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Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams - Religion - Nairaland

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Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 11:41pm On Jul 10, 2015
There are multitudes of human beings who are afflicted with various degrees of problems in their waking life because they have had a sexual encounter or more in their dream with a spirit spouse.

This phenomenon, depending on the degree of attack, is known by several names including sleep paralysis and night terror, which resluts from unwanted visit by spirit entities known generally as night visitors or better yet, Incubi and Succubi.

Oftentimes, the people involved in such spiritual sexual encounters and relationships or marriages are not even aware they have a spirit spouse who is usually so jealous and spoils things for the actual physical/human spouse. This kind of problem has no boundaries as it affects even legally married human couples where the human wife experiences several miscarriages and sometimes actual barrenness alongside financial problems and business failures on the part of the human husband.

More often than not, it turns out that the Incubus (Male sex demon) or the Succubus (Female sex demon) was actually 'invited', though unknowingly and indirectly, by the victim through careless daily, yet spiritual, habits and ignorance.

As an individual, you may suspect that you (or your spouse) have been having issues with spirit entities disturbing you or sexually harassing you in your dream and you wonder why and how to stop such encounters, well, you are certainly not alone on this.

If both yourself and/or your spouse are 'affected' (I prefer to use the word 'infected'), you need the WORD of God in your lives to deliver you from this so called spirit parasite that has invaded your finances (and other areas, most likely).

This issue should not be taken lightly and you should both go for spiritual deliverance in a good church/place of worship as soon as possible.

From what I do as a man of God, and from shared experiences of various people (young and old) I have interacted with, it is clear that the issue of spirit husband or spirit wife is one that is killing a lot of human couples silently (and matured over-ripe singles too) and the terrible thing is, they don't even know what is eating them up!

Knowledge is power. when you know what you are up against, it becomes easier to fight back and of course win the battle.

You might want to download the complete book on the subject matter here: https://paystack.com/pay/success-prayers

So then, let us talk about the nitty gritty of spirit sexual encounters so you can break free:

I shall be focusing directly on the human female victim suffering from an Incubus (male sex demon) attack, hence, my reference to lady/female/woman/wife below.
If you are a man and a victim of a Succubus (female Sex demon) just replace the references with the appropriate words for a man instead.

Now, at this point I'd like to point your attention to certain issues of interest aimed at quickly getting to the root of the current challenges and problems in your waking life, arising from the issue of sexual encounters in your dream.

One of the various things that attract a spirit husband or spirit wife to a human being is 'sexual appeal'. Beauty or handsomeness goes a long way to define a person's sexual appeal.
The prettier a lady is, the higher her tendency to attract more male admirers especially if she is fair skinned without blemishes.
The Holy Bible states that in the biblical days of Noah, that even the Angels of God in Heaven couldn't resist the beauty of human maidens on earth as they came down to choose wives for themselves. Read the interesting story in the book of Genesis, chapter 6.

If as a lady, you have sexual encounters in your dream with spirit entities, it is partly because you are no doubt a pretty lady whose youthful beauty is appealing to the eyes and who is also elegant in appearance.

Your attractiveness has one way or the other attracted to you various human male friends who appreciate your natural beauty and allure as a young lady and now, just like a magnet, it has also attracted non-human male entities (SPIRIT BEINGS) to you!

Unfortunately, unlike in human male-female relationships where the man seeks your consent to go out with him or to have sex with him or not, sex demons/spirit beings don't seek your consent to be their spouse and they force themselves on you (when your defenses are weak and you are fast asleep)!
How unfair, did I hear you say?

This attractiveness of yours has not only attracted human male friends, admirers or lover(s) to you but appears to have also invited someone else (spirit lover/husband) or better yet, something else (demonic entity) which is problematic, into your life.

You have attracted what is called an Incubus - an entity not seen by the Unclad eyes, a male spirit or demon that comes to women to have sex with them either for pleasure or for the purpose of having spirit children through such women.

This usually happens in the night when the woman is lying down, asleep.

Such a woman may experience some sort of temporary paralysis when the so called Incubus is trying to have his way with her through sex in the dream realm.

Often times, such a woman experiences a strange sexual urge or wetness, wakes up feeling someone has made love to her or she actually feels someone's weight on her and between her thighs.

Sometimes she 'sees' the Incubus attempting To Molest her but because of the strange temporary paralysis being experienced, she is neither able to struggle free, escape or call for help as her voice is also temporarily taken.

The spiritual sexual encounter is not the real problem, though that is bad enough, the real problem is mostly the attitude of the spiritual husband or Incubus and his so-called spirit offspring through the woman in question.

The Incubus or spirit husband is usually very jealous and will not tolerate sharing his human 'wife'or victim with anyone else.

He frequently monitors the human 'wife'/victim and will readily and violently attack the business, finances and health of any human man that decides to marry the woman in question.

Sometimes, the Incubus will not even allow such a woman to get married at all, so that he could have her all to himself. He usually frustrates all of the woman's efforts at getting married in real life by chasing all her suitors away or by killing them.

One of the commonest symptoms of spirit husband or Incubus attacks is childlessness through barrenness and miscarriages in marriage.
This usually happens when the woman already has spirit children for the Incubus husband in the spirit realm and since Incubus families don't tolerate rival families, both the Incubus father and the Incubus children will do everything within their power to prevent the woman from having human children for a human husband.

They even go to the extent of 'eating' or 'sucking out' any embryonic pregnancy that is already developing into a fetus in the woman's womb.

The interesting part is that they are aware they are not wanted around, hence, they can get very dangerous and are obstinate in their various tricks to permanently perch on and dominate the victim's life.

Luckily enough, fervent and persistent prayers can send them packing!

In case you are not aware, the Bible tells of the presence of Incubus and spirit beings amongst humans in days of old, their sexual escapades with human females right from biblical times in the days of Noah and also some of the havoc they wrought. Read the book of Genesis chapter 6.

The presence of an Incubus in your life must have also affected either the health or finances of your boyfriend or fiance apart from your own personal troubles.
This will probably be a reason for unjustified arguments and misunderstandings between you and whomever you are dating either currently or in the past (which probably occurred when the Incubus started attacking him for reasons of sheer jealousy or perceived infidelity on your part).

The Incubus may appear to be stubborn, but with persistence in prayers and following the steps outlined below, he is sure to leave you and never return to disturb your peace and joy in your relationships, and of course, a happy marriage.

To break free from these attacks, there are 9 important steps you must take as outlined below

1. To start with, do not sleep Unclad or in colored clothes anymore. Sew a white night dress and cover yourself with a white wrapper/bed-spread/blanket whenever you go to bed.

2. Any time you make love with your human husband/man, take a shower before going to bed. The scent of Fluid (SPERM) attracts the Incubus or Succubus - the female demon.

3. Get some Sea water, recite Psalm 24 from the Holy Bible into it. It says, 'The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof', pray into it asking God who owns the entire earth and everything in it to come into your home, cleanse it and dislodge any evil spirits sharing your home and bed with you.
In the prayer, make sure you renounce your connection with the Incubus family. Declare to the Incubus you don't want him in your life anymore and that he should allow you to live your natural life.
After the prayer, sprinkle the sea water (now prayer water) all around your home (both within and outside) to cleanse your place of abode spiritually and that shall mark a new beginning for you, devoid of unwanted spiritual interference in your life and relationships.

There are billions of people all over the world suffering greatly in the hands of demons through various degrees of sexual attacks and various associated relationship and family problems.

If you would like to read more about spirit beings and demons that interfere with humans sexual life and marital happiness, read about other people's real life experiences through the link below:


To your obvious questions, here are the answers you seek:

1. WHY WHITE COLOR (and white candle)?:
The Bible, in the book of Genesis 1:16, says,
'And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night...'
The greater light (Forces of Good and Light) RULE(s) the day and the lesser light (Forces of Evil and darkness) RULE(s) the night.

All over the world and in all religions, two colors dominate all other colors and they are WHITE and BLACK.
White attracts and also represents the forces of light and good.
In various instances in the Holy Books, the Angels of God are said to have appeared to men in the form of a super bright, white light.

On the other end of White is Black which is a color that represents Darkness generally. Evils are mostly done at night by witches and wizards and criminals generally because this is the period of the day that has been assigned to the forces of darkness to operate.
At this period of the day, evil forces and demons generally become hyper active and as we sleep through the night, they are busy destroying human destines and bringing untold calamities upon unsuspecting humans.

Black attracts evil entities while white repels them.
White attracts the forces of good while black repels them.

The same goes for lighting a WHITE CANDLE by your bedside (Always place lit candles in safe stands PLEASE!) as you are about to go to bed.
The light of the lit candle is symbolic of the God of Light and of course, the forces of light as against the forces of darkness. Hence, when you have a candle lit before going to bed, you are consciously inviting the forces of light to protect you as you journey through the night in your sleep, against the forces of darkness.
This is added to the fact that it is a white colored candle where the white color is already in itself an invitation to the forces of good as against the forces of evil.

This is actually your second question, but you mistakenly numbered it as your third (3).
Sea water is being used for spiritual cleansing because of its natural salt content.

Just as worms will have nothing to do with salt, evil spirits detest salt a lot and will readily scamper out of your way if you bring salt against them.
Salt naturally repels evil, especially if used in certain ways or in a cleansing ritual.
Unfortunately, some of the table salts available to us on the market today have been adulterated and are more or less synthetic (artificial in nature) because of other chemicals that have been added.
Natural salt, found in abundance in sea water, is very effective as a weapon against evil spirits and this makes sea water a highly potent source of immense spiritual cleansing powers.

That said, you can actually turn the sea water into a HOLY WATER by adding a SPIRITUAL PERFUME, such as 'St Michael', to it.
Holy water is powerful in itself but when it is now made out of sea water, having had prayers said into it, you have a very powerful weapon in your hands against evil spirits.

You will find the remaining steps outlined here: https://www.kimngo.org/9-step-solution-to-sex-in-dreams/


For help, prayers and deliverance:
Chris Matthew
Helpline: +234-9011617876

Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by Cutehector(m): 11:45pm On Jul 10, 2015
Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 11:49pm On Jul 10, 2015
Well, like they say, 'They don't write it on their forehead'.

Generally, there are usually no physical signs, except in severe cases, where the lady (victim of sexual molestation and attacks in dream) has been so badly battered and her life is so generally miserable that she is almost going bananas. In such a case, you can easily tell because you will see the tell-tale signs of misery and bad-luck, serial failures, dis-organisation and dis-orientation trailing her everywhere she goes.

If she has (that is, still having...) spirit children and spirit husband which makes a spirit family, she is not likely to be successful at keeping another nuclear family in the human physical realm.
She will either be barren or will keep experiencing serial miscarriages for reasons not medically known.
This is because her incubus spirit family will jealously want her for themselves alone and can not stand the sight of seeing her shower her attention on another family as both wife and mother.

Sometimes, such a woman 'knows' or 'feels' in her subconscious that she has a family in another realm and you may sometime catch her off guard, seemingly talking to herself but no, she is actually communicating with her children.

Suppose she has had (used to have, but now, no longer having...) spirit children/family and has now severed her ties with them through an effective deliverance; then, we can safely say that whatever unseen factors that were stopping her either from conceiving or carrying safely a pregnancy completely from conception to safe delivery, would have been defeated and destroyed through the effective deliverance she got.
So, now, she can actually enjoy her relationships and marriage as the case might be.

By the way, it will interest you to know that there are different types of dream-sex attacks based on the interest level of the attacking Incubus (Male sex demon that attacks women in their dream while asleep).
To know the types, I believe it will help to first and foremost understudy the reasons for the attacks.

For the purpose of this discussion, let us consider a human female and spirit male dream-sex-attack scenario.

Physical attractiveness goes a long way in attracting various male friends (both humans and unseen non-humans) who appreciate the natural beauty and allure of a young lady.
The strange thing, however, is that sometimes, it is not only beauty that attracts those un-welcomed spirit entities; a woman's spiritual gifts or supernatural abilities can also magnetize unwanted spirit lovers.

Suppose as a woman, if you have special spiritual abilities (if you are psychic, for instance), that ability could make unseen spiritual entities get attracted to you up to an extent that some of them want to have you to themselves alone as a spouse/wife to the extent of even bearing children for them in the spirit realm.
I am sure you are currently wondering why your spiritual abilities may be the reason you are been molested by an unwanted spirit lover.
The reason is that anyone that is gifted spiritually is able to connect in one way or the other with the other world (the unseen spiritual realm) which is where such persons got their special spiritual powers and abilities in the first place.
Some of such powers/abilities/gifts/talents are inherited unknowingly from parents or family members, some actually come as a true GIFT from unknown benefactors while Mother Nature, for reasons no one can explain or understand, just simply endows some people with special supernatural abilities right from birth!

Now, anyone with those kind of special spiritual endowments regularly connect with the unseen world either consciously or subconsciously and it is from this realm that they download hidden secrets, details of the past or future, inspiration, visions, ability to do humanly impossible feats and ability to hear voices no ordinary persons can hear or see invisible things that no one else can see.

The person's ability to connect with both physical and the unseen worlds makes the person have dual world traveler, which makes it possible for such a person to attract friends/admirers in any of both worlds either knowingly or unknowingly.

A spiritual admirer may take on the form of a human being (through shape-shifting) to approach you (asking for your consent) to be in a relationship together in real life, while some of them may just decide to take undue advantage of you while you are asleep by sexually molesting/raping you while your defenses are down as you sleep not just to sleep with you but to make you theirs permanently (without your consent).

The aim of such sexual attacks are usually in either of three folds, which brings us to types of dream-sex attacks:

Generally, there are three (3) types and they are listed below.

It could be to just have you as a lover
This type of attack keeps coming frequently because the attacker is in a relationship with you. Sometimes, the attack appears to stop but only for a period of time, as he will keep coming on short visits and going away for a while.
He has his family elsewhere and you are just his mistress/concubine, so he only comes when he needs you.

It could be to have you as a wife and thereby raise a family by you in the spirit realm.
In this case, he tries to have a very strong hold on you.
He is always there monitoring you and everything you do. He wants to keep you all to himself and have all his children by you.
Attacks of this type are usually resident, meaning, they come and they stay without wanting to ever leave the victim.
Such attacks affect her not only when she is asleep, but also invade every other facet of her everyday human life.
This type of attacker is so overtly jealous that he will readily make life impossible for any human man who tries to date the lady or marry her. If she was already married before he met her, he will ruin that marriage by inflicting the human married lady (victim) with all manner of strange problems such as miscarriages, barrenness, inexplicable hatred and quarrels from the human husband or his relatives and so on, just to break the marriage and keep the woman all to himself.
If the lady was still a Spinster when he meets her, he will make her undesirable to eligible Bachelors and she will keep experiencing serial disappointments from men, for no meaningful reasons, no matter how beautiful or gracefully mannered she is.
This type of dream-sex attack is the most terrible and is usually a very stubborn type.
Nevertheless, it can be tackled and surmounted.

Please read the biblical account of such incidences in the Holy Bible as narrated in the book of Genesis chapter 6 verse 4.

It could just be for the fun of sexual gratification/enjoyment
This type of attack can be called 'hit and run' type because it does not occur too many times.
Sometimes, the victim only gets attacked once or twice in her entire life.
The attacker is only interested in sexually divesting the ravaging beauty of the human victim, just to satisfy his sexual urge or momentary lustful appetite.
He attacks the lady in her sleep and satisfies himself sexually with her.
After that, he simply goes his way and does not come back to bother the lady again.

For such attacks, the victim may not experience any setbacks in her real life relationships, businesses, finance or other facets of her life.
He is not interested in keeping her for himself, so, he does not stop her from having or keeping real human relationships or from enjoying her normal everyday activities.

The funny thing is, sometimes, such an attacker could leave her with some new spiritual gift or ability, just to say, 'Thank you, for allowing me have a sexual taste of your beauty, even though I took advantage of you while you slept, without asking your consent for a relationship'. This is strange but true.

To every one out there having these terrible experiences, I say a word of assurance to you in the name of Jesus Christ:
Receive it in your relationships, in your finances, in your health, in your marriage and every facet of your troubled life in Jesus Mighty name. Amen.

Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by NnaNna4(m): 12:03pm On Jul 11, 2015
No matter how spiritual I have become, any day I sleep without boxers or just towel then I will get visitors mostly between 2-3am
Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 4:31am On Sep 11, 2017
The chapter on GateKeepers explains specifically why a human being falls victim to Incubus/Succubus attacks.

It explains the aims of the attacking sex demon and what one needs to do to break free.

You might want to download the complete book here: https://www.kimngo.org/9-step-solution-to-sex-in-dreams/
Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 3:03am On Dec 20, 2017
Here is thanking everyone for your interest in purchasing the book, "Incubus Succubus; Your Spirit Spouse & You" by Chris Matthew

I am glad to inform you that you can now pay in your local currency for this desired eBook purchase, anywhere in the world.

Attention was drawn to past challenges purchasing the eBook in Nigerian currency (Naira, ₦, NGN) owing to international payment issues.

Necessary steps have therefore been taken over this and you may now purchase the eBook securely online with ease paying with your international credit/debit cards.

​Incubus Succubus; Your Spirit Spouse & You - by Chris Matthew


Incubus and Succubus entities are randy demonic beings that attack and sexually molest humans as they sleep. They are often called, “Spirit Husband” and “Spirit Wife.”

Capable of attacking humans of any gender, race, age and faith; these unseen beings can unleash untold terror on their victims and can go to any lengths to claim ownership over their unannounced human spouses.

Real life problems arising from encounters with these unwelcome entities are better imagined than experienced. Marital challenges, serial miscarriages, barrenness, serial disappointments, relationship problems and financial troubles are typical examples.
INCUBUS SUCCUBUS; YOUR SPIRIT SPOUSE & YOU exposes deep secrets about the origin, causes and repercussions of dream-sex encounters. It offers the most effective measures against the menace of sex demons and their damaging effect on humans.

This book is a must-read for you if you have ever had a sexual or romantic encounter in your dreams either in the past or present.

Purchase the book with your international credit/debit card now! https://www.kimngo.org/9-step-solution-to-sex-in-dreams/

Paying within Nigeria but without credit/debit cards?
Amount N2,500
Request bank account details from folrunmedia@gmail.com

Send your name, email address and payment details to folrunmedia@gmail.com after payment.
The download link for the eBook will be sent to your email box shortly afterwards.

To your deliverance, success and breakthrough!

Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 8:14am On Jun 07, 2019
Find the 9 crucial steps to breaking free from Incubus / Succubus dream-sex attacks outlined here:



For help, prayers and deliverance:
Chris Matthew
Helpline: +234-9011617876
Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 5:58pm On Oct 02, 2019
If you are a 'SPECIAL' person, kindly consider researching more about who you really are.
It could be the reason these things are after you.

As a special and unique person (human-angel hybrid), you possess special supernatural abilities meant for certain purposes as decided by your Creator.
Haven't you noticed those strange abilities in you already?

If you are not applying your gifts and special powers at doing His will (God's special purpose for your life), you may find inexplicable and disturbing challenges coming your way with seemingly no way out.

All you need to do is a 'U-turn' back to Him, doing exactly what you were created for.

Never make the mistake of comparing yourself to the other person. You were created uniquely and purposefully.

My advice: Find your divine purpose and run with it.

More Info about Special People:

Read more about special people here: https://www.nairaland.com/5449226/special-unique-person-please-read

Remain blessed.
Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 5:08pm On Feb 15, 2020
The issues of sex-in-the-dream and spirit-sex are as old as time itself and perhaps you get the first glimpse of such events as these involving strange sexual encounters between spirit beings and humans in biblical times as recorded in the book of Genesis chapter 6.

Further reading reveals far more disturbing details in the Book of Tobit (Also called Tobias) where the entire book (Not just a few chapters) is completely dedicated to detailing these events as they occur and affect humankind.

For those interested on checking, the Book of Tobit (or Tobias) is part of the Catholic Orthodox biblical canons (Canonical Books).
It is preceded by the Book of Malachi and followed by the Book of Judith.

Those of you who have the popular Yellow Catholic Bible shown in the image below may have read these stories, so you know what I am talking about. Pick a copy up and read today. You may be surprised at what you find out!

If you are still unconvinced, you will do well to read personal experience stories from people who have experienced it at various times and at different levels.
Interestingly, these contributions are by people from different parts of the world and here, you get to see the magnitude of how serious and large scale these Incubus/Succubus attacks are.

Here is the link: https://www.yourghoststories.com/ghost-stories-categories.php?category=17&page=1

I nether own the website noted above nor do I have any affiliations with the owners, so let no one think I am making any personal pushes here.

Personally speaking, I don't hold anything against any reader or contributor out there who feels these things are being made up by me or anyone else.

I only ask that you be more open minded to understand that there are strange things happening, especially with strange entities from other DIMENSIONS entering our world and negatively impacting our lives for diverse reasons we never may understand.

For anyone out there who has been visited in their sleep and sexually molested, I understand how you feel about it because for the most part, it is never something you are proud about.

If anything, you want a stop and lasting solutions to these series of attacks.

www.naijainfoguide/Solutions to sex-in-dream

Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 12:57pm On Apr 21, 2020
The Lord is merciful and kind.

He has been kind enough to keep us alive till this day. May He help us end this COVID-19 pandemic soon in Jesus name.
Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 5:27pm On Aug 04, 2020
Hello everyone!
It has been nice having you here on Nairaland.

Quick update:
Here is a list of 4 new upcoming LifePath series books to be published soon by Chris Matthew:

01. 15 Effective Solutions To Sex-In-Dream Issues
02. Love Search - Finding Mr Right
03. The Way Of Purpose
04. Special People - A Deeper Look

About Book 01
"15 Effective Solutions To Sex-In-Dream Issues" -by Chris Matthew
The upcoming paper-print book highlights the causes and effects of dream-sex spirit encounters on humans.
It showcases the various problems and challenges that arise in a human victim's life when randy spirit entities known as Incubus and Succubus demons (Often called spirit spouses) have sexual escapades with humans as they lie in bed at night, fast asleep. It however also highlights ways out of such issues. You may read more about sex in dream issues here.

The book goes on to list fifteen (15) effective ways and solutions to getting out of the grip of such spirit spouses and the attendant strange or mysterious challenges their attacks bring.

The upcoming new book, "15 Effective Solutions To Sex In Dream Issues", not only comes in hard copy as a paper book but also includes additional details to quicken your break-away and deliverance from the dreaded randy demon, spirit spouse.

You will positively be impacting thousands of lives by being part of this publishing project through your generous donation(s).

Your Benefits as a Donor include:
* Your donation will be recorded and published on KIMNGO website as a show of gratitude (Except you prefer to e anonymous).
* You shall receive a personal “Thank You” message and donation receipt acknowledgement from Chris Matthew for your gesture of generosity and kindness.
* Your personal copies of the book(s) shall be sent to you for free when published, if you donate ₦10,000 or more.

Will you love to support this project?
Donate to be part of this amazing book publishing and work for God through this.

Love to?
Call Chris Matthew: +234-9011617876
Whatsapp: +234-9011617876
Email: successprayers@gmail.com

Project page:
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Re: Sleep Paralysis, Night Terrors, Night Visitors, Nightmares And Sex In Dreams by sprayer(m): 9:14am On Aug 05, 2020
Here is a list of 4 new upcoming LifePath series books to be published soon by Chris Matthew:

01. 15 Effective Solutions To Sex-In-Dream Issues
02. Love Search - Finding Mr Right
03. The Way Of Purpose
04. Special People - A Deeper Look

About Book 02
"Love Search - Finding Mr Right" -by Chris Matthew
Young people ask quite often, how they can locate their rightful marriage partner correctly.
They ask for guidance and hope to learn by drawing from the wealth of wisdom and experience of marriage counselors as well as couples in long standing marriage.
No one can afford to make the terrible mistake of marrying the wrongful spouse!

The upcoming paper-print book, "Love Search- Finding Mr Right" - By Chris Matthew pulls together the wisdom of the gods and man through both experience and spiritual guidance especially through interpretation of dreams and their strange symbolism as well as from the Word of God, the Bible. These bring personalized counseling and guidance to the reader. Reading the book will help you understand your dreams better as well as be able to decipher guidance codes that God brings your way often in order to prevent you from making costly mistakes in your journey through life.

You will positively be impacting thousands of lives by being part of this publishing project through your generous donation(s).

Your Benefits as a Donor include:
* Your donation will be recorded and published on KIMNGO website as a show of gratitude (Except you prefer to e anonymous).
* You shall receive a personal “Thank You” message and donation receipt acknowledgement from Chris Matthew for your gesture of generosity and kindness.
* Your personal copies of the book(s) shall be sent to you for free when published, if you donate ₦10,000 or more.

Will you love to support this project?
Donate to be part of this amazing book publishing and work for God through this.

Love to?
Call Chris Matthew: +234-9011617876
Whatsapp: +234-9011617876
Email: successprayers@gmail.com

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