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Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me - Romance - Nairaland

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Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by SunshineNYC(f): 3:52am On Jul 31, 2015
I'm in this terrible situation and don't know how to drag myself out of it. I met this guy 5 years ago and we've dated off and on since then. He's always a bit detached and distant in the relationship and I'll admit he's done some pretty messed up things to me. This relationship causes me a lot of anxiety, frustration and heartaches but still I love him.Our last break up was a year ago and it was the worst of all. I don't want to make this too long so I won't go in to detail but it was so bad that for months I hated him, pure hatred and swore I would never speak to him again but he has a hold on me that I can't explain and here I am pining away for him again knowing fully well if I give in I'd be making a fool of myself.

What is this grip that he has on my heart? It's just not natural how much I love this idiot that keeps mistreating me. I've tried to date another guy but couldn't make it work because I'm still stuck on my ex. I never thought I'd be in this situation and usually I'm a very level headed and rational person. I'm usually very careful about not accepting any form of abuse from anyone but when it comes to him, all good sense goes out the door. I need some big sis and big bro advice from you guys. How do I shake this stupidity aka love off?

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Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by xpac01(m): 4:15am On Jul 31, 2015
Every sense in me tells me the that se.x with the guy has been sweet and this sleazy honey moments haa got a strong grip on your soul. Infact you're scared that you might not meet some other guy as good in the sack.

My dear open up your heart and give a green light to another nice guy, and watch how you drop this muchicanaso like some hot spoilt yam.

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Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by kilokeys(m): 4:16am On Jul 31, 2015
He know how press your mumu button grin


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by Behira(f): 4:30am On Jul 31, 2015
cheesy Some funny comments are trooping in already.....and am just gonna sit and observe. wink
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by raayah(f): 4:47am On Jul 31, 2015
You have to be an adult in this situation and realize that this relationship is unhealthy for you.

No one is going to force you to leave him.

Be honest with yourself. Grow a pair and stop contacting this man. Give it time and you will be able to get over yourself.
I will also advice you to love yourself. If you love yourself, its easier for you to be more honest with yourself and you will want to do the right thing for yourself.

You can end this relationship.

Find your inner strength.

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Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by saintneo(m): 5:22am On Jul 31, 2015
Every sense in me tells me the that se.x with the guy has been sweet and this sleazy honey moments haa got a strong grip on your soul. Infact you're scared that you might not meet some other guy as good in the sack.

My dear open up your heart and give a green light to another nice guy, and watch how you drop this muchicanaso like some hot spoilt yam.
absolutely on point.

BTW, have a look at Nigeria glo Premier League Fixtures and the Star Match of the Week.
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by Nobody: 5:23am On Jul 31, 2015
and some guy out there is trying his best just for you to acknowledge n reciprocate his feelings for you..


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Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by BRIGHTTAZ: 5:34am On Jul 31, 2015
Only u can free urself nobody will do it u.

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Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by swtdrms(m): 5:36am On Jul 31, 2015
Sincerely its not easy dropping this guy because i have a clear understanding of what you are going thru, i thnk i'v experienced too many "bad good and ugly" things to see into how hard it is to depart from him. That being said, you first of all have to be convinced he is completely d wrong guy, cuz if that conviction isn't there, any little disappointment from other guy will make him be like "after all he's better than so many guys out there" and you'll be tempted to accept him back.

Secondly, avoid his terrain, try avoid him as much as you can. Any innocent contact, seeing each other will strike back the good memories you had with him, from there the resistance you'v been trying to develop either crumbles immediately or begin to crumble. (how i wish i can tell a small story what my experience was but no time)

Thirdly, get your life going, mix with people, friends, relation, inshort get busy, try avoid loneliness and boredom, because these are the factors that'll strike back that fun memories you both had, and to make matter worse, if his call come in at that moment and he talk some sweet words into your heart, ehn! thats a bomb ooooo, you'll just be like, i can't just leave this guy, thereby deceiving yourself that he'll change ds time around. Babe na lie oooo, em no go change.

With these three steps, i thnk in a short while you would have freed yourself from his shackles although not completely but to a great extend where you'll be ready for another guy, hopefully more reasonable and responsible guy to enter your heart.

I wish you all the best and hope your next prospect will be a joyous, happy and fruitful one. free your mind, spirit and heart and enjoy the good things of life.


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by AnyibestDede(m): 5:59am On Jul 31, 2015
What u need to do is to ask urself what u really want. I knw is not easy but u hv to start frm somewhere and try to convince urself that he is the wrong guy 4 u. Open ur heart to a nice guy and try to 4get abt anything that reminds u of ur ex. I wish u luck
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by Menace2Society(m): 6:07am On Jul 31, 2015
I'm the bad guy grin


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by Adaeze003(f): 6:14am On Jul 31, 2015
I can't shake off the feeling that it's the sex that's making you crazy undecided undecided

Well I usually let people make their mistakes and learn but since you've been making the same mistake for 5 years, I do wonder when you'll learn.

I think he's also a bad boy coz what those bad niggerz do to you girl's brain ehn, I can't understand.

Well I'm just gonna say... Use your head, make a conscious step to end all communication with him. Delete him from your list in all social media and don't call or text him. If he calls pick up but don't go out with him or let him visit.

You mustn't jump into another man's bed to get over this one. Find a hubby to engage in or something.

I know you'll think he has or will change buh uhm... he didn't change for 5 years so... don't kid yourself.

Experience remains the best teacher but it mustn't be your own... wink


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by tpiander: 6:33am On Jul 31, 2015
who de guy, as they'd ask in Jamaica.
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by 0luwatope(m): 6:46am On Jul 31, 2015
Issokay, i stand to be corrected because am only a teen but this is what i do before i go into any relationship. I baricade my heart and create a love limit for my partner, i hope for the best and always expect the worst. People change and so do their feelings. Someone that means everything to you today may be totally useless tommorow. Why let that inner foolishness of love control you in the first place? Am sorry you might not be able to forget it because memories last forever but what might help u is to stop being alone, move with your funny friends, crazy friends, when you are alone, u get depressed so try to be with a crazy or stubborn friend for sometime....


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by Dygeasy(m): 6:53am On Jul 31, 2015
Think beyond the sex, think beyond his looks. First steps to freeing yourself.
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by tpiander: 6:55am On Jul 31, 2015
girl I wanna shake you down, I can gi' you all the lovin' you need. . . . ..

Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by BluStreak(m): 6:56am On Jul 31, 2015
Sweetheart, I've walked down this road before. You sure can get over him but you need to start the process. It starts from loosing him is all your social media accounts, phone contact, his pictures and even avoid his friends.

It's when you have done all these will your reset module begin to run.

You will get over his hold in no time.


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by obotblitz(m): 7:15am On Jul 31, 2015
Hook up with me and you'll 4 get about d guy
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by khassy(m): 7:25am On Jul 31, 2015
the guy took your name to EDO angryangry

Edo winches can explain better

oya Wheesin come and explain una activities


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by wheesin(m): 7:57am On Jul 31, 2015
the guy took your name to EDO angryangry

Edo winches can explain better

oya Wheesin come and explain una activities

abeg when the girl mention edo ? Better buy original drugs, before your sickness worsens


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by khassy(m): 8:14am On Jul 31, 2015

abeg when the girl mention edo ? Better buy original drugs, before your sickness worsens

TFY. who dash you phone abi u still d mange that one undecidedundecided

BTW how yabaleft n... I hear say you try escape bug dem catch you undecidedundecided
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by Walexz02(m): 8:48am On Jul 31, 2015
Babe may be you don't know that it is not all does who meet that'll stay in your life for ever... You have to realise that no matter how good some things are, you just have to let them go for good... Without this one may not grow in mind... So, decide whether you still wanna be with this guys, stay with him without any regrets or move out of the relationship... Get your ass off the fence you have nothing to gain sitting for too long on a fence..cheers!


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by peedeeasobie(m): 9:29am On Jul 31, 2015
you don't need any advice at all.

you need your heart to be scattered and completely broken then your brain will reset.

Right now, foolishness is working in you and it won't stop until this guy has completely ruined your life!

pls come back after he has ruined you then we may be able to console you!

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Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by Nobody: 9:59am On Jul 31, 2015
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by SunshineNYC(f): 10:00am On Jul 31, 2015
Every sense in me tells me the that se.x with the guy has been sweet and this sleazy honey moments haa got a strong grip on your soul. Infact you're scared that you might not meet some other guy as good in the sack.

My dear open up your heart and give a green light to another nice guy, and watch how you drop this muchicanaso like some hot spoilt yam.

It's not just about the sex. I've tried giving the green light to someone else. Guess I need to try harder.
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by SunshineNYC(f): 10:02am On Jul 31, 2015
He know how press your mumu button grin

I guess so embarassed
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by SunshineNYC(f): 10:05am On Jul 31, 2015
You have to be an adult in this situation and realize that this relationship is unhealthy for you.

No one is going to force you to leave him.

Be honest with yourself. Grow a pair and stop contacting this man. Give it time and you will be able to get over yourself.
I will also advice you to love yourself. If you love yourself, its easier for you to be more honest with yourself and you will want to do the right thing for yourself.

You can end this relationship.

Find your inner strength.

"Unhealthy" is definitely the right word. I hear you loud and clear. Thanks for being honest.
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by SunshineNYC(f): 10:11am On Jul 31, 2015
Sincerely its not easy dropping this guy because i have a clear understanding of what you are going thru, i thnk i'v experienced too many "bad good and ugly" things to see into how hard it is to depart from him. That being said, you first of all have to be convinced he is completely d wrong guy, cuz if that conviction isn't there, any little disappointment from other guy will make him be like "after all he's better than so many guys out there" and you'll be tempted to accept him back.

Secondly, avoid his terrain, try avoid him as much as you can. Any innocent contact, seeing each other will strike back the good memories you had with him, from there the resistance you'v been trying to develop either crumbles immediately or begin to crumble. (how i wish i can tell a small story what my experience was but no time)

Thirdly, get your life going, mix with people, friends, relation, inshort get busy, try avoid loneliness and boredom, because these are the factors that'll strike back that fun memories you both had, and to make matter worse, if his call come in at that moment and he talk some sweet words into your heart, ehn! thats a bomb ooooo, you'll just be like, i can't just leave this guy, thereby deceiving yourself that he'll change ds time around. Babe na lie oooo, em no go change.

With these three steps, i thnk in a short while you would have freed yourself from his shackles although not completely but to a great extend where you'll be ready for another guy, hopefully more reasonable and responsible guy to enter your heart.

I wish you all the best and hope your next prospect will be a joyous, happy and fruitful one. free your mind, spirit and heart and enjoy the good things of life.

You have made so many truthful statements here, I don't even know where to start. Thanks so much. A lot of this I know in my heart but it really helps when someone helps put it in perspective for you. Much respect.
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by jackyraw09: 10:12am On Jul 31, 2015
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by SunshineNYC(f): 10:14am On Jul 31, 2015
What u need to do is to ask urself what u really want. I knw is not easy but u hv to start frm somewhere and try to convince urself that he is the wrong guy 4 u. Open ur heart to a nice guy and try to 4get abt anything that reminds u of ur ex. I wish u luck

Thanks a lot. I'll give the "open my heart to a nice guy" thing a much bigger effort next time around.
Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by jackyraw09: 10:19am On Jul 31, 2015
I'm in this terrible situation and don't know how to drag myself out of it. I met this guy 5 years ago and we've dated off and on since then. He's always a bit detached and distant in the relationship and I'll admit he's done some pretty messed up things to me. This relationship causes me a lot of anxiety, frustration and heartaches but still I love him.Our last break up was a year ago and it was the worst of all. I don't want to make this too long so I won't go in to detail but it was so bad that for months I hated him, pure hatred and swore I would never speak to him again but he has a hold on me that I can't explain and here I am pining away for him again knowing fully well if I give in I'd be making a fool of myself.

What is this grip that he has on my heart? It's just not natural how much I love this idiot that keeps mistreating me. I've tried to date another guy but couldn't make it work because I'm still stuck on my ex. I never thought I'd be in this situation and usually I'm a very level headed and rational person. I'm usually very careful about not accepting any form of abuse from anyone but when it comes to him, all good sense goes out the door. I need some big sis and big bro advice from you guys. How do I shake this stupidity aka love off?


Re: Talk Some Sense Into My Head.... This Guy Is No Good For Me by SunshineNYC(f): 10:19am On Jul 31, 2015
Issokay, i stand to be corrected because am only a teen but this is what i do before i go into any relationship. I baricade my heart and create a love limit for my partner, i hope for the best and always expect the worst. People change and so do their feelings. Someone that means everything to you today may be totally useless tommorow. Why let that inner foolishness of love control you in the first place? Am sorry you might not be able to forget it because memories last forever but what might help u is to stop being alone, move with your funny friends, crazy friends, when you are alone, u get depressed so try to be with a crazy or stubborn friend for sometime....

I agree with so much of what you said. You may be just a teen but you express yourself with wisdom. Hoping for the best but being prepared for the worse will probably save me a lot of future heartache. I'm not going to barricade my heart though because that can cause you to shut good people out unless by "barricade" you mean being more vigilant about who I let in an when. If so that's solid advice. Thanks.

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