in Heaven, The Father, The Word, and The Holy Ghost: and these three are one. THERE IS NO WAY THAT GOD COULD NOT BE THREE IN HEAVEN. This is a Spirit Being Blaspheming against Yahweh God. 4. Jesus was never crucified YOU CALL OUR GOD, OUR SAVIOUR, OUR SCRIPTURES. "LIES," and expect NO INSULTS? |
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