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Before You Release That Money..... - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Before You Release That Money..... by Pavore9: 9:25pm On Jul 04, 2015
There is currently a surge in interest in Agriculture which is a very good development but evil tends to lurk around good as some twisted minded individuals would want to cash in and defraud others. Anything noble has a process and we should resist the temptation of being carried away by watering pictures and figures. lt is like stuff one gets to see in the Business section with captions such as 'Invest N3,000 and earn millions in 3 months' What flashes my mind is, don't they have family members who can invest N3,000 to earn the supposed millions?

Knowledge is power...if you are interested in any aspect of Agriculture, don't forward your money first but your mind. Make time to physically go on farm visits, visiting different farms that are established in your area of interest.

Before releasing your money, make sure you do background research on the person and involve a lawyer to have the documentation in the proper light. When someone knows he/she can easily be traced and locked up, he/she would think twice before defaulting!

A word is enough for the wise!


Re: Before You Release That Money..... by OLAMIMO12(m): 11:35pm On Jul 04, 2015
tnx boss. Agriculture is different from other business. it is a physical adventure. l see no reason one can put money into unseen project.
Re: Before You Release That Money..... by agricentral(m): 3:01am On Jul 05, 2015
There is currently a surge in interest in Agriculture which is a very good development but evil tends to lurk around good as some twisted minded individuals would want to cash in and defraud others. Anything noble has a process and we should resist the temptation of being carried away by watering pictures and figures. lt is like stuff one gets to see in the Business section with captions such as 'Invest N3,000 and earn millions in 3 months' What flashes my mind is, don't they have family members who can invest N3,000 to earn the supposed millions?

Knowledge is power...if you are interested in any aspect of Agriculture, don't forward your money first but your mind. Make time to physically go on farm visits, visiting different farms that are established in your area of interest.

Before releasing your money, make sure you do background research on the person and involve a lawyer to have the documentation in the proper light. When someone knows he/she can easily be traced and locked up, he/she would think twice before defaulting!

A word is enough for the wise!

Good Advise....
Re: Before You Release That Money..... by AreaFada2: 3:41am On Jul 05, 2015
Timely & apt.
Re: Before You Release That Money..... by boluwajokosegun: 12:06pm On Jul 05, 2015
Brillient advise
Re: Before You Release That Money..... by shema101(f): 3:40pm On Jul 05, 2015
Sincerely, whenever I see or hear such, I dey pick race ni o. @my oga Pavore9, plz can u send me ur mail add or whatsapp number...We need to talk o biko.
Re: Before You Release That Money..... by Realsman405(m): 5:30pm On Jul 08, 2015
Thanks for the advise.

God bless you!!
Re: Before You Release That Money..... by Pavore9: 5:43pm On Jul 08, 2015
Sincerely, whenever I see or hear such, I dey pick race ni o. @my oga Pavore9, plz can u send me ur mail add or whatsapp number...We need to talk o biko.


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