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Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks - Business - Nairaland

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FOREX Users Dump BDCs As Naira/dollar Rates Converge / Naira Now ₦460 To Dollar In Blackmarket / Naira Falls To N460 Per Dollar In Black Market (2) (3) (4)

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Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Adesiji77: 9:30am On Aug 02, 2015
Just two weeks ago it looked as if the Naira was heading to N250 as calls for another round of devaluation held sway. The ban on restricting 40 items from souring forex was still generating speculation just as the CBN Governor appeared aloof.

The naira closed below N230 for the first time in about a month on Friday at the parallel market and is trading for as low as N220 in some states. Some suggest it is likely to trade below N210 as early as next week and optimist even went as far as saying it could very well be cheaper at the black market when compared to the official market.

As expected there is panic in the air and many are wondering why this is happening and what next to do.

Here is a theory of what we think could happen?

With the banks now rejecting dollar deposits panic will set in for those who still hold dollars in cold cash.

They will have no choice but to sell dollars to either people who have immediate use for it or
To those who have means other than a bank of keeping it safe.

The parallel rate of FX could even at some point drop below the interbank rate as people scramble to flee to the Naira.

For those who have dollars secured in electronic form they will probably now form their own parallel market electronically.

This people will become the new Kings on the block and will sell at any rate they like irrespective of the official rate

Some of these guys will be those who earn income in dollars or business who export goods and services in dollars whilst those who will buy remain businessmen who are still determined to import banned items.

However, for the physical black market they will continue to be supplied forex by those who still have access to cash dollars in their bank accounts. However the supply could be limited and could do either of two things

1. It could just be enough to meet the demand for those who still need to access forex in the black market. For example, people who want to pay for school fees or buy a car

2. It could spark another major premium between the official rate and the black market if demand remains very much higher than supply.

To meet up with demand some people will resort to paying for invoices denominated in dollars via their Naira debit cards. Though limited, it will just be enough to meet basic domestic items

This suits the CBN well as it still keeps demand and supply in electronic forms

Some unscrupulous people may well join the business of smuggling dollars though our borders
Once they have dollars in electronic form, they simply collect cash dollars from desperate importers or politicians or corrupt businesses and then charge them a fee.

Once out of the borders and in say Ghana, they pay it into an account and transfer it. In exchange they charge their desperate customers a fee. (thanks NRI for this theory)

This new ‘deal’ will be short lived as many people will be scammed and discouraged from continuing.
The CBN will weigh up the current situation and look at the disparity between the official rate and parallel rate. At that point they can now decide whether to devalue or allow the FX market some room to float thus relaxing some controls.

Banks will groan throughout this period and see their earnings from FX decline substantially. They will put pressure on the CBN whilst business such as Dangote Cement and manufacturers will counter with pressure of their own for a more stable Naira
President Buhari will encounter some success on his corruption drive and with the help of Western Countries repatriate some stolen FX, further boosting FX reserves.

Politicians for the time being will reduce open pilfering of funds whilst businesses will have limited way of bribing corrupt government officials with FX
Oil prices will continue to be volatile putting huge pressure and the government to guard the little FX it has left. This will perhaps discourage Emefiele to relax some of the more “successful controls”.
JP Morga


28 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by acenazt: 9:36am On Aug 02, 2015
Nice theory.

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by ThundrCork(m): 9:39am On Aug 02, 2015
Make sense
Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by nwaire: 9:53am On Aug 02, 2015
It makes sense though... I hope so
But I wish CBN don't have to relax any of the controls put in place so far, atleast for this year


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Nobody: 9:54am On Aug 02, 2015
All I know is dry bones shall rise again

27 Likes 1 Share

Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Humblebloke(m): 9:55am On Aug 02, 2015
Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Brown1759: 9:55am On Aug 02, 2015
Our Naira shall rise again,I believe


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by ABIOLAXYZ(m): 9:55am On Aug 02, 2015
Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by holicalpha(m): 9:56am On Aug 02, 2015
Impowsivil, our Baba will make #1 equal $1 plus phight and end kwarruption

Just give him 10more years...every thing will be alright.

18 Likes 1 Share

Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by rifasenate11(m): 9:56am On Aug 02, 2015
Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by thefakestan: 9:56am On Aug 02, 2015
I don't see any "Conspiracy Theory" here, all I see is someone speculating this and that and obviously "at the fullness of time" we'll understand if the "Old wine" is good or not.


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Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by babyPromise(f): 9:56am On Aug 02, 2015
no p.
Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by ClintonNzedimma(m): 9:57am On Aug 02, 2015
$1=N1 loading


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by obailala(m): 9:57am On Aug 02, 2015
Sounds like a good analysis, but I must confess, I'm not an economist and dont understand up to half of what has just been analysed.

In summary, is the latest trend good or bad for the naira and the Nigerian economy?

32 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by UnknownT: 9:57am On Aug 02, 2015
if it will make $1=#1 ba wahala


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by bastien: 9:58am On Aug 02, 2015
Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Demmocrats(m): 9:58am On Aug 02, 2015
When dollar gets to $1 = N1 then call me to come and comment


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by tspun(m): 9:59am On Aug 02, 2015
A weak currency is the sign of a weak
economy, and a weak economy leads
to a weak nation.

will make one naira equal one dollar'' PMB we are still waiting.


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Atlantian: 9:59am On Aug 02, 2015
It doesnt make sense at all.
Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Mopolchi: 9:59am On Aug 02, 2015
Naira Abeg try make you and Dollar be mate!


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Allwility: 10:00am On Aug 02, 2015
Here's my own theory and analysis:

1. Oil prices will appreciate in the coming months leading to a bulls rally between 2016 and 2022 before there will be another burst.

2. The naira will appreciate if and only if the govt makes sound economic decisions.

3. The housing market will not crash in Nigeria.


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by donifez(m): 10:00am On Aug 02, 2015
This post makes a lot of sense.


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by rattlesnake(m): 10:01am On Aug 02, 2015
All the people saying "post make sense" don't even have $1...anyway

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Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by AngryNigerian(m): 10:01am On Aug 02, 2015
...reminds me of my economics teacher will always say...'caeteris can neva b paribus'...long note shaaa

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Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Nobody: 10:02am On Aug 02, 2015
TheoRy is really nice although I got confused at some point

What I think is going to happen is that the dollar is going to fall against the Naira as more people wish to dispose it off the price continues to fall

Check out my signature

My signature tho


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by Built2last: 10:03am On Aug 02, 2015
Below was my position and prediction few weeks back.

i need to state clearly that i am in fuill support of the stringent measures CBN has adopted to strenghten the Naira.

Have you asked yourself why the dollar has remained stable in the exchange market. Bank rate since may has not exceeded 199.8 and the parallel market has hit 242 lately. its nothing but speculative panic which will climax and come back crumbling.

The current rise is only in the parallel market otherwise known as black market. The federal government of Nigeria is making mad money from this policy and trust me there will be no reversals.

we have dollarised our economy and inflation is hiting us hard.

in simple terms, what CBN is saying is do the right thing. The policies have been in place for FX transactions but we like cutting corners.

prior to this policy, Nigeria lost billions daily and banks in partnership with the customers transfered funds to all parts of the world for personal and commercial businesses.

The CBN policy stipulates that you use FORM A and FORM M for vissible and invissible transactions.

There is no plan to reverse that policy Emefiele and his board are working and have the support of mr President. Brace up and do the right thing. Our foreign reserve is rising there is no going back.

Banks are shoting their doors against FX deposits because the cost of managing it will tell on their books.

we are strickly back to FORM A and FORM M.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by jibbish(m): 10:03am On Aug 02, 2015
Will Barcanista counter this thread, is what I will like to see in the coming days, meanwhile I no get time. Runs to read my book for my deadline assignment


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by bugzbunny: 10:04am On Aug 02, 2015
Zzzzzzz wake me wen one dollar equals one naira
Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by distinguished1(m): 10:04am On Aug 02, 2015
Why must Nairaland commentators tow political line on every issue. As matured individuals, we are supposed to read the so called conspiracy theory objectively, assimilate it and analyze how much effect it has on you.
Make strategic moves if necessary and if that opens an economic opportunity for you, capitalize on it.
Thank you OP. I'm now better equipped for the coming times.


Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by hotgunz(m): 10:04am On Aug 02, 2015
Patiently waitin for $1=N1 so till den no comment.

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Re: Conspiracy Theory Of What Could ‘happen’ To Naira/dollar In The Next Few Weeks by stagger: 10:05am On Aug 02, 2015
So for guys like me who have a business that pulls in dollars into a domiciliary account, we stand to gain a lot right?

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