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Homosexuals Storm National Assembly - Politics (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Nobody: 9:08pm On Jan 17, 2010
So we need to resist them before hell is let loose ooooooo
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by bawomolo(m): 9:12pm On Jan 17, 2010

So we need to resist them before hell is let loose ooooooo

word, the last thing we want to happen is sodom and gomorrah in the paradise called sub-saharran africa.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by mnenaj: 9:22pm On Jan 17, 2010

word, the last thing we want to happen is sodom and gomorrah in the paradise called sub-saharran africa.

Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by ElRazur: 9:24pm On Jan 17, 2010

word, the last thing we want to happen is sodom and gomorrah in the paradise called sub-saharran africa.


Who is that in your profile?
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by bawomolo(m): 9:28pm On Jan 17, 2010


Who is that in your profile?

just some fine chica from myspace http://www.myspace.com/jbaby8827
so what are you doing to stop this homosexual plague?
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by ElRazur: 9:31pm On Jan 17, 2010

just some fine chica from myspace http://www.myspace.com/jbaby8827
so what are you doing to stop this homosexual plague?

Oh cool. Thought it was you. wink

I have no problem with homosexuals. It means more women for me. grin All those people denying and showing all sorts of illogical phobias can't stop the inevitable. Homosexuals are here and they are here to stay. smiley
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Dammyray(m): 9:33pm On Jan 17, 2010
Nigeria must go grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by bawomolo(m): 9:35pm On Jan 17, 2010

Oh cool. Thought it was you. wink

I have no problem with homosexuals. It means more women for me. grin All those people denying and showing all sorts of illogical phobias can't stop the inevitable. Homosexuals are here and they are here to stay. smiley

abi o. the least of africa's problems is homosexuals.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by X3n(m): 9:51pm On Jan 17, 2010
This is ludarcrious!!,Alarming!!. They supposd 2 b sent 2 a serious psychiatic hospital, cos they re mentally derained!!. If at a point in d past,all of our fore-fathers became homo-sexualist nd lesbians, do u think u wuld hav surfaced? This is nt a human right issue,its a nut case. V.Soon,pple wuld start protesting 4 right 2 marry their dogs,cats or any pet they hv. How worse can dis world get?!!!
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by mamagee3(f): 9:59pm On Jan 17, 2010
Homosexuals need to get lost already,
they are our least problem, roaming around with
their indecency shouldn't be the right representation for Nigerians
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by ElRazur: 10:02pm On Jan 17, 2010

Homosexuals need to get lost already,
they are our least problem, roaming around with
their indecency shouldn't be the right representation for Nigerians

It is amazing that you can take some people abroad, but you can never take the idioti.c Nigerian mentality out of them.

Speaking of indecency, who are you to be the judge when you dress like this? [assuming it is you]
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by bawomolo(m): 10:06pm On Jan 17, 2010

Homosexuals need to get lost already,
they are our least problem, roaming around with
their indecency shouldn't be the right representation for Nigerians

yup, when i think of Nigeria, the first thing that pops out to my head is homosexuals?
you guys should stop living in fear.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Str8talk: 10:10pm On Jan 17, 2010
Homosexuals are no more NORMAL than paedophiles or other vermins.

They are really not normal - ANATOMY and the process of PROCREATION are enough evidence for this

We need to cull them. They will fester like rats if we give them any space

By the way, a straight guy should be wary of homos. They are looking for more people to turn into perverts. Otherwise why woukd they be looking for young children to adopt.

And of course what makes you think a homo will not force himself on another guy, straight or not.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by ElRazur: 10:13pm On Jan 17, 2010

Homosexuals are no more NORMAL than paedophiles or other vermins.

They are really not normal - ANATOMY and the process of PROCREATION are enough evidence for this

We need to cull them. They will fester like rats if we give them any space

By the way, a straight guy should be wary of homos. They are looking for more people to turn into perverts. Otherwise why woukd they be looking for young children to adopt.

And of course what makes you think a homo will not force himself on another guy, straight or not.

What a load of drivel. Do you have any formal education at all?
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by mnenaj: 10:17pm On Jan 17, 2010

Homosexuals are no more NORMAL than paedophiles or other vermins.

They are really not normal - ANATOMY and the process of PROCREATION are enough evidence for this

We need to cull them. They will fester like rats if we give them any space

By the way, a straight guy should be wary of homos. They are looking for more people to turn into perverts. Otherwise why woukd they be looking for young children to adopt.

And of course what makes you think a homo will not force himself on another guy, straight or not.

shocked what the??
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Str8talk: 10:18pm On Jan 17, 2010
No, I don't have any formal education.
However I can read what is written on Naira land and I can also post
It would really be useful if you can focus on my points and prove that
(a) Anatomy has no place in this matter
(b) A homo cannot force himself on another guy
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Nobody: 10:28pm On Jan 17, 2010
What is fight here about.if homo is what anybody can die for to defend,let me ask a simple and i need a polite answer for gay supporters
-how many of you guys are gay
-how many of you would like to become gay in the nearest future.
-do you find being a gay an interesting thing
-have you ever told anybody of your gay status esp your parent
-if nL is a live forum,can you identify yourself as a gay
-in the real sense,what does gay mean to you
i need those gay supporters to answer these question before i turn into a gay basher.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by ElRazur: 10:40pm On Jan 17, 2010

No, I don't have any formal education.
However I can read what is written on Naira land and I can also post
It would really be useful if you can focus on my points and prove that
(a) Anatomy has no place in this matter
(b) A homo cannot force himself on another guy

You are slowpoke of 100% high grade smelly shi.t. Your logic is flawed hence why I asked you if you have any formal education. Now let us demolish your bullshi.t, one at a time.


Homosexuals are no more NORMAL than paedophiles or other vermins.

No you foo.l. Homosexuals are not the same as a Paedophile. It is a general misconception to associate homosexuals with Paedophile. Here, let me give you a rough explanation. Homosexuals are attracted to same sex [hence the word homo] while paedophiles can be attracted to both sexes or one of each, but usually a kid that is not sexually mature.  On that alone, you showed you know little or nothing.

They are really not normal - ANATOMY and the process of PROCREATION are enough evidence for this

Funny enough, I have "Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. Grabwoski and Torta" that I have been reading lately in front of me. Please explain to me why there is an anatomical differences between a heterosexual and a homosexual. From what I can see, there is nothing to suggest so by those who know better than you and me. But may be you know something I dont.

We need to cull them. They will fester like rats if we give them any space

Yeah cull them why not? After all, you lack the common sense to realise that they are humans. I mean once you finish that, what is there to stop you from culling Hausas? Igbo? Fulanis? Oh wait, someone had an idea like that before, his name was Hitler. What an idio.t.

By the way, a straight guy should be wary of homos. They are looking for more people to turn into perverts. Otherwise why woukd they be looking for young children to adopt.

I am straight and no I have no irrational or illogical fear of homosexual.

Again you showed how idiotic you are. You cannot "catch" homosexuality, it is something one is born with. You know the same way some people like slim ladies, while other prefer fat bald men? It is the same principle. It is not a choice one just wake up one day to make.

And of course what makes you think a homo will not force himself on another guy, straight or not.

Why do you think of that? Are you insecure in your own sexuality? No, homosexuals are people like you and me, they do not deserve all this cra.p you are mentioning. Period. As a heterosexual, do you go around to "jump" on everyone? Omo you need help.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by bawomolo(m): 10:41pm On Jan 17, 2010

Homosexuals are no more NORMAL than paedophiles or other vermins.

They are really not normal - ANATOMY and the process of PROCREATION are enough evidence for this

We need to cull them. They will fester like rats if we give them any space

By the way, a straight guy should be wary of homos. They are looking for more people to turn into perverts. Otherwise why woukd they be looking for young children to adopt.

And of course what makes you think a homo will not force himself on another guy, straight or not.

this one is scared of turning gay. just come out of the closet sir  grin
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by MandingoII(m): 10:45pm On Jan 17, 2010
I thought most of your F_ags left Nigeria and is living in Amerikka and UK

those must be the Ghetto punks, lol
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Nobody: 10:49pm On Jan 17, 2010
F u c k i n g f a g s.i just wish they recommend death penalty for them
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by yeswecan(m): 10:56pm On Jan 17, 2010

F u c k i n g f a g s.i just wish they recommend death penalty for them

Why ? because they are attracted to same sex, how does it affect you? look here WE can't make laws on religious pedestal; even if you don't believe in God there should be a place for you in the society. I am not gay I don't intend to be but i think they should be treated with respect, why wishing death penalty for them? are they the cause of the mess we have in Nigeria?
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by yeswecan(m): 11:02pm On Jan 17, 2010
@bawomolo   you are good-looking believe me.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Nobody: 11:13pm On Jan 17, 2010

F u c k i n g f a g s.i just wish they recommend death penalty for them

word is bond! when are they going to do the same for adulterers and fornicators - or do you think homosexuals were the SOLE reason sodom and gomorrah were destroyed?
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by THEAMAKA(f): 11:14pm On Jan 17, 2010
this is getting out oh hand, kosovo, move this to the religion section, abeg!!
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Str8talk: 11:16pm On Jan 17, 2010
I actually know the difference between a paedophile and a homo, notwithstanding my lack of formal education
But if you ask a paedophile (that is the guy who loves making loves to the underaged), he will claim that it is natural (he was born with it) and cannot do anything about it
That is the same excuse a homosexual will also come up with
So they are BOTH hiding under the claim of being congenitally unhinged

The difference between a homo and hetero guy is their sexual preference
So anatomically they are the same
But the homo guy wants to satisfy his sexual needs by standing anatomy on its head
He chooses to use that part of the body that is meant for evacuating waste - so he chooses this abnormal application of anatomy
The hetero guy does what anatomically makes sense to a hermit who has never seen a woman before

Hitler says he will kill ALL people of a particular race - criminal or law abiding, normal or perverted
That is different from culling perverts and they are peverts according to both religion and our culture
Your problem is not really with me
Just go to your home town and announce to your parents that you are a homo and you will see their reaction

Homosexuality is not an infection
It is!
A lot of guys leave Nigeria and spend a few years abroad and suddenly they start doing things with other guys
Those environments are infectious. Homosexuality is a lifestyle thing!
Of course to a lot of us, anything Nigerian is inferior, outmoded and uncivilised
So we need to embrace anything foreign, no matter how repugnant to commonsense

A hetero does not have anything to fear from a homo
I disagree
A guy traditionally has not heard cause to fear sexual harrasment the way ladies do
But the more homos you have, the higher the chances of some them taking pleasure by force
So I now need to start glancing over my shoulder when lorry loads of these your misfits hit town

And how will homos help procreation?
You have not attempted an answer to that, though you failed in your attempts with the others
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Nobody: 11:20pm On Jan 17, 2010
This said im not gay,the other one said im not gay and they keep supporting it just because some animals in human form wanted to exercise their animal right.im waitin to see just one person to openly declare being a gay to come and defend this thread.the only proxies here are freedom fighters and gay-wannabes who feel like the world would be an interesting place if men start runnin after themselves for s e x, may God punish homosexuals!!!!!!!!
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by yeswecan(m): 11:27pm On Jan 17, 2010

This said im not gay,the other one said im not gay and they keep supporting it just because some animals in human form wanted to exercise their animal right.im waitin to see just one person to openly declare being a gay to come and defend this thread.the only proxies here are freedom fighters and gay-wannabes who feel like the world would be an interesting place if men start runnin after themselves for s e x, may God punish homosexuals!!!!!!!!

The world is going "liberal" join the wagon.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by bawomolo(m): 11:32pm On Jan 17, 2010
Homosexuality is not an infection
It is!
A lot of guys leave Nigeria and spend a few years abroad and suddenly they start doing things with other guys

we have solved the problem, all the Nigerian homosexuals got their behavior from obodo oyinbo

But the more homos you have, the higher the chances of some them taking pleasure by force

lol oh boy, someone has been watching way too much prison movies.


this is getting out oh hand, kosovo, move this to the religion section, abeg!!

why move it there, leave it here. Lee see how the so-called educated and tolerant nigerians think
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by Nobody: 11:32pm On Jan 17, 2010
I actually know the difference between a paedophile and a homo, notwithstanding my lack of formal education
But if you ask a paedophile (that is the guy who loves making loves to the underaged), he will claim that it is natural (he was born with it) and cannot do anything about it
That is the same excuse a homosexual will also come up with
So they are BOTH hiding under the claim of being congenitally unhinged

are you familiar with the phrase consenting adults?

The difference between a homo and hetero guy is their sexual preference
So anatomically they are the same
But the homo guy wants to satisfy his sexual needs by standing anatomy on its head
He chooses to use that part of the body that is meant for evacuating waste - so he chooses this abnormal application of anatomy
The hetero guy does what anatomically makes sense to a hermit who has never seen a woman before

dude the willy and the toto also serve excretory functions - surely u realise that piss is an excretory product from the kidneys which is stored in the bladder and passed through the willy/toto

when i was a kid, i used to think recreation meant they guy inserted and passed urine  cheesy

Homosexuality is not an infection
It is!
A lot of guys leave Nigeria and spend a few years abroad and suddenly they start doing things with other guys
Those environments are infectious. Homosexuality is a lifestyle thing!
Of course to a lot of us, anything Nigerian is inferior, outmoded and uncivilised
So we need to embrace anything foreign, no matter how repugnant to commonsense

a more honest answer, the nature of nigeria, going by this thread alone, means that most people with homosexual inclinatins will keep them in the closet - who wanst to be branded a witch/wizard/child of satan/ the reason for naijas curse, etc . a person like that goes abroad, and finds that as far as they are concerned - nothing do you - u think he will continue to hide?

A hetero does not have anything to fear from a homo
I disagree
A guy traditionally has not heard cause to fear sexual harrasment the way ladies do
But the more homos you have, the higher the chances of some them taking pleasure by force
So I now need to start glancing over my shoulder when lorry loads of these your misfits hit town

what you are really saying is that all men - i hope na yaself u dey refer to here - have no self control. do women also have to stare over their shoulders when lorryloads of men are in town?

And how will homos help procreation?
You have not attempted an answer to that, though you failed in your attempts with the others

you seem to think that homosexuals are an epidemic that will take over mankind . you also seem to think that s.ex is only about procreation.
there are enough heterosxuals to ensure the continuity of the human race
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by ElRazur: 11:34pm On Jan 17, 2010
So they are BOTH hiding under the claim of being congenitally unhinged

You are full of crap. Conversely, same arguments can be used for a heterosexual, therefore the point is moot. And that is me putting it nicely.

He chooses to use that part of the body that is meant for evacuating waste - so he chooses this abnormal application of anatomy

You will find a lot of Heterosexual people try out ana.l s,ex. Does that make them gay? Is the mouth designed for giving fluting? No it isn't, but my god plenty of people like it. Is the tongue designed for licking punanni? Not at all, but plenty of ladies love it. You see, your arguments are useless.
A grown man or woman can do whatever they want with their body, who the heck are you to object?

Just go to your home town and announce to your parents that you are a homo and you will see their reaction

Your point is? What is that got to do with the issue I raised?

Those environments are infectious. Homosexuality is a lifestyle thing!

I am a man of proof, once you give me proof I will take you serious, in the mean time, you are an idi.ot for spouting such drivel.

But the more homos you have, the higher the chances of some them taking pleasure by force

That is non-sense. There are more heterosexuals in the world, do they go around forcing people? You are once again showing an illogical fear, this my friend is called "Homophobia".

And how will homos help procreation?

How is that your concern? Plenty of people who are straight do not have kids and they live their lives just fine. I think you may have better understanding once you move away from your rigid and idioti.c mentality.
Re: Homosexuals Storm National Assembly by THEAMAKA(f): 11:35pm On Jan 17, 2010
@bawomolo are you being sarcastic? I'm so lost with your posts, or maybe it's just me. . .  undecided

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