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Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) - Education (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by Orikinla(m): 12:07pm On Aug 01, 2015
Being literate is not the issue. Being educated is.
1000000 LIKES.[/size] grin
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by freecocoa(f): 12:11pm On Aug 01, 2015

There's no 'general sense' of the word literacy. Its definition is definite, you're only grasping at straws.

Would you then call a Russian scientist researching in America who does not understand English an illiterate?

You're severely unexposed, which is why you think only the Koran is being studied in Arabic. These children do sums, and study arabic literature in various fields including Law (Sharia'h) so before you mention me again, expose yourself to some enlightenment.

Say what you may to defend your islamic beliefs, imagine using sharia law as a point in this argument, please pray tell, under what principle is the sharia law? You are a dunce.

I maintain that on this thread as started by the OP, the average northern muslim is an illiterate because all they know is their religion and their religion is not the yardstick for measurement of literacy in this country, any other thing is irrelevant.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by iamrealdeji(m): 12:13pm On Aug 01, 2015
.......oga surgery did not sraer in Arab world ....it started in Africa Egypt.... and don't open ur smelly mouth and say Egypt is an Arab country because civilization started way back b4 Arabs came to Egypt
abdulaz,you should have asked them who developed Algebra,i need to enlighten a lot of people here,if yall don't know,algebra was developed by Al-Khwārizmī and Omar Khayyam
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by iamrealdeji(m): 12:13pm On Aug 01, 2015
.......oga surgery did not sraer in Arab world ....it started in Africa Egypt.... and don't open ur smelly mouth and say Egypt is an Arab country because civilization started way back b4 Arabs came to Egypt
abdulaz,you should have asked them who developed Algebra,i need to enlighten a lot of people here,if yall don't know,algebra was developed by Al-Khwārizmī and Omar Khayyam abd they're arabs
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by fulanimafia: 12:19pm On Aug 01, 2015
Say what you may to defend your islamic beliefs, imagine using sharia law as a point in this argument, please pray tell, under what principle is the sharia law? You are a dunce.

I maintain that on this thread as started by the OP, the average northerner is an illiterate because all they know is their religion and their religion is not the yardstick for measurement of literacy in this country, any other thing is irrelevant.

Now the she-male is attacking the messenger since the message is bullet-proof.

Your answer, under the principle of justice.

News flash, I am not even a Muslim, and Shariah law as retrogressive as it may be, is a field of law in its own right, acknowledged and adopted by aspects of the British legal system, just as it is enshrined in our constitution.


You are severely ignorant, bigoted and obviously a half-baked product of any institution you attended visited.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by fulanimafia: 12:24pm On Aug 01, 2015

I maintain that on this thread as started by the OP, the average northerner is an illiterate because all they know is their religion and their religion is not the yardstick for measurement of literacy in this country, any other thing is irrelevant.

This thread has established that northerners have been literate since before colonialism, and they have applied their knowledge to cutting edge inventions, and developed their towns into mega-cities.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by Mbediogu(m): 12:34pm On Aug 01, 2015
Yet, you called them names.

They called us ILLITRATES, little did they know that we were LITRATE even the Advent of the European to the the country.

Koran literacy. Why then is BH trending
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by SimpleAdeminya(m): 12:34pm On Aug 01, 2015
One thing that really amaze me is the level of ignorance displayed by many nigerians while they claim to be literate. The day i watched a documentary of how basic science started from Iraq by the arab muslims, i was shocked. you will be surprised to know that from algebra and many many more in mathematics to chataract removal from the eye through operation in biology medicine if you like to the developement of the burrete and other equipments in chemistry are all credited to the arabs by the western historians as that was the blatant truth.

However, you may be surprised as to why the arabs are so backward today and i will tell you that the same western historians has equally narrated to us that it was the westerners that translated the works of these arab muslims genius in to their various languages and destroyed the arabic versions. According to the historians, during the destruction of these beautiful work of the arab muslims, the sea colour turned to black due to the ink used to write on the paper works that were thrown in the ocean.

Today you are enjoying these basic technology which included paper developed by the arab muslims that were researched and developed in to what is now known as modern technology. Let me remind all the haters of muslims to be aware of the truth by doing quality and unbiased research in to the history of knowledge and sincerely appreciating the effort of the muslims who are the architect of the basic technology that give rise to the present technology.

You will notice that a particular group of people in this country are very bitter especially about muslims such that when the good things Islam encourages muslims to do are told to them they are very quick to jump from that goodness to the evil perpetrated by mindless idiotic fellow that claim to be muslims which are indeed devil in human clothing and an anti-Islamic elements which their ideas emanate from the devil and not GOD.

Also, bigotry can only makes anyone to look like an ignoramus fool wallowing in darkness. Lets educate our self and give credit when it is due to whom it is due.

Meanwhile i don't have time to come back to this thread and make comment. I only advice every one to read history and get updated.

Peace!! Am out.

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Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by fulanimafia: 12:42pm On Aug 01, 2015
The point here is not that the North does not need to reflect and work on its educational challenges.

The truth is that every region in Nigeria has suffered from decay in our educational system and infrastructure, occasioned by decades of misrule by greedy and unintelligent leaders, both civilian and military. A reflection on the products of our institutions is a sufficient pointer to this fact.

However, castigating a region which had arabic and islamic influence before the arrival of its colonialists, for having arabic education as the basis of its own original educational system, is unreasonable, shallow, and completely illogical.

The facts are sacred, one of which is that no matter how much information to the contrary is offered, bigots will dedicatedly continue to spread the propaganda of an illiterate North in their resolve to discredit the region either as revenge for its political dominance, or ethno-religious differences. All of which matter little to the discerning.



Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by opey25(m): 12:55pm On Aug 01, 2015
[quote author=SilentPrince post=36479417]

What are you saying? Being literate is being able to read. Anyone can read. What matters is the ability to understand and apply knowledge. If the Northerners were educated they would know that having Sharia Courts, Suicidal tendencies, female genital mutilation, preventing kids from going to school etc are terrible ideas and should not be encouraged. But no, despite being able to read and write they fail to be educated. [/quote having sharia courts is not a terrible idea.there are sharia courts in the middle east and the countries are prosperous .
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by seedgrows(m): 1:00pm On Aug 01, 2015
this woman is part of Nigeria problems op stop promoting her
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by sage2(m): 1:00pm On Aug 01, 2015
Most of what we now call western education were also taught through the Arabic language then, since we only consider education through the English language as the only form of western education, mind you, the crusaders that first went to the Arab world also learnt a lot from the Arabs.
I am 100% sure that most you don't know that what you know as surgery today all started from the Arab world and the tools used in this field today were all modification if the ones the westerners copied from the Arab world.

Are you Arab? We are talking about Nigeria and you are bringing Arabs into the matter. Black man mentality.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by SirShymexx: 1:02pm On Aug 01, 2015

I may agree with you, but the argument now is: what exactly were those literature and learning, used to achieve?

Well, they'd build a strong empire in Songhai and the first University in the world (higher scholastic learning centre) was built in Timbuktu the mysterious city.

I think the problem with folks is that people don't understand what literacy/literate entails. Folks think it's basically about the ability to read/write in English, when that's just an expect of it. If you're knowledgeable about certain things - that also means being literate. One language doesn't determine if you're literate or not, if so, would you say English folks who can neither write nor read mandarin are also illiterate?


Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by Nobody: 1:21pm On Aug 01, 2015
I absolutely concur. I am a northerner too, not a Muslim and don't like when people generalize when it comes to the north

Same here

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Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by gatiano(m): 1:31pm On Aug 01, 2015
Kano in 1940 is obviously healthier than Kano in 2015. Kano in 1940 is better suited for melanin dominant Black people than what it is now in 2015.
The structure of Kano in 1940 was suppose to be improved upon in that same direction which will definintely be better than the europeanized ways that it is in 2015 sucking out the energy off from the people.


KANO 1940


KANO 2015



Rise above the propaganda.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by porka: 1:31pm On Aug 01, 2015

What are you saying? Being literate is being able to read. Anyone can read. What matters is the ability to understand and apply knowledge. If the Northerners were educated they would know that having Sharia Courts, Suicidal tendencies, female genital mutilation, preventing kids from going to school etc are terrible ideas and should not be encouraged. But no, despite being able to read and write they fail to be educated.

[size=13pt]Female genital mutilation in the north?

Please educate us more. Or do you mean VVF?[/size]
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by Kutunban: 1:33pm On Aug 01, 2015

What are you saying? Being literate is being able to read. Anyone can read. What matters is the ability to understand and apply knowledge. If the Northerners were educated they would know that having Sharia Courts, Suicidal tendencies, female genital mutilation, preventing kids from going to school etc are terrible ideas and should not be encouraged. But no, despite being able to read and write they fail to be educated.

Your write up is filled with absurdity and lacks intellectual structure. Why will an educated person present his or her grievances with the above factor to a particular region generalizing it? I could remember that was the type of statement PGEJ made and her husband lost the love some northerners had for him. Need I remind you that those heinous things you claimed being practice by the northerners are religious and cultural practices which are practice in most part of the world with educated entities. So if you really want to castigate the north bring up real facts and not frivolous points. Guess you are not that educated, perhaps you are one of those who struggle to get a college degree and you come here and spew absurdity. Mind you the north is a diversified region with different cultural and religious believes, seek more education about a thing you don't understand before debating about it.

I rep Arewa
I rep Kaduna
You call it North but we call Home

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Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by WailingWailer: 1:34pm On Aug 01, 2015

Okay, and you are their masters abi? grin grin

This thread is really exposing the poorly educated in Nigeria. Please look up the concept of sovereignty.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by Nobody: 2:37pm On Aug 01, 2015

What are you saying? Being literate is being able to read. Anyone can read. What matters is the ability to understand and apply knowledge. If the Northerners were educated they would know that having Sharia Courts, Suicidal tendencies, female genital mutilation, preventing kids from going to school etc are terrible ideas and should not be encouraged. But no, despite being able to read and write they fail to be educated.
back to back or charged up
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by 2dillu2(m): 2:49pm On Aug 01, 2015
Shurrup op! No be only killing, bombing and sharia una sabi
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by dapsonlou(m): 2:59pm On Aug 01, 2015
Yet, you called them names.

They called us ILLITRATES, little did they know that we were LITRATE even the Advent of the European to the the country ( NIGERIA.)

SEE picture of QUEEN ELIZABETH shocked and surprise with how Northern are READING and WRITING in Kano. Years before independent.

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So because 6 teenagers are Writing is now an Achievement for your Tribe? My son started reading at 2years Old.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by cirmuell(m): 3:02pm On Aug 01, 2015
mtcheew undecided
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by Awoofawo(m): 3:10pm On Aug 01, 2015

The north never been weak compare to south, prior to colonial rule, in the north,there was rules and regulations, leadership, security, courts the system is relatively well then because of the Islamic dwelling b4 the western.

As a result north dominate and provide good leadership to the country.

I disagree with you on this your assertion that the north is the only region that has well organised governmental, leadership, social rules and regulation in place before the coming of the colonial rule. South west (the Yoruba Are acclaimed by the Brithish to be the most advance of all the regions; this fact is readily available) The most well organised oppostition to Brithish is from south West, which robbed of been considered for roles the colonial master had/has in mind for the country.......
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by Nobody: 3:24pm On Aug 01, 2015
and... some dudes can read arabic... so?
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by mustymatic(m): 3:50pm On Aug 01, 2015
NOT ALL NORTHERNERS ARE MUSLIMS PLEASE, I am a Northerner and i detest those practices you mentioned.
That's their problem, they thought all northerners are Muslims, in summary, it's all about religion. Nothing more

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Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by mustymatic(m): 3:53pm On Aug 01, 2015

Your write up is filled with absurdity and lacks intellectual structure. Why will an educated person present his or her grievances with the above factor to a particular region generalizing it? I could remember that was the type of statement PGEJ made and her husband lost the love some northerners had for him. Need I remind you that those heinous things you claimed being practice by the northerners are religious and cultural practices which are practice in most part of the world with educated entities. So if you really want to castigate the north bring up real facts and not frivolous points. Guess you are not that educated, perhaps you are one of those who struggle to get a college degree and you come here and spew absurdity. Mind you the north is a diversified region with different cultural and religious believes, seek more education about a thing you don't understand before debating about it.

I rep Arewa
I rep Kaduna
You call it North but we call Home
Yeah, they think it's Muslims in the north, deep down it's all about religion.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by mustymatic(m): 3:56pm On Aug 01, 2015
and... some dudes can read arabic... so?
Whenever You read you understand, in essence u r learning and that's education
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by sweetgala(m): 4:30pm On Aug 01, 2015
Being literate is not the issue. Being educated is.

What is education ? , objective discussion has revealed that institutionalized education is not the only path to intellectual success
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by prof12(m): 4:47pm On Aug 01, 2015
Being literate is not the issue. Being educated is.

And what's the definition of education?
I believe is a way of acquiring knowledge.
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by Nobody: 4:59pm On Aug 01, 2015
the only books published in arabic back then were mostly islamic related books and quran. anything related to science, technology, arts etc were in latin languages (french, portuguese, spanish, english etc.)


Whenever You read you understand, in essence u r learning and that's education
Re: Queen Elizabeth Shocked And Surprised With Northern Nigeria (photos) by zanga420: 5:44pm On Aug 01, 2015

Here comes another one, what I've gat sorry u in person have NOTHING I mean No thing to show up the Northern are always ahead of u, ask u forefathers, even though they may detest it, but they have no choice that's the fact.
many that talk about the north dont know the north. Almajiri is the major problem that needs to be put in place.

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