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Your Marriage Needs Emotional Stability by Opeomoope: 6:04am On Aug 08, 2015 |
Emotional Stability in marriage is the ability to sustain your emotional balance under stressful conditions. It is considered as one of the key factors that contribute to the success of a marriage and the happiness of the couples involved. This relationship requires an attitude of sacrifice and emotional stability above all understanding. Emotional stability is necessary in marriage. Evaluate individual’s level of maturity and learning to manage emotions in a way that does not intensify problems will benefit your marriage and lives as a whole. Is your spouse emotionally unstable? You can discover if your spouse is emotionally unstable right from the courtship stage. Does your spouse get aggravated easily, finds it difficult to control his anger, or suffers from depression or nervous? Although everyone is prone to anger but if your spouse gets angry for small things and then certainly there is a risk of losing the emotional stability. There are several factors which can contribute to emotional instability in your marriage, such as childhood, education, background and past experiences. But once you can relate to some of them and understand their implications, you will be able to get through them together. As long as you can both start to focus on solutions, you are on your way toward self-recovery. Finding a balance When you are emotionally unstable, it can lead to a lot of anxiety which can affect every other aspect of your lives. Be patient and Focus on what you both have the abilities to change and do not get overwhelmed by the things you cannot change. Keep life in balance and pursue the things that you love, go for a walk together, go on a short break, get good rest and eat good meals. The tips will all come in handy during this difficult period of your lives. Walking through it You can help your partner overcome emotional instability through patience, maturity and endurance. . You should refrain from expecting your partner to be the only one to change any of his perspectives on how emotions are dealt with. You must also recognize when the tempo is rising and when hot emotions are leading to a distressing level. You are much more likely to be able to progress toward a manageable level of feelings. Emotionally stable couples can remain calm when faced with life challenges. They are not prone to much stress like many individuals and they are able to handle conflicts together as a couple and slow to get angry. Notes *.Naturally the woman is expected to take more responsibilities for emotional harmony in a relationship and marriage. The woman is quick to calm her man down and also in the position to express her feelings more clearly and communicate more constructively, coming up with potential solutions to their problem. *.Every marriage needs thought and effort towards emotional stability but it is also important for you to realize that you both have a lot of emotional influence on each other. There are two people in this marriage, take the first step and wait patiently.
Re: Your Marriage Needs Emotional Stability by yuscopefly(m): 6:05am On Aug 08, 2015 |
nice write up but come think of it in a scenario where emotional stability in you while money stability is not in naija that your emotions is catastrophic to d marriage Introvert you have d floor nw |
Re: Your Marriage Needs Emotional Stability by phransix147(m): 6:17am On Aug 08, 2015 |
Ok |
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