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PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man - Family - Nairaland

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PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by londonrivals: 11:56am On Jul 03, 2015
A South African woman, Mildred Mashego, and her daughter Patricia, have entered the record books as the first mother and daughter to give birth to their babies in the same week and for the same man.

38-year-old Mashego of Casteel, South Africa, was pregnant when she learned that her 19-year-old daughter was also pregnant, and the two were due just days apart.

But her anger turned to shock when she found out that the man responsible for her daughter’s condition was the same man who was going to be the father of her child,Vincent Malumane.

Patricia was the first to put to bed a bouncing baby boy, with her mother following suit four days after, wait for it, another boy, making them brothers, a nephew, an uncle and grandson.

The sharp shooter Vincent Malumane, admitted that he secretly had s*x with the mother and daughter.
“I cannot go back now and explain what happened. All we have to do is focus on making sure that the children are properly cared for.”

Mother Mildred admits that during her pregnancy, she was bitter that her daughter had slept with her boyfriend and had even considered having an abortion over the fact that her daughter was carrying a child from the same man.
However, after their babies were born, Mildred decided to forgive her daughter for the sake of her grandson. They are raising their children together.

The mother and daughter are concerned about what they will tell their children when they grow up .


Cc: lalasticlala

Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by londonrivals: 11:57am On Jul 03, 2015
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by YOURMAN: 11:57am On Jul 03, 2015
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by adedayourt(m): 11:57am On Jul 03, 2015
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Demmzy15(m): 11:57am On Jul 03, 2015
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Paulpaulpaul(m): 12:01pm On Jul 03, 2015
One big family
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Hallmark08(m): 12:06pm On Jul 03, 2015
The is a sharp shooter, may his is one of the alleged sniper dat baba Obj is referring to. grin

1 Like

Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by anuma1(m): 12:09pm On Jul 03, 2015
Who is the mother and who is the daughter

1 Like

Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Davgwen(f): 12:10pm On Jul 03, 2015
God hv mercy shocked
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Iyawotolu: 12:13pm On Jul 03, 2015
angry This story is a lie or the picture is not the right one because the baby on the left is a girl (she's wearing pink and a headband).
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Bugatie(m): 12:13pm On Jul 03, 2015
The guy's a performer!

Inbreeding, smh
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by pauladonis(m): 12:15pm On Jul 03, 2015
really fvcked up family... both kids will be siblings annd the mother's kid will be his sibling's uncle...
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by ForcefullBULL: 12:16pm On Jul 03, 2015
And the shameless two posed for pictures
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Emekamex(m): 12:16pm On Jul 03, 2015
This is some stupidly fu(c)ked up sh(i)t.
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Wildrage: 12:28pm On Jul 03, 2015
The man should be castrated
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by obailala(m): 12:31pm On Jul 03, 2015
Na wa
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Cannonleo(m): 12:34pm On Jul 03, 2015
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
when the man is sharp wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink wink
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Uchwilliam(m): 12:50pm On Jul 03, 2015
nawao d man is baadguy
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Haywhymido(m): 1:01pm On Jul 03, 2015
Ori buruku lele yii
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by techmatas: 1:04pm On Jul 03, 2015
interesting. but which is the mother and which is the daughter
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by emmalexabl(m): 1:08pm On Jul 03, 2015
That is a wacko family and for vincent MALU-mane.,he is living up to his name (COW).

Shame! shame!! shame !!!
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Mamaflex(f): 1:08pm On Jul 03, 2015
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by SporaD8: 1:14pm On Jul 03, 2015
shoro niyen?!
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by banmeandquench: 1:23pm On Jul 03, 2015
end time family

im sure the man will soon impregnate his two children wink grin grin grin
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Sharp9: 1:37pm On Jul 03, 2015
Their portrait depicts happiness. They are even happy, can't just criticize them.
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by shangodele(m): 2:00pm On Jul 03, 2015
[quote author=londonrivals post=35433928]A South African woman, Mildred Mashego, and her daughter Patricia, have entered the record books as the first mother and daughter to give birth to their babies in the same week and for the same man.

38-year-old Mashego of Casteel, South Africa, was pregnant when she learned that her 19-year-old daughter was also pregnant, and the two were due just days apart.

But her anger turned to shock when she found out that the man responsible for her daughter’s condition was the same man who was going to be the father of her child,Vincent Malumane.

Patricia was the first to put to bed a bouncing baby boy, with her mother following suit four days after, wait for it, another boy, making them brothers, a nephew, an uncle and grandson.

The sharp shooter Vincent Malumane, admitted that he secretly had s*x with the mother and daughter.
“I cannot go back now and explain what happened. All we have to do is focus on making sure that the children are properly cared for.” fulanis don do am tire
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Olufemiolaolu(m): 2:18pm On Jul 03, 2015
oshi arade iranu undecided
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Nobody: 2:27pm On Jul 03, 2015
They sure have a lot of explanations to make when the kids grow up. My uncle is also my brother. What a nice sentence.


Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by amacastel: 3:15pm On Jul 03, 2015
#things men do # is not new is common even in nigeria a man fucking mum and daughters not jst 1 esp among the rich dudes and old soilders runs mum and their daughters jst to keep the rich man as family heritage some end up marring 1 of the young daughters probably the youngest or baby mamaing them. Esp in the island, abuja, ph and big family elites
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by Tonischuller(m): 3:17pm On Jul 03, 2015
Vewi nice
Re: PHOTO: Mother And Daughter Gives Birth Same Week For The Same Man by thorpido(m): 3:31pm On Jul 03, 2015
That picture doesn't tell the true story sha.There's a daughter in that picture.

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